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About britleigh

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  • Birthday 02/08/1989

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    MUSIC is my everything. I would die without it. I also love reading, movies, travel, being outside, and my boxer Demitri.
  • Occupation
    Front Office Manager - Marriott Hotels
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  1. britleigh

    New, Nervous, and Anxious

    @@pions9815 I know!! I feel like the pills alone are gonna fill me up. And I'm nervous that I'll drink too much Water with them and I'll have pain or something. I tried some of the Calcium chews and they were awful. Definitely not looking forward to those lol. @@MissTrish14 They just called me yesterday to schedule the EDG. It's gonna be Friday 2nd. So after that all my requirements will be met and we'll see about a schedule date for surgery (hopefully). I haven't started the liquid yet but I know I'm gonna be a grumpy guss lol I am not gonna be awesome to be around so I'm definitely gonna need you guys' help to get through it. I am just so ready to have a set date to look forward to and to have the surgery!! I hate feeling so anxious!!
  2. britleigh

    New, Nervous, and Anxious

    @@pions9815 OMG girl that is such a great idea!! I would have never thought about that!! I'm definitely gonna ask about that. I wonder if those are just to loose weight or they help with the liver shrinkage? ps are you so worried about taking all the Vitamins after surgery? I really am... how are you supposed to take so many a day plus eating and not feel like your filling your stomach so much all day? It's gonna be crazy!! pss feel free to email @@jazzy59 Good luck with your surgery!!! Let me know how it goes!!!! I'm sure you'll do great I think I would die after 2 weeks of ensure shakes.... idk how you've done it. Keep it up though. I'm really curious about after surgery so definitely let me know about how you feel and how weird it is to eat afterwards. I'm so so so ready to have my surgery too, but I don't even have a set date yet. Hopefully some time in let May or early June. I wish you the best of luck and I'll definitely been thinking about you on the 10th
  3. britleigh

    New, Nervous, and Anxious

    Oh My Gosh!!! Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement!! I definitely needed it today!! @@pions9815 I wish my nutritionist would give me alternatives! They are very set on using the Bariatric Advantage which is so expensive. What kind of advice did they give you? @@Nick Edwards Good luck!!!!!!! Definitely let me know it goes. I am so oober nervous about the pain and recovery I had back surgery a few years ago and the recovery was a killer. Lucky you only had to do a week liquid diet. And they are so super strict about it. If you don't reduce the size of you liver enough they will send you home and reschedule your surgery so that's why I'm so freaking out!! @@cellardoor Thanks so much!! OMG girl I'm so toats nervous about it especially since I had already gained a few lbs from my first visit to my second. Luckily I was able to pull it together and lost 10 when I went for my 3rd. PS You are gorgeous!!!! @@thinndskies Thanks for the advice!! I'm going to ask about the salads!! That would be such a great help and a change from drinking. And I definitely love popsicles so that will be great lol Again, thank you all so much!! I have honestly been so stressing about everything (which makes me eat ) and it's such so nice to know that there are people in the same situation and know the struggles. Thank you so much for the advice. It has really given me so much to think about and work on!
  4. Hello everyone!! This is my first post I've been a member of the site for a while and been wanting the surgery for years. Now finally I feel like the stars are aliening in my favor. I little bit about me.... Age: 25 Current Weight: 316 Starting Weight: 320 (gain 7 lbs at my second appointment ) Surgeon: Dr Tony Primomo @ The Davis Clinic in Houston Insurance: Aetna Insurance Requirements: 3 nutritional classes at least 30 days apart. I already did 2 and go for the last one on the 23rd. At my first nutritional class the nutritionist informed me that Aetna has a requirement that you not gain any weight at all from your first recorded weight to your day of approval. So basically whatever your lowest recorded weight, you can't be at all above that when it's submitted for approval (which I'm super dooper nervous about). So that's the main deats and so here's one of the weird things that I'm worried about... My surgeon now requires that all his patients have to do an EDG (or EGD idk) So from what I'm told is a scope camera that they put all the way down just to look at everything and make sure it's all ok before surgery.... however, the thing that Im really worried about is the cost... I have a high deductible plan and I'm worried that I'll have to pay a fortune for the test then if that actually makes me meet my $3,000 deductible then I'll still have to pay my 20% at time of surgery. So does anyone have any experience with the EDG and know ballpark costs? I'm also super super scared/nervous about the 2 week pre-op liquid diet... but that's for another time lol Thanks for any and all feed back.... and Happy Weight Loss
  5. Happy 24th Birthday brittany_leigh!

  6. Happy 23rd Birthday brittany_leigh!

  7. Well, I am just now starting out and all of this is sooooo confusing! I've been researching for about 6 months and I've come to the conclusion that this is is the thing for me. But I'm so overwhelmed. I dont know where to start. Do I get the ball rolling with insurance first? Or would it be better to talk to my doctor and ask him to send in a request? How to get started? Please help!! Thank you all so much!!

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