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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Missjamari

  1. Ok, now that my surgery is getting closer (Tuesday), I'm getting quite nervous. What should I expect? Am I, as a food-aholic going to be able to do clear liquids, full liquids, pureed food, and then start eathing healthy? Will I still have cravings for other foods, or is this like pushing the restart button on my bad habits?

  2. Hey, how do I get the weight ticker added to my profile?

  3. Okay, I'm scaring myself...I'm down 21 lbs in a week...is this normal?

  4. I'm starving and I'm at the point where I would rather eat nothing that that stupid broth!!!! UGH!

  5. Does anyone know how to get rid of all the advertisements on this site? they are in the way!!! grrr!LOL

  6. getting banded the day after tomorrow...

  7. As soon as I start exercising...i gain 4 pounds...what's that about???

  8. i feel really bad. my oc had me on liquids just two days before my surgery (tuesday) and what does my mom do? come in with super nachos from my fav restaurant!! sabotage!! i was doing so well and the day is almost over. will this effect my surgery?

  9. 30 pounds down, 60 to go!

  10. Okay! Today is the big day! YIPPPEEEEE! (that was my skinny girl screaming out...she can't wait to be unleashed...lol)

  11. My surgery is NEXT WEEK!!! OMG! SOOO excited to begin my new LIFE!

  12. What is your routine? I feel like things are slowing down. I can't seem to get out of this weight range for NOTHING!!

  13. Jim How are you doing? havent heard from you...

  14. I got banded on the 8th...how long after surgery can I start working out?

  15. I'm getting banded on the 8th of March! I need some encouragement because there has been so much negative feedback about this procedure from my peers. Someone provide me a success story, PRONTO! =)

  16. I lost 17.2lbs!!! it's getting harder because i am craving a chicago deep dish pizza and i couldn't cheat if i wanted to...LOL! and they keep playing this Red Lobster commercial! and I'm still a little sore...

  17. I had my first fill yesterday...funny how you get used to eating a certain way and that refill puts a whoopin' on you if you eat the wrong thing or too fast...OUCH!!

  18. 5 more days until I am banded! OMG! LOL

  19. Getting an UNfill today! Excited about being able to eat something!

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