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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    Port Bugs Me

    Mine sticks out like there is a golf ball right under my skin.....I no longer have any belly fat..... It is my "Badge of Honor"...a small price to pay to be normal weight and in excellent health..... If you look at my after pic within my profile, you can see it it a little medial to my right.....
  2. B-52

    1st year vs. 2nd year:Fills

    Same here....First fill 30 days after surgery, then 2 more every 30 days...total of 3 in 4 months.....
  3. B-52

    First fill....no restriction

    After my first fill, of 4cc, and before my 2nd fill of 2cc's, I GAINED WEIGHT!!!! Talk about feeling like this was a big waste of my time......all that for NOTHING!!!!! I told my Dr. I am as hungry as I ever was, and cannot control my portion sizes.... FORTUNATELY I have a good Dr., who calmly explained to me, using the Yellow-Green_Red chart on the wall, and a sample of the band and port, one that he actually injects saline into to demonstrate how this thing works....and that it will take time to get the band properly adjusted to where I am in the Green Zone....he plainly said that is his goal for all his patients..... It took 3 fills over 4 months to get me there....then another 2 months of a wild ride until "Learned" and changed my habits...it was at this point all those silly little rules suddenly became absolutely necessary if I wanted to succeed.....otherwise....I am convinced I would have been a failure and this thing would have been a horror story.
  4. My first fill was 4 cc....NOTHING Second was 2 cc, total of 6....Things began to take effect, but definitely still over eating, etc...good and bad days.... Took one more cc for a total of 7....BAM! After that last fill it was a 2 month roller coaster ride, learning how to live and adjust myself, remembering all the little things, the rules, I would need to live by to cope at this stage.... Be careful for what you wish for.....all the rules you have been practicing since the day you were banded will THEN have to be followed in order to co-exist with the band.... When in the Green, you simply cannot act and do as we did before being banded, and fat....this is where our lives will change.....and I have seen many people who do not want to accept the change.....
  5. B-52

    Can't stand coffee anymore??

    One thing I have noticed, and others have told me this also, is that as the band begins to control your hunger, your "Tastes" definitely begin to change also..... I used to love salads...I just do not have a taste for them anymore....no desire.... The band will/can take care of our hunger if we let it, and it is a mental thing as opposed to felling full as many people here describe....you don't have to eat to not be hungry....you just start to loose your taste, desire, and interest in eating......
  6. B-52


    Like MsMaui stated, you did not give enough info..... But I will go out on a limb here..... prilosec and other such remedies are for gastritis, a common condition in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed and irritated.....with Lap Band surgery this becomes problematic because the inflammation can give adverse restriction, for some people making it difficult to swallow, keep food down......and as you say "throwing up" You should speak with your Dr......but in the meantime, give it a rest! A time to heal....gentle non spicy liquids like Soups and other mushie foods....once there is inflammation, continued irritation will only prolong it.....and could lead to more serious conditions..... People find this when they get fills.... I always go all liquids for 1-3 days now and then just for maintenance....a little preventive medicine, and also to relieve any dilation that may have taken place.... the word "erosion" concerns me very much, being 2 1/2 years out....so I am very sure to give things a rest.....
  7. Bandster Hell is that period of time between your surgery, and the day your band finally starts to perform the way it was designed to do..... It took me a good six months....I had all my needed fills within the first 4 months, but it took me at least another 2 months to "Adjust" to the new life, "Learn" to live with the band, and learn to apply to all the "Rules" I have been practicing since surgery, that at first made little sense but were essential for survival once the band took over..... I will tell you from personal experience, once I got through it, did not back down and stayed determined, adjusted my eating and applying the rules where and when needed....it has all been heaven sent ever since, no hassles or struggles.....easy as can be.....best decision I could have ever done..... BUT getting there was the challenge - HELL....and not everyone does..many back down and choose to live at different stages of their choosing.....the band is adjustable unlike other surgeries....
  8. B-52


    Same here.....but I learned about drinking by "Listening" to my band.....drinking right up to eating does not seem to make any difference.....drinking while eating, my band SCREAMS at me....not a good thing to do.... as far as drinking after eating, again, the band will tell me when it's safe...and will always start with a small sip to test it and be sure it's safe.... Never found drinking pushes the food down...quite the opposite for me with very undesirable results.....not to mention the pain and probable pouch dilation.....and food in my pouch to make me feel satisfied...I'm satisfied (not hungry) 24/7.....eating has nothing to do with it....
  9. Dr. never told me not to.....I use a straw for those things were it is best to...like milk shakes, etc...
  10. B-52

    do you ever feel hungry??

    That is true....I was at that crossroads myself, had to ask myself if food was all that important to me...(not for nutrition)...and in my mind, I decided that it was killing me and that I needed to look at food entirely different than before..... My attitude, is food is a necessary evil....like an ex-smoker looks at cigarettes, or an ex drug abuser..alcoholic...my attitude towards food has turned 180 degrees..... Yes, there are things and times I really enjoy a good meal....but I eat only to live...not live to eat.... When we go out to eat, I can't help but look around me, at what and how much people are eating, and I now find it disgusting and revolting.....even my own family....
  11. B-52

    eating disorders

    I was. A binge eater....entire large pizzas by myself, full quarts of ice cream, enough Chinese take out to feed 4.... 2 things happened with the band......one, the hunger has been alleviated, along with the interest in food....second, the band has set my portion sizes....if I were to attempt to eat too much it would probably result in pain, and probably regurgitation..... Both of which will result in behavior modification....at least that is what happened to me....I cannot overeat, if I wanted to...which I no longer want to....
  12. B-52

    do you ever feel hungry??

    I'm same as you...after 2 1/2 years, I am never hungry....a characteristic of being in the Green Zone....head hunger is very rare also.....if my brain is being told I'm not hungry, then I do not have any desire or interest to eat.....I may see something I Think I may want, but after one bite I realize I really don't and throw it away..... My Dr. Predicted this would happen..... Was not always so, took me at least 6 months and a few fills to get into that zone.....and now it all comes quite naturally.... But like you said, the majority of people here find it different.....
  13. I did not get fat (obese) because I would occasionally enjoy a slice of pie or chocolate cake....I got fat because I would finish off the entire cake myself...... Leftovers in the fridge did not have a chance when I was around.... The same holds true for everything I ate...it was not WHAT I ate, per say, it was HOW much I ate.... I still get Chinese take out, once a week....the portion they give is large enough for 4 people! I used to eat the entire thing myself! Pizza!...no exaggeration, I would eat an entire large pie at one sitting..... When I try to add up what I used to eat within any 24 hour period...it boggles my mind! How can ANYBODY possibly eat that much? And that was my problem...I ATE TOO MUCH!...EXTREMELY ABNORMAL to the point only surgery could correct it! Thinking about my favorite buffet restaurant....the # of trips - courses I would eat for one dinner.....5-6 plate fulls (trips) starting with the salad bar to appetizers, en tree's then Desserts....how can anyone???? Sure, wise food choices lead to good health....but still...... And that is what the band has done for me....not a diet, not calorie counting, but because of the restriction and being in the Green Zone, I now HAVE to eat like a NORMAL person is supposed to eat....portion sizes are now automatic and natural, and my hunger - craving for non stop eating has been completely taken away.....nothing complicated about it....eventually I stopped thinking about it altogether.... So I simply eat like a normal person, exercise and stay active as a normal person should, and eventually my body adjusted and returned to normal size and weight....as it should....like it is supposed to be.... It's really quite simple....all I need to do is make wise food choices...more for health than anything (who doesn't want to be healthy). I still can enjoy the little pleasures, just not the gluttonous way I used to.... That's all there is too it...in a nutshell.....no reason to try to over think it.... BTW, I belong to a few custom car forums, and noticed today the majority of posts where from people seeking advice about their cars, where to get parts and "how to" do things...so it is no surprise the majority here is the same thing...people seeking advice or stating problems....
  14. You're probably correct...it is frustrating....really don't have much in common with 80% of the members here,.....that is why everyone moves on..... But I did get many PM's asking me to stick around, people want to hear different perspectives form those who are Happy and Successful with life AFTER the band.... The majority of talk here is from people who are struggling, frustrated, always talking of failure and complications.....and this is all supported by others who are in the same boat, who don't realize themselves there is a flipside to all this...... No one can or should ever tell someone else what they should or should not do....nor tell anyone else they are right or wrong....what people do with their lives is their business.... All anyone can do is speak about themselves, their personal experiences, and be an example...an exhibit...for others to see and guage for themselves what this surgery can and has done for other people...... There is a lot of people doing that all the time, but only setting up negative examples for all to see.....and people believe that is the only alternative..... I tell my story, show how this WLS has changed my life....and yet people won't accept it...but it does not make it any less true..... It really is quite funny how people can get upset at others success???? (I'm not going to touch that one) There are many roads one can follow.to get to the same destination......if it is not the road you like, you cannot deny the other roads still exist...yet people would love to.....(there's a term for that but people would not get it)
  15. I can certainly under stand your sensitivity....but all through my Medical Records, and progress notes I use at work, the term "Within Normal Range" or "Limits" is used time and time again...all my lab work, my BMI, and my weight...it is an accepted term and contrasted to "Abnormal" or "Outside Normal Limits or Range" So I am programmed to use these terms ever since school..... So it really isn't used Broadly.....
  16. B-52

    Good Frozen Dinner??? Yes!

    Most Healthy type of frozen meals contain a lot of rice or pasta...2 things I no longer eat with the band.....nor meat, or breaded fried foods.....so I am still looking..... I am a very picky eater now....unlike before
  17. It's 4:30am, on my 2nd cup of coffee along with my Vitamins, supplements, etc....also had my 30ml of liquid protein... Will head to the gym and be there at 5:30am.....if I don't go I will be bummed out all day!
  18. All of them...including Beer! Sunday we went out to dinner...had two Bloody Mary's while waiting in the bar for our table...... It's a lifestyle...all my skinny friends are not afraid to have alcohol from time to time....but if you are just starting out, you need to develop and get to that new lifestyle...does not happen overnight.
  19. Exercise, however difficult it may be...is always rewarding as an accomplishment... And with every accomplishment, you want to reward yourself with doing just a little better.... It will boost your confidence.....boost your self esteem.....relieves stress....fights / prevents depression.....improves coordination...fights disease and improves overall health Improves memory....clears the mind and even gives time for deep thought and problem solving....or Meditation if you wish... And I'm not even close describing the "Runners High"...that is something else...an incredible - ADDICTIVE drug.... You have to start somewhere....however small...and build upon that.... I'm a runner..only started running about 1 year ago....I run 4-5 mils a day.... There are days...many days, I do not want to get out of bed let alone go to the gym....but I do..why? Because I have done it many times before and I know there is no reason not to do it again..... Once there, I get on the treadmill, and after 3 minutes I tell myself "Today is just not my day." I'm gonna stop, everyone is entitled to those days, right? But then I tell myself I will go 5 minutes....I've done that before, no reason I can't do it today.... At 5 minutes I tell myself I can go another 5, let's make it an even 10....I can do it, I've been doing it everyday no reason I can't do 10 minutes today.... At 10 minutes I tell myself I might as well go for 15....nice 1/4 figure......I've done it before, no reason I can't do it again.... At 15 minutes I tell myself I might as well go 20.... After 15-20 minutes I completely forget everything....I'm in a groove...can go an hour if I want...a trance...only thing that stops me is I don't want to hog the machine.... so now, I tell myself I'm gonna run for an hour, did it yesterday, and the day before that, no reason I can't do it today.... Bottom line...when all is finished...I am so into myself for what I just did...self esteem - confidence...overwhelming euphoric feelings....can't wait for tomorrow to show myself (and the world) that I can do it again...and again.... Why do we see so many people running on the side of the roads in so many different places? For their health? (well yea, of course) but it is so much more than that!! But you have to start small....and build one accomplishment - reward on top of another...then you'll want more...and more...you'll want those little rewards to become bigger rewards... I should be happy to run 20 minutes and move on...but I'm not...I want as much of.."Whatever This Is" But trust me, it has not always been so....2 years ago I was out of breath carrying groceries into the house...I'm the guy everyone had to stop and wait for while I needed to pause and catch my breath....I had a Myocardial Infarction and did not know it! SILENT which is common among Diabetics and women...only did a stress test reveal it , they freaked and rushed me into surgery.... Oh, and BTW, did I mention I'm 61 years old? And getting younger everyday???
  20. B-52

    Good Morning Band!

    I have not eaten a meal for breakfast in about 2 years....I always have a home made high protein smoothie instead.... When my wife and I travel, I will go to breakfast with her so as not to be rude, and TRY to eat an egg white omelette or something....but is it a no go..... As the day goes on my band gets looser.....
  21. B-52

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    I have not the slightest idea......I stopped counting about 4 months after my surgery...as per my Dr.'s advice...he stressed the lifestyle approach, living with the band.... all I can say is most days it is low, some days I imagine it is high.....but it all pans out in the end... It's a new lifestyle, I just make the wisest food choices I can....don't eat certain foods anymore such as red meat, and exercise every day I can..... I don't feel deprived, I eat what I want when I want....it's just that I don't want to that much anymore, and I have become a picky eater....
  22. If dieting was easy...then we would not need to have WLS....... I kept telling myself how I have anticipated this surgery to happen, how many hoops I needed to jump through...the anxiety..... I am so close now, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING is going to get in my way now......lock me in the closet for another week if needed....but I am not going to blow it now...no after I have come so far, all approved...just this last hurdle.....
  23. I'm not sure where you are at with you Banded Journey, date of surgery, # of fills, Green Zone or not,....so I won't get into the nitty-gritty..... When I was first starting out, and things were not going good, I always thought about improving the Band's performance.....I always asked myself "Should not things be different because of th band?" and if not, WHY??? But now, for me...it is a lifestyle, not a "White Knuckle" Diet...... I enjoy things like ice cream, different scrumptious Desserts, etc, etc...... from time to time and do not feel guilty about it at all......nor do I gain weight......and because of that I no longer even "Fear" gaining weight, or falling off the wagon, etc, etc.... I look at the total picture...can't loose sight of the Forrest because of the trees.... I have many friends I socialize with who are all very thin and fit.....I find I eat and drink the same things as they do when go out together...., we all have the same activity levels (exercise)...the word "Diet" is NEVER used.... They do it because they were brought up that way...the have the "Discipline" that led to their lifestyle......I can do it because I was Banded, WLS....and has become the same LIFESTYLE for me now....a day to day "Normal" way of looking at things.... But Like I said at the outset...I am unaware of where you're at with the band..... If you are just starting out, I can understand your frustrations......for me, when I was first starting out, and things did not go well, I always asked myself "Is not the band supposed to perform better than this?" "Did I not have WLS for a reason?" I got down on the band, not always myself.....and I would tell my Dr. I cannot control my hunger and cravings, portion sizes....he always understood, and would tell me not to worry and explain to me how this all is supposed to work...... And for me...It Does.... So don'r\t be so down on yourself as though this is Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, but ask yourself if your band is doing anything to help you, and if not, why?
  24. B-52

    Fiber supplements???

    It is from the same company, called "Pro-Stat 64" it is pure liquid protein, comes in flavors but tastes like you know what...i add 30ml to my morning smoothie along with the fiber...plus fruit, peanut butter..whatever...all in my blender with 8 ozs of water...some use skim milk....
  25. B-52

    Fiber supplements???

    I add this to my daily morning smoothie...along with the liquid Protein from the same company..... http://www.dietdirect.com/fiber-stat-liquid-fiber-supplement.html

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
