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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. I am trying to understand exactly what it is you're saying..... Your signature says you have 9cc's in your band? In one year? How big is your band? 2nd...are you freakin out because you eat a chocolate bar now and then? Or eating them all day long...or did it start with the chocolate bars and opened the flood gates, knocking down your self discipline and self control, and now you can't stop eating everything excessively? And now you feel you're "Off the Wagon" as people say? And I'll not get into stretched pouches right now....I can monitor and recognize mine and deal with it by applying some routine maintenance, but I have to be at a certain place first for that to mean anything.... I'll never tell anyone what they are doing is right or wrong, or tell others what they should or should not do....I do try to understand a situation and compare it to my own....
  2. B-52


    Gee...that's a tough one..(considering my generation)
  3. That is a loaded question.....first, what type of surgery are you planning? There are a few choices, and I'm sure that the orientation will introduce you to them... Then you need to do your research, speak with the Dr. and staff to help determine the best path for you to take.... And ask questions!!! Understand as much as you can.... Things I would be asking are Success Rates...the least and most complications...ongoing maintenance....long term effects (years later) Then be prepared...each insurance co. has it's own set of criteria you must comply with prior to surgery....I had to do a 6 month medical supervised diet program.... There is a whole list of things you may need to do... I have had the Lap band...I am 100% Happy and pleased....but I will be honest, I did not discuss the other options...if I have, I may have gone with the Sleeve instead...but I'm not sure.... Still I am pleased with my decision.
  4. I am 62 years old...I have smoked about 2 packs a day since I was a teenager....I quit about 8 years ago...was not easy, needed drug therapy to do it..... However...it would be easy for me to say the correct thing ids that anytime you have the opportunity to quit, you should do it.... BUT being a ex hardcore smoker, I know EXACTLY where you are coming from....and there is no easy answer...as much as I HATE smoking now, and as much as I FEEL BETTER for quitting...I don't know if I could have started both of these things at the same time....so me, JUST ME, as much as I hate to say it, I would not have quit smoking at that time...I would have waited till I was well on my way with this weight loiss, feeling better and more self confident about myself...in all things, including stopping smoking.
  5. B-52


    It's not the new people...those poor people are the victims and probably get more confused than helped.... it's them I wouldn't blame for leaving.... I've said it before, I was glad I did not discover this website until AFTER I had my surgery....because until then it was just me and my Dr. and his staff....and I was told I could call and speak with someone if I had a question...which I did...
  6. B-52

    Acid freakin reflux

    Acid reflux seems to be a very common theme with banded people....my Dr. explained it to me but I won't get into it now.... I am always susceptible to it...for me in my case, I had to stop eating the spicy foods I used to love..no more jalapeno peppers, hot sauce which i used to put on everything, horseradish, hot or spicey mustard....and on and on...I am very careful about it... Also, I have found I should not eat too close to bed time....laying horizontal.....so if I don't eat before 7pm, then I don't eat.
  7. B-52

    Band slip?

    Sounds pretty much common to me...my Dr. is also aggressive...he had no qualms stating that first he installs the band, then he gets it working...took me 3 fills, the last one was a doozie...alsmost got it taken out but he talked me into hanging in there for another week or so....
  8. B-52

    NSV brought me to tears

    And THAT is what it is all about.... It's a great victory to be able to walk into ANY store, and buy ANY clothing item right off the rack, and have it fit and LOOK GOOD at the same time.... As a man, I always bought shirts, etc, designed so I do not have to tuck them into my pants...let them hang over my belt trying to disguise my gut......NOW everything I wear I tuck into my pants...even t-shirts!
  9. B-52

    Band slip?

    I have never had this happen so I do not have the slightest idea how one would know....best I was ever told was that, if it does, I would know it.... From a personal view...I feel there is a little hysteria - paranoia about slippages...in other words people are obsessed with it happening rather than getting on with their weight loss...etc. Sure it happens, so does falling down the stairs I suppose.... What causes band slippage? You read enough posts here and you would think EVERYTHING causes band slippage... Don't do this or your band will slip...don't do that because it causes slippage.... "YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT KID" I got into trouble once because someone kept saying doing a certain something will cause your band to slip....thinking about it, I asked "Really? Just HOW does that cause a band to slip??? PLEASE explain it to me" I immediately got attacked for being a wise guy....still don't understand how this certain behavior can cause a band to slip....which incidentally I do all the time and never had any problems....
  10. Makes sense...IF you know for sure the food passes within that minute...depends upon how much restriction one has, etc....how does one know their food is passing at one minute??? I know for me, the food sits there before passing much, much longer ..as I'm sure it is different for everyone..... I can take a little sip to "Test" it and know right away if there is still food there. I have taken a drink 20 minutes after eating and had it come right back up, along WITH food, that has yet to fully empty out of my pouch.... The "Rules' I was taught very early on by my Dr., , was that everyone has to learn to "Listen" to their band, not the next persons.....because everyone reacts differently...and everyone is unique...getting to know one's band "Intimately", .so well that even a little sip of Water, a small bit of food, or whether or not you are hungry or not, is key to all this.... I also understand there are a lot of newly banded people out there that have no idea what I'm talking about.....and their bands are not even saying anything yet for them to listen to......but as you get fills..adjustments...it will if you "Listen" It's 4am, I just took my first swallow of coffee...and my band said "Whoa, SLOW IT DOWN,,,EASY...." Remembering that this is the first thing I am swallowing this day, and always the tightest first thing. after waking.......
  11. A good sign is when your energy level (metabolism) goes up...you just want to go, go go....Burn them fat calories! Increase you muscle - skin tone...look and feel younger...take on the world..... It goes on and on...I'm just getting warmed up....
  12. B-52

    Liquid help!

    It's not going to kill you if you don't get your Protein, Fiber, etc, for a few days.... We are given those instructions to adhere to in our lifetime.....because with WLS we eat so little food, we do not want to cut back what is essential.... But now? For a few days, even a week or more? No big deal....staying hydrated as well as possible is the key....but even for a day or two it's hard to get all our Water in at times.
  13. B-52


    I wonder sometimes if people actually read anything before they ask questions....you can spend an hour, read 100 posts and hear everything that needs to be said....take that and filter it through your Dr.'s directions, and there it is.... There are posts where all I have to do is read the title and I think..."Oh boy....here we go again" I will not open and read it because I already know where it is heading.... However....bottom line...there are a lot of NEW people everyday, and it's important for them to know that there are people out there who are perfectly happy with this surgery, never experienced any major problems, no longer struggling, and have met all their goals and expectations.......letting them know they did not make the biggest MISTAKE of their life, but perhaps the BEST DECISION of their life......
  14. B-52


    About 2 years ago, there was a small group of people who were all getting banded the same month...they decided to break away and start their own private facebook group....they wanted to be of a single mind with a single goal, and felt this forum was too confusing with people in all different stages of this journey...not to mention the negativity...the group grew to around 100 people..ALL being banded within the same month or so....ALL moving forward at the same pace. As a group, they decided early on they needed a few Veterans in the group to give advice and hints based upon experience....so they hand picked 2 or 3 from this forum...I was one of those invited.... The group was very productive and very tight knit, planning reunions here and there......it was fun to see and watch them, as a group, enter and pass through the different stages...such as their first fill...or bandster hell...or their first stuck episode.... I remember once they were all talking about how they loved Sushi,,,,I mentioned something which none of them understood...but sure enough 6 months later I was asking...."What...no one eats Sushi anymore? What happened?" The group was so good, everyone started to invite others to join with good intentions...and it grew and grew in numbers....it slowly became a microcosm of this forum, with people at all different stages...some just starting out, some just considering the surgery...and yes, negativity and some friction between members started, with some quitting having their "Feelings" hurt, or insulted........it slowly became confusing, not knowing where someone was in their journey, making it difficult to give advice...again, there are some things beginners will not, and cannot understand yet....so I no longer knew what to say to who, and started to keep my mouth shut when a topic came up such as "Alcohol" and the band....for some people it is better not to hear what I think....even if it is from experience... Long story short though....NONE of those people ever came back to this forum...they ALL left...I do see one, maybe 2 now and then, but that's about it....the "Core" of that original group are all happy, met their goals, and many of them moved on from that group....and of course, statistically, a few never found that compatibility with this, and had their constant struggles. It's just the way it is...you can't be responsible for what others think or feel, whether they have interest in staying or leaving...it just happens...it's natural...it's happened before, it's happening now, and will happen in the future....it will always be that way. It happens....it's a big world and this IS the internet after all....
  15. B-52

    NSV: Thigh Friction

    I used to get real bad...would leave a bad rash that hurt for days.... I remember going to places like Disney World where it was hot (sweat) and would be doing a lot of walking... I had to carry a tube of cream with me, and every so often go into the stall at a bathroom and "Lubricate"...also could only wear a certain type of underwear.... God I'm glad those days are behind me....
  16. B-52

    A Christmas Miracle

    Fantastic Story.... Are you doing Water aerobics??? That is great...keep it up, never let down..it will only keep getting better and better....the more you do, the more successes you are having, which only makes you want MORE! It's addictive...but I can tell you already know this. KEEP MOVING! Lap Band surgery can, and WILL, not only change your life forever, it will SAVE your life... It's great for EVERYONE to know, no matter where you're at with this surgery, that everyone is moving in a POSITIVE direction...NO LONGER the other which can only lead to a slow agonizing quality of life....and worse It's 4:30am....I am so glad THIS is the first post I read this morning....as opposed to some of the others.... There should be more like it....
  17. B-52

    Gas pain after fill

    I believe what you experienced after your fill is something different than the gas (air) used during surgeries....
  18. B-52


    All the people who were here when I first joined...those who I followed their example...Are All Gone... This forum is comprised mainly of people just starting out, and ask the same basic questions day after day after day....can't blame them because there are dozens of new people joining everyday....or people who have developed complications...or to tell about "Falling off the Wagon" and gaining their weight back... It can get to the veterans, plus the new members cannot understand or relate to where the veterans are at..... I see posts everyday, and I keep my mouth shut knowing they would not understand what I was even talking about, and misinterpret it into something altogether different...some things they have to learn for themselves.... So basically, there is not much here for the veterans to do...those who are and have been 100% successful... I left for a year...after completing this part of the journey you just want to get on with your new life and not mire in the basics...it can get to you after a while... I only recently came back...but I imagine I will take a break again ....just to keep MY FOCUS..... As far as all the negative posters...those who either anti-band people or those who are on some power trip and their word is the only word that should be heard....i simply have them on my "Ignore" list....otherwise I could not let what they say unchallenged...but on my "Ignore" list I do not see their posts, so my blood does not boil.... But as far as people leaving...it happens. Veterans leave, new people take over....
  19. B-52

    What do you like?

    Love this thread....I'm "liking" all of your posts, everybody! For me: I love not being "on" or "off" a diet. I love my small portions of delicious food. I love not using "diet" foods or "fake" foods to replace real, tasty food. I love not counting the hours until I can eat again. I love not stressing out about parties/restaurants/invitations for dinner and wondering if I will be able to find something to eat that is "on program." I love crossing my legs over and over again. This is probably bad for circulation, but I just love sitting down, crossing my legs and hooking one leg behind the other...makes me feel like a thin person! I love how small my stomach has gotten and how I now have a lap. I love that my GP took me off statins (which I'd been on for two years) because hello, cholesterol is now normal! I love being able to browse in normal-size clothing stores and not feel like the salesgirl is rolling her eyes thinking "why is she bothering?" I love how much more self-care I do: my hair, my makeup, my outfits, my skincare regime, my massages. It all makes me feel good and like I'm taking care of myself because I'm worth taking care of. I love that my BF gave me Christmas-themed lingerie and can't keep his hands off of me. I love all my activity: elliptical, long and fast walks, long bike rides, aquagym. In fact, I love it so much, I sustained a stress-fracture in my foot due to too much sport! (I don't love that pain so much, but I love bragging about how this came about.) I love being free from feeling hungry and feeling deprived. Most of all: I love how fierce I've become. I'm so glad I did this. THIS is one of the best posts I have red here in a long time.....NO Ra-Ra "You can Do It" positive thinking, or how hard it is to make it work and struggling just to get by.....no whining or complaining..... Just straight forward, simple, and TRUE responses to everyday circumstances that can only be realized from a direst result of the band.... You obviously "Get It" and are "In It"....enjoying your new life and everything the band has to give it....if we only let it do it's job..... I hope everybody who reads your post will see just how straight forward and simple this all can be....and not be so quick to abandon the band and why we had surgery in the first place..... (If I was your BF....never mind.)
  20. B-52

    Hello everyone

    I'm now in my 60's...although I will be 18 till I die..... I chose the Lap Band because it it is easily reversible....I do not plan to have it forever...as a matter of fact I plan on starting this discussion next visit to my Dr....I have been at my body's optimal weight and body fat% for 2 years now....been on day to day living sine then. As far as skin snapping back, I suppose age does has a lot to do with it...although I have very little excess skin, there are other factors that influence muscle and skin tone also that even young people need to adhere to........
  21. What is different now than before??? You're probably going to have the same hunger and cravings,,,,sure, you had the band installed, but is has not been "Activated" yet....right now your still in your recovery period..... THEN the adjustments begin....can take many visit, many adjustments, perhaps much frustration and some hard to lessons to learn.... It took me 4 months, then at lest another 2-3 to figure it what what happening, adjust, and settle into that "Groove" It was the HARDEST, most FRUSTRATING time for this entire process...took a lot of hard work, determination and self discipline to get through it....I really thought it was a big waste of time and $$... Fortunately I did "Endure" it, did not back down, learned my lessons and modified my behavior....I had to change to be able to live with the band..... And I'm glad I did...coming out the other side, I can now say this is the BEST, and EASIEST weight loss lifestyle I could ever imagine... I am a different person now...with a new Lifestyle...but it was a process to get here...and it was not overnight.... Follow your Dr.'s treatment plan...do as others do to be successful, not what they say, and don't let the negative non-believing people get you down.......THIS THING DOES WORK!!!!!
  22. You'll be fine.....you just had surgery under full anesthesia...now you have to let your self heal and get back to normal...you'll be climbing the walls in no time.... For 2 days after my surgery, I became one with my Lazy_boy recliner, a warm comforter, in front of my flat screen TV.... The Mrs. made sure I had plenty of liquids.... I did not skimp on the pain killers either..... Day 3 I had to get out of the house or I would go crazy....but i did tire fast.... One full week and I was back to work, and going to the gym.... This too shall pass.....
  23. Sorry you had to go through all that..... I don't think I could have done it....but then one thing I've learned is everyone is different and has their weight loss story to share with others........ That's what this forum is about...everyone sharing their real life experiences for others.... Thank You for sharing.... I'm sure it will helpful.....
  24. B-52


    that's how it has been for me, for well over 2 years now....the band controls my hunger 24 hrs/day, NOT by making me feel full, or restricting the ability to eat....it's just that the lack to need to...no interest or overwhelming desire.... I believe the mere presence of the band, properly adjusted, tells my brain I'm full, therefore I have no need to eat, even though I have not physically done so, and have no physical feeling of being full.....it took a while to figure out what was going on, but once I did it has been heaven!! The band is there 24hrs a day, so the signals to my brain are there 24 hrs a day.... I eat because I know I have to, but sometimes I just don't want to continue....
  25. B-52

    Curious....I can't be the only one...

    Definitely a life changer....loosing weight is only the tip of the ice berg....

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