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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. Speaking for myself, I always exercise to burn calories.... If I were to eat to make up for what I just burned off, what would be the point? The body stores fat as a energy source for those possible days of famine...I aim to burn that excess.... I work out every morning at 5-6am, on a empty stomach (other than my morning coffee) ...then I have a low cal, high Protein shake as a recovery after my workout... I ran 6 miles this morning, and will aim for the same tomorrow morning... it's calories in versus calories burned......at least that's my take...other people may feel differently.
  2. Having weighed all the risks, I felt it was worth it to have a normal, healthy life once again...something I could never do on my own, and something that was beyond my wildest dreams...and NOW I HAVE IT! So who cares if it is the easy, lazy way out, what does that matter? You can walk everywhere, but it's easier and the lazy way to drive your car....I never understood that argument, as though just because it's easy it cannot be any good? HOGWASH!... ....it worked for me, and that's all that I care about.......Was it easy? Eventually, after everything got adjusted right.....easy is Good! Easier than any diet I ever tried and failed at, that's for sure. I have a fried who is that type of critic...and every time I see her, she just keeps getting bigger and bigger....amd I keep getting smaller and smaller.....
  3. B-52


    2 1/2 years later, and when I have my morning coffee I still get that gurgling...like Water circling the drain...I LOVE IT! It reminds me the band is still there, adequately adjusted, doing it's job....
  4. B-52

    Not Hungry!?

    People always talk about not being hungry for a few hours in between meals, and also feeling full.... I have neither...I simply have no interest in food...no interest in eating... The band is there, properly adjusted, 24 hrs per day, 7 days a week....so it is constantly telling my brain that I am full, that I do not need to eat, 24 hrs per day....but physically I do not, and have never had that full feeling as I did before being banded....it is all a mental thing... I am not hungry, I do not have a need to eat, therefore I have no interest in food or eating....and it's that way ALL THE TIME....the band is there all the time, so why not?? Another thing that came is that my taste buds have changed dramatically....food does not taste the way it used to...things I used to love I now have to spit out..... Head hunger...emotional cravings will arise now and then, I'll give in, but after one or 2 bites I can't understand why I'm eating this...I have no desire...this is stupid...so I throw it away. After a while, head hunger comes and I immediately dismiss it.... Like I said, this is my experience....others work with their bands other ways, not sure why.....and not sure why hunger is only satisfied for a few hours when the band is there 24 hrs. But that's my experience.....and I LOVE IT !!!!!!
  5. You do? I often wondered about this....you feel the same "full" as you did before banded? I hear so many people talk about "Feeling Full". And I wonder what they mean....you're the first person I've heard say it is the same feeling as before, from your experience.
  6. B-52

    What is pb?

    No, it's not vomiting.... What happens when a newborn baby finishes eating, and you put him/her on your shoulder to burp? And they spit up what did not go all the way down? That's productive.... Same with being banded...you eat too much to fast,..more than the band/pouch can handle, and you burp - spit up what did not, could not, pass through the band....your cup over floweth... It is not a bad thing, other than we all need to learn to eat differently with the band and this is an indication we are not.... But we are not newborns, so it is a little more dramatic and not just milk or formula..... Technically it is called regurgitation....PB is slang...and my Dr. was quite amused with the term... I have NEVER vomited because of the band...although I regurgitated more times than I can remember until I finally figured it all out....now I can't remember the last time I did. Although I do recognize the warning signs and kow what to do.... Vomiting is something that happens from the stomach, below the band.....and not related at all.....
  7. B-52

    Eating out

    I eat whatever I want (and the band will allow)...just a whole lot less than what I used to...a WHOLE lot less.....and knowing the band will prevent me from eating too much, I have to be careful not to blow it on appetizers and salad alone...otherwise that just became my meal..which I have done on purpose on occasion. (I haven't counted calories or referred to nutrition labels in over 2 years...I've been on so many diets it becomes common sense...)
  8. I understand the feeling completely...I'm 61 and feel the same way...it is a NEW LIFE...
  9. I gave up all sodas years before even being banded...they're just not good - healthy for me, and when I stopped, I could tell the difference. How come only fat people drink diet sodas??? After being banded I stopped all carbonation for about a year...I now will have a Pellegrino now and then, and now back to drinking a beer or 2, (or 3) now and then, but not everyday. As a disclosure, I have to say I can do this because I understand my band very well, can listen to even the smallest of feedbacks, and can tell if I am drinking carbonated drinks properly...if I do it wrong my band will let me know. Spoke with my Dr. about this...he tells all his patients NO carbonated drinks....but he also knows there are people, like myself, who have been at this long enough and "Get It"...so for me, he has no objection... I'm not saying it is Ok, because I know the risks, and I know HOW it can happen.
  10. Sounds like me also....can't eat early in the day, so it's high protein smoothies..plus my coffee....can't eat after 7-8 or it's reflux from being horizontal.... Been that way for 2 years now...I'm doing fine...have lost ALL excess weight and un needed body fat.
  11. B-52

    Is Green Zone a myth?

    When I had my first post-op appointment for a fill, or a "Adjustment" as my Dr. calls it, he showed me the big "Yellow-Green-Red" on the wall, and said THIS is where we want you to be. He then explained the whole adjustment process, regurgitation, adverse effects to certain foods, etc....everything I could expect.... It took me 3 fills, 4 months after surgery to get there...BUT...even though I was there I did not know it...I had a hard time adjusting myself and my bad habits...I even went in and he convinced me to stick it out, and lectured me on eating techniques, etc....it took 2 months after my last fill for things to start settle down and even out...after that it just got easier and easier....maybe a full year after surgery with my last fill 4 months after surgery. That was over 2 years ago. Have not had a fill since....I have been in the Green Zone ever since. My hunger and appetite is as under control as it was back then....I do not have to think about it anymore. Every day has become just another day...as though I had total knee surgery 2 1/2 years ago, and I no longer have to think about walking.....although in the beginning I did have to learn all over again...eating food that is, my knee is fine. Short of having some kind of medical issue, I don't see what it wouldn't last forever....the band is a constant..it's not going to dissolve away...and I do some self maintenance things to keep it optimum. It is NOT for everyone...or should say not everyone will find it....I read posts here all the time and I feel that I can see, IMO anyway, that there are many people going to have a tough time....but it's none of my business to tell other people anything, all anyone can do is share their story. I've heard stories about large # statistics where the lap and will be unsuccessful....at first I could no understand or accept that...I could not see how that can b possible after surgery of all things....but I have to say,sadly, I can see how that might be possible. \ \
  12. B-52

    Define Hunger

    That's a hard one....I will say for me, it is not my stomach growling...that happens after I eat something with a empty stomach..like a monster devouring the food..... As far as hunger...it is not in my head, nor it is something I want or have a interest in doing.... Since being banded, I have no hunger at all anymore....I can, and have gone over 24 hrs without eating...I'm not saying it is good thing, but if I am traveling, etc, I just forget...and when I get to my destination it can be too late in the evening to eat. Thing is, it does not bother me....but adequately purely out of habit and routine...which are new habits now. So, I can't define something I don't experience.....all I can say is, when my body wants to be nourished, I JUST KNOW I have to eat...
  13. B-52

    Akai Rice

    Rice of any kind and my band do not go together.....one the foods I simply gave up to in order for me to be successful with this lifestyle. I do eat Chinese (or Thai) food, at least once a week, and I will take maybe a tablespoon of rice and mix it in until you can't tell it is even there.
  14. B-52

    Less Restriction After a Fill

    Yes, that can happen, especially with such small amounts and it being your 1st and 2nd fill.....I'm surprised you had any restriction at all...
  15. I'm a Healthcare Pro, conduct clinics in various hospitals and treatment centers....she explained the symptoms, the onset....I'm curious what the findings were...nothing to do with the band, but infection control which is a major concern for all, especially in a surgical suite...or was it post op wound care.... Things like that perk my ears from being around it all day...again nothing to do with weight loss or the band... When these things happen, people are interrogated so it does not happen again...i's a bad mark on someone..
  16. B-52

    banding and diabetes

    Every couple of hours? Are you type 1 or 2 ??
  17. B-52

    Do you eat more than 3 meals?

    Thinking about it, I would have to say I generally have only one real meal per day....and that I can never finish. I always have a high Protein smoothie for breakfast, (all I can eat first thing in the day, no solid food tolerated)....something fast and simple for lunch, like a cup of Soup at the cafeteria etc, a good meal for dinner....plus Snacks here and there throughout the day, if available....... So it has been a long time I actually had 3 good squares a day.... If I have a good lunch, say at a cook out, or something where I would eat early in the day, I am not going to have anything big for dinner...if anything at all other than something to snack on.... BTW, when I say cup of soup, I mean a "To go" Styrofoam coffee cup, large..... Being in the Green, I never have hunger cravings, and do not think about, or have that much interest in food through out the day....I have to remind myself I need to sit down and have something good to eat.....especially when I'm busy which is all the time it seems. I always have a bottle of Water with me, take my Vitamins and supplements every morning, and take 30ml of pure protein supplement once, sometimes twice throughout the day.... As I type this, it's 4:30am, just finished my coffee, 2nd cup, and heading to the gym, run 5 miles and do some weights, which I do 5 days a week........I'll have my smoothie afterward as a recovery.... I cannot measure my metabolism, not sure if I could.... but I do not have problems with my energy levels...that's for sure. More energy now than ever before. Typical day....up at 4-4:30, Gym at 5, off to work by 8.....home between 5-7 pm, , a few hrs of TV, Computer, whatever, then in bed by 9:30....I should add I'm 61 years old and I have no plans on stopping....
  18. I eat ice cream all the time...and not low fat....with toppings and whipped creme... For me, it is all things in moderation....in other words I still eat, and drink the things that I enjoy, I just don't make a pig of myself anymore. Skinny people eat ice creme...why can't I? The band will not allow me to over eat...... And I quit dieting a long time ago...I now eat considerably less food less frequently, and make the wisest food choices as possible.. And reward myself from time to time....Simple.
  19. B-52

    no longer have restriction

    First, if I went in to my Dr. with good restriction, there would be no good reason to give me another fill.... Are you sure he did not take a small amount out? Telling your Dr. you were getting "Super Stuck" on food the size of a nickel would/could raise a red flag to some.... Also, I'm not clear on your "Stomach" getting full.... People speak of "Feeling" restriction.....that was never the goal of the lap band surgery IMO, although I do feel swallowing from time to time...even with Water, but not always. The goal is "Portion Control" whether you feel anything or not..... Last night watching TV, I had some raw veggies and dip for a snack....3-4 small pieces of carrot and celery, ans I could not continue...period. I ate very little, but knew I could not take another bite. I did not "Feel" anything other than the inability to over eat...that's portion control! That's the band talking! Bottom line that snack was next to nothing. And that is how it is with everything I eat anytime of the day. After any fill, I always took it easy for a day or 2, all liquids, let things settle down....
  20. B-52


    You cannot swallow the gell caps because you tried? or where told not to? I take a Rx Omega 3, 4 large gell capsules a day....it has done wonders for me and refused to give them up....I have been taking them, plus Vitamins and other pills without crushing them since the day I was banded.....never had a problem. Told my surgeon and all he said was "Good For You"..."Not everyone can do it without problems" That has been well over 2 1/2 tears ago... As it is with everything, foods, carbonated drinks, pills, it comes down to how well we get to know our band, and how well we learn to "Listen" to it.....
  21. B-52

    Reflux and aspiration

    Seems to be a common occurrence with Lap band surgery.... I know I battled with it, and for myself have found I just need to stay away from certain foods....no more spicy Mexican or Thai... I used to put hot sauce on everything..eggs, whatever...no mas! I used to love Bloody Mary's....but now they kill me....come to think of it, most mixed drinks can be too strong and can have adverse effects, so I'm back to Beer which can be cool and soothing..
  22. No other symptoms other than increase in appetite? What about soreness when swallowing or severe reflux.... I'm always curious, and want to be educated concerning these things...to look out for them. Also, how long have you been banded?
  23. Did they ever Identify the type of infection? MIRSA. STAPH, C-Diff?....Where you placed in isolation? Although ICU could be handled as such..... They gave you a transfusion.....did they also run you through Dialysis? I'm just trying to ID the case....
  24. Sorry, bad news...I lost my Brother to the big C a few years ago....much too young.... As far as emotional eating, fortunately we have the band....a surgical intervention....
  25. It has to be true...it's on the Internet...... People are more successful when they find out and practice what is true for them.... Some can drink with meals, some cannot....some drink carbonated, some cannot, Some eat rice, Pasta, breads, etc...some cannot..... Each person has to figure this out based upon what works and does not work for them.

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