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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by DetroitJenny9701

  1. Yes if you are Pre-diabetic or diabetic you will lose weight a little slower just because of the changes in your body. Another thing good about checking that is if you have a doc that does the liquid pre-op diet and you have sugar issues you dont want to bottom out, my wife was on insulin before the surgery while on the pre-op diet her blood sugar dropped to the 40's, even with us watching her sugars very closely. Very scary thing but good to know prior to starting.

  2. I did mean IR (Insulin Resistant) . I have to take Metformin twice a day. My Doctor is in favor for letting me have the surgery. I had my follow up with her yesterday. I do know what Insulin dependant is...my family is a carrier of the gene. The Doctor wanted to test if I was resistant because of my family history and also I have PCOS. Looking forward to moving on to the next step and creating a new me. Thanks for your comments hope your journey is going smooth

  3. The good thing is that she already told me she would dictate a good letter to the surgeon for me to have the surgery. She know's being healthy is very important to me.I lost my Brother on May 10th 2009 he was a fit healthy fireman and had a heart attack in his sleep. After he died I had a major rude awaking. I knew I need to loose weight to be healthy. I was at 265 now 235 but so hard to loose weight. I had that physical and Friday is when I found out that I was IR (Insulin Resistant) she said it wasn't to out of control but worth watching and taking some meds to get it normal.having the surgery will benifit my life and more than like getting ride of IR and meds. I am excited to move on. Thanks for you comments

  4. Well I had my follow up and I am IR Insulin resistant (Pre diabetic) They have me taking metformin twice a day. The Doctor reassured that I can still go with my plan to get the Lap Band. I am excited to get this process going. I have my Group Consult scheduled on March 22 :) and my first nutrition appointment on March 8th. I feel like I am making some progress.The estimated my surgery will be in August. I am excited for this journey. I know alot of hard work goes into this and I am ready for it. My goal in life is to be healthy. I am 31 and married and have three kids. I want to be the wife and mother they deserve :)

  5. Well at least everything is falling in your favor and you will be on your way shortly. What took them the additional two months? I am just starting out, I have to do a 6 month program with the Nutrition via telephone for 6 months. They said my surgery would be in August sometime. The good thing is is that you have your date and start shopping and getting ready for your Banded date. Very exciting!!!! I know it sounds funny but when I read when people get there news I get excited because I cant wait to share my time with people. Good Luck with everything and I look forward to your post. Thanks Jen

  6. I have not been on this forum in a while because I have been trying to get lots done for my pre-op and I have been a little depressed with the wait!!!! I started in August and yesterday I received the call for my surgery date!!!! March 28th, wow when she finally said it, it feels really close. I still have blood work, meet with psych, and the dietician but for all intense purposes I am moving ahead!!! I am going to start blogging I think it will help me manage my emotions. Good luck to everyone in their progress!!


  7. Good for you! That is wonderful news. I am sure you must be relived that all the foot work is done. I am starting my journey .I have heard of so many different pre op diets. What kind of order does your Doctor have you follow ?. I am just trying to figure out why there are such a wide range. I wish you luck on your journey :) I look forward to your post before and after surgery. I have learned so much off of this website. I am glad that we have it to share our journeys and such. Have a great day

  8. Hi my name is Jennifer I am 31 years old. I have been playing with the idea of getting the band for a little over a year. My insurance covers the procedure "So exciting".So I am in the very beging stages of getting set up with my case manager and my Doctor visits. I had a scheduled appointment with my medical Doctor on Friday to discuss this option and to get her approval. She said she wanted me to have some blood work done and to check if I am insulin resistant. I was a little shock but went along with it. I get a call from the Doctor office and the nurse explains to me that I am insulin resistant and the Doctor wants me to go on medication.The day of the physical the Doctor said she wanted me to go on the meds before considering the surgery. I am going to follow up with my care and follow any direction that she wants me to do. But I am still going to follow through everything to have the surgery.She didn't tell me that I couldn't have it but to try med first. Has anyone lost weight on Metformin? I have history within my family of memebers having diabetes.I have been rading on the internet that the Lap Band help people with IR (Insulin Resistantance)....Any advice is welcome. I just want a healthy me!!! I lost my Brother on May 10th 2009 he was a healthy fit Fireman.He died of a heart attack in his sleep. I want to be a healthy Wife and Mommy :) my family deserves it. Thank you and I look forward to all your wonderful comments

  9. Just wanted to share that I am down 11 pounds in my pre-op diet!! WOOHOO!! I can't believe how much 11 pounds effects someone!

    Surgery is this Tuesday and I can't wait. I am not nervous in the slightest bit and am so excited. Good luck to anyone else being banded this coming week!!

  10. How exciting!!! Good luck to you :) How long have you been at your journey? I new to here..I am just now starting my journey. I spoke with my insurance company and they said they covered it.I went to the Doctors and had a physical and blood work. I am waiting on the results, The Doctor said she wanted to make sure I wasn't insulin resistant. She said she would give me approval for the surgery if I am not resistant. My insurance requires 6 months of nurtrition appts. I cant wait to get started myself. Good luck to you!!!!

  11. Yes if you are Pre-diabetic or diabetic you will lose weight a little slower just because of the changes in your body. Another thing good about checking that is if you have a doc that does the liquid pre-op diet and you have sugar issues you dont want to bottom out, my wife was on insulin before the surgery while on the pre-op diet her blood sugar dropped to the 40's, even with us watching her sugars very closely. Very scary thing but good to know prior to starting.

  12. Today I had a scheduled Physical with my medical Doctor . My purpose was that I wanted to talk to her about the Lap Band. She said I was a canidate for the surgery but she wanted to test my blood to see if I was Insulin Dependant.She said if I was that's why some people struggle with there weight.She understood how serious I was about the surgery.She said she would comply and give me they okay. So now it is the waiting game to see whether if I move to the next step. Has anyone had there medical Doctor do that to them??

  13. Keep your head up! In our hearts we know what is right for us. There no gonna be so negative when summer hits!!! Dont worry that is the last thing you need to do. Focus on your dream!!! The Band is not an easy way out ! It's a life changing experience that will better the quality of your life.. So if they have negative comments about that. Its pointless to engadge in conversations with people like that. I am going through the processes myself I told my husband and no one else. My husbands family can be really negative.I figured I am doing it for me and nobody else. You will do fine!!!! Stand tall tomorrow you have a big day!!! Remember " it's all about you" and you'll be styling in the summer :) Good luck Love Detroit Jenny

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