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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    duckydoom reacted to Lilee84 in Frequently Asked Questions   
    DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is in no way intended to replace or undermine the advice of your physician. Every person is different, every surgeon has different guidelines, and no two situations are identical. Therefore if any of the answers below are unclear or contradict your physicians’ instructions, always follow your physicians’ instructions. The responses given are a compilation from multiple sources and references.
    How do I embed the weight loss ticker? Click on the liquid stage? During your clear liquid stage you can have anything that you can sip through a straw that is translucent, meaning see through. For instance: Water, juice, broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, Isopure Protein Drinks, Gatorade, Powerade, Decaf tea just to name a few. Once you move on to full liquids you may add liquids that are not translucent. For instance: creamed Soups, soups with the chunks strained out, milk, Protein shakes etc…
    When do I start mushies/purees? Every surgeon has different guidelines for the progression of your post-op diet. The majority of post-op diets progress as follows:
    Day 1-7 Clear Liquids
    Day 8-14 Full liquids
    Day 15-21 Purees
    Day 22-50 Mushies
    What’s the difference between mushies and purees? The major difference is that purees are anything that has been blenderized/pureed to a baby food consistency and has no chunks. These should not be watery, but instead a thicker pudding like consistency. Mushies are soft foods that have not been pureed.< /p>
    Should I be counting calories or carbs or both? Both. Again, every surgeon is different, but the majority of sleevers will be on a 600-1000 calorie/day diet with carbs kept at 60-80g or less. The general guideline is this: When eating, protein is always first, veggies are second, and if you have room carbs/starch last. The majority will rarely have room for the carbs.
    How much protein should I be getting per day? The recommended protein intake may vary from 55 to 100g per day, depending on your individual needs and the bariatric diet provided by your surgeon or dietitian. The generally accepted minimum protein requirement for women is about 50 to 60g per day and men need at least 60 to 70g of protein per day.
    How much liquid do i need for the day? About 60-80oz
    When can I eat salad? Once you reach the point where you’re on normal solids you can try salad. Start with a small amount and see how your sleeve tolerates it as it can be difficult to digest.
    Best Protein Shakes? This one depends on your particular tastes, however most seem to enjoy powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury.

    What else counts as a liquid? Anything that can be sipped through a straw or that will reduce back to a liquid. For example: Jello, sugar free popsicles, frozen yogurt/ice cream (these are generally no no foods)
    How long will my surgery last? Typically about 45mins assuming there are no complications or other procedures (ie: hernia repairs) being done at the time of your surgery. Every surgeon is different so for a more accurate answer you should consult your respective surgeon.
    Why can't I tolerate plain water, is this normal? It’s called water nausea and it is completely normal. This is very common during the first few weeks following surgery and should eventually subside.
    What is sliming/slimes? Sliming or slimes occur when you eat or drink something and then regurgitate a slimy, foamy, saliva like substance, usually when belching.
    What is grazing? Grazing is when instead of consuming your standard 3 small meals and 2 small Snacks per day, you simply munch all day grabbing a handful here or a bite there. The rule is that your meals should take you 20-30 minutes to eat and should be about 3 hours apart with only fluids in between.
    What do all these acronyms mean?
    In no particular order:
    WLS – Weight Loss Surgery
    NSV – Non scale Victory (ie: smaller clothes, compliments, climbing a flight of stairs etc…)
    NUT – Nutritionist
    PCP – Primary Care Physician
    VSG – Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
    TOM – Time of the Month
    SF – Sugar Free
    WFL/WFD – What’s for Lunch/Dinner
    How much did you lose at 1 month etc.? How much can I expect to lose in what time frame? Everyone’s body is different and so is everyone’s journey. There is no set amount you should expect lose in a set amount of time, and you should never compare your journey or your progress to someone elses. As long as you’re sticking with the program and following your surgeons guidelines, the weight will come off.
    What is a stall? How long does it last and how do I break it? A stall is a point at which the scale stops moving for a period of time. The length of the stall varies from a few days to a few weeks and sometimes a few months. Non VSG’ers typically call it a plateau. Stalls are perfectly normal and to be expected. As we lose weight so dramatically, our bodies need time to catch up physically - this typically happens during a stall. While the scale may not be moving, you may notice an increase in compliments. This is because while the number on the scale isn’t getting any smaller, you are physically getting smaller. There are many tips and tricks for breaking a stall (increase your fluids and protein, increase your activity, up your calories…) but the reality is it will break on its own.
    When can I have sex? When you’re ready. Keep it simple for the first few weeks post-op and don’t attempt any tricky positions. Be careful until you’ve been cleared by your surgeon for strenuous activity.
    When can I start exercising? Typically right away, though the types of exercises you can do will be limited. Most surgeons restrict weight training/resistance training for about 3-4 weeks after surgery, but you should be walking/speed walking at least 30-45min daily starting from the day you get home.
    What do I do with flabby skin? What's the best exercise etc.? The severity of the flab will vary based on many different factors. While there’s no way to tell how bad it will be or whether it will even be bad, there are a couple of proactive measures you can take. Make sure you’re using a moisturizing lotion with Vitamin E and Keratin several times daily. The vitamin E will help add elasticity back to your skin and the keratin will add moisture, both of which may help your skin bounce back as the weight falls off. The best exercises to target your problem areas are resistance and strength training in order to tone and build muscle to replace the fat. Lastly, be patient. Just as your weight stalls while your waist catches up to it, your skin will sag until it gets the signal to shrink. While it probably won’t ever be as tight as you’d like, it will shrink.
    Will I lose hair? How much? What causes it? When does it return? Do Vitamins help? The truth is, yes, you probably will lose hair. Because of the drastic changes going on that are caused by the extreme reduction in protein and vitamins coming in as well as the hormonal fluctuations caused by the rapid weight loss, it takes our bodies a while to adjust. Don’t worry, as our hormones level out and our bodies get used to the new us, it will come back. There is no set time frame for it to do so however.
    I’m constipated - what is it okay to take, especially in the beginning when newly sleeved? Will it get better? Worse? In the beginning a simple stool softener like Colace should do the trick. You don’t want to take a laxative or anything that may irritate your new sleeve. While you’re in the liquid/puree stage, Constipation shouldn’t be an issue, but as you reintroduce solids you may have to go back to your stool softeners. If you do find that stool softners are only offering temporary relief, try increasing your fluids and Fiber and decreasing your cheeses.
    I’m having very loose bowel movements, is this normal? Totally. You do need to monitor stools of this consistency to ensure they contain no blood, but very loose stools, even watery stools, are completely normal for a few weeks post-op. When in doubt – ask your surgeon.
    Will I feel fatigue? Will fatigue go away? Yes and yes. Your body has just undergone major surgery and it needs to heal. While it’s healing you will feel more fatigued than normal. Subsequent to having such a large portion of your stomach removed is the fact that you can no longer take in as much food (read: fuel) and therefore your body has to adjust and find a new fuel source. Your body will eventually begin to burn fat for fuel and some of the fatigue will subside. Your surgeon should also prescribe a B12 supplement which will also help with energy.
    When can I go back to work? How much time should I take off? That will be entirely up to your surgeon. Most return to work within 2-3 weeks.
    How many days in the hospital? Your hospital stay will depend on your recovery. When you are able to keep down liquids, are up and about and walking as directed, and your surgeon and nursing staff are confident there are no complications, you’ll be released. Your surgeon should be able to give you an expectation of the length of your stay.
    Do the staples dissolve? No. The staples used to close the stomach are titanium and do not dissolve. The stomach tissue will eventually grow over the staple line. Your staples do not make metal detectors go off or make you ineligible for an MRI. They are completely benign.
    Why am I always hungry? The most likely culprit is either head hunger or reflux/heartburn. Head hunger is a false sense of hunger triggered by boredom/emotions/the clock or any number of things which make you think you’re hungry when you’re really not. Heartburn is the most common culprit of constant hunger. Even though you may not feel as though you have heartburn, you may find that a simple antacid will eliminate that constant hungry feeling.
    What is a stricture? A stricture is what happens when scar tissue builds up in your esophagus (sometimes caused by reflux) that causes your esophagus to narrow and makes swallowing difficult.
    What is a leak and what are the symptoms? A leak is an opening along the suture line of your sleeve that allows bile and other digestive fluids to leak into your abdominal cavity. The symptoms of a leak vary but the most common symptoms are pain radiating across the abdomen, fever, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and abdominal cramping. It is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Can you get a leak any time after surgery? Or is it just immediate? Most leaks happen very soon after surgery, but there is still a risk for about 4-6 weeks after. Again, it is important to note that leaks are rare and only occur in about 1 out of every 100 cases.
    Some of my incisions are oozing - is this normal? If they’re oozing a green or yellowish Fluid, absolutely not. Green and yellow are the colors of infection and should be reported to your surgeon immediately. If your incisions are oozing a pinkish or clear watery fluid it’s your body’s way of keeping your incisions clean and isn’t usually a concern. When in doubt, ask your surgeon.
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    duckydoom reacted to Bufflehead in A year out from surgery, what is your daily diet consist of?   
    @@VSGAnn2014 psst Ann minimum for Fiber are based on how many calories you eat each day . . . you are supposed to get 14 grams per 1000 calories as per the USDA. The 23-25 number is based on the assumption that a woman eats (I think) 1800-2000 calories per day. Just saying this so people who are eating 600 calories a day right after surgery don't start freaking out about the fact that they can't get in 23 grams of fiber in such a small amount of food! Don't freak out, surgery newbies!
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    duckydoom reacted to VSGAnn2014 in A year out from surgery, what is your daily diet consist of?   
    Below is Friday's menu, which was very typical of what I eat now that I'm 20.5 months post-op. (Yesterday was date night and not a typical menu.) Anyway ... Friday:
    * GNC Lean shake 25 (Swiss chocolate)
    * Homemade skinny latte: 1/2 cup skim milk, 1/2 cup Starbucks espresso roast, 1 envelope Turbinado raw sugar
    Morning snack:
    * Doctor Kracker three seed cracker
    * 1 ounce sharp cheddar cheese
    * 2 tablespoons Smuckers sugar-free strawberry jam
    * Ham and cheese sandwich: Oscar Mayer Black Forest ham (5 slices); 1 ounce sharp cheddar cheese; 2 tablespoons Hellman's Lite Mayo; 1 medium sliced tomato; 2 leaves of Romaine lettuce
    * 1/2 cup petite carrots
    Afternoon snack:
    * Starbucks coffee - 6 ounces
    * 1 tablespoon half and half
    * 1 Specially Selected (Aldi's) salted caramel biscotti
    Cocktail Hour:
    * 1.5 ounces single malt scotch (was Aultmore that day)
    * Stouffer's Fit Kitchen Steak Fajita (first time I'd tried one of these; not bad!)
    * 2 cups Romaine lettuce hearts
    * 1 tablespoon Litehouse chunky blue cheese dressing
    After Dinner:
    * Caltrate chewable (chocolate truffle)
    * Dannon Oikos vanilla greek yogurt
    * 2 small squares of Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt
    Macronutrient Totals:
    Calories - 1,700
    Carb grams - 174
    Fat grams - 64
    Protein grams - 101
    Sugars - 72
    Fiber grams - 26 (minimums for women are 21-25)
  4. Like
    duckydoom reacted to 72LB in Lap Band complications   
    Sorry it has taken awhile for me to response. I am still planning to have the Lap Band removed. My surgeon suggested a revision, I declined. Delay in surgery has been relating to abnormal labs. As of this month, my physician moved his office to another city, a couple of days after I had submitted new test results. He referred his patients to the other surgeons that were in his group. I called the office, but as yet there has been no respond.
    Contact has been made with his new office staff, no respond as yet. This will be an added expense; it seems I cannot win for losing… I often question, why I allowed damage to be done to this beautiful body that God had blessed me with. Why did I not work harder to control the medical issues that were plaguing my health??? I guess most of us has asked the same questions.
    If anyone obtain information regarding a Class Action Law Suit please let me know.
    Thanks for support
  5. Like
    duckydoom reacted to ld33 in Lap Band complications   
    The surgery center where I'm having my sleeve procedure has axed the lap band procedure from their list completely, not an option.
    Sent from my SM-G928T using the BariatricPal App
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    duckydoom reacted to jnt1 in Lap Band complications   
    I think doctors that still insert gastric band are opening themslves up to a legal nightmare. The band is dangerous and has so many negative side effects. Its a very scary device that is painted as so easy and simple...very misleading.
    Sent from my GT-I9505 using the BariatricPal App
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    duckydoom reacted to NikNakD in Lap Band complications   
    I live in PA and 90% of the hosp will not perform the band anymore
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    duckydoom reacted to JamieLogical in Pre-Op Diet OMG! I'm Dying!   
    The 4th day is usually the turning point. After 2-3 days your body enters ketosis which has all the physical symptoms you mentioned... fatigue, headache, hanger.... but then once the switch is complete, it gets a *little* easier. Still not easy though... it pretty much sucks the full two weeks.
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    duckydoom got a reaction from Band2Sleever in I want it out! Frustrated and depressed...   
    Verdict is in... band is slipped. The surgeon was overwhelmingly kind (as I was freaking out) and said that I am just one of those that doesn't tolerate the band, and they're putting in a referral now to get my removal covered, and he was willing to do it as early as tomorrow - we just have to wait for coverage info. It's all a bit of a blur and I'm really not sure how to feel about it. I'm really battling the emotions right now.
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    duckydoom got a reaction from Byebyelapband in I want it out! Frustrated and depressed...   
    I'm at a little over 18 months banded. 14cc band, the max I was filled was 6.5 ccs, which proved to be too much (my doc aggressively fills). With 6.5 I was PBing daily. Went back down to 6ccs, and the PBing slowed to 3 or 4 times a week. I'd never know what would trigger my band. I'd always chew everything completely, avoid liquids with meals, etc. I tried really hard to be the model band patient. Some times salad would trigger it, other times it would be meat, lentils, Pasta. You name it, I've gotten stuck and sick on it. I went in and had an unfill down to 2 ccs, so that I could hopefully give my pouch time to calm itself down, and allow me to start over again.
    I got my unfill on 2/17. Did liquids for two weeks (I hate muscle milk now lol), and started slowly transitioning back to solids. I'm still having issues PBing and not knowing what is going to affect my band, although it's down to once a week instead of the 2-3x. I've been eating primarily yogurt and muscle milk with the occasional small amounts of Protein - meats, cheese, etc chewed very well, as well as vegan substitutes.
    Friday I had an ounce of salmon after successfully having salmon a few days before. lunch was at 11. Everything went down well, I chewed, felt fine. Midafternoon I started having seriously awful bloat. I took two gas pills to try to reduce it, and drank Water. Still not hungry, but I didn't feel stuck or have any indication that I was. By 9pm, I was even gassier and feeling miserable, so I went to bed. I woke up at about 1am in excruciating pain, my whole abdomen so swollen with gas that my belly was all tight, my port was sore, and it felt almost like it did right after surgery. I took some Tums at that point and tried to lay back down to see if it would help. I figured I'd give it 20 minutes, and if it weren't any better, I'd go to the ER (I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but I was worried it was something in my organs gone awry as the pain was so bad, but since it was under the ribs on the left I didn't suspect the appendix or anything). The Tums ended up making me vomit, and I spent the next two hours throwing up all of the salmon that I had eaten over 12 hours before. It had been stuck, but I didn't even know - there was no indicator! I fell asleep finally at about three, and had to be up at five to go to work. It wasn't a fun day.
    I've been on liquids all weekend, and just attempting mushies today... but I'm so done. I know this is a tool so it's not fully the band's "fault" per se, but I felt that I've tried so hard to do everything right by it. I'm only down 13 lbs after 18 months, and I've just been miserable. I have an appointment next Monday to talk to my doc and see what my options are, but in all honesty, I'm in a 100% "eff it" attitude. I've been able to re-route my bad behaviors. Instead of eating when I'm stressed, I get on the treadmill or clean the house. Hubby and I have revamped our eating habits - more vegan sources of protein, less pastas and breads, very rarely any meat since we never know if I can keep it down or not. I chew chew chew chew chew, and don't mix liquids with my meals. I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall and getting nowhere.
    I'm not sure if I have any complications that will warrant my insurance taking the band out, but I'm definitely looking at all of my options. I don't want a revision surgery, I totally just want to be back to normal. The upside is that I haven't gone above my starting weight, but the downside is with the low amount of calories that I eat (1100-1600 max, and the latter only on days that I do an hour on the treadmill with weights) and all of the vomiting I do, I still haven't gone below the 200 mark.
    I just don't know anymore.
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    duckydoom got a reaction from Band2Sleever in I want it out! Frustrated and depressed...   
    Verdict is in... band is slipped. The surgeon was overwhelmingly kind (as I was freaking out) and said that I am just one of those that doesn't tolerate the band, and they're putting in a referral now to get my removal covered, and he was willing to do it as early as tomorrow - we just have to wait for coverage info. It's all a bit of a blur and I'm really not sure how to feel about it. I'm really battling the emotions right now.
  12. Like
    duckydoom got a reaction from Band2Sleever in Lap Band Removal Surgery   
    I'm at the point where I've asked for removal. I've had it 18 months, and have had nothing but issues, and I'm nowhere near my goal weight (which is frustrating since I'm throwing up all of the time...) They keep calling it a "fussy band." I have other words for it, but I think intolerance is a good way to describe it. It was so frustrating to have hope in this as a tool, only to have so much trouble with it. I know what you mean when you say you feel like a failure. You're not at all! But it still is so frustrating to not get anywhere when others have had such awesome stories to share.
    Can I ask how long your recovery was from the removal surgery? I'm really not looking forward to another abdominal surgery, and I don't plan on getting any sort of a revision to a sleeve or bypass. I just need to have an idea about how much time to save up for recovery.
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    duckydoom reacted to CLAUDIA TREJO in I want it out! Frustrated and depressed...   
    I pray everything goes well with you. I'm a week in since the removal it's been a bit uncomfortable but I'm able to eat now. I have nothing to stop me now so I am very aware of what I can eat and what I can't. I'm going to start working out as soon as the doc says it's safe to do that. However when I visit my patents house it's quite dangerous because they don't count calories and have lots of delish goodies to eat! I need to work on fighting those obstacles, lol. But I remain firm with my decision I'm glad it came off. let me know how it all went for you. By the way my appetite remains the same I haven't had the need to over eat. So far so good
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    duckydoom got a reaction from JamieJo55 in I want it out! Frustrated and depressed...   
    I go in tomorrow morning for an upper GI with contrast and a consult with the surgeon to review it immediately after. My nurse thinks that I slipped the band for sure, and unfilled what they could of what was left (I had 2.5 ccs left and they were able to get out 2ccs). It's so very frustrating. I was actually crying in the office as I was explaining my frustrations, and the hopes that I still had, but my resignation as well. And I'm not a cryer! I'm always the strong one. She said that most of the folks at the office she sees have pretty significant levels of band intolerance, and even the nurse who took out my Fluid was very unsurprised by it as well, saying that she's seen lots of revisions. I get such mixed feelings. I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's success with the band, I want to make that totally clear (I think I may have before), but if anyone asks me if I'd recommend it, I'd steer them elsewhere. I want(ed) this to be a tool to help me with a lifestyle change, and thus far it's made me near bullemic, and terrified of solid food. costco had a sale on Chiobani yogurt, so that's what I've been eating since I made my initial post. If given the option to remove it (and my nurse is wholeheartedly suggesting that, which I also find discouraging in a way), I'm doing it. No revision. I need to develop my own tools to get this done, and that will be hiking with my husband, eating much better than I had in the years before I had the band, and learning to love myself at whatever size I am, as long as I'm healthy.
    @@claudia, hope you're still feeling well after your procedure! Much love and respect to all of you reading and responding
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    duckydoom got a reaction from Pepper28 in Thinking About Removing My Band   
    Yeah, I actually work for the insurance company that covered my band, and I went through nutritional counseling on my own for 6 months prior to moving forward in the band process. With the coverage for the surgery itself, it was stipulated that I would pay out of pocket for an additional 24 sessions of phone nutritional counseling to make sure that I was on the right track. The counselor would go over my food tracking with me, we'd talk about introducing new foods, what worked, what didn't work, etc. It was really helpful in developing better eating skills and coping skills (I was an emotional eater, now I redirect it to walking the dogs, sewing, etc).
    It worked fantastically for me for about the first year, and it's only really been the last 6 months that I've had so many problems. I avoided tough meats (we were actually vegan for the first 9 months after the surgery, then slowly started adding in animal Proteins again), pastas, breads, etc with only the occasional slip up food wise. I was very tolerant, so she gave me a fill from 6 ccs to 6.5 ccs, and then I started having the issues with being stuck, PB-ing, etc. We removed the .5, and it just never went back to that sweet spot. I'd start PBing and straight up vomiting with such force that I'd end up with burst blood vessels in and around my eyes (sorry to be graphic), and never know what would trigger it. I'd go back to full liquids and mushies, and then per the nurse start trying to work those super moist animal Proteins in again, tolerate them fine, and then suddenly a salad or a portion of meat that I'd tolerated before would set me off and I'd be sick again. We still review my foods, and can't find any sort of pattern.
    I'm as unfilled as I can be right now and had a vegetarian chili for dinner last night. I managed a quarter cup before feeling full, but when I woke up this morning I could still feel it sitting in my pouch, so I'm back to broth today. I totally hear you in saying that if that's what it takes, I'll do it... and I totally made that commitment to myself when I started this journey, expecting ups and downs, but that I'd finally settle into a routine and know what was right and wrong for me to eat. Not knowing any of that, being scared to eat, and still being at my surgery day starting weight 18 months later is finally just wearing on me to the point where I want to be done. It's a scary and very emotional place for me... I don't like it!
    Hopefully tomorrow's appointment will give me some answers though. Not knowing is the hardest part for me.
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    duckydoom reacted to Pepper28 in Thinking About Removing My Band   
    Just reading thru your post & I understand you're in a program at work which gives nutritional information to people who have not had wls?
    I find that if I stick to only those foods that do not irritate my pouch and I comply with my band's eating program I do just fine.
    My list of foods is exactly as yours. No meat, only the soft parts of the chicken, ground turkey, etc.
    I do live on Protein shakes, Soups, and salads, sugar free jellos, oatmeal, mushies. And yes its a VERY VERY miserable life, a very different life from my pre-band life where I carried around 60 extra pounds on my knees and ankles baring most of the weight, but I've accepted it as my New Normal..
    Will I be able to tolerate this for years on end? for the rest of my life?
    I don't know. But its the sacrifice I'm willing to endure for the moment until I've gotten my weight under control.
    And if removing my band means gaining weight....I'll try and ride it out for as long as I must...
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    duckydoom reacted to CLAUDIA TREJO in I want it out! Frustrated and depressed...   
    It's tough when the band doesn't agree with your food and stomach.its like this thing has a mind of it's own. I'm waiting at the hospital ready to have my band removed because I've been having lots of the many issues you mentioned. My main problem is indigestion which sounds like you're having that problem too. You may want to consider having that band removed if you're having so many problems. My doctor recommended the sleeve but my insurance company has certain criteria that I don't meet so pretty much I'm sh...out of luck. Although after my removal I'm totally going to stay on track and just diet and exercise like I should have done it in the first place. Get well soon, stay away from bread and pasta! Good luck ????
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    duckydoom reacted to Suziecat in Lost my way   
    Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
    I to fell back into my old habits. After having 4 surgeries in 2 and a half years, I found myself laying in bed wondering what ever happened to the old me. One night I was in bed and came to this web site and started reading post after post and it finally dawned on me that I had the power to change. And change I did. First thing in the morning I called my band Docs office and made an appointment. I took my husband with me so he could make sure I told the Doc every thing I had been through and that I was serious about getting back on track. That was 8 months ago and I am happy to say that I am back to losing again. I actually had gained back about 70 pounds and I have lost 35 of it so far. My Doc was so understanding and has really been encouraging me with each visit.
    I wish you luck.
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    duckydoom reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Lost my way   
    i am so sorry about your father.....
    yes you can get yourself on track.....no need to dribble drama (that you are ashamed etc) leave that BS at the door GF.......you are a beautiful woman inside and out......and we all know it.....i should hate you because you are so pretty.....but i dont
    so right now, get back in the saddle.....RIGHT NOW
    whats done is done and never to come back or be returned to us to do over
    eat good foods and in the allotted amount the dr advised you and exercise (go walk if you are stressed or take a hot bath to unwind some) or yell or vent...
    food only gives that instant food gasm for a moments time and then we feel like sh*it afterwards......so dont go back to dieting traps......you are not on a diet.......eat to lose weight....eat to live your life.....and understand its a process.....make yourself well...start today..start now.
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    duckydoom reacted to Sherlock1969 in Could use some help   
    Only 26lbs? Really? Please think about that....26lbs...26lbs!!! In what? Under 2 months? Reset your thinking because this will not be your worst roadblock. Be proud of what you have accomplished, as you should be. It may take many more fills before you hit the green zone. This is a process. You will learn along the way what works for you and what doesn't. Protein is very important and there are a lot of ways to get it; yogurt, low fat cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, nuts and of course lean meats and fish. Stop beating yourself up and being impatient, this takes time. With this surgery losing 2 lbs a week is considered success...you are losing what? 3lbs a week? Reevaluate your expectations.
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    duckydoom reacted to Sherlock1969 in Depressed, discouraged. No Weight Loss, Hungry, Help!   
    Wow. 6ccs already? I am over a year out and just now have 8cc's in a 14cc band. I am getting close to the green zone but not quite. First you are ONLY 7 weeks out. You are still healing from the surgery. This is not a magic bullet that has huge, instant results. It is a process. My advice is to talk to your doctor and nutritionist and reevaluate your expectations. You will get there; not over night, but then again you didn't put the weight on over night (or even in 7 weeks.)
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    duckydoom reacted to hiddnstar in Lap Band Removal Surgery   
    I had my band removed last September. I was not on any special pre-op diet. Just nothing to eat or drink after midnight, basic surgery orders.
    I recovered quickly from the surgery, nothing like having the band implanted!
    I stayed in the hospital over night. My biggest problem was nausea, but they put meds in my IV that really helped.
    I was sore and took pain meds once I got home. I made sure to walk at least 10 minutes every hour and a half during waking hours.
    Im sorry you are in such pain right now. I hope you get the instant relief that I got once it was out!
    Take good care.
    love, ~hiddn~
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    duckydoom got a reaction from 2muchfun in I want it out! Frustrated and depressed...   
    It's so hard, because I come on here and see so many success stories, and then I read the negative ones, and I just get so conflicted. I admit I made my initial post out of extreme frustration, and I don't want to make any rash decisions... it's just been so incredibly different than I ever expected. I knew it would be long term, and take lots of effort on my part, and I thought I came to terms with that completely. I just had no expectations of the struggle with finding the sweet spot where I don't get physically ill.
    I'm glad that I posted this though, I'm getting lots of input on the up and downside of the band, and it's calmed me down to the point where I am thinking a bit more rationally myself, weighing pros and cons, and all of that good stuff. I really hope that I can find out if it's a slipped band, or if it's still my pouch being fussy. I'm on mushies today, so we'll see how that goes
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    duckydoom reacted to jakian3 in Lap Band Removal Surgery   
    Hi Duckydoom, I have not had it removed yet. In 36 hours, can't wait. Had so much port pain last night that I barely slept. I will have no revision so I hope I come home same day or next morning. My surgeon didn't put me on any diet before or after surgery. I had heard some people go on liquids diets before and also after..... Any word??????
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    duckydoom reacted to Sherlock1969 in I want it out! Frustrated and depressed...   
    I hope you get things worked out for the best whatever that may be. I have lost slowly with the band and i am good with that. My doctor is not super aggressive with fills. He says that better to go slow and creep up on the green zone than to get in the red and have to have some out. I do know that one day something will go down just fine and another day the same food might cause a little trouble. I try to be careful with every bite and eat slowly. I find that eating slowly will give the previous bite a chance to get down there and see if there is going to be any problems. You don't want to pile on a problem bite on top of problem bite and than later you are in for it. There is a learning curve for sure. Pasta and bread should be a no no...I do still occasionally have a piece of toast but no bread and no Pasta. I don't know if anything in my experience will resonate with you or help, but there you have it. Best wishes to you again, whatever the outcome!

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