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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sotired92

  1. I had my sleeve surgery on May 7th, 2014. I had lost 76 pounds. My father-in-law passed away at the end of October 2014, and just last week, I finally realized that I had slipped back into my old habit of snacking even though I am definitely not hungry. I weighted myself tonight and I am up 8 pounds from the last time I weighed in. I know it is from the emotions of being the support that my husband and kids need me to be. I am so scared that I will gain weight back.....and considering that I still have 80 pounds to lose, this is very serious to me. The weather hasn't been a help, as I am generally more "down" during the winter anyway. I just don't know which way to turn right now......

  2. Thank you for this. I have been having a really rough time over these last 4 months. I had a friend pass away, a friend diagnosed with stage 3 cancer going thru chemo that is not working for her, and I lost my job all within months of each other. The weather where I live has been bad, so I stopped walking the 1 to 2 miles per day I was doing, and I turned to my comfort foods- Cookies, icecream, etc.

    I have been wallowing in a sea of self pity, and even with telling myself each and every morning that today is the day I get back on track, by evening I would be eating wrong again.

    I have had the band in since Jan 9, 2010, and because of my gain, I am only 30 pounds down from when it was inserted. This is very very hard for me to deal with. During the end of the summer 2010, I had finally begun to play with my kids, going hiking, playing volleyball, etc, and I can't even tell you how GREAT that felt! I already feel the change that this weight gain has made in my ability to stay mobile and in my attitude toward exercise and moving!

    I want to be able to parasail, to hike the Appalachian Trail, to move with my kids! Thank you for rocking my boat, and hopefully getting me back on track! God Bless.

  3. #1 take out the diet mentality - I have not dieted since I started my journey 3.6 yrs ago... My goal was to get healthy - to get healthy you have to eat healthy and exercise and allow for treats too.. I am a FIRM believer in keeping a food diary - I asked a lady at work how she kept her weight down - she said when I have gained a few lbs - I start keeping a food diary writing everything down and keeping my calories around 1000- 1200.. She's one of those pple who we think - can eat whatever she wants and stay thin - Well there is no such person really - and we have to quit thinking that we can eat junk and quit exercising and stay thin or lose the weight...

    This is about a LIFETIME LIFESTYLE change in our eating and exercise habits - If we want to lose the weight and maintain it we have to understand this.. We have the tool to help us.. So why are we going to screw that up..

    I've maintained my weight loss for 2.5 yrs now - How you ask - Cuz I eat healthy 98% of the time allow for treats 2% of the time and continue to workout 4 days a week.. I know that I have to do this to maintain the weight loss - I know that my previous eating habits and lack of exercise is what got me fat in the 1st place - I feel to freaking good to go back there..

    I can also tell you that almost every single night since 7/17/07 I have had dessert - SF puddings, sf ice cream, sf yogurt... I go on vacation and eat what I want but continue some type of exercise - but when I come home I go right back to eating healthy..

    It was my Birthday last weekend - I had bday cake & ice cream Sat & Sunday - Monday morning it when in the trash !!! I looked at the cake a few time during the day on Sunday -(in the past I would have eaten it all day long) but said - you are going to have some tonite - if you eat it now - no treat tonite - I wanted to save it for the evening.

    Peeps - you can do this - you just have to understand that you can't eat high fight - high sugar - high carb foods 24/7 365 - you can have them as treats - but on a daily basis you have to eat healthy and exercise.. As the saying goes you can't have your cake and eat it too..

    You have to decide for yourselves - what feels better for you - being morbidly obese or thin and healthy - I hate the saying nothing taste as good as thin feels - cuz I love the taste of food - (fat & sugar) but I can tell you nothing feels better than being able to live your life with out your weight limiting what you can or can't do.. And I can still have that fat & sugar even now and then as long as I exercise and eat healthy the majority of the time..

    I'm a 56 yr old grandma - who can now zip line - Para Sail - scuba dive - hike a mountain - walk all day long - leg press 400 lbs - I'm the grandma who can catch air - not the fat one sitting on the beach looking at everyone else have fun..

    Use your tool - quit sabotaging yourselves - Love yourselves enough to do this for you - to improve the quality of your lives - Don't let that little devil tell you it's ok to eat the junk - cuz it's not - it's going to catch up w/you..

    Sit down plan your meals - plan your treat - budget your calories to allow for sf dessert at nite and make sure you get your exercise..

  4. So next month it will be three years and the first two and a half years were great steady weight loss down 100 pounds. Over the past 6mths I figured out how to eat around the band. As a result I'm up 25 pounds. I feel like I can't get back on the wagon because I know how to cheat.... Any advice

    I have had the band for 1 year and I have this problem as well. I only lost 50 pounds to begin with,and now that I knowhow to cheat, I just cant find the willpower to stop. If you get any suggestions that sound fesible, please, pass them on!!

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