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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    emotional eater

    For me, the band is always in charge....whether it's emotional, head hunger, whatever....the band is there making it impossible to overeat without some dire side effects..... Not to mention, once I take one bite I realize I did not really want, or need it, I was not hungry in the first place...Can't tell you how many times I would buy a donut with my coffee, and after one bite throw the whole thing away...eventually I just stopped buying donuts.... Call it behavior modification, but now when I get that urge it passes away just as quickly because i know it can't happen
  2. Easiest thing I could have ever done....has met all my pre-op expectations.....the only hard part, and extremely frustrating, was the first few months, bandster hell, where I had to go through all the adjustments, put up with all the stuck episodes, days where nothing would stay down, finding out the hard way what foods where riskier than others and stay away from, and in spite of everything I was taught, I still had to learn the hard way how to eat the way a skinny person dos, and not the fat glutton I was before.... But once I got trough all that frustration..and finally settled into that "Green Zone", it has been absolutely unbelievable...could not be any better than this.....there is nothing I need to do but go live a normal life, with all the weight naturally coming off and returning to a normal state ....to say I have a new life is a understatement... Hunger and portion sizes under control by the band, not me.... Like I said, it was hard and a struggle, but only for a short time...and I am glad I persevered and was determined to get through it and break out the other side.....
  3. Agreed....the only hard and fast rule is to "Listen to your band!" and OBEY IT....you will never go wrong.... Like your Dr. said "try it and see how your body (band) responds" There are days where i will start to drink something carbonated and will immediately stop because the band starts sending me little warnings....
  4. You mean you've been banded a whole week and you have not lost all your weight yet??? That's like saying you just had knee surgery so how come you're not winning marathons....it's because you have heal, then train...and you have plenty of training ahead of you so RELAX.....it's going to take months, then years!!!! This is just one of many obstacles ahead of you.....but keep your eye on the finish line, because i will tell you from personal experience there is a finish line and there is a different life afterward if you do not back down....
  5. B-52

    1400 Calorie a day

    I stopped counting calories about 6-8 weeks after surgery, with the blessing of my Surgeon and Nut...they advised me to eat when I'm hungry, and stop when the band says stop for portion control.........something I still live by today.... But if I had to guess I would say I average less than 1000 /day, and exercise off 1/2 of that.....some days are more, some days are less... I'm old school....in other words the less you eat, the more you loose...or calories in versus calories burned..... All this talk about starvation modes, metabolisms, etc, etc, makes my head spin..... I simply eat when I need to, and not nearly as much as I did prior to banding, which is now making me skinny and fit as opposed to fat and unhealthy.... Its a lifestyle for me, something I simply do everyday without giving it a 2nd thought...I did not want to spend the rest of my life counting calories and dieting....diet is a 4 letter word and I will never do it again....
  6. Sure..why not? My only instruction I ever got was to eat soft foods for 24-48 hours afterward.....and I would say be careful of "Gulping" water while working out...
  7. B-52

    I Feel Great!!!

    Just want people to know, this is a process, and not only is there light at the end of the tunnel, but there is a other side of the tunnel...
  8. B-52

    Feeling defeated

    You say you feel restriction...I have learned that that means many different things to many different people...what dose that mean, and what effect does that have for you? Regardless of what you eat, and how much, what is your mental status towards food? Do you think about eating often? Imagine or dream about wonderful scrumptious delicious meals? Are you a calorie counter? And are you worried about not getting enough food - calories in per day?
  9. B-52

    tell me about peanut butter

    Peanut butter and a banana are one of my favorite high protein smoothie recipes, along with 100% whey....(I don't count calories) Also, chocolate and peanut butter goes great also...
  10. B-52

    Max weight loss

    I Lost ALL my excess weight also....without really trying either....what I mean is, that with the lap band I eat less, a lot less, than what I used to because the band controls my portions....Since my portions are now controlled, I now concentrate on eating healthy, low fat, high Protein foods....I do not count calories....and there are foods I will not, and in some cases cannot, eat anymore....pasta, breads, red meat, rice, etc, etc... With the band, it has become a new lifestyle...eating good nutritious foods, and never overeating...it becomes a day to day, natural part of me without giving it a second thought.... I was fat because I ate too much, and always the wrong foods....now, and for the rest of my life, that is the complete opposite....so that old lifestyle caused to me gain weight, UN-naturally, with this new lifestyle I naturally returned to a normal weight..... My Dr. says there is simply no excess weight - fat, left to loose, and that as planned, my body reached a equilibrium, a natural - normal state of balance.... Most importantly, this is not a diet where when I reach a goal I can turn it on or off....it is a permanent thing!! Always to be there and always to be this way....so I have no fear of ever "Falling off the wagon" and ever gaining the weight back...I do not see how that would be possible...as long as the band is there, it is impossible for me to over eat....and it is difficult to eat bad foods..... With the band, I still have to think through why someone would only loose 50-60 %, OR LESS, and then stop....of course, one's weight is always equivalent to one's eating habits....perhaps they are holding back and not letting the band work to it's intended potential....following bad advice? From those who have not accomplished it themselves and think they know all the answers? There is certainly a lot of that going around. But it is something I'll never know.......but everyone is different and one thing is for sure....I will not and cannot argue with other peoples success experiences....if it worked, then that's all that matters.... I do know, that I am 100% happy where I am at right now...and have been for over 2 years...in the Green Zone....I also know that if I were to get any Fluid taken out at all, even the slightest, (not that I need or want to), it would tip that balance and my hunger/cravings would return, plus my portion sizes would increase, which result in weight gain...so I hope that never needs to happen....
  11. Just to get this off my chest....it's 3 am and this is just a early morning rant.... It is not my place to say what is right or wrong, different things work for different people....but I am old school....the less calories in, the more you will loose...it's that simple. Why would everyone preach exercising to burn calories? And then turn around and say now you have to eat more? And use the argument / excuse about metabolism levels, etc...does anyone here know how to measure that? I read here everyday about people trying to reach their calorie goals....people saying to eat more to loose more. Personally, myself, I have always found that one humorous...if it were true there would not be any overweight people in the world..... I also like all the posts where people ask "Can I eat this?" I don't know, can you? I am not even sure what people are asking most of the time..... If these people are successful then I cannot argue with what works and has brought someone to the conclusion of a successful journey... I quit counting calories about 6-8 weeks after surgery...with the blessing of my Surgeon and the Nut....I was getting so wrapped up into the whole process using downloaded apps, etc, I was getting dizzy......it was liberating when I got away from all that and started to understand that for me, this is a practice for a lifestyle, not another diet.... They also said only eat when I am genuinely hungry, and then eat good healthy foods, and listen to your band to know when to stop eating.........and exercise as much as possible to burn calories and fat.... Everyday, I read post after post about how many calories this and how many calories that...I have absolutely no idea how many calories I consume. I'm sure some days it is very high, and some days it is next to nothing, especially when you factor in calories burned from exercising. That has been my recipe to success, and still follow it today as a lifestyle, not a diet plan....with the band in the background doing it's job 24 hours a day. Other people have had success using different philosophies...and that's great...you cannot argue with success. But it's the people who are struggling, not loosing the weight, cannot control their hunger, been banded a very short time, and yet have all the answers and tell other people how it is supposed to be done...incredible. But like I said, if it worked for you then that IS the the right way..... The best advice I was ever given was a long time ago by a Dr...he said I was fat because I ate too much...there it is..the secret of life...want to loose weight? Don't eat so much...Not loosing? You're eating too much...don't try to hide it with all the hypothetical verbage crap... I was also once told, somewhere in one of the 100's of diets I've been on, that people will come up with just about anything to still find ways to eat...
  12. You're trying to loose weight? And you're watching what you eat?
  13. B-52

    My Morning Rant...

    True...but that is why Protein is so important and stressed so much, to anyone on a low calories regime...protein will protect not just muscle, but also the breakdown of other important body organs and promote cell growth and repair...(along with water) I don't count calories, but I DO Count Protein....I know what I'm getting every day.... At my gym, everybody walks around with a protein shaker, and they also have a "juice Bar" where I buy a high protein smoothie after my workout for recovery. I also have a little protein supplement before my workout...not food, just the protein...
  14. B-52

    string cheese & sushi

    Are you talking calories as in dieting? Or what is tolerated by the band?
  15. B-52

    Port question

    Depends upon how much belly fat you have covering it up....I have zero belly fat...the only thing covering my port is about 3/8" of skin layers. It sticks out like a golf ball...very noticeable, including the tubing.....can palpate it and feel every nook and cranny, even where it is anchored to my abdominal wall....
  16. More calories or Protein to maintain/improve muscle mass....??
  17. B-52

    My New Way Of Eating

    In the beginning, following some of these rules makes no difference at all...other than you need to re-educate yourself and learn new habits, breaking the old, because eventually the only way you're going to be able to eat - survive, and be successful with the band surgery, is to have these rules ingrained in you to the point you don't even have to think about them anymore. Everyday I read numerous posts here from people stating they are struggling, feel miserable, think they're too tight, and can't wait to get to the Dr for a un-fill....which may be valid, but I can't help to think if these people are really understanding and applying the "Rules" Sometimes, when they say a bite no bigger than a pencil eraser, put the utensil down and chew, chew..chew...they're not kidding!
  18. Not to comment on the Original Post, but every time I see this Heading /Title, the biggest thought that runs across my mind is: Without the Lap Band, I surely Would have Died...! Just saying....
  19. I have been banded coming up on 3 years, have been in the green zone for two years now, meaning I cannot overeat, my portion sizes are kept in check...and also my hunger and cravings are gone.... Having said hat, I have NEVER felt full from eating with the band.....feeling full happened before the band when I overate and drank, to the point I needed to unbuckle my pants...that does not, and can not happen anymore.... What I do get now is the Band telling my brain that I am full, satisfied, not hungry and have no need, or interest in eating....it would be the same "Mental" occurrence as if I were physically full, but those thoughts are there 24 hours a day whether I have eaten anything or not...
  20. B-52

    1500 Cal Diet...Really??

    When I was told I needed to complete the 6 month pre-op diet program, I had the girl in my office who does insurance billing to call and get an explanation..... What I found out, from my insurance anyway, was this..... They said the patient simply stating that was indeed the fact, was not good enough to go into your medical record......it had to be a supervised medical program, with a MD, for 6 months, complete with weigh ins, accurate progress notes, counseling, graphs, charts, etc......, all signed off by a Physician..... Like every diet I ever been on, I started out good, lost weight...then leveled off too soon, then began to gain the weight back..... I felt bad, but was told by my surgeon that if I were any good at dieting, I would not need WLS.....the 6 month program proved the point....I am a failure at dieting, even with a Dr checking me weekly.....
  21. B-52

    Totally Discouraged :(

    I have absolutely no way to know what you're going through. But from experience I will say this.... One fill, and I was far fom being too tight....I did however have problems with eating the wrong foods the wrong way, simulating a tight band....and if I irritated the band because of this, it could linger for more than a day.... As I progressed with my fills, it was essential I also progressed with my eating habits, putting all those silly rules to practical purpose....I could not eat the way I used to...the band FORCED me to change my behavior....and t he more fills i got, the more i had to change...it is a slow progression...... imagine the Dr. putting in 7cc at surgery...it would be a disaster....but 7cc is where i am now, and have been for over 2 years with not a single problem.....because I learned and now know how to do it...... what I eat now in a given 24 hr period, I could never have thought possible...I could not imagine it.... Just saying, I have had my Dr. Tell me stories about patients complaining because they said they were too tight....and upon further investigation he was shocked at what they were attempting to eat.... Not saying this is you....I have absolutely no idea , and it would be unprofessional to even guess....just share my experiences.....
  22. Listen to your Dr., AND your band.... It can be hazardous if you're careless and not sure what you're doing.... I have been banded coming up on three years....for the first two I did not go near it....and my Dr. tells all is patients no... I started to drink Beer now and then, sometimes 2-3 in a afternoon at a picnic or all game......I told my Dr....he asked me a few questions about "Listening" to my band primarily, then said Ok, but not to advertise it when I'm at support groups and orientations....... If I had to give my 2 cents, or if I was asked at a support meeting, I would say it is more important to focus on getting your band working, and getting yourself i tune with the band for a successful outcome.... Also, don't listen to everyone here on this forum...most people should know that.
  23. I do not see how fills have anything to do with the port....other than it's an injection site...unless she meant that the pressure from the nnedle pushes it around, but it is supposed to be anchored to the abdominal wall....
  24. B-52

    Question with eating every 5-6 hours

    The breakfast shake I make every morning, is home made starting with 100% whey, then some added fruit of my choosing, maybe a banana, Peanut Butter...just about anything..... With the band, I could not possibly eat anything with adequate portion sizes that would come close to the nutritional value on my smoothie... As far as eating multiple time per day, I know many people who do that, eat many small meals - Snacks. Loosing weight is all about eating less than what we used to....You have to look at the big picture...how much did you eat within a 24 hr period? Then 24 X 7 days....then months, then a lifetime...a new lifetime of eating a lot less, and a lot healthier than I did when I was fat and unhealthy..... That's how skinny people do it who never diet in their life....they simply do not eat a lot, eat healthy, and stay active....we can do the same except we needed surgery to handle the "eatig Less" part because I could not do that on my own. Right now, it's 5am, having my coffee and Vitamins, will be at he gym by 6am, will run my 5 miles, maybe do weights, and afterwards have my morning smoothie.....I have not eaten since 5pm yesterday and metabolism is not a issue for me, nor do I fret over it. I'm not sure how I would even know if it is working or not.... Last of all...I have NEVER BEEN HEALTHIER IN OVER 40 YEARS......I do not count calories or measure portions, but I will say I do not eat nearly as much as I used to....

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