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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    Cant diet

    I totally stink at diets....that was why I was referred for surgery....to correct my eating habits... Pre-surgery, I was told that I would need to loose a certain amount of weight within that 2 week period, in order to carry out the surgery on the scheduled day...otherwise it will be re-scheduled. I was NOT told to go on a full liquid diet, I was simply told to loose X # of lbs..... having said that, the most efficient and quickest method to loose the weight was to go to liquids.....but in my case, I was keeping my eye on the scale first, then on what I was eating.... I jumped through too many hoops, the waiting, the anxiety, and most of all the opportunity to be a normal weight once and for all, to let 2 weeks get in my way.....I would have gone all Water and Vitamins for 2 weeks if that was what was required...this surgery was, AND STILL IS...that important and life changing for me...my last chance, my last resort.... I still have that energy today when I exercise, like a person obsessed....no going back for me...the day I quit is the day I remain horizontal and room temperature... 2 weeks? What is 2 weeks in a lifetime??? But everyone needs to follow THEIR Dr.'s instructions....NOT what people on the Internet tell you....
  2. B-52

    Can you remove your port?

    I have a low profile and it still looks looks like a 1/2 golf ball...can even see the tubing running under my skin a few inches long......can't imagine what the old standard one looked like....
  3. B-52

    Weight Watchers

    My insurance would not accept Weight Watchers, or any of the other dozens I've been part of...they required a Dr. supervised program, complete with progress notes, graphs, charts, etc....which we did submit, and inch thick! And I was told it was not necessarily about loosing weight, although thats a good thing and I should do my best......I was told the insurance wanted it for the record, to prove I have attempted, and failed, at traditional weight loss programs...and a Dr. supervised one made it official....for the insurance record... Needless to say, like every other diet I have ever been on, I did very well for the first 4 months, then began to gain it all back...no one seemed to care, my Surgeon even said all that did was reinforce my need for WLS....diets do not work for me....been there, done that, and failed...100 times.
  4. B-52

    Anyone from nj?

    Wall, Nj...2 miles from the beach! Friday all the Bennies start invading our towns, restaurants, roads, so our summer is not the same till they leave at Labor day.... But us locals know the good beaches and places and keep it a secret.....
  5. For the first six months, I had to go to my surgeon once a month....this was crucial, because it takes a few visits and a few adjustments to get the band properly adjusted to where it is functioning efficiently, and I am also in sync and adapting to a different lifestyle with the band...it took me 4 months to get it adjusted, and maybe another 2-3 until I got my new routine.... After the first six months, I went to my Surgeon once every 3 months, and now I don't have to go back for a year.... I have never had any complications with the band at all.....a little reflux, which can be normal, but again that was due to the foods I was used to eating before WLS. We discussed other alternatives of WLS, but like you said, I only needed to loose 100lbs for my absolute "Optimum" weight...which I achieved in one year....my issue with being over weight was that I could not control my eating...I simply ate too much and needed WLS to put a end to that....I did not have the resolve to diet, tried every one under the sun... I was once on this diet similar to Nutri-system where they gave me my pre planned meals every week....I would have it all finished in 2 days....then be back at McDonalds after that.... But for me, lap band surgery took away my ability to over eat, took away my hunger and desire for food.....I had to change to meet the bands requirements...or I could have asked for a un-fill and eat what I wanted...the choice was mine.... As far as long term maintenance, life with the band has become an every day natural thing for me....my eating habits have changed to where I do not have to think about it all the time...I eat, exercise, and do all things my "Skinny" friends do....they do it naturally, (maybe their upbringing) I do it with help from the band.... Having said that, living a regular lifestyle, my body continued to loose weight, change it's shape and composition, until it all leveled out on it's own, exactly where it should be..reached a equilibrium so to speak......my Dr. says I am complete, and that there is no more weight I could possibly loose....(that would not be fat, meaning an unhealthy weight loss) I know many people who are in the same boat as I...and most, if not all, choose to no longer come to this website for various reasons. They did as newbies. It is my belief only, and speaking with others, that there is a high failure rate with the band because the end user has too much control over how it is used....my Dr. tells me funny stories all the time about the crazy reasons people ask not to be so restricted and want a looser unfilled band....I thought they wanted to loose weight? he says, But they want their cake and eat it too.... With something like the sleeve, it is what it is...no adjustments...you HAVE to live with it....
  6. B-52

    Ashamed :-(

    When were you banded???? Recently? If recently, what did you expect to be different now as opposed to the way it was before being banded? Speaking for myself, I had WLS because I could not control what and how much I ate....if I could, I would not have had something as drastic as surgery.... But I could not..so surgery was a last resort.... I had Lap band surgery...which means it is adjustable....and it did absolutely nothing for me until after a few visits and a few adjustments (fils) to get it operating as it was designed to do....and also a process of ME slowly adjusting my behavior to meet the band... I agree...it was extremely tough for me within those first few months, bandster hell, where the band is not doing it's job and it was all upon me.....but after that, it has all been everything I had hoped it would be....total weight loss with little or no effort, along with little or no hunger.......and it's that way, everyday....permanent lifestyle now with little or no thought on my part.....
  7. B-52

    So why is it I Crave so bad?

    Like you said, you can't or else you would throw up....same for me, (sort of) eventually you stop craving something you can never have....(the band prevents you from having) It's harder in the beginning, until you get into that green zone.... I used to crave pizza, as an example....Pizza is now something on my "Do not eat list" entirely too much trouble and risk....so the cravings slowly went away...now I can look at pizza, and not even give it a second thought... I've also stopped eating red meat...would LOVE a big juicy steak...but after getting stuck so many times, (and advice from my Dr.'s) I stopped Red Meat altogether....been over 2 years...don't even think about it anymore.... Th band, slowly brings about behavior modification....contributing to that new permanent lifestyle....
  8. B-52

    New Bandsters becoming extinct?

    I can say firsthand, in healthcare, the more responsibility you give a patient the higher the chances of non-compliance..... I'm not speaking about WLS, but in my field we attempt to make things as "Idiot Proof" as possible.....tamper proof, permanent, etc. After seeing patients all day, having ONE who comes in and clearly is involved and plays their part makes your day...the entire staff feels good...because the others just make you roll your eyes..... I work primarily in pediatrics, so it is the Parents who we are dealing with when it comes to the child's care.....there are parents who are very involved, listen intently to everything you say, ask questions, and when they come for a follow up appointment you can plainly see your instructions were carried out....and then there are parents who can't take responsibility for themselves let alone making sure their child.....they act as though they are too busy, not enough time...and they feel it is YOUR job to do it...that's what they're paying you for, right? Maybe the word I'm looking for is "Lazy" I can understand, as it is a known fact, that when you give a patient control over their prescribed plan, you can only hope..... I'll be honest, I've done this long enough that I can size someone up at the first meeting and know our work is cut out for us.....the term used is someone is "High Maintenance" Lap band surgery success relies entirely on patient compliance.....and if a particular Dr. has had many non-compliant patients, it is enough to pull your hair out. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.....this is one of the main reasons for the pre-op Physc eval.... All one has to do is read this forum enough to see there are as many different approaches, philosophies, theories as to how to be successful with the band as there are stars.....I read things all the time and scratch my head "where on earth did they learn that"?....as I'm sure people say about my success story. But I keep my mouth shut and yet read everyday about people's failures, frustrations, and sadly totall regret to ever having this surgery. Sad....but there are many "High Maintenance" people here..... Sometimes, it is easier to keep it cut and dried, black and white, it is what it is, take away the adjustability with as little patient control as possible.....
  9. B-52

    Lap band unfill

    Sorry to hear....6 out of 10, I have heard it would be 6 out of 10 will NOT be successful...that includes those who have lost weight and gain it back (fall off the diet wagon)....not everyone can tolerate the band...someone asked me info about the band the other day...she is very obese and considering WLS...knowing her as well as I do, I found myself telling her that this surgery is NOT for everybody, and that there is a high failure rate for all sort of reasons.... Have you considered what you are going to do next???
  10. I've had numerous pre-op preop diets over the last 30 years.....I could not wait to get the band surgery to free me from all that.... But if you feel it will help with your weight loss, go for it....
  11. B-52

    Shrimp tacos!

    No more tortillas for me either.....or any bread - flour products....I eat shrimp, but have to take them very slow...same with lobster, scallops, etc....
  12. B-52


    The essence of all this is You getting to know your band...what YOU can and cannot do... You read these boards enough and you see there are many conflicts...some can eat bread, some cannot...some can drink carbonated drinks, some cannot...same with red meat, Pasta, rice...etc...it comes down to YOU knowing your band, and IMO the success happens when you learn how to LISTEN to your band....this is going to be part of you for the rest of your life so treat it as it part of you....not an external thing, but YOU.... I have been telling my Dr since day one what I am finding to be true for myself, what I have trouble with and what I find easy...he never said there was anything I must never do...except become educated and learn what MY capabilities are...and what the hazards are....and they changed as I got closer to the Green Zone... For instance, he knows I still drink beer from time to time..( I had 2 yesterday) He does not endorse it, and after asking a few inquiring questions to see if I understood my band, he just shrugged his shoulders....now he jokes when I see him saying we still need to get together for that beer someday.... But is still always comes down to following your Dr.'s directions...and of course, if you are dieting or not, need to be aware of nutrition, calories, etc.... Like your Dr said, you have not had a fill so things like taco salad may not effect you right now....but it may later....myself, I cannot eat it with some difficulty, so I simply choose not to and play it 100% safe....
  13. B-52

    How did you determine your goal?

    BMI's are very un-scientific and only us as a general indicator......I now a pro football player....a running back that is 20 lbs heavier than me, and would be considered overweight and borderline obese.....I don't think so...he has no body fat and has even been pictured in sports illustrated top less.... But to the OP's question...I had and met 3 goals...never imagining reaching even the first one....and yet I continued to loose..I asked my Dr. about goals and what does one do when you reach that goal.... Answer was that this is not a diet, where after reaching your goal you can let up on the self discipline....this is a permanent lifestyle change brought about by surgery andI would carry with me for the rest of my life...and my body will continue to loose fat whether I wanted it to or not, and eventually everything will reach an "equilibrium' of sorts, settling to where it should be with proper eating, nutrition and exercise. And that is what happened to me....last time I saw him he told me "That's it" I have lost all the weight I am ever going to loose....any additional weight would not be healthy because it would not be fat but muscle....an indication poor nutrition and lack of Protein....true starvation....
  14. Both....PCP has to do a LMN and justification...he is the referring Physician....your Surgeon needs to do also since they are the once billing insurance and looking to get paid. My office does this 100 times a day....so don't worry, you Surgeon knows all the Doc's needed because I'm sure they do this 100 times a day....and they're there to make money so they want you to get approved.
  15. Congrats...it is a NEW LIFESTYLE..you don't think about it all that often and it does all become day to day routine.....I have been at my goal also, same as you I keep loosing and gaining within the same 5 lbs....don't think about what and when I eat and sometimes (most times) and when I do portions are small....Bingo! Couldn't be easier, or Better!
  16. B-52

    Crazy hunger

    You and I both Lellow....Green Zone is where it's at!!!! Today.....I had a 15gm Protein shot before going to the gym at 5am.... After my workout I had a protein recovery smoothie. I worked out of my home office today, completely forgot about lunch or food in general untill around 6pm when my wife got home. Prepared one chicken parm cutlet....could not eat it! Was not interested in food or eating one bit....simply had no appetite at all....tasted it, then put it away as leftovers.. At 8pm I had a Protein shake, not because I was hungry, but because I wanted to get my daily protein in so I knew I needed to do it. This example is not unique to me, I have experienced many days like this over the last 2 years....most days I have to remind myself I need to stop what I'm doing and eat something.... Some people say the band will not take away hunger....some say it will take away hunger between meals....for me it takes away hunger 24/7....today was an example where I was never hungry, and food simply did not interest me in the slightest....the band is there 24/7, never changing, why would my hunger wane during the day if the band is doing it's job??? The green zone says "No Hunger"....the band is adjustable, and people have the free will and option to have it adjusted to where they are happy with the results...and bottom line, that it what it is all about....PATIENT SATISFACTION....getting your moneys worth. Thank You Band!!! For changing my life.....PERMANENTLY! Not a yo-yo diet that non banders still go through, as I have many, many times before WLS.... My problem with being fat was I was always hungry, always eating.....the band took care of that! That's wht I had the surgery in the first place.
  17. B-52

    Long Branch Nj

    Wall NJ.....go to Centre State in Freehold
  18. B-52

    Port "Pinches"

    Like the creature in "Alien"...it's right there under 1/4" of skin....you can see every nook and cranny, including the tubing that snakes towards the center of my belly then vanishes at it goes deep..... I had a kink in my tubing once and we were able to massage it to get it straight..... There are many posts about ports being visible, I should take a photo....
  19. I still weigh myself at least twice a day, out of habit.....first thing when I wake up, then later at the gym after a good run and workout..... The ups and downs are common, expected and even predictable...swings within the same 5 lbs....if I'm up 3 lbs today, I'll be 4 lbs tomorrow, then up 2 the following, etc, etc...
  20. B-52

    Band to sleeve?

    This is always on my mind also.....not because I have not had success with the band, quite the contrary, the band has been that "Magic Pill" for me......but more for long term maintenance. Never had a problem, but as years go on I fear the odds rise I will encounter something such as erosion, slippage, etc......not to mention the unsightly golf ball protruding through my shirts.... Before I turn 65 and my insurance changes I will probably do something.....interested also what other people do.....
  21. My last weigh in was a Friday at the surgeons office...surgery was early Monday morning.... Saturday I went out for my "Last Meal", a place I knew I would never visit ever again...a Chinese All You can eat Buffet..... Sunday, I fasted all day with only Water, and went to the gym for a long hard workout..... Monday morning my weight was less than it was Friday.....go figure. That was over 2 years ago....I have since completed this weight loss journey, so a short time ago I confessed this to my surgeon....first he called me a few choice names, then laughed and shook his head.... But, if you do not loose the required weight as some Dr,'s demand, you can jeopardize your surgery date....I've heard stories from people getting postponed a few weeks.
  22. I am not a heavy drinker....but I don't hold back when the occasion arises.....especially when out to dinner...or sporting event....get togethers with family or friends... That includes beer....I helped a friend move a few weeks back and we drank beer all day..lost count to be honest, 5-6? maybe?...also worked up a sweat with all the heavy lifting....and did not eat much that day either.... Of course, if you are dieting, then you need to count your calories I suppose.....and some drinks are high in calories.... We always have wine in the house...have at least one glass of red wine a day..... Also the notion it effects me more than before WLS..in my case I have not found that to be true....as far as carbonation, it is the same as with anything. You need to know your band, listen to it as far as swallowing...same as it is with food. You learn how to live with your band. What you limitations are, when to slow down, and when to stop....all from Band feedback. My Dr. knows I drink....his only concern was beer..(carbonated)..he asked me a few questions to see if I knew what I was doing, and when he did he said I was fine.... Calories? I stopped counting calories a long time ago...and still lost all my weight and still maintaining without any struggle, thanks to the band and the new lifestyle it brings.
  23. This is something that always concerns me.... A lot depends upon how tight your band is......do you have the ability to remove all the Fluid yourself (are you a professional).... Be prepared to call your Dr......and stay away from solid foods..... Those are just my concerns....I travel a lot, always afraid of food poisoning or picking up a bug in some other country (had it happen - NOT FUN) with no access to someone familiar with gastric banding....for that reason I carry my own syringe, just in case..(I'm a professional)
  24. B-52

    Port "Pinches"

    I used to get this all the time, early on.....sharp tearing like pains around my port.....NOT little pinches.. My surgeon explained to me that my port is stitched to my abdominal muscles, and done so when I had a big, stretched belly..... But as I lost weight, and did stomach crunches during exercising, my stomach got tighter....puling these anchor points.... Now that I have lost all the weight, and my stomach is once again flat and tight...I no longer get these pains...no matter how hard I bend, flex, exercise, etc. So in my case anyway, it was all contributed to loosing weight and regaining muscle tone....
  25. The choice is yours.....I could never just "Eat Right"....that's why I had WLS in the first place....to do for me what I am unable to do on my own....I'm very good a loosing weight on my own...Like smoking, I did it 100 times it was so easy....then eventually failed every time....but the Band is different...it is Surgery!! Something done physically to alter the way I eat forever... So whether or not you get a fill is up to you.....whether or not you rely on yourself or believe in this surgery is up to you....don't get me wrong, many people are very good at it....but if I was that good I would NEVER have gone through surgery of all things, nor would I have needed to.........but since I'm not that good at diets and loosing weight, I did have, and NEED this surgery and I'm going to use that surgery for everything it is designed to do....otherwise I fear to be one of those who report they "Fell off the Wagon" or need to "Get back on track" Been there...done that...no Mas! Good Luck!

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