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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Soon2BMiniMommy

  1. Soon2BMiniMommy

    One year check up with Surgeon

    Have to agree...we need to take B-12 supplements because our stomachs produce intrinsic factor, which allows us to absorb B-12. Since they take 85% of our stomachs away, they take away 85% of our ability to process and absorb B-12. So, all that being said, we need a high concentration/dose of B-12 to supplement our diets. My doc and NUT says it is extremely hard, if not possible, to get our B-12 needs from our diet after VSG.
  2. Soon2BMiniMommy

    backing out

    Oh, honey. From what I've seen on here, EVERYONE gets the case of the bad, bad jitters. You made this decision with tons of research and you know deep down it's the right thing to do for you AND your family. As for being able to 'do it yourself', if you could have, you would have already. I also have a little boy, a wonderful husband, but every day I am dying by being fat. I have no guarantees I will even see my son married or enjoy my grandkids if I remain morbidly obese. And if you've done research, you know there is such a little, rare chance of anything happening. Most horrible outcomes from the surgery are from a blood clot, or anesthesia complications, which can happen with a knee replacement or gallbladder removal or tooth extraction! And like I said, the risk is so very, very low.....you probably have more chance of getting hit by a bus than not coming home to your family!! I can't remember who said it, but this statement will stick with me forever.....as for those who say, why couldn't you 'do it on your own', he would reply, "Can you hold your breath for 30 seconds? Well, can you hold it for an hour". You may be able to lose weight, but it will almost surely come back, with extra, as it has our whole lives If you really think you need to cancel, that is what you need to do, but just slow down, listen to your heart, and remember all the reasons why you wanted this and worked for it in the first place! I know one thing that helped me. I made a list of 100 reasons why I wanted to lose weight - to be able to play on the floor with my son, to be able to fit in a bathtub, to not have my seatbelt ride up over my stomach and lay against my neck, etc, etc, etc. Maybe that will help you refocus?? All the pros of being able to LIVE again??
  3. Oh, Me....I'm sad you're sad I have been watching and 'listening' to you for a while and I remember when you were SO EXCITED to have your surgery and so hopeful. Please don't let this get you down....you know it's temporary until your tummy adjusts....weeks of healing. And, yes, Tiffy is right, most PPI's take up to a week to start really working. The Vitamin possibility definitely sounds like it could be it, too. Then again, maybe it's just lack of our normal volume of food. I remember many, many, many days of dieting when my body was hungry and I would get a really, really weird taste in my mouth from my empty tummy. And it hadn't even been cut up! Maybe that is it....just your body adjusting. I'm sure it's temporary and in two weeks this annoyance will all be gone! Hang in there, Sunshine....
  4. Dang, Girl...you are ROCKIN' that sleeve (and the black dress ). Congratulations!
  5. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Can a whole weekend be a NSV?

    Aw, honey, you are an inspiration! 229 lbs....damn, Paul!! I can only imagine how that felt!!
  6. Soon2BMiniMommy

    No Small Change

    Here you go, Sunshine....and WELCOME!!! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/107-september-2011-sleevers/
  7. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Always Hungry

    WTH????? GROW a pouch off our sleeve??.....oh, good Lord. I am SO glad I read that...didn't even know it was possible!!! Just more incentive to eat slow and low....man. Wonders never cease what we can do to ourselves with food. So sad
  8. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Always Hungry

    Sounds like acid, Wine......are you on a PPO (antacid the Dr prescribed you?) Check out this video.....
  9. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Pre Op Diet- Really necessary??

    Yes...it helps shrink your liver. Most of us have a really fatty liver and most surgeons do not want it to "get in the way" as it lies halfway over the stomach. If you can view graphic images, there are YouTube videos of the surgery and many surgeons point out where the liver lies and why it's important to shrink it prior to surgery. My first surgeon told me if I lost 10-15 pounds in the two weeks prior to surgery, almost ALL of that is fat off the liver (first to dispose of fat cells, apparently) and it supposedly makes a huge difference.
  10. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Things I now know

    Oh, man.....I am laughing so HARD at you guys right now! I am grateful for the warnings, too. Kids, kids also jump on your tummy...be careful with the little ones! Little gremlins....
  11. How are you doing, Kimberlina?? Any updates for us? Hopefully you are healing well!!
  12. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Not Giving Up

    Good luck! What are 'bed funds'?
  13. Soon2BMiniMommy

    About to talk to my boss....

    Yay! Good for you! I could tell you were worried this morning, and now it's a huge relief and off your shoulders! I don't have my date scheduled yet, will be in September sometime, but I've told my boss that I need to have laparascopic hiatal hernia repair next month. It's almost the exact same surgery and recovery time (and funny enough, my surgeon IS repairing my hernia at the same time he's taking my stomach, so it's not really a 'lie'!) That way I don't have to act all secretive. I really, really don't want to tell work, or many others, it's my business and mine only (well, my hubby's and close family, too). I know you don't have to give any reason at all for a medical leave, but this way it explains it all, and completely avoids questions. Then, when I start to lose weight rapidly, I will just say I've had a hard time getting back to normal after my hernia repair - sensitive tummy and all. And of course, decided to eat healthier and exercise, yada yada. So happy one more big step is past for you!!
  14. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Hungry for REAL food!

    Just keep trying to tell yourself WHY you are on a liquid diet. It's to shrink your liver so your surgeon can maneuver in there and not nick it or have it in the way. It's very, very important to follow those instructions for your own health! Although, I have to admit, my surgeon is odd...he doesn't put us on a liquid diet prior to surgery, only a low-carb, low-fat diet for 2 weeks. So I guess he is not as worried about our fatty livers Course, he also allows pureeds 2-3 days after surgery, too, so I guess he is pretty lenient compared to some! As for ticker, there's lots of places to get them. Tickerfactory.com, or look at the wesite link attached to most people's tickers - most ticker sites advertise on the actual tickers. They have instructions on how to create it and what to copy to put in your signature. Good luck and hang in there! Check out my quote below...it's perfect for where you are right now!!
  15. Soon2BMiniMommy

    PCOS and the Sleeve

    I have all the symptoms you describe, Shelley! Been living with PCOS for years. I was lucky enough to have my miracle baby 2.5 years ago, though, as a late mommy - I'm 38. It is scary with the worries about birth defects, etc, and my doctor has forewarned me about making sure I stay on BC if I don't want to get pregnant again. I have also heard that the fertility is the first thing to come back after some weight loss...but the facial hair never goes away When I lost weight before (80 pounds) my boils/hydradenitis went away for the most part - can't wait for that again! Hair loss gets worse before it grows back because of the shock to the system. About three months after the surgery is when it starts to fall out, if it's going to happen - some get lucky and they don't get that, but many do. It's because of the hormonal upheaval from rapid weight loss. Hoping to have my sleeve next month, too! It will be interesting to see exactly how much of my PCOS issues will resolve with massive weight loss. Good luck!!
  16. Soon2BMiniMommy

    -Bougie sizes-

    Hi, there! I'm not in Florida, actually in the other corner (WA!) but my surgeon is using a 32. I've heard 32-34 is pretty standard. In the beginning of the surgery, I read that a lot of surgeons used the largest size, the 44, because they didn't want to restrict too much, but with years of research and outcomes, they've realized the smaller the better for long-term weight loss. Did he say why he is using such a large size??? Honestly, if it were me, I would demand a smaller size as you certainly don't want this to fail, or have to go back and have it done smaller later!!
  17. Soon2BMiniMommy

    September Sleeve Roster

    Aw, Gem.....thanks so much!!! This is great that you did this!
  18. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Protein Shakes Banned

    My surgeon and NUT don't like Protein shakes either, as they are high in unnecessary calories and can often become a crutch to many WLS patients. They really, really want us eating real protein from food for many reasons once we are able, about 6 weeks out - one, it's healthier without added calories, sugar, etc, and food protein is obviously digested much slower compared to Protein drinks. That being said, they BOTH realize they are needed in the first few weeks as there is no other way to get our caloric needs in while our tummies are so swollen. They also both say that protein is grossly overstated and many think they need to get in protein, protein, protein, but really we only need about 70 gms a day. People are run down and tired after surgery because of lack of carbs, not protein. So, I think protein shakes are good, even needed in the first few weeks. It's too bad that the Kaiser folks are being so totally absolutely against it.....are we supposed to be eating chicken breast 2 days after surgery?
  19. Wow, Manda. I agree with Papa Jack....divorce your Mom. You have a whole new shiny life ahead of you now full of possibilities and you don't need that kind of selfish, negative family BS. I know logically you can never completely 'divorce' your parents, but you can definitely step back and try to not get emotionally upset and involved. And know you will be a better Mommy to your baby!! I think your weight loss so far is amazing and for her not to acknowledge is just hurtful! We love you and you will always find support here with us!
  20. Soon2BMiniMommy

    Wife Sleeved 8/9

    Congrats to your wife! That's fantastic!! It's also good you get to see what possibilities are in store for you, too, after surgery! How exciting for the both of you....keep us posted on your and your wife's progress! :cheer2:
  21. Soon2BMiniMommy


    Oh my Gosh, I SO totally know how you feel. I feel like my life has stopped and is limbo and has been since I started my pre-op diet back in March. Everything I say to myself is "After the surgery, I will......" (fill in the blank with ANYTHING, clean the toilet, walk more, organize the garage, meet this client, etc, etc, etc). It's absolutely crazy! I wasn't even this bad when I was pregnant, waiting for my beautiful boy! I eat, drink, sleep, and dream this surgery and all the hopes and dreams I have wanted my whole life are just 'right there'. One more month, hopefully, and I can finally move on!!! VST has been my life saver, because it makes me feel a part of the whole, and makes me feel more connected to my future, if that makes sense? I live vicariously through all these beautiful people on here who share their experiences, trials, accomplishments, goals, etc. Almost there, and I can finally be part of this amazing 'club' of fortunate losers whose lives have changed so dramatically!!!
  22. Soon2BMiniMommy

    4 weeks out and a little frustrated

    I can't remember where I read this - I need to find it so I can explain it better, but stalls are very, very important when you drop weight like we do/will with the surgery (rapidly). The body needs a chance to catch up and 'balance' itself periodically before it resets and then starts to lose again. Your body is sort of panicking in stages. It will lose rapidly, think it's in trouble (survival mode/starvation mode), then hold on to everything it can for a while (homeostasis) and also retain Fluid. It's scared it is literally going to starve because it's used to such a large daily load of calories we used to eat, often for years. This is most common at about two -three weeks after surgery the first time. But then, after a while, it realizes that this is the new 'normal' and then it will adjust its metabolism and start to lose again. You'll lose for a while, then hit another stall while it adjusts itself again. Just hang in there. Your body will adjust and start losing again. Just eat what's comfortable for you - I wouldn't try to pack in more calories if it's not what feels right to you. Have patience. You will see from everyone on here, that the numbers always continue to down, they just may level out for a while! Good luck!!
  23. Soon2BMiniMommy


    I have heard many, many times that acid is mistaken for hunger, especially after the surgery. Check out this video by Dr. Alvares, a highly respected bariatric surgeon. Are you taking your acid reducers? Did you get a prescription for one?? I have also read that people who started taking their acid reducers after surgery reported that what they thought was hunger went away. As an earlier poster said, hunger is a very complicated feeling. Head hunger, physical hunger, emotional hunger, acid, this list goes on. And if any of us knew exactly what normal hunger felt like, we probably wouldn't have needed the surgery, so we're often even more confused through this journey!! That's my biggest fear, that I won't be able to recognize, or control that hungry, wanting feeling, even after the surgery. Good luck and keep us posted!!
  24. Soon2BMiniMommy

    OMG almost ONE year out!!

    Oh, I forgot Tiffy....the trifecta of Sleevie babes.......especially since Tiffy went through so damn much!!! :kiss:
  25. Soon2BMiniMommy

    OMG almost ONE year out!!

    Determined, you are my friggin' idol.....wow, Girl, you would never, never even guess you were ever heavy!! You and Diva.....phew! I can hope to be that successful!!! :rockon:

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