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LAP-BAND Patients
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About carlie9475

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    Advanced Member

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  1. carlie9475

    May 2011 Bandsters Report In

    Hi Everyone! I was banded on May 4, 2011. I have not yet gotten a fill! I have lost 50 pounds as of last friday. I am scheduled for a fill tomorrow, and I think I am going to get it. I feel like I can eat more than I should be able to so I want to get one. I am nervous about it! I cant remember the last time I weight this much, all of my clothes are too big, but im not buying new clothes just yet! In the mean time, my husband and I have been struggling with infertility (not weight related) and we decided to sign with an adoption agency we have been waiting a year for a baby! Well we got the call about a baby girl born on August 21 and she was in our arms August 22. She is wonderful and her Birthmother is an amazing woman. We are in an Open Adoption and it is an amazing journey
  2. carlie9475


    So I was banded may 4 feeling great till today. I'm having pain seems like it is coming from my stomach....is this ok?
  3. Had surgery may 4. Yesterday started having this feeling like my heart was beating in my head, I drank and it went away then it came back. Today same thing is happening. I called the dr they said that's what it has to be, for me to keep drinking and call tomorrow if it still continues.......anyone had this happen? Maybe I'm not eating enough?
  4. carlie9475


    Was banded 4 days ago and I'm feeling like a pulling when I stand up is that ok? It is freaking me out
  5. Hi everyone I was banded may 4, I came home the next day. I am feeling pretty good except for two issues. First is I feel like every time I get up from sitting it feels like my port is pulling, is something wrong? And second question, I think I'm having some issues with no sugar.....like I get the shakes. I had some applesauce and the shakes went away.
  6. carlie9475

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    Had my surgery wednesday,they kept me overnight. Just got home, I am sore but hanging tough
  7. carlie9475

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    I bought the magic bullet and I love it! May 4 here we come. I'm scared out of my mind
  8. carlie9475

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    May 4 is coming up quick! The hubby and I just got back from a weekend trip to Rhode Island for our anniversary! Im getting scared.
  9. carlie9475

    Columbus Area

    I'm here in Columbus being banded at OSU on May 4 excited and nervous
  10. carlie9475

    Central Ohio Get Together - April 10, 2010

    Hi everyone, I am set to be banded on May 4 and am very nervous! Would love some people in the area to talk to. I have friends that have had gastric but no one with the band
  11. carlie9475

    Got my Surgery date!!!! Mixed Emotions!

    Hi! I also am getting banded on May 4th I'm pretty nervous but excited. I'm worried I will be the one that doesn't succeed....I'm just going to do Everything they say and hope for success
  12. carlie9475

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    Getting close, had my prep testing yesterday! I'm kinda nervous
  13. carlie9475

    Who are you??

    Hi! My name is Carlie I am 35, I live in Columbus OH originally from RI, moved to Ohio with my huband when he finished up his Navy Commitment. We have been married 6 years on the 23rd of April. No kids yet for us, we have struggled with infertility for many years now. We are approved for an OPEN ADOPTION and are patiently waiting for a Birthmother to choose us. I am a medical bill reviewer for a workers compensation 3rd party administrator. We travel back and fourth to RI frequently to see my family. We have a amazing Goddaughter her name is Biannca she is 3 and is perfect. I choose lap band after struggling with my weight for many years, we are also hoping that maybe loosing weight will bring us a miracle (even though my infertility is due to uterus issues) I am scheduled for surgery May 4 and I am nervous but excited Here is our adoption site if anyone would like to check us out, also there is a like button below our main picture if you could click that it gets our profile scene more. http://iheartadoption.org/users/billyncarlie
  14. carlie9475

    no special diet required

    My surgery date is May 4, 2011 at OSU medical center and my physician also did not require any type of diet. Just nothing to eat or drink after midnight. I am getting nervous
  15. carlie9475

    Any May 2011 Banders?

    My surgery date is May 4 also! Where are you? I live in Columbus OH! My anesthesia consult is this friday. Other than that I am ready to go.

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