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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Soon2BMiniMommy

  1. Soon2BMiniMommy


    Hey, Laura....if you'd like, please come join us on the October 2011 sleevers board....we'd love to have you in our family! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/108-october-2011-sleevers/
  2. Soon2BMiniMommy

    New to the Oct group

    Kara, how far up in the Yukon are you? I am having my surgery in Seattle, too, but I live here, but I am originally from BC. Glad you will have good care when you get home since are up there a ways! How old are your boys? Mine's 2 1/2.
  3. Soon2BMiniMommy


    Yukon!! No way....I almost went there! I work in Lynnwood, live in Marysville....hey, Neighbor! I've added you to the list, Sweets! Maybe someday we will have to meet and compare stories You are one day ahead of me!!
  4. Soon2BMiniMommy

    October 14th!!!

    Lol, okay, how weird is that! Two Stephanie's on the same day.....you two will definitely be Sleeve Sisters!! I have added you, SmallSteph New nickname, lol. I, for one, can't wait to read all your posts when you are off for 6 weeks!!
  5. Soon2BMiniMommy

    October Post Op Stories

    Hey, everybody!! Since we're all moving right along and we've had a couple of our loved ones check back in after their surgery with their experiences, pain level, expectations, etc, I thought I'd post a thread where we can post as soon as we are able to after surgery to help those of us who have not had theirs yet. Please feel free to share how you're doing, how the surgery and afterwards went and how it was different, or the same, from your expectations. So proud of you guys, (all of us) for taking this huge step to a new life.....this takes lots of courage and strength and I love that we can all support each other through this! So, speak up, post your experience, and, please, any and all advice..... Love you guys :grouphug4:
  6. Soon2BMiniMommy


    Monty! So glad you checked in!!! And so happy you had such a great, easy experience. I can only hope mine will go as smoothly as yours Stay hydrated and stay rested and check in when you can to let us know how you're doing. So proud of you!!
  7. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Pre surgery diet is working!

    Hey, Yukon! You're an October sleeve buddy!!! Come join us on the October 2011 sleeve board! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/108-october-2011-sleevers/ As to the whole, 'why don't you stay on this diet' question, there was a perfect answer on here a while back and I'll never forget it....can't remember if it was Papa Jack, Rootman, or?? But he said his reply was, "Can you hold your breath for 30 seconds?" And then after they reply yes, he asked, "Can you hold it for an hour"? Perfect come back. Another words, of course you can lose weight on a two week liquid diet, but can you do that for your whole life? Of COURSE NOT! People that ask that question annoy me so bad. Anyhoo, come and join us other October Sleevers on the loser's bench, Honey!
  8. Soon2BMiniMommy


  9. Soon2BMiniMommy

    October 3rd!!!!!!!!!

    Beach!!! So glad you checked in!! Been thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way :huggie: How is the pain worse than your Csection? Is it in your incisions? Is it the gas? Is it your tummy? Member what they say, sip, sip, walk, rest, repeat. Hang in there. I am worried that I am underestimating the pain, too. I also had a Csection, but have a really high tolerance for pain and heal well. But I know that this surgery knocks some down as they weren't expecting it. Just get lots of rest :sleep: , drink lots (or as much as you can!) Keep us posted cause we're all worried about you and thinking about you!!!
  10. Soon2BMiniMommy

    October 6th!

    Hey, 5!! I was gonna check in with you!! How are you doing?? Nervous, excited, all of the above?? I am so freakin' excited for you....please post as soon as you can afterwards so we all know you're all right and home safe!! I'll be thinking about you all day tomorrow. Still haven't heard much from our 3rd siblings, but I'm sure they're still recuperating!
  11. Soon2BMiniMommy

    New to the Oct group

    Welcome, Honey! So glad you came to join us!! I have a little boy and my hubby works nights, so I'm sort-of by myself, but nothing like the valuable sacrifice you and your family make for our country! Look forward to sitting on the loser's bench with you!!
  12. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Creamed Soups

    Oh, I've always been curious about the Cream of Shrimp! I love seafood and love soup, but for some reason have always been skeptical to try that one. Let me know what you think!!!
  13. Congrats, all, on your approvals! Yay! If you get scheduled in October, come and join us on the October 2011 board!! October 2011 Sleevers We can all go through this journey together!!
  14. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Being sleeved 10/7/11

    Shamrock, welcome! I do think we all feel that way as we have all failed so miserably, and so often, with every other diet. But, from what I've read, it's pretty to NOT be successful with the sleeve. I mean, anyone can sabotage it and eat through it, but I don't believe that most of us do/will - not like with the band. Come and join our October Sleevers group! We are all in the same month, so we will all be on the loser's bench together at the same time and can heal, learn, and support each other through this! October 2011 Sleeers. Hope to see you there!! I'll add you to the roster!
  15. Soon2BMiniMommy

    My surgery date....

    Aw, honey, don't feel bad! Just think of all the future Halloweens you will have with them when you can walk with them longer and go do even MORE Halloween activities because you will be more healthy and free and have more energy and stamina!! Please come and join us other October 2011 Sleevers on the board My linkhttp://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/108-october-2011-sleevers/. We'd love to have you!!! We are all going through this in October and can support each other and help each other through our recoveries....I will add you to the roster...
  16. Hey, Jason. Welcome to the October Sleevers! Come and join our October 2011 group....I already added you to our roster...so glad you're here!

  17. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Tomorrow is the day!!

    Hey, Jason!!! Welcome!! Come and join us over on the October 2011 sleevers board! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/108-october-2011-sleevers/ I will add you to our roster and we can all support each other as we go through this journey and recover together. So glad you're here and can't wait to sit on the 'loser's' bench with you!
  18. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Ideas for "mushy" foods please!

    Avoid soups, really? Did they say why? Or when? I know some docs say to avoid soups later on as they are a liquid-y slider food and won't keep you full as long as your regular Protein and veggies later, but in the pureed and mushy stage, they are ideal. Really, anything blended with enough liquid will work. Try pureeing bean with bacon soup...split pea with ham....cottage cheese with canned peaches/pears/fruit with some of the juice, pureed cream of mushroom or chicken, really any pureed soup. I think the chicken, tuna, egg salads, etc, are perfect for mushies stage. I know of quite a few who have blended their regular family dinners with broth or gravy to make it thin enough for a mushie stage. And as others have stated, mashed potatoes (regular or sweet), soft scrambled eggs, mashed bananas or avocados, refried Beans with melted cheese. Funny, my surgeon does two weeks of full liquids, then two weeks of pureed, then two weeks of mushies. He separates his pureeds and mushies...sounds like yours almost combines them? My doc says anything of thin applesauce consistency with NO CHUNKS for pureeds and anything you can mash with the back of your fork for mushies (soft fish, scrambled eggs, regular tuna w/mayo, etc). Just no chunks that your tummy has to 'work' on to digest, if you know what I mean? And, no, I wouldn't worry too much about carbs right now...I think once you can eat meat, lunch meat, more solids, then you can really start on a low card diet, but right now, food is so limited, I wouldn't worry about the mashed potatoes, etc. Just don't overboard and eat sugary yogurts and puddings and milkshakes all the time, but I know you know that! Check out this link....Eggface's site will become like a Bible for recipes, etc..... Eggface's Pureed's. Her ricotta bake is AMAZING, I have heard...can't wait to try it out on my mushy stage!!! Good luck!!!
  19. Soon2BMiniMommy

    New to group

    Hey, Ivy. I'm 38 and have a two and a half year old....luckily don't have to explain much to him Just that Mommy is getting her tummy fixed so it will be smaller! When you get approved, and if you get scheduled for October, come and join us on the October 2011 board. Good luck!
  20. Soon2BMiniMommy


    Hey, Smoke.....I am also going to start early.....my doc doesn't require a preop diet like liquids or anything, just low carb, low fat....but I'm gonna be a little more extreme than that. The more I can help my body along, the better! And, it helps this time to know that whatever I lose before the surgery during this diet, will actually STAY off this time Unlike suffering in the past, only to gain it all back, plus some!
  21. Soon2BMiniMommy


    Thanks, Monty! I fixed the original list, so now you're added. How are you doing? How did everything go? You are our first 10/3 sleever to check in!! Hope you are doing well and not in any discomfort or pain....stay well, take it easy :couch2: and check in more when you feel better, K?
  22. Soon2BMiniMommy


    Yay, Ren!! I totally know how you feel. It's like as soon as you get a date, then it's really REAL and the butterflies start to flutter. I'm with ya! You're still three days ahead of me! You are added to the roster...it's official now!!!
  23. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Glad to join ya'll

    Welcome, Jan! You are added to the roster. I totally know what you mean about the second pantry! Also a freezer since I premade a bunch of broth for afterwards. So glad you're here!
  24. Soon2BMiniMommy


    Welcome, Heller and Amber!! SOOOO glad you're here with us and we are going on this journey together! I've added you both to the roster....

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