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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by madaamsylla

  1. so I told friends and family (except my husband) I got my gallbladder removed.Ive been banded since January 21, 2011, and i am struggling with my weightloss. It may be due to the fact that I am covering up. If there is anyone in the chicagoland area that wouldnt mind being a big sister or big brother to me that will be much appreciated. we Can workout, plan meals, grocery shop... whatever. Or even if your not in reaching distance even be a pen pal..or email friends (or is that the same thing 0_o) I know motivation starts with me. But i would hate to think I went thru all this, not to reach its full potiental!
  2. madaamsylla

    recently banded-in chicago

    email buddies sound wonderful deneice.franklin@YAHOO.COM look forward to hearing from you!
  3. madaamsylla

    recently banded-in chicago

    hello maria thank you for your reply, where are you located in the city i am southeast side. by the south shore culture center here is my email address deneice.franklin@yahoo.com
  4. madaamsylla

    recently banded-in chicago

    Thank you SO much i will email you today!

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