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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    Stuck episodes

    The average person swallows 1.5 qts of saliva per day...unstimulated, meaning not while eating or drinking, but at rest. while eating, drinking, more is produced. We do this without ever giving it a thought. Now if suddenly there is a roadblock prohibiting the saliva to freely pass...(Stuck)...the saliva builds up...and given time, will trigger a reflex causing it to come back up and out...regurgitation...(Sliming) Actually, this is the body's way of freeing anything blocking the way, because whatever is there will usually (not always) come out with the slime. A trick I used to do, when I got stuck, was to speed up the process by sipping Water, causing the regurgitation that much faster and getting it over with. A PB...Productive Burp (who comes up with these phrases?)...is the act of regurgitation....think of a baby who has just finished eating...you put him/her over your shoulder and pat their back.....and then there's the burp, along with...What? That's productive!
  2. I do not believe in BMI's...the only true measurement is Body fat %....how much of your weight is comprised of fat. According to the BMI chart, I am 15 lbs overweight. Yet my body fat% is in the athletic-fit range...I cannot loose any additional weight. There is nothing left to loose, other than essential muscle mass, organs, etc.... If I was to loose any more weight, it would be unhealthy to say the least...possibly lethal. If a person weighs 300lbs, how much must he/she loose to be healthy? If that person finds that 70% of their 300lbs is fat, then they need to get that 70% down to a healthy range, say 20%...which means they need to loose 50% of that 300lbs, in fat, to achieve their goal....which would be 150lbs to loose...IN FAT, and reach a weight of 150.... According to the BMI, height also plays a factor....in body fat index, it does not. In BMI terms, that person can still be considered overweight. 2-3 superbowls ago, I noticed a star running back for one of the teams. He happened to be the same height as I am...yet, he weighed 25 pounds more than me. But to look at him, there is not an ounce of fat on him....if I am overweight, then he must be obese according to the BMI chart. But there is no way he can be obese, let alone overweight....and I am sure his body fat% is extremely low.
  3. B-52

    Appetite: Dead On Arrival

    I was that way for the first few days, then my appetite returned with a vengeance...even gained weight after my first fill of 4cc's... But after a few more fills, and hitting the green Zone for good, my appetite, and total lack of interest in food altogether returned and stayed...it has been that way for almost 3 years now.... So perhaps you are feeling the post op swelling, etc, mimicking what the band can do when properly adjusted in the future, if you choose to have it so.
  4. B-52

    Green Zone Frustrations...

    If you are satisfied with a cup of food, and 2 bites afterwards to be what you cal "miserably full"... and you have no hunger, what is wrong with thinking about food? I think about all sorts of things, things I am unable to have...then the thoughts pass.... If the band is restricting your food intake, think about it all you want...you are still unable to eat it... I say this out of experience...like you, I am NEVER hungry, and when I do eat, it is very little until I cannot continue...although I have never felt "Full" as some people here describe.... I think about different foods, remember how good it tastes, and how enjoyable it was to eat it... True story...I was fixated on the memory of this old recipe my mother used to make when I was growing up...old country food you just can't find in any restaurant....I went to the store, purchased all the things to make it....put it all together and roasted it in the oven for 2 hours....the house smelled wonderful. Bottom line, when all was done, I ate, like you said, about a cup, if that, then realized it was not very band friendly...all that work and preparation and it wound up in the trash. I know better now. I had a craving for a McDonalds Cheeseburger the other week...I have not had a cheeseburger in almost 4 years....went through the drive thru, bought one cheeseburger...took one bite and then threw the thing away...it will probably be another 4 years untill I try that again... I have not had a solid Breakfast since being banded....only home made high Protein smoothies with fresh ingredients...lunch is always light, VERY LIGHT....more like a snack....so yes, dinner is my one meal a day...and even then, I don't eat much. My only thing I am sure to do is get my protein and Water requirements in...very important. At times it would concern me perhaps I was not getting enough....but after all these years, I have never been healthier, more fit, and more energy I know what to do with. I see 3 Dr.'s on a regular basis, including my cardiologist, and everyone of them cannot be more pleased with my status... So think away...the band is still there doing it's job, and eventually, you will think less and less about the things you can't have...
  5. B-52

    just had first fill

    I gained weight between my first and 2nd fills, and my first fill was 4cc's......It can take some tweaking until you find that "sweet Spot" Everyone is different, some here have never had a fil and are 100% successful...and then others, ....
  6. B-52

    Fill and weather question

    Weather, altitude, stress, nothing like that effects my band.... I am tighter in the mornings, have not had a sold Breakfast for years.....but it is not really the band getting tighter...I believe that is a constant....I believe it is because I have not had anything to eat in almost 12 hours, and I just had some good rest.... Meaning the band/pouch had a good rest also.... A mini version of what the Dr. would do with big problems...give the band a good rest by taking all the Fluid out....either way, big or small, giving things a rest always brings about change.... Which is the only maintenance I do...give the band a break every 4-8 weeks or so.
  7. B-52

    Am I Crazy?

    Someone took pictures of our softball game Sunday, and got a good one of me....I kept looking at it thinking how fat I looked, and trying to compare myself to people in other photos..... And Yet...in that photo.....I am wearing size SMALL Under Armour shorts, and size MEDIUM Under Armour shirt.....I still cannot get my brain to accept what it is clearly looking at?
  8. No offense, but I do not consider weight loss within the first week, perhaps the first month, real weight loss... I know it's nice, and feels good to see the scale move down, but reality will set in eventually and there are too many people here come back and say how frustrated they are.......they're at a stall, etc... I lost weight the first month, post op diet, liquids, mushies, etc. even had my first fill at 4 weeks. Was also allowed to go back on solid foods at that 4 week mark......and everything I lost in those 4 weeks I gained back, plus I gained a few, just like every diet I have ever been on prior to surgery.......at the 8 week mark, I went in for my 2nd fill. I was upset with myself, but my Dr. just laughed at me, saying I didn't "understand it" yet, I had a lot to learn to be truly successful.
  9. For me, it was trial and error...unfortunately., school of hard knocks. I learned there were certain foods that were more difficult than others, and those foods I put on my "Do not eat list" simply because, why even bother and take the chance? besides, those foods were not that good for me in the first place. I also had to learn, the hard way, which foods needed smaller bites, needed to be chewed more thoroughly, and needed more time than others between bites and swallows....also I learned I CANNOT drink anything while eating else it will all come up! I learned the hard way...sometimes getting stuck and spiting it all up 2-3 times a day....I could have easily said the band was too tight....even called my Dr. requesting to come in and have some Fluid taken out....but he said no, stick it out. And I am glad he did. I would not be where I am today if he did. As it turned out, it was not a tight band, but ti was the foods and how I was eating that was the problem. It took me a good 6 months after my last fill to start to get it second nature. It has been Heaven ever since...EASIEST thing I could have ever done, it became a normal lifestyle, second nature, with no struggles at all that led to complete weight loss...and it will stay that way because it is who I am today, not what I need to do or not do. As far as knowing when to stop, that comes in many different forms.... First, I have no hunger or cravings, so you have to realize that whenever I eat a meal, I do not want to eat in the first place. Then, generally, after a few bites, swallows, I simply cannot, and do ot want to continue. If I wait maybe 15minutes, I may be able to eat some more, but not much. Any pains, hiccups, burps, etc, are signals telling me the check the way I'm eating...slow it down, chew better, maybe the food consistency is not good and eat something else. I could eat a slice of pizza, but from what I said above, it would take me 20 minutes to get through one slice, with the potential of getting stuck with every swallow...so why bother? Besides, what is the advantage of eating pizza? So I have not had pizza in over 3 years, ad I'm better off for it. It's that way with many other different foods also.
  10. B-52

    Amount in band & guilt

    Unlike other types of Bariatric surgeries, the band is adjustable, and it needs to get properly adjusted to work the way your Dr. has it in mind for you....also, I found in my experience, as the band got gradually adjusted, so did I have to adjust myself along with it....and that may have been the hardest obstacle of all....I had an entire life of embedded bad habits, and wrong inaccurate views/beliefs as to how it should really be between me and food, and eating. If somebody could have somehow shown me how I would be eating as I do today, I would have said they were crazy...nobody can live like that....but then again I was eating enough on a daily basis to feed an entire family. I have a 10cc band....From reading posts and talking with a few people, having a 14cc band is an entire different experience...so 6-1/2cc may be different for you than it is for the next person.
  11. I am just so happy I got my life back. In HS I played football, ran track. Then went into the service and survived 2 tours in vietnam....came out, went to college, got married, then middle age set in and I grew lazier and lazier, and fatter and fatter...to the point then my health started to suffer in a big way. I was tired of being a disgusting fat, lazy, unhealthy person.Saying that I had a very low self image.... I had/have no will power, self discipline to diet and loose weight on my own. If I could, believe me I would have. So, as a last resort, I underwent lapband surgery. Did for me what I could not do on my own. EASIEST thing I could have ever done, wished I had done it 20 years sooner.. I am just so pleased and thrilled I am now at normal weight, wear normal size clothes, have my health back, have a high energy level to do just about anything I want to....have a high self esteem, and a high self image.... And most importantly of all...I will NEVER have to worry about diets and loosing weight ever again!!! As long as the band is there, properly adjusted, doing the work for me in the background 24/7.... I'm 62 years old, and I feel like I'm in my 30's!!!
  12. They definitely do....I now have skinnier, and healthier feet!!!
  13. I've had machines like that in the past...took up a lot of room, and for whatever reason I did not use them I have an Elliptical Machine, same one my Gym has....paid $3 thousand for it, refurbished, not new....I hardly ever use it, although I know some day I will.... I rather go to the gym. There is something about it that motivates me to do a better work out. being around other people doing the same? Simply the environment? The fact I went thru the effort to get there? I would rather run 3-5 miles on the treadmill at the gym, than run outdoors. I don't know, I do know it's better for me and get better results.
  14. Most veterans do not stick around here very long. perhaps it is for the reasons you give. It can be frustrating to see and hear from all the experts...then look at their profiles and see they've barley scratched the surface. I don't claim to be an expert, nor should anyone else on this forum.......What people should do is share their experiences, what lessons they have learned about themselves good and bad....and let readers see. When someone asks a question as to what should they do in a particular situation....just watch how many people feel it's their responsibility to play Dr. and tell others what they're doing wrong and what they should be doing. Where is their knowledge coming from??? If it's something your Dr has instructed you to do, then say so...."My Dr. has told me if that happens, I should...." As a veteran I will never give a direct answer to such questions. Only thing I can do is share what has happened to me in a similar situation. And if i have never experienced it myself, then I keep my mouth shut and let someone who has experienced the same thing share their story. Forum for 5 year+ people?....be hard to find people around here to participate.
  15. B-52

    Weird look at restaurants

    I used to love to go to restaurants and watch other people eat...after surgery it was an entirely different perspective. I could not believe what I was seeing..... Take it another step forward, you begin to see how society, marketers, or somebody, (the devil) is encouraging you to eat more and more... restaurants brag about the "never ending all you can dare to eat" menus. as though that is a big attraction??? Burgers on TV commercials just keep betting bigger and bigger (and more disgusting) adding more and more combinations. I think the latest is "Pretzel bread" Really? And the pizza commercials... So rejoice that you have crossed to the other side, away from all the madness....
  16. B-52

    Male Banders

    I was in my late fifties when I had the surgery...Obese, had one heart attack resulting in surgery, Diabetes with daily injections, high BP, triglycerides, cholesterol, you name it all out of control. I lost my Brother and sister who had the same bad lifestyle I was living. Dr. said I was critical and unless I lost weight, it would not be long for me...I was seeing as many as 5 specialists on a routine schedule. NOTHING was working, because I did not have the discipline. Even when my life depended on it. Tried every diet under the sun for the last 30 years...could not succeed at anything..would start out good, then failed miserably because I did not have the will power and discipline to follow any diet. PCP refereed me for bariatric Surgery, as a Last Resort...never considered it before nor thought I would be a candidate. That was almost 4 years ago...lost ALL my excess weight, have a very low body fat %.....I run 3-5 miles a day. Play softball in a league with guys 20 years younger. can outrun, out perform almost all men I meet my age. I go to the gym as much as possible because I now enjoy and proud of the things I can do there. I am now a vegetarian, and try to eat only the best foods I can find. I feel like a million bucks, a new man, a new life, physically, mentally and socially. Even my employment and financial situation has improved beyond my expectations. Young people tell me they hope they will be like me physically and health wise when they get to my age. What I could not do by myself, surgery as done for me...I will never Diet, or worry about gaining weight for the rest of my life. I still enjoy the foods I want, and eat/drink ,many things people on diets would never dream of doing. Lap band surgery as changed the way I eat, taken away my hunger and cravings, not because I want it to be so, but because physically, from surgery, things have been altered prohibiting me from doing those things. Never had a single problem or complication, as long as I don't force the issue. And I have learned not to. Agreed, in the beginning it was not all roses. Thing about the bad is that it is adjustable, and there is a learning curve where people need to learn new habits and adapt a new lifestyle if they want the band to work. Alas, some refuse to change....some don't want to give up some things that were killing them the first place. I don't even want to think where I would be if I did not have this surgery. I doubt I would be alive, that's for sure. When people say they are not sure, I ask them what is your alternative? You really think there is something else that will work? Then go do it. Show me....Did I want to have to have this surgery? Absolutely NOT! Wish I never had to do it. Don't like the idea of having something foreign in my body wrapped around my stomach. Wish I could do it like other people who are not overweight do it. But truth is I could not. Diets do not work for me. All things considered, I don't regret it one bit. I wake up everyday looking forward to what a great day it's going to be, and what new adventure - experience it will bring. I get a little mad and annoyed , and yes saddened....when people sell this surgery short and don't let it do everything it can do, then complain it does not work or it's a never ending uphill, frustrating struggle. (it's just a tool...phooey!) To each their own I guess....I'm here to say it does work. 100% and then some.
  17. Have to say, speaking for myself...the first 4-6 months were "Hell"..pure frustration, thought I made a big mistake.... Then after my last fill, things got better, although very confusing with many stuck episodes.... Eventually, say after 1 year to be sure, a little earlier perhaps, I figured it all out...found what worked for me, found what rules I had to adhere to to make it work, and began to make all the changes second nature.... The weight just started to come off consistently, and it was, and still is the easiest thing I could have ever done...it still is. So the first few months were very hard, after that it became a "Cake walk" as you say, easy as can be......I felt sorry for all those around me always talking about having to loose a few pounds.... Most of the posts I read here from people struggling, IMO, and I stress it is only my opinion, (have no way of ever knowing what people are really experiencing) it sounds like they are trying to find that "Groove" As far a the 5 day pouch test...I do my own mini-version of it every 6 weeks or so, but not for the reason(s) many here feel it is for. And my Dr. thinks it is a great idea for maintenance. (if there is such a thing with surgery)
  18. B-52

    Question for everyone

    First fill was 30 days after surgery...4cc's, and it did absolutely nothing...(just saying)...as a matter of fact, after that first fill, I gained weight... Second fill was 30 days after the first, 2cc's....after witch my weight leveled off..neither gained no lost Third fill was 30 days after my second, 1cc....that was all it took to put me over the top...thought I was too tight, almost got that 1cc taken out....my Dr. talked me out of it asking if I wanted to go back to where I was with the 2 fills...I stuck it out and it all settled down and has been "perfect" ever since....that was over 3 years ago...still going strong.
  19. B-52

    Disney World!

    In less than 2 weeks my family and I will be in Disney - Orlando for 8 days....staying at a nice resort on the mono rail line.... My family elected me to make the dinner reservations for everyday we are there....they still consider me the food connoisseur and restaurant junkie. So that is what I have been doing...making reservations for some very nice places to eat...some of which are upscale "Signature" establishments..... I find it very ironic and and somewhat amusing that I am doing this....actually enjoying myself. I'm picking the better restaurants because they have the better quality food...no burgers and fries places...and definitely no "Buffets". That would be a waste of money. And just like at home, there is nothing very band friendly at fast food places, other than ice cream perhaps. I have vacationed a few times since being banded, cruises, etc...where food and drink is abundant...and every time I put the band to the test...it works daily for me at home, why would a cruise ship or resort be different? Why and how would the band change? And every time the band has performed as expected...how could it be different? I suspect, with the hot weather, walking all day long, plus we expect to be either at the pool or a Water park everyday, I imagine I am going to loose weight..... One thing I need to consider is bringing some type of Protein supplements with me, in the way of powder or ready made drinks such as muscle milk or naked, etc. Can't wait for vacation...I need it. Orlando here we come.
  20. B-52


    What does your Dr. say?
  21. B-52

    Do You Have A Name For The Process?

    LUMPY....because it looks like a golf ball sticking up under my skin.....
  22. First, I'm a lap bander.... One of the most liberating things I ever did after this surgery was to stop counting calories, measuring portion sizes, etc. I also stopped using my apps like fitbit, MFP, etc...drove me crazy and I was not loosing as good as I hoped. I simply learned to eat good, healthy nutritious foods, and let the band do it's magic....I eat when I'm hungry, and when I do I eat well, and stop when I do not want to continue, again when the band says stop. I have friends who have never been fat a day in their life....yet they go out and enjoy things in life, go to parties, alcohol when they wish, etc, etc. I observed their habits when it comes to food and so forth. Also their activity levels, always involved in something such as cycling, running, swimming....always into something as a past time. My lifestyle is, and has been for a few years now the same as theirs, which I consider a normal lifestyle, that lead to a normal weight and good health.....I don't know if they have to work at it or not.... I know I can do it now because the band enables (forces) me to......before surgery, forget it...absolutely no self control around food, and not much in the activity department either.... This is a new lifestyle, a new day to day way of life....DIET is a four letter word, something I will NEVER have to do or worry about again.... Since I eat so little, less often, and there are foods I will never be able to eat again, I have become a real health nut when it comes to food....vegetarian, organic and natural when possible, and always Protein first and foremost.
  23. B-52

    pouch ?

    Interesting they would say that....I have seen x-rays of enlarged, over stretched, herniated pouches...not very pretty.... When the band says stop, I stop. And for good measure I do a little maintenance every 4-6 weeks.
  24. B-52

    Restriction vs interest?

    I too have lost all my excess weight, and keeping it off....so it is posts like yours that strike my interest.... From one veteran to another....please elaborate on what, and how, did you you develop a "raging" eating disorder, that you had to get all the Fluid removed..... I fear and want to be aware of possible problems that may, and does happen to those who have been successful for some time... As to your question....I have absolutely no interest in food....and no hunger...there are days where nothing appeals to me at all and I have no desire to eat.... I have wandered around grocery stores and came home with the stupidest things...and when I did get home I didn't want to eat what I purchased... It has been that way ever since I hit the green zone for sure... The way it was explained to me is, that the mere presence of the band, for when it is adjusted properly, sends a signal to my brain saying I am full, although it is not a physical feeling, but mental...and if you are full, you cannot possibly eat another another bite...but I have not eaten anything in hours, or since yesterday! It's as though you are at a thanksgiving dinner and have made a pig of yourself to the point you need to un snap your belt....then someone puts a piece of pie in front of you and your thinking is "No way can I eat another thing..take it away...I don't ever want to even see food right now" Well it's like that for me, but not physical...just the mental. And it has been that ay for so long it is not nearly that dramatic...it's all very simple and matter of fact now. reading the posts here I have found some people have it all the time, 24/7, like myself and a few old timers that are not around here anymore, and some need to take a few swallows of food to experience it...., and unfortunately, for whatever reason, (keep my opinions as to why to myself) some never experience this....

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