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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. It's 4:30 am, having my morning coffee before heading out to the gym, and I realized the coffee is going down way too easy.....no feedback or gurgling which I always get first thing in the morning.... Then I think about this past weekend..... It's been go..go..go...since Friday....more Beer than I usually drink, and a lot of snacking, plus we went out for a nice dinner twice...... I have not gained any weight, that does not happen anymore nor do I worry about that ever happening..... other than the same 5 lbs up and down that is normal for well over a year now.....as a matter of fact I am at the low point of hose 5 lbs this morning.....I'm used to that and it is normal...... What I do worry about is overall band health....possibilities of severe dilation or erosion...etc... So, I decided to go all liquids starting now, for at least 2 full days.... I do this from time to time just for General Maintenance, and to give my band / pouch a rest....just in case there is any dilation, irritation, etc....and I do believe today is a good day to start that rest.... So, as soon as I finish my 2nd cup of coffee, have my Protein shot and Vitamins, I'm off to the gym...after which I will have a recovery shake...... and the beginning of a new week.....
  2. Well Done...Yes...this thing works, if we let it...... I too cannot diet...tried it 00 times and failed every time..even gained more back than I started with....when my back was up against the wall, my PCP suggested WLS.... Thank God he did.....like you, I got my "Normal" life back.....
  3. The important thing is you see your Dr.... Speaking for myself...I would feel the same as you if I tried to eat Biscuits and things deep fried like chicken fingers....and also other things are for me on my "Do Not Eat List"...not that I can't, it's just that the risks are too high and I do not want to go through what you are experiencing....been there many, many times and it is certainly something that will change the way I eat.... I avoid ALL breads and flour based foods, and ALL things breaded and deep fried.....along with other things.... I also find it interesting, that the foods that are "Risky" and I avoid, are foods that are not that good for me in the first place, and I would be better off eating more healthier, wholesome foods.... But again, no matter how well you describe your symptoms, no one here can Dx your problems.....only someone that can examine you face to face.... All anyone here can do is share their own personal experiences....maybe same as yours, maybe not....
  4. I would not call it getting stuck....when that happens you will know it..... Think of a funnel....if you pour even Water too fast, it will accumulate in the upper section as it passes through the marrow opening slowly....this is what you are experiencing....and that feeling you are getting is your band telling you to slow it down...something we have to learn to live with..... Some people feel liquids pass directly and quickly through the band..they do not, unless you have little to no restriction... it can also mean your not chewing sufficiently and swallowing too big of bites...when it comes to solid foods.... All these bad practices can lead to dilation.... Everything...from food to water, has to be slow and steady.....
  5. B-52

    Stretched band and Weight Gain

    I can always tell when my pouch is stretched more than usual by the portions sizes I am able to eat.....I don't measure, weigh, just let the band dictate the sizes...(Green Zone) when I realize I am eating a little more than usual, I will go on a few days of liquids to let things settle down, and the pouch return to it's normal size..... I do this at least once a month..... Matter of fact, if I don't "Tighten Up" today, I'm gonna have to go liquids starting Sunday.....(dam March Madness get together s) Talked it over with my Dr. and he agreed it is a good thing to do as maintenance.....when people come in with pouch dilation, he Rx's full Liquids...and if they cannot comply, which is why they have a severe dilation in the first place, then he will do a complete un-fill.....just to give the pouch a rest..... The pouch and stomach are still the same characteristics, and boy did I ever have a large dilated stomach....BEER BELLY.....but from giving that a rest from eating so little, it has shrunk also!!! Which BTW, makes it impossible to fall victim to the so called slider foods.....
  6. First visit one week after surgery, then It was every 4 weeks for the first 5 months, basically the adjustment phase with a series of fills every 4 weeks.....until I was properly adjusted and comfortably in the Green Zone and did not need anymore fills...it then became every 3 months....no problems,..then 6 months, last visit it became 1 year..... (surgery and weight loss now completed) I can call anytime if I have any problems or questions obviously, but other than that it is now back to life as usual....
  7. I have Chinese, or Thai take-out at least once a week.....but I Cannot - do not eat rice anymore, and I no longer eat red meat...plus the band will only let me eat 1/4 of what they give you...so when I get it home I pick out the good stuff, throw the rest away..... Also I have a electric WOK at home....I buy a large bag frozen stir fry vegetables from costco....it's real simple to start with some chicken or fish, then add the vegetables along with some seasonings.... can get very creative.....but again, no more rice...not very band friendly
  8. When they wrote the book on stress, they had me in mind.....I deal all day with some very sick people, all kids from 1 years old to 21..... and their families whose lives have been turned upside down.....and I have to make decisions which directly effects their lives and lifestyle....and things don't always go as planned.....I'm sitting here right now and my first appointment is with a irrate parent of a severely disabled child......but I will deal with it.... Then at night I have type reports, settle insurance disputes and file appeals, and put up with the flat out absurd logic of some of these companies.....where do they find these people.... All I will say, if it was not for the band, I'm not sure where i would be.....it is a life saver......my health as never been better.....
  9. My first fill was 4 weeks after surgery, then 2 more 4 weeks apart for a total of 3 to get to the Green Zone....that was almost 2 years ago.....been good ever since.
  10. B-52

    Fill or no fill

    My Dr. always referred to the Yellow-Green-Red Zone chart on the wall, and would ask me where did I think I was at on that chart?? He would also weigh me, figure my weight loss....ask me a few basic questions about Hunger, Portion control, etc.... Then based upon that determine if I needed a fill or not.... IMO the purpose of the surgery was to have the band installed.....and for many it then has to be "Adjusted" to work at it's peak performance....for the Weight Loss to begin... Many people do not need fills.....the band is placed just so that it stimulates the right nerves from the get-go.....and they are never hungry.... But I have met very few....... Bottom Line...Are you loosing weight? Is there Patient Satisfaction? Are YOU happy with your progress? That's all that matters......
  11. B-52

    How Do You Make a Smoothie?

    Same here...I buy large bags of frozen fruit, berries, etc, from costco..... You can add just about anything your imagination tells you...chocolate, Peanut Butter, banana's, But of course the main ingredient is the Protein, and I always add 15 g of soluble Fiber and 30ml of enzyme hydrolyzed liquid Protein..... I'm slowly weaning myself off dairy products so no milk.....water works Ok for me....
  12. Same here....you cannot pinch any fat on my body anymore also, and it is all from exercise (and eating right).......running I find is the best way to "Tone' the body and loose skin as it involves the entire body all at once....I suppose swimming does the same.... I used to have problems exercising because of all the fat, felt it rise and fall on myself with every step, but I also interpreted that as reaching those places that don't get exercised during a normal sedentary day....
  13. B-52

    Do you ever feel full?

    Never felt full......just "Not Hungry", and cannot, do not want, to continue.....lack of interest in eating...... The band sends a signal to my brain that I am full, and I do not need to eat . Even though I am not full, nor feel full., and may not have eaten in hours.......it is just my brain getting the signal from the band.... Many people say they feel,full, some satisfied, many also say it only lasts between meals..... For me, it is 24/7.....the band is there 24/7, sending the signal to my brain 24/7, so I am not hungry, or at least my brain feels there is no need to eat, 24/7..... Sounds like I'm rambling, but there is no other way to explain it..... Ever stand staring into the fridge for. What seems forever, looking at all that food but can't find anything you want to eat? Well it is something like that for me....... I wandred around the grocery store the other day and could not decide on anything.....
  14. Live and learn....slow and easy.....you have just been taught a lesson....there will be more to come, but think about this....It's good to know the Band is There and Working.....And it is TALKING to you....we need to "Listen" to our bands.... I get more concerned when everything is quiet...... When things Like this happen(ed) to me, I did not FREAK OUT...(well maybe a little, at first) ....but took it as a learning tool, all part of the curve.........but I'm a hard head, and sometimes it took me 2-3 times before I finally accepted the fact I can't do this and that without some risk...... That's behavior Modification.....the thing I needed to get thin and create a new lifestyle......
  15. Picture a funnel.....the thicker the liquid the slower it passes through the narrow opening (some narrow, some not at all) ........you pour too much too fast..even water for me..it fills quickly and comes right back up... Now that's a PB..... Metamucil can get very thick very fast... I put 30ml of liquid medical grade fiber in my morning shake....the stuff they use to put through GT (feeding) tubes in the hospital....
  16. B-52

    Where are all the banders;

    I confess, I do not know all that much about Band or By-Pass WLS....other than it is NON ADJUSTABLE...it just is...so you have to deal with it.... The band on the other hand, can be adjusted from 0 to 10, and anywhere in between..... One thing I have learned when dealing with Patients, if you give them responsibility and control over their treatment...GOOD LUCK! You send them away with full, thorough instructions, and it's 50-50 what you're going to see next time.....some people just want you to do EVERYTHING for them....they're helpless...and expect someone to take them by the hand..... Which is a good point for everyone...if your Dr. see's you're really into it and want to learn and do all you can, He/She will go that extra mile with you...that's why their in the profession they are...BUT if you act like you don't give a crap, etc, well either will they...they will just go through the motions by the book.... Last time I saw my PCP it was 7am, his first patient....he was glad to see me, we had a good talk, then as I was leaving he said this is my highlight of the day...it's all downhill from here!! He knows what I do for a living so we both had a good understandable laugh....... (BTW, personally, I still do not understand how anyone can gain their weight back with this surgery, other than a medical issue, or they really never had their band fully adjusted and relied upon their own strengths, and like me will eventually fail and gain it all back, plus some.....)
  17. I used to think the band was the greatest thing anyone can do for themselves to loose weight...and for me it has been...it has been the EASIEST thing I can ever do...For me it has been the "Easy way out".....never a problem, never a complication...EVERYONE who is Obese should have this surgery......why not? Only hard part for me was I needed to change my ways, the way I eat and the food I eat....behavior modification!!!!! But once I figured that out, and complied, it has been heaven sent.....took me a good 6 months, but change I did......for life.... However, I have been telling people lately this WLS is NOT FOR EVERYONE......unfortunate and very sad to say, but some people will never "Get IT" You can read about them everyday here on this forum......sad, but true......
  18. B-52

    Eating on the go...

    I travel a lot...both on business trips for clinics at different hospitals/facilities throughout the state.....I do not measure or weight my food....I have learned to "Listen to my band" and follow it's prompts as to when to stop eating...portion control..... Plus, if I am very busy, I forget to eat most days....not ever getting that traditional craving - hunger feeling..... To me, it's all about the band....If something is not working, I will question it.....
  19. B-52

    got an unfill!!!

    Not clear to me either....2.2cc and 60 lbs since 2004? It's not my place to judge, and I know everyone chooses to do this differently, but I ad 4cc on my first fill 1 month after surgery...and that was not nearly enough... But the band is adjustable and suits each individual's liking......
  20. B-52

    Where are all the banders;

    I believe 2 things...... First, people have the surgery, follow the program, adopt a NEW LIFESTYLE, along with heir weight and health returning to NORMAL...after that, they go about their lives..no longer needing support or discussions with others who have had the surgery.....I often think of it as someone who has undergone a total knee or hip surgery....the first phase is difficult, surgery, then a year long rehab...but sooner or later you return to your normal routine, everything being a success...... I used to see my Dr. every month, then every 3 months...now it's once a year unless I want to see him for some reason..... When I first joined this forum, there was a totally different crowd here that are all long gone...... Second...I believe there are people who will never be successful with this band....they will always need support and advice.....hate to say it, but you see them on this forum everyday....and you just know they're heading in the wrong direction, setting themselves up for failure.....and worse yet there are others in the same boat supporting them and pushing them on......and like you said, after 4 years have only lost 40 lbs.....sure they may loose initially, but then they complain about how they gained 1/2, or more back!!! Got off track, fell off the wagon, need to re-focus...etc.... And this is supposed to be surgery related Weight Loss.....and yet..... But it is no ones business here to tell another person what they should or should not do.....people can only share their own success and failures and let the readers decide.....
  21. B-52

    Day 3 of the 5 day pouch test

    I do not follow the procedure to a "T"....but I do my own version...with the blessing of my Dr., who advocates it as good maintenance for those done loosing weight,.... about once a month...to keep my band tight...Actually, to give my pouch a rest and return to normal size....controlling my portions / eating....and avoiding irritations, etc.... As far as hunger, well that is another area.....I am seldom hungry regardless of time of day, etc....
  22. What most people forget is, that after you have been on a steady regiment of eating so little, your normal stomach shrinks! Just like the band/pouch controls you standard portions, eating slider foods will make you feel stuffed very fast....still stopping you from overeating....the old fashioned way..... I tried to eat a quart of Italian Ice the other week....no way...it actually started to hurt....a real old fashioned "Tummy Ache" No matter what, I just cannot eat the way I used to...like a pig! No matter what...I now eat like a "Bird" ( my wife's description) So, being banded works all around.....sliders or no....At least the is the way it is for me now..... Other people have problems...I know....
  23. I have a friend who has been banded for 5 years, and very successful...... She does not have normal 3 a day meals, but numerous small meals throughout the day.....5-6 healthy Snacks.....works for her....I don't argue with success...... Don't know if it had anything to do with hunger, etc., but she did say it is hard to eat larger quantities due to her portion control from the band, so she spreads it out...... I would be sure to understand what your dr.'s program is......
  24. B-52

    When did you...

    I took one week off.....went stir crazy after 4 days, went into the office and ran some errands....thee big thing was weakness and grogginess,,,,mostly from the Drugs.... But to answer your question, I went back to work, and back to the gym, after one week.....I had a one week follow up appointment with my Dr. and he cleared me at hat time....

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