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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by azbtrfly

  1. Costco and Sams both have liquid vitamins,about $20 for a months supply.
  2. azbtrfly

    Whats everyone eating??

    Have you had an adjustment yet? If not you'll physically be able to eat just about everything, no restriction, until you do.
  3. azbtrfly

    Intro - HCG

    I should have made a disclaimer that this was pre-lap band. Your right, the reason I choice lap-band is because you can eat low calories, continue to loose weight and not go into starvation mode. You have did a fantastic job. =) I still need to find my groove, when I dont eat solid food I'm hungry and when I do it gets stuck. I was able to eat 2400 calories, full fat, low carb and didn't gain weight, but when I added in carbs I had to really watch my calories.
  4. azbtrfly

    Intro - HCG

    I've tried about everything in the book, including low calorie diets, the homeopathic hcg and the real stuff, and can tell you that HCG isn't just a placebo. If you tried to eat 500 calories without the HCG you would be starving and tired, your body would go into starvation mode and hold on to every bit of fat it could. When I do HCG I'm not hungry, have lots of energy and continue seeing an average of .5-1 lb loss every day. I've tried a few variations of the diet, experimenting with what works, and still continued to loose the weight. Of course everyone can have their own opinions but don't believe everything that the government studies tell you. Kind of like the low fat, high carb line they've been feeding us and yet the country keeps getting fatter and fatter.
  5. azbtrfly

    Intro - HCG

    This is what I ordered last time: http://www.yourhcgdiet.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage-ask.tpl&product_id=48&category_id=40&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1 One of the best prices for real HCG and supplies. I've always did the injections but they have a sublingual kit too.
  6. azbtrfly

    Feeling discouraged...

    Make sure that you're eating enough calories, have you measured your inches? Sometimes your weight loss might halt but you're still loosing inches.
  7. I typically dont have a problem with Pizza, try to stick to just 1 piece but it doesn't always happen. We all have those days, can't beat ourselves up over it, just do better the next day. Unfortunately Pizza is one of those temptations that will probably never go away. Unfortunately the good for you foods, like chicken, are the ones that usually get stuck.
  8. azbtrfly

    Not having fun with my first fill

    Did the dr have you drink anything in the office? Mine got stuck on water and he had to take out .5 cc. Since then I really have to slow down and chew a lot, otherwise everything but liquids get stuck.
  9. azbtrfly

    45 lbs gone ... but

    You probably wore your clothes big, we all loose weight differently, im sure you'll get there.
  10. I woke up with my wisdom teeth as well. Told the anesthesiologist and didn't wake up during my lapband.
  11. azbtrfly

    can't look at a drink!

    Have you tried coconut juice? Was the only thing I could drink when I was sick.
  12. azbtrfly


    Trying cutting the carbs, you can eat more and lose weight
  13. azbtrfly


    I'm about there, my favorite jeans are now too big, and I need to donate them our throw them out. Promised my husband I would when I kept all my skinny clothes. After my fill it's much harder to eat, haven't throw up yet but been very uncomfortable. Not sure how my weight is doing, forgot my scale web we moved.
  14. azbtrfly

    Is too much protein bad for kidneys???

    They say it is but there's so many people that have successfully did the adkins diet or paleo diet and never had a problem. Meat, Fruits and Veggies, is really all our bodies need.
  15. azbtrfly


    Had my first fill yesterday, he had to poke around a little so not very comfortable. He said I had 3 and he would put 3 more but the water got stuck and he had to take out .5 cc. So far so good, said just to have liquids for lunch, which was fine. nothing stuck so far but feeling fuller faster, which is great. lost 19 lbs since surgery, but I'm sure bring sick for a few weeks helped.
  16. azbtrfly


    I get the liquid vitamins from Sams or Costco, they're about $20 for a months supply.
  17. azbtrfly

    No Pre-Op Diet

    Yeah I didn't have a preop diet either
  18. azbtrfly

    March 2011 Bandsters

    I'm still sick and I'm not sure even the Drs know for sure what it is, they're saying the Flu/Pneumonia/Bronchitis. Had x-rays on Tuesday and they say a small patch on my lungs, but they're not sure if it's getting better or just starting. Went to the ER after having 102-103 degree fever all night. Havent been getting much sleep with this cough and cold sweats but I did drop 3 lbs last night. I've been trying to keep my liquids and protein up. Apple, Strawberries, blueberries, spinach, kefer, and vanilla protein powder for breakfast, 3-4 chicken livers for lunch (my mom was craving them) and about 6 bites of red beans and rice for dinner.
  19. I had surgery on 3/8 and developed a cough on 3/16. I've tried Robitussin couch, and went to urgent care they prescribed me a couch medicine, nose spray, antibiotics and antihistamine, I started those yesterday but nothing has helped. I work a phone/customer service job and havent went back to work yet because of this cough. Any ideas?
  20. I had surgery on 3/8 and developed a cough on 3/16. I've tried Robitussin couch, and went to urgent care they prescribed me a couch medicine, nose spray, antibiotics and antihistamine, I started those yesterday but nothing has helped. I work a phone/customer service job and havent went back to work yet because of this cough. Any ideas?
  21. azbtrfly

    March 2011 Bandsters

    I started eating on Tuesday, March 15th, just a week after surgery. I took it slow and chewed and chewed. Started out with an egg, cheese and avocado omelet and fruit. It took me as long to eat my few bites as It did my husband and son to eat their meal. I learned right away to share a kids meal with my son or have my son share a meal with me and we still had food left over. Took low carb slim-fast and adkins shakes for when I was hungry and needed some Protein. My favorite was an egg,cheese, turkey and broccoli quiche, was very hard to stop eating after just a couple of bites. I cheated and had a small soft piece of cake and a few bites of my son's pancakes but other than that I tried to stay low carb. So far, so good, with nothing getting stuck. After 5 days in Disney, I still managed to lose 1.5 lbs, which I'm happy with. I did get a cough starting on Wednesday though that's just not wanting to go away. I was supposed to go back to work today but I have a phone/customer service job that I'm on the phone all day and I can't talk without couching.
  22. azbtrfly

    No one told me....

    I was told that any pills smaller than the top of a small water bottle were fine. I was given vicoten pills and took motrin without a problem. Just drink with plenty of water and don't lay down right away. I did buy liquid vitamins and some chewable fiber pills.
  23. I had surgery this morning and one of my incision opened up and was bleeding. I think my breast was rubbing on it and may have rubbed off the seal. They said they did stiched underneath and then used the dermabond to seal them. I called the nurse but she said that unless he starts oozing or opens up more not to worry about it. I bought some wound wash, but a bandage over it and got a stomach wrap to kind of hold everything in place. Im kind of worried about infection and of scaring but want to see if anyone else had the same experience.
  24. azbtrfly

    my port came lose

    Yes that sounds normal after a fill, some say liquids for a week after
  25. azbtrfly

    my port came lose

    Yes that sounds normal after a fill, some say liquids for a week after

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
