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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TM3710

  1. I'm just wondering if I've ruined my band :( I see how everyone is on liquids for 1 or 2 weeks after surgery and all my papers from my dr and every meeting with my dr he told me my post op diet was 1 to 2 days liquids then 3rd day start mushies for the 3rd and 4th day then 5th day start eating regular food. So that's what I've done but of course I don't rly have any restrictions I do get full faster and when I do get full it hurts and I feel extremely bloated and I just don't know if this is all normal if there is anyone else who was told by their dr they could eat by the 3rd day. I'm going to my primary dr tomorrow and I'm gonna have him look at it. Any suggestions

    I honestly don't think you ruined your band. I have notice while reading everyones blogs that every doctor has different recommendations. My doctor recommended a different diet than my nutritionist. I had so many questions i went on here and read then I went on Youtube and listened to some doctors but every answer was different. One thing i know for sure is everyone is different and everyone's tolerance level is different. I really don't think you ruined your band at all. Just try to find a program that is right for you and good luck!!!

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