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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by robinlwade

  1. robinlwade

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    I just had my 2nd fill and this is the 2nd day of just liquids but I am having acid reflex since the fill has anyone else had that problem? It keeps me up at night and no matter what I drink even water it starts the pain, I have been eating gas-x strips like candy,I have been drinking slowing, it didn't happen after my 1st fill.
  2. robinlwade

    help...im kind freaKINg out

    I was banded last MARCH my dr didn't put me on any preop diet I ate up till the end and don't think that you have to give up all your favs, I miss bread can't eat it at all miss diet coke can't handle that but there are alot of things that I still treat myself to, I am not looking for a mircle, I am happy to lose 2 pds a month and still enjoy some of my favs, I have lost 50 lbs with only 2 fills these dr do so many of these bands its in and out I got so much info from this web site they don't tell you anything the down side to the band and don't hesitate to ask questions to anyone on here no question is to small or to dumb its all learning from others you will find there are certain foods that you can eat but I can't, its scary I was scaried to the last minute Go for it.
  3. I had my band done last March and had 2 fills am going to the doctors this month to talk to him I have acid reflex terrible!!!I live on gas-x, I have anything in the morning cofee tea its bad no matter what I eat anymore it cause acid reflex even 2 hours after I eat I am at the point I hate to eat anything I wake with it I feel like I am going to choke durning the day. After the band I thoght it was gone I had it before the band just the last month has been terible.
  4. I have only had one fill and I am hungry all the time I tried eating 3 meals a day but am having a hard time with proteins so my sugar level is all over the place, I hate to say but chocalate kisses have gotta me by plenty of time for a quick fix. The easiest thing I have found to eat is mexcan food which I thought would never happen, I can't eat alot or am into sharing with my bf. I look like a goat grazing when I try to eat chicken chew chew chew. I am going in for another fill because I try to eat 3 meals a day but am so hungry by the time I eat I am eating to fast or not chewing enough and you know what happens then.
  5. robinlwade

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Hi everyone in feb I had mine done on feb 22. Was wondering if anyone is having problems with their port, I hate to drive anywhere because it gives me so much pain, if I am laying down or up walking its fine its sitting or when I just happen to move a certain way if feels like I just got jab in the rib. Told my dr his suggestion was try sitting up straight.
  6. robinlwade

    Tortilla chips for the soul

    Wendy's chili has been my life-saver it goes down easy and I feel like I have really had something to eat.
  7. You need to call your insurance company again you got me thinking so I called mine that was not the case they wouldn'tpay if it was done in mexico,if you go to your pcp and have the lap work done and xray your insurance company will pay for it the problem with me is noone told me that before because my lapband dr didn't let me know it wasn't cover in my 17,000.Find out what blood work needs to be done and take it to your pcp have them do it and send it over to your lapband dr.But you need to talk to your pcp get his support let him know what is happening, I wish I had done that. But you need to talk to the insurance company.
  8. robinlwade

    New - Scared - Confused

    Annie I know what you mean, I have a step-mother like that they don't really even realize what they say is hurtful. My sister needs to lose at least 150 lbs and she made the mistake of telling my father of course they thought it was stupid but they always have something negative to say about her weight. That is why I only told my friends and family that have a weight problem its amazing I lose the weight and they think its wonderful and I'm great but as soon as you put it back on they make you feel like a failure, like I like being fat. I stood in the mirror and said I will do anything to be thin but I know I can't do it on my own I need help and its not going to come from a girdle.
  9. robinlwade

    Second thoughts befor surgery?

    I think we all what to change our minds we know it is going to be a big change in our lives, heck this is the first day that I could have some cream soup and felt full it was a good feeling getting excited over cream soup. I really wanted to change my mind but all the nurses made me feel better and kept reassuring me and I had someone with me that was great support. Its day nine and feeling better everyday now I am glad I did it I know I will have good days and bad but I also know I don't want eating controling my life anymore.Change is always good and there are alot of people here to help you along the way, they have been great I have learned so much from everyone.
  10. robinlwade

    New - Scared - Confused

    Its funny that alot of use haven't told people because they are going to judge us, these are the same people who have asked if you have tried this diet or that to remind us how bad it is to be this fat, I am also one of those, I haven't told anyone except my over weight family or friends because they are the ones who understand and are supportive everyone else thinks I had my gallbladder taken out. Telling the ex, told mine and as soon as he gave me grief I knew it was the right thing to do. Losing weight is the hardest thing to do we all know we have all tried all the diets to lose the same weight over and over again. We are the strong ones because we did something and everyone who doesn't see it is jeolous!
  11. robinlwade

    Having Surgery on 3/5/07

    Good luck I had my surgery on 2/22 and almost chickened out didn't get much sleep the night before the morning I went I had to leave at 5 in the morning it was foggy and eerrie I was telling myself it was a sign that I shouldn't go which everything that happened to me in the 2 weeks before that was a sign that I shouldn't do it but my boyfriend was very supportive and he kept reassuring me I could do it. Well I wish when I woke up in recovery I felt all warm and fuzzy I didn't but as each day goes by I am so glad that I didn't change my mind, I have been on this web site everyday because I learn something new everyday and every question I have there is someone who has the answer and people who have helped me keep positive, its always scary making changes in our lives but this is one for your health and that can't be scary being 85lbs over weight is what is scary. What is scary is losing your best friend food, I have laid around the house all day today one of those feel sorry for myself days which everyone needs now and then but at least I didn't empty out the pantry eating crap all day is what I would of done in the past.
  12. robinlwade

    Liquid Diet Questions

    What my dr instructed was clear liquids the first week then I could add slimfast and cream soups the 2nd week, I also could have sugar free jello, sugar free popicles and sugar free fudgecicles.
  13. robinlwade


    sunnysea my sister lives in denver and is looking for a dr there could you pass on any info about your dr. thanks
  14. I was wondering how long people were out of work. I was banded 2/22 and am feeling o.k. the dr advised 1 week desk job 2-3 weeks for heavy jobs, I don't have a desk job but in a week i was planning on going back to work, I am a flight attendant I am worried about picking up my bags ect.am I pushing things I was just wondering by march 3rd will I feel up to goin back to work?
  15. robinlwade

    Back to work

    Mowing the yard I haven't vaccumed in a week I am afraid to even push that, Its been 8 days and I am doing alittle house work today, I have been trying to use the tread mill thats not easy I can only do 15 min. at a time 4 times a day my incisions start to hurt, I wasn't expected it to take this long but now I am glad I took peoples advice and took some more time off. I thin age has alot to do with it I am sure if I was 30 I would of bounced back faster.
  16. robinlwade

    I'm Starving!!!!!

    I keep telling myself my stomach isn't hungry my throat is, I have to keep busy to keep my mind off of it, sometimes I just miss eating.
  17. robinlwade

    Back to work

    Pamla68 you have youth on your side to help your recovery it doesn't matter if you colonics for a week before surgery they fill you with air you are going to have gas! I took everyones advice because I do have a phyical job and am taking 3 weeks off and it was good advice, its been 1 week and I can't even think about putting on tight panty hose and wearing heels. I appricate everyones good advice, listen these people been there done this know what they are talking about.
  18. robinlwade

    Back to work

    My truck is sitting in the drive way noway can I drive it hurts the stomach to shift tried yesterday got to the end of the block, had to get a friend to take me out. Sounds easy but its not
  19. robinlwade

    Banded 2/23

    I had my done on the 22 and the pain in my chest is so terrible and I am still so bloated, I have gotten the the point that I don't want to drink anything because the pain in my chest comes back, I get up and walk slowly on my treadmill for 10 min after each time I drink something but it is still bad, you can only walk so much them my incisions start to hurt, I have lived on those gas-ex strips, I wish I couple burp the gas just builds up in my chest, good luck with your dr. I saw mine today and he said the same thing as everyone else, gas-ex and walk.
  20. robinlwade


    It cost me $16,500.00 in tx but that didn't cover the lap work or the chest exray which they didn't tell me till the day of my test and I found out today that my fills are $100.00 each, pretty pricey, they don't always tell you the hidden cost, I was under the impression my first year fills were free but they don't do that anymore.
  21. robinlwade

    I'm Starving!!!!!

    I hear ya, I had a couple of days that I could of eatin a cow, its funny how each dr have different diets, i banded on the 22, 7 days of clear liquids, then another 7 with the same but add some soup and 2 slimfast a day, never thought slimfast would taste so good, i just added soap today I think I am more hungry then when I was just on clear liquids, but what has helped me alot is drinking hot tea which is hard for me I was a diet coke drinker, and I got some of those sugar free fudgecicles and they really help and when I get hungry I try to find something to take my mind off of it and being at home it hasn't been easy, Just stay positive some days are better then others!
  22. robinlwade

    Back to work

    Great Granny you are tuff, I've decided to take the full 2 weeks I am afraid of hurting myself or my healing, have a friend her had a bybass and had to have more surgery from liftingthings, be careful.
  23. robinlwade

    Pain in my port

    can anyone out there tell me how low these gas pains will last I was banded on 2/22 and it wasn't to bad I have been walking but the last couple of days whenever I drink anything cold or hot I get this terrible pain in my chest and under my shoulder blade I have been taking gas-ex but no help it takes my breath away.
  24. robinlwade

    Baby Steps

    Go for it girl, you have looked for others for their response this is something you need to do for yourself. I went th other way I had it done on the 2/22 and very few people know because I did it for me and trust me it wasn't easy. When I looked at what I was giving up I almost gave up food has been my life for a long time and the thought of controling it is still scary to me. The people I have told have been great and supportive that is very important. I took the jump and of course had buyers remorse after but I am glad I did it.I am looking forward to being that size 12 it will be a exciting day when I get there!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. robinlwade

    Back to work

    Thanks so much for your information I really appricate it, I've decided to take more time off its not worth the chance of hurting myself.

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