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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    Rice cooker steamer

    For me, Rice was one of the first foods to go on my "No longer eat list" (I'm a lap-bander) Have not had it in years.
  2. B-52

    Long-term fills?

    My last fill was over 3 years ago...been at that "Magic" sweet spot ever since...no hunger, appetite - food portions totally under control....lost all possible weight with a fat% very low (athletic) This last summer I asked for 1/2cc to be taken out, (against my Dr.'s advice because there was no reason to), and sure enough, it tipped the apple cart...my hunger-cravings returned, and my food portion sizes began to increase. I went back and got that 1/2cc put back in ASAP.....(to my Dr.'s "I told you so" remarks) Throughout the last few years, whenever I feel I can eat more and easier than usual, I do not consider another fill. Everything was fine till then, why another fill? So I will go all liquids for a few days...that seems to "tighten" everything back up..gives everything a rest, and put things back to where they should be.... (some call that the 5 day pouch test...I do not)
  3. B-52


    Like TMF said, the band is adjustable and therein lies the key.....although finding that perfect setting, IMO just tight enough but not too tight, can be a very fine line and hard to find. I read stories as these and, speaking for myself only, I find it difficult to imagine how it can happen with the band doing it's job. Then, not too long ago, I asked to have 1/2cc taken out...(for no good reason)...and that balance was totally disrupted, SCAREY even, that suddenly I was able to eat/drink in ways I knew would lead me where I would rather not go....so I went back and got that 1/2cc put back in.....My Dr. kept (who I get along with very well) kept rubbing my face in it saying "I told you so" and "Did you learn something?" The band has the reputation of having a lower success rate than other surgeries....I spoke with the PA at my Dr.'s office about this, and she said she would not blame it on the band, but rather than it is adjustable and the patient has the ultimate final say how it should be adjusted to fit their comfort levels....other surgeries are cut and dried.... She always shares stories how people want Fluid taken out so they can enjoy big family dinners, vacations, etc, than come in later to get it re-adjusted..... Sounds like the rationalization I used with traditional diets that always led to failure...."I'll indulge today and start fresh again come Monday" Best thing for anyone to do is to keep regular visits with their Surgeon, and follow his/her treatment plan....having the surgery is only the first step, what follows in the months, years, to come is most important of all.... Sorry for rambling, I tend to do so at 5am.....
  4. I'm coming up on 4 years, and have not eaten a solid breakfast in almost as many...it's just impossible....what you're eating for breakfast I could never....so I have a very high Protein, freshly made smoothie every day for breakfast, plus my coffee, etc. One of my biggest breakthroughs, was when I quit worrying about counting calories, and what I eat and how much I eat everyday. If I eat, I eat. If I don't, I don't.... I let my band dictate that, and like you, I am NEVER hungry....so it is not something on my mind anymore. But I do concentrate on my daily protein requirements, plus Water...VERY IMPORTANT! Hungry or not it must get done. So when I do eat, it is always protein focused, which does not leave room/appetite for anything else, meaning junk. If I have one shot at eating, why blow it on something like pizza? That may be the only thing I eat for a while and there is no benefit to eat. There is a lot of talk about stalls, etc. I believe as one looses weight and develops a new selections of foods and level of physical activity, the body, metabolism, adjusts itself and settles into a new-different normal. Hence weight loss stalls. Something needs to kick that metabolism's butt into gear again...increasing exercise, less calories, and perhaps both. This is all my opinion, based upon my personal experiences....I would never expect others to do things because I do it...Heaven Forbid!!! Others have found other thinking to find their complete success. I have found mine, and everyone else's is somewhere in between. My metabolism and weight loss has settled out (again) and it is is at a good place, where it will remain for the rest of my life....with a whole new lifestyle of eating and exercising, and no more weight to loose. So you can say I have been at a stall for years now, and I'm happy with it. Never felt better and healthier in my life, and my Dr.'s (all of them) could not be happier.....
  5. B-52

    Warren county

    There is a bunch of us here from New Jersey...there is a thread (Roll Call) somewhere.....
  6. B-52

    having trouble eating in the am

    I have not had a solid breakfast in years....I have a high protein smoothie, and it gurgles when going down... Gets better as the day goes on.
  7. B-52

    Recovery from dilated estophugus

    It is worth noting, in your case and in many other complications I read, the remedy is for the Dr to do a complete unfil....to give the band a rest, and let everything return to normal. I give my band a rest every 6 weeks or so, just for good measure, by doing straight liquids for a few days, no solids at all.....after which I can tell - feel things are in tip top shape....(restriction if you choose) If you're worried about the risk of dilation returning, then give it a try...can't hurt. Plus I feel it is helping, possibly preventing other things I won't go into.
  8. I had the lap band, and I was never told there was nothing I cannot eat....was told to stay away from carbonated drinks for a while, but that was about it..... I did however, learn on my own what foods were more difficult than others, and decided on my own to just write them off because they were too risky.... I would report this to my Dr., and he would nod and agree with me, tell me that was not unusual.....but I was telling him, not the other way around.... Some of the foods I no longer eat, others eat freely, and vice-verse....each person, who is banded, has to ,earn their band and theirs only....there are things I eat/drink that people on this forum would have a fit if I told them, (I am NOT on any Diets) So yes, there is a permanently banned list...but it is MY List.....
  9. I spent considerably MORE money on clothes, because EVERYTHING feels and looks so good....and everything off the rack in any store now fits....things I couldn't wear before, or were not available - impossible to find in my size..... now I and a medium, and in some cases size small.... Plus work out clothes and expensive running shoes are now a priority. Our grocery bills have been cut by 75%....and I am sure I am saving on medical bills, if not current then what would have been I'm sure. but don't forget, and this has been mentioned many times, that with weight loss, new clothes, increased motivation and energy levels, etc, etc....many people have plainly said how they now make more money, and have advanced in their careers, jobs.
  10. B-52

    Out of sourts

    Don't worry, I was "out of sorts" for months, you could even say the first year before everything became normal, the NEW normal that is....
  11. Believe or not, It is my job! What I do for a living. I work in pediatrics, with some very sick kids....depending on the Dx, some will never live past their teenage years and everyone knows it. To go through a day, no matter how long or busy, and make a positive contribution that impacts and changes peoples lives...not just the kids, but the parents whose entire world has crashed around them.... It's a high like no other... And yes, the Body, Soul and Spirit are all connected...and I have found that when the body can perform better, from loosing weight and getting healthier and in shape, then it only increases the performance that feeds the spirit... Your soul is an outward expression of the two.... Negativity is such a downer, it makes me angry...not at people personally, but their action and choice to do so.
  12. B-52

    why do I not feel ab exercises?

    What are you looking to feel? Muscle Pain?
  13. B-52

    Do you drink before you eat?

    I drink everything and anything right up to the first bite/swallow....after I'm done eating, I take a sip here and there and can tell when it is safe to drink again....if I drink too soon, it will mix with the food in my pouch, over filling it, and everything will come right back up...not to mention the pain and probable stretching of the pouch....usually 20 minutes and I'm good...but I have had feelings up to an hour later, very rare but it has happened. Incidentally, drinking warm Water when I got stuck was a sure fire way of getting unstuck! Better do it over the sink or toilet... When I drink liquids too soon at the dinner table, I have been known to run to the bathroom!!!
  14. B-52

    Pouch rest?

    Can't hurt, why not give it a shot?....do it for yourself and see if you can tell - feel any benefits for yourself....if anything has changed... I have my reasons, and get the desired results. I can also pretty much tell when I need to. But everyone needs to get to know their band, and how to "Listen to it"
  15. It's not random for me, anymore. I can pretty much predict it, and if it should expectantly feel tight, I usually can track back as to why.... But that's me...everyone needs to get to know their band...
  16. I LOVE Pickles....a pickle, bit of cheese and a few crackers and I'm good for hours....
  17. B-52

    Dont be a b***h

    I see patients everyday in clinics throughout NJ....there are patients who take things soberly and to heart, a real pleasure to work with., and then there are people who will come up with every possible rationalization under the sun thinking they can get away with something, at least in their minds....but in reality they are fooling no one but themselves... I see that behavior everyday on this forum...people just searching for excuses to do something they know they shouldn't, or after consistently doing things and then look for people to tell them it's going to be OK.... How many posts are there concerning Alcohol or pizza??? WHAT does YOUR Dr. say??? Those are 2 that jump immediately to mind... After a few years you see a trend with this, and unfortunately when a Newbie asks a question they get hit between the eyes as though they were the ones asking the same question time after time.
  18. B-52

    Almost Flunking my C25k? Rats!

    I did not look at this as a contest, a race, etc. I looked at this as a long term "Training - conditioning" program. So I wanted to be sure I completed and got down each week thoroughly until moving on to the next. And when I finished, I had it' and could do it every day thereafter. It became a part of me. Then I moved on to the 10K program.
  19. B-52

    To the newbies

    I have found, the daily Protein and water requirements are the most important of all....
  20. B-52

    Hi all, 59 years and starting a new life!

    I will soon to be 63, and also 5'8",....started out at 265-270, (not sure because I couldn't bear to weight myself), and I am now at 165 (and have been for almost 3 years).....with a 12-13% body fat %...considered "Athletic" All severe co-morbidites have been reversed, including diabetes, high BP, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, you name it. Had an MI one year before surgery, resulting in angioplasty with cardiac stents. I could not carry groceries into the house without getting short of breath. I now feel 25 years younger and feel confident and motivated to take on the world. So you see, you are never too old to take care of yourself, and above all, THIS THING DOES WORK! (in spite of all the negative posters you may read here, and eventually fade away anyway)
  21. B-52


    SWMHS Class of 1970...Go Bombers!
  22. B-52

    Almost Flunking my C25k? Rats!

    Many times I could not complete a session, so I would go back and start that week over...so a 8 week course took me maybe 12 weeks to complete.... But now, I run anywhere from 3-5 miles at least 5 days a week, and have been for quite some time now... It's worth noting for beginners, I did not decide one day I'll start training to run...I worked thr elliptical 5 days a week for some time until it wasn't doing anything for me (cardio wise) no matter how much resistance or speed. Then I knew I was ready to step it up.
  23. B-52

    I got stuck!

    If I never got stuck, I never would have had to change my eating methods, and would never had to change the foods I eat...which means I never would have undergone any Behavior Modification, meaning I never would have lost the weight. In other words I never should have had this surgery in the first place... Sure getting stuck is not pleasant...nor is it pleasant to touch a hot stove...sooner or later we all learn... If I had a dollar for all the times I got stuck.......but I learned, and have not had the pleasure in a long time.
  24. Or, I can also say "You never know" OR "What Motivates You".... First, I am almost 63 years old....on Facebook I belong to groups from my hometown, also there is a group comprised of our H.S. Class of 1970 - A spin off of that is a "Memorial" page, where people from our hometown, the same era, have passed away...I know, it's depressing to say the least to read the list of names of people you grew up with that are now gone. In the last few weeks, there have been 3 names added to that page, one I read just a little while ago. A woman 6 years younger than me. Thinking about mortality, one never knows....I look at the pictures of some of the guys I knew that have passed away, and I can't believe my eyes...what happened? How can someone let themselves go like that? The obesity related health issues...Don't people know what they are doing to themselves? Look who's calling the kettle black...I had my crisis about 6 years ago...my name could have easily been on that list. I too was Obese, had cardiac issues including surgery, and a whole list of health related issues all from being obese and not eating healthy. On one hand, you never know when it's your time....I can be gone in a blink of an eye.....on the other hand, I thank God I had this surgery! I thank God I was forced to learn to eat right, and healthy. I thank God I lost all that weight, and my health issues have been reversed and some totally gone. THIS THING DOES WORK!!!! And will change, no, SAVE your life.... I know that the majority of people here are very young (in my eyes anyway)....but seriously...Think About it. Do you want to wait till you're 50 before you take action? It may be too late....it's all about "Quality of Life" and whats going to carry you into old age.... Like I said, no one has the answer to immortality, but right now, I feel more stronger and reinforced, motivated to explore newer healthier foods. and at 5 am tomorrow morning, I'm headed to the gym and I'm going to run harder that I have run in months....(even if it kills me) Thank you for letting me babble on.....
  25. B-52

    Gonna try something new

    I am a believer in this, and I don't really call it the 5 day pouch test, but I do routinely go all liquids for 2, maybe 3 days which usually gives me good results. I don't do it to loose weight, I'm finished loosing. I do it for maintenance reasons and what I believe maintains good band-health.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
