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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marthaboggs

  1. marthaboggs

    Anyone ever have a hysteroscopy done?

    I had the same thing about a year ago. I went in for Mirena and found a 7 pounder fibroid. Surgery was similar to lap band, in that mine was done laproscopically. Was about a three week recovery, mainly because I chose to get rid of cervix at the same time, and because of my age(43) and history. I have two scars on either side of my lower abdomen about an inch each and yet another one into my belly button. (makes third laproscopic belly button incision) Good luck! Don't let all the crazy stuff online scare you. Find a doc you trust and listen to him and yourself. .
  2. Hi! I'm new to both banding and blogging so I guess a B&B virgin. I am a self-pay from Cincinnati with Dr. Curry, scheduled for band on 3-14. I have to do 1 week of pre-op diet. Right now my issues are getting my head around all the upcoming changes. Does anyone else remember or have those fluctuations between, I am so excited for food to be a non focus in my life and what the heck?!! Are you crazy girl? You just gotta eat less and exercise more. Like that has been working so well for the last 20 years! I have really enjoyed and been inspired by searching this website, my new nighttime addiction.
  3. marthaboggs

    Mphs. Tn new-be trying

    Dr. Trace Curry in Cincinnati OH is great and does bands from all over the country. He has done over 4000 in a Journeylite surgery center. Cost for self pay is flat $12999 and includes 2 years follow up and fill. Good luck!
  4. I too am a self pay with Dr. Curry! The whole office seems great to work with. My BMI is 36 with other health factors. I had my nutrition class today and band date of March 14. Picked up my bag of goodies for preop diet. Good luck to you.

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