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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by shanaya33

  1. I got banded yesterday at 1:30 finally got to leave at about 6, boy do i feel like i went a few round muhammed ali!!! i am very sore very swollen and bruised but other than that im pretty good. my pain meds arent strong enough tho so that sucks but i deal. my throat was so dry i had the hubby run out and get me throat moisture lozenges that where sugar free and they helped the warm broth helped as well. so far im just doing sf apple juice, broth and Water but i have had two cup of Decaf this morn and did great, the surgeon wants me on shakes already but idk if i can take a shake quite yet, im still trying to get used to the new feelings inside my gut! lol, i slept good inclined on my back last night not bad probly did more walking that i should have but its the only way to get the gas out, congrats to all of us that took the leap on our new life!! lets kick fats a$!

    Hi congrats on starting a new life I was banded yesterday, I feel a liitle pain in mt stomach and when i get up to walk around i feel a little lite headed. The experience of going under was very scary for me but prayed and got over it, I made onee of the best decisions of my life so yes you are right lets kick fat ass!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hello everyone my name is tasha i have some issues with getting the lapband. My sugrey was scheduled for feb 16 which was yesterday and i didn't go. Iam so scared to be put to sleep and thats what worries me the most. I really need to loss weight i have two kids and I cant really do things with them without my back and legs hurting. I have been blessed so far not to have any serious health problems but I know for a fact I will have some if i keep gaining weight. Iam 33 years old and I weight 280 and Iam 5'7 my BMI is 45.2. I would love to know about any of your experiences with the lapband process.

    Thank you in advance

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