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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. I'm 4 years in, and have not had a fill in 3-1/2 years...like you, everything has settled out where my body wants to be...optimal weight, with a very low body fat %...(Forget BMI's) gain and loose the same 5 lbs ever since. Not sure what a compliant Lap bander is, I just "Listen" to my band, and don't fight it. When it says stop, I stop. When it says "Not this food", I don't eat it and choose something else.....I am NOT on any diets...I just eat less...a LOT LESS, than what I did before surgery...so I still enjoy things people on diets would never be able to eat. One thing I have learned...after this time I know my band very well. I expect a certain amount of restriction in terms of portion sizes, lack of hunger/cravings etc. At times I realize I am suddenly eating more than I should, un -restricted. "I can't believe I just ate that whole thing with no limitations from the band..." It is then that I go full liquids for a few days..some call this the 5 day pouch test (why I have no idea), but I stay away from solids and give the band a rest.... I always felt it was the pouch that was dilating letting me eat more than usual, but from your experience I can se how it could be esophagus....although IMO it would take a long period of time for that to happen. Anyway, going all liquids, on my own, in effect achieves the same thing as your Dr. doing a complete un-fill...giving the band a rest, letting things return to normal...and that is what it does for me. After a few days of no solid food, just liquids, my restriction (Loose term) returns along with portion sizes, lack of hunger, etc. I do this every 6-8 weeks or so. With the Holidays, I need to do this soon.... It's the only form of maintenance I can think of with the Band.... Last summer, I was feeling so good about myself, I asked the Dr. to have 1/2cc taken out....He advised against it, if it's not broken, why fix it? But he did just the same. WOW! Talk about tipping the apple cart! That perfect balance completely destroyed. My hunger returned, I was able to eat more freely with larger portions, then wanted more. I went back and got that 1/2cc put back in 3 weeks later, with my Dr. saying "I told you so" I cannot imagine what people go through with a complete un-fil....
  2. B-52

    Feeling good

    20 lbs for what? Obviously some sort of goal......but whose? Is it your final goal? or a mid way point. Your avatar says you have lost 33lbs. I'm curious when I read people's threads about achieving goals....and I wonder, because they had surgery and not another diet, what do they do when they reach their goal? Not trying to be difficult, just trying to make a point. Surgery permanently changes things, so when someone reaches a goal they set for themselves, then what? (Talking Lap Band here)
  3. Few things you mentioned, I never go near anymore...except cheetos...Love em, and not just a few. Also, why so much Gas-X?
  4. It get's better....to a point you don't even think about bad days...they in themselves become a thing of the past.
  5. B-52

    Fish Oil Supplement

    I take 4 gms of Lovaza...an Omega 3 fish oil only available with Rx....
  6. B-52

    Christmas party

    That's what it's all about.......
  7. It's not fun and new for me anymore either...most of the time I don't think about it. It's like I had a root canal 4 years ago, and it's all behind me. BUT Along the way I developed (was forced) new eating habits, no more dieting, counting calories, carbs, etc.... certain foods I gave up for good, certain foods are primary such as higher Protein foods, I became a Gym rat, etc. And if I should start to stray, or eat something by accident that I know I shouldn't, the band will let me know right away and teach me a lesson if I continue. The band will keep me on the straight and narrow. Although it has been 4 years, the band does not change. It is still there, with the same amount of restriction there was 3 years ago. I did experiment once, and had 1/2cc taken out. The difference was so substantial I went back and had that 1/2cc put back in ASAP with my Dr. saying "I told you so" If it ain't broke, don't fix it. People always refer to the band as just a "Tool"...for me it's different. It's not a tool. It is not something I can choose to use or not.
  8. Just shows everybody...this thing does work! (in spite of the negativity)
  9. I say "Thank You...Dr's Orders" Although I have not had any compliments in a while, it's old news and and many people forget I was ever fat...or so it seems.
  10. Finally, my new passport arrived today.... My old one looked nothing like me today, and I was getting tired of being scrutinized every time I needed to show it. One time, the customs officer called someone else over (supervisor?) for a second look,,,,and more questions. I was told at a support group once, years ago, not to worry. Custom officials have seen everything and are very aware of people loosing over 100lbs. But still....the hard stares, questions. Especially when coming into or from out of another country. Last thing I need is to get pulled aside and stripped searched! So even though I had many years before the current one expired, I filled out the application and sent in the old one with a new photo (plus a fee) and my new one came back without a hitch. So yes...loosing weight is much more than new clothes...it's a new identity with the US State Dept. (BTW, I have absolutely no fear of ever gaining any weight back as long as the band is there)
  11. B-52

    The winter and weight loss

    You burn more calories in the winter, you body - metabolism working to keep warm.
  12. B-52

    Qualifying comorbidities....seriously?!?

    "Ditto" My Dr. flat out told me if I did not loose weight, I would surely die...and Soon! That was when I was 57, having already lost both my Brother and sister to a premature slow and agonizing death primarily stemming from obesity. Unless you like infections, blindness, amputations and dialysis 3 times a week. Not a joking matter.....Seriously!
  13. B-52

    Band fill?

    I had my first fill 4 weeks after surgery...4cc's...after which I started to gain weight..... I was embarrassed to go for my second fill knowing I would be weighed....fortunately my Dr. laughed at me...told me weight watchers was down the hall if I'm going to have that diet mentality.... All in all it took a few fills, and much frustration and adjusting on my part before anything really started to fall into place. I would say a good 6 months...but even then there is much to learn if I wanted to live with the band...I'm still learning things here and there..... It is, IMO, the most frustrating part of this life with the lap band....we have surgery and expect things to happen...but they don't...that is not the way it works. People brag about the weight they lost pre and post op...Who Wouldn't? It's not the real thing..not yet. I read posts here everyday from people talking about how much they lost, going into stalls, hitting plateaus...all these things and then see they have only had surgery 30-60-90 days ago.... We're talking the rest of our lives here....the first few months to a year is only a drop in the bucket.... I always fear when people get frustrated, start calling themselves failures, the band does not work, etc etc.... They expect too much too soon...instantly...then want to quit when they don't get instant results.... There are many people here who come with complaints, frustrations their not loosing...can the two groups be the same? You can't expect a newborn baby to run marathons when they're still learning how to walk....!!!! All I can say is this thing does work...if you let it! I think most of the problems I read here, frustrations, etc, is because WE get into the way, and resist change.... Also be mindful when reading responses, posts, what type of WLS people have had...the band works differently and the experiences are not the same. That can add to frustration also.
  14. B-52

    Where's the heat?

    Can't handle winters the way I used to.....maybe move to Florida?
  15. B-52

    When to weigh in?

    First thing every morning when I first wake up and walk into the bathroom....then usually later at the gym... So yes, every day, sometimes twice a day.... Looking at that scale every morning gives me such a positive shot in the arm for my ego..., feeling good about myself.....VICTORY!...YES!
  16. B-52

    What did you say?!

    Just goes to show you....there are conversations that go on amongst thin people about fat people....like it or not, it's true. Now that you are loosing weight you have been privy to what non-fat people observe, think and say.... I have finished loosing weight for a few years now, and the entire perception of fat people is not pretty..... Sorry, but it's true. It's not that people are meaning to be mean, it's just that fat people are scrutinized....
  17. B-52

    I have a Question

    Think of a Funnel....you cannot pour Water into the wide opening too fast, have to let it pass through the narrow passage out the bottom....put food in there and the water is not going anywhere (but back up) Post-op swelling can make that passage narrow, so you have to take it easy....but it will go away... Later, after a few fills, it may return depending on how much restriction you're going to want. I cannot drink liquids very fast, and I definitely cannot drink while eating, and sometimes up to 1/2hr afterwards.
  18. Everyone is different....my first fill was 4cc's, which did absolutely nothing....I actually started to gain weight between that fill and the next....2nd fill was 2 cc's for a total of 6,...that helped a little but took a third fill to get me to the Green Zone. And yet, there are people who have never had a fill and are doing just fine.....
  19. My Dr. had a set treatment plan....I would come in every 4 weeks since surgery..... I would get weighed in, and weight was compared to last visit and average weekly loss (or gain) was determined. He would refer to the "Yellow-Green-Red" Chart on the wall, ask a few questions about hunger/cravings, regurgitation, etc., .... then determine if I needed a fill or not and how much.......
  20. It has only been 4 months, which is a drop in the bucket...you're still working it and learning it, a "Tool" as you call it.....you have a lot to go, but believe me... IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER and BETTER! Just wait and See, and don't let the negativity on this forum distract you.
  21. B-52

    New developement with my band

    Happened to me, although similar and very obvious what was happening. My Dr. always pulls it all out to check and see if it is the same as last visit, also to check clarity, etc. One time as he pulled back the syringe, nothing came out...but it was obvious there was a blockage...let go of the syringe and it pops back. My port is right below the skin, and you can clearly see it...you can also se about 2-3" of the tubing, like a snake, before it goes deep. You could clearly see a kink in the tubing, which only got worse as you pulled suction. Long story, said it was very common....I held the syringe with one hand, while pulling back on the other as he massaged and worked the kink out of the tubing.... Your story sounds different...mine was very obvious what was happening.
  22. First, people should be aware there are responses here from people with different types of surgeries...very confusing and not always have similar experiences. Never been told there was anything I could or could not eat.....I had to find that out for myself. I now have my own list of foods that do not work well with my band, so I will never eat the again.... But other people on this forum have no problem with. The band is adjustable and everyone has a different level of restriction.......and reacts differently to different textures of foods..... I cannot, or will not eat Red meat anymore, but I can have a Beer or two...go figure. The band is something everyone has to learn themselves, Dr.'s can only give sweeping general rules, which are important in the beginning....
  23. B-52

    What is happening?

    You'll find as time goes on, what your bands characteristics are and how you exist with it. Not many people are identical.... One thing you will notice after you read posts on this forum enough is how vast the differences can be.... There are people who doing just fine and never had a fill...I read a post this morning where the person said their band was filled almost to max, and still nothing. Some people eat anything they want....some people are very restricted in the types of foods they can eat.... Some carbonated drinks, some not...some crush their meds, some not...drink with meals or not....and on and on it goes. Everybody's truth is somewhere in the mix...does not make one person right and the other person wrong. So it can be very confusing to take everybody's experiences and make them your own... Sure I drink beer now and then, but it was only after a few years and up till then my Dr. said absolutely not. (there is a secret in doing it IMO) Does not mean everyone can,or should, just because I can....there are things other people do I cannot and never will attempt. In the beginning I was presented with a whole list of "rules"..the do's and don'ts....over time, some of the rules applied less for me, and others became extremely important.... But in the beginning I had no choice but to learn and try to follow everyone..... Bottom line...are you loosing? Are you making progress? That is why we had WLS in the first place.And that's all that matters.
  24. I've told no one except very close family members.... At first, when I was getting many compliments, people wanted to know what was my secret.... I simply told them I do not eat nearly as much as I used to, sometimes skipping meals, I concentrate on a high protein based diet when I do eat, no longer eat red meat, things made from flour/dough including pasta's, breads, etc, I drink water all day long, and go to the gym every chance I get...all of which is very true! BTW...I have been at optimal weight for almost 3 years now....the compliments have stopped, people don't talk about my weight loss anymore...it's old news, and now I am accepted for who and what I am today. And new people I meet, never knew me when I was a fattie.... I've been in situations where I had to tell people how much I used to weigh, and even then some simply will not believe it. So all this is short term, and eventually you put it all behind you...and get to normal...the new normal. I think if I had openly broadcasted the fact is was also a result of WLS, people's attitudes would be different today...
  25. B-52

    Band slipped then gained weight

    According to your profile, Is it accurate that you had surgery in 2009 and have lost only 30lbs? And you Dr. does not want to put Fluid back in band right now...how recently was your band slip? I'm not being critical, but to respond to questions, I look for a little background and can only tell from what you have either in your post or on your profile. I've never had a band slip, or any problems or complications...but there are many here who have and will share their experiences... One thing I have read is that the Dr will empty your band untill such time he/she feels it is safe to start adjustments again. What that time frame is I am not sure.

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