I had a fill on Wednesday evening, and now on Saturday, I still can't eat much of anything. Before my most recent fill, I was dealing with "first bite syndrome". I found a lot of good info on this site and was able to deal with it (hot drink before my meal). Now, since I've had the fill (0.5 cc's) it's like I have first bite syndrome gone wild!!!! The hot drink is not working at all, I've tried everything I can find on here to help, but nothing. I get severe pain and end up throwing up most anything I try to eat. Once I'm done throwing up, I can wait about 20-30 mins, than I can slowly and carefully eat a little. I should also say that I take very small bites, chew like crazy and tonight I even set the stop watch on my phone and timed my bites (waited 2.5 mins between first and second bite, then 1 min. for third bite and bang, pain!). Should I give it more time, let things settle maybe? Anyone out there have any experience similar to this? I'm very frustrated with this thing!!! Thanks