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Holly Dolly

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Holly Dolly

  1. Holly Dolly

    Just Went On First Post Surgery Shopping Spree:)

    be careful when you do go away. Both times I had to have an unfill was 4-7 days after the fill appt. Make sure you do liquids the first couple days and then go to soft food. The fill can make the stomach a little swollen around the band which can cause things to get stuck.
  2. the last thing you want to do is drink water! When was your surgery date?
  3. same for me, and the dr gave me a support binder to wear for the first week.
  4. Holly Dolly

    Im Self Pay--What If I Have A Hiatal Hernia??

    I was told up front the cost would be $500 if they found that I had one during surgery. Sure enough I did. I did see the insurance charge was $12,000, but my dr is out of network and it was denied.
  5. Holly Dolly

    today's weight 138 pounds

    omg! congrats!
  6. Holly Dolly

    20101124 132

    you look fabulous!
  7. there are 2 different kinds of apnea, obstructive caused by your throat closing and central apnea which your brain just makes you stop breathing. So even if you lose weight, if you have central apnea losing weight is probobaly not going to cure it.
  8. I've told everyone except for my hubby's family....sheesh, they didn't even notice that I was down 75 pounds at Christmas! Everywhere else I have shouted it from the moutaintop, except of course on facebook!!
  9. Holly Dolly

    Mushy/pureed Carrots

    That sounds really good Xavier. I have been on a carrot and asparagus kick lately, now you gave me another way to try it out!
  10. Holly Dolly

    2 Lbs Shy Of 100 Lbs Lost!

  11. Holly Dolly

    Too Tight; Miserable; Not Losing

    glad you got that taken care of. Good luck now!
  12. A HUGE shoutout to Wannabe for hitting her goal today and to Lannae who is heading out to have her surgery on Friday!

  13. A HUGE shoutout to Wannabe for hitting her goal today and to Lannae who is heading out to have her surgery on Friday!

  14. A HUGE shoutout to Wannabe for hitting her goal today and to Lannae who is heading out to have her surgery on Friday!

  15. Holly Dolly

    20111210 178

    unbelievable girl! You look amazing!
  16. Holly Dolly

    How Often Do You Weigh Yourself?

    I weigh myself everyday. I don't beat myself up though if it doesn't move the way I want it to. I am accountable only to myself!
  17. Holly Dolly

    In Need Of Advice And Encouragement!

    #1 realize that the band is a tool, it won't do all the work for you! Also, it will take time and a number of fills til you are at a good point. Hang in there, it takes time but worth all the hard work!
  18. Holly Dolly

    Cracker Question...

    I would sometimes toast half of an Orowheat thin and thats pretty good. They are thin and get pretty crunchy so they go down easy. And at 50 calories, not bad. Thanks for reminding me about them, hvaen't had them for awhile!
  19. Holly Dolly

    Was It Worth It?

    I was self paid as well and it IS worth every dollar. But I agree with all the above posters. The band is just a tool, it still takes work for most people. Some people say they are never hungry, don't care about food anymore. Well, that hasn't happened for me. But I have been successful following the rules for the most part. Got a little side tracked though the last few weeks but I am ready to take it on today! Already got a 3 mile walk and jog in to start the week, I am feeling good!
  20. Holly Dolly

    Howdo You Measure Your Food?

    I measure meats, cheese, and baked potatoes on my scale and my vegetables and starches in measuring cups.
  21. Holly Dolly

    Lean Cuisines???

    I just started eating them myself in the last month. I have never been a fan of frozen meals but got tired of eating the same lunch all the time. Now I really like a couple of different Lean Cuisines.
  22. Holly Dolly

    Starting Over With The 5 Day Pouch Challenge/test

    you can do it. You did it before, you WILL do it again!
  23. Holly Dolly


    My office said no salads for 3 months. I started eating them after 2 months and have never had a problem with them.
  24. Did you just have the new band placed? Or can you try and get in sooner than the 2 weeks?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
