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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    It's a family affair

    Think about the cost of Groceries going way down!!!
  2. B-52

    Set backs and starting over

    Did they have to remove all the fluid from your band for the emergency surgery?
  3. Funny how we notice things like that now....
  4. I like knowing...The better one knows one's band, IMO, is "Key" to being successful. Also, I would not care to have too much in there..... As to when my last fill was, it has been over 3 years and that make me feel good...that the initial protocol followed by my surgeon in those first months, was all that was needed. Three years...things have been very consistent. If I should experience any change in hunger, portion sizes, etc, or weight, I know right away it is not because I need another fill....there is something else going on.
  5. This is only my feelings and past experience with the band. First, when I got stuck, "Threw Up" as you call it, you can argue whether I was too tight or not. Fact is, I was positive because it was evidence that the band is actually doing something...good or bad, it was working! And the fills where making a difference. Second, as the band changed, good or bad, I always felt (and still do) that it was ME that needed to change to get in harmony with the band. Took some time, a lot of trial and error, numerous stuck episodes until I learned there are certain things I cannot do if I expected the band to work. And there are certain things I must do to work with the band. That was the most frustrated time with my band, and no one could tell me exactly what I needed to do. Sure, there are rules, but they in themselves are not the entire answer. I want to say more...but do not want to get "Flamed" by other people on this forum.....
  6. The band will limit the QUANTITY of food I can eat, It's up to me to make the best of what I do eat.... I learned not to make the mistake of starting a meal with an appetizer, maybe a cup of Soup, then realize the band will not allow me to eat anymore....I blew it, never got to my Protein entree.... I'm not on any diet, don't count calories, etc. I just know what foods are good and what foods are bad. Over the holidays, I ate whatever I wanted. It was my choice. And I thoroughly enjoyed !! Difference is, the no matter what I chose to eat, the band will not allow me to over eat...and I really don't mind because I do not experience hunger the way I used to...it's all eye candy. In my case, the band IS a Magic Bullet...it took months of struggling to get there, but once I did..... The band prevents me from over eating...portions set My hunger (and cravings) are non existent.. There are certain food types I will never be able to eat again, majority not good for me in the first place. For a guy who used to eat en entire x-large pizza,along with 2-3 beers all by himself every friday night, and nocannot get through a single slice (if I wanted to).... THAT'S MAGICAL
  7. B-52

    Back pain?

    Try taking something like Prilosec and see if it continues...can't hurt and you can rule it out... We think in terms of 2 dimension...front, back, sides, etc. But our bodies are not 2 dimension.
  8. B-52

    2nd fill and full of questions

    I was once told early on, perhaps before surgery, one of the rules is to take bites no larger than your finger nail ! WOW...who can eat that small? Goes against everything I have been doing my whole life. But that's the point. This is my NEW life doing things differently. And sometimes, not always, I have to take bites as small as my finger nail....and chew !
  9. Sprain your ankle and what happens? It gets swollen! Fluid from the body rushes to that area that needs healing (in simple terms) Now think about what you just went through with surgery and the injury that has caused, and the healing the body needs to do.
  10. B-52

    Testing the band

    I recall the first cruise we went on after I was firmly in the green zone with the band. I was worried about all the food that was offered, 23 hrs a day.... Finally I said the heck with it...I'm going to "Put the band to the test", and went on the cruise throwing caution to the wind. What I found was the band does not change...it is the same no matter where I am, whether it be at home, work, a party, or on a cruise.Does not matter how much food, or how good it is, offered at a buffet. Does not matter how much I put on my tray... I also still maintained my workout schedule every morning, drank Water non stop. And since we were so active doing other things all day long, I came home weighing a few pounds lighter than before. I would not recommend putting the band to the test for people just starting out...You first have to insure you are properly adjusted, understand how to "Listen" to your band, and are living comfortably in that "Groove"...you need to adhere to the rules, and learn which ones apply more than others. Once you have that down, which could take months to a year, then life can throw anything at you...stress, grief, vacations...you name it. day to day living...and you'll be ready. It's a new life!!
  11. Today I had my routine visit with my PCP..... After the usual Q&A, he said I looked good, I'm going in the opposite direction of most people my age. He then started to reminisce about our visits before I had WLS...(He referred me) He asked me what was my highest weight...I told him I didn't have a clue, it got to the point where I was too embarrassed to step on the scale, didn't want to face the music. He then went way back in my very thick chart and said "I have it right here, want to know?....would you believe you where in the 80's? As in 280?" (I'm only 5'8") WOW! I really didn't know! Right now it is blowing my mind just thinking about it.... Second thing that happened, during our conversation I said something to the effect that my Cardiologist does this or that way with me "because I'm a Diabetic" He stopped me right there and said "You mean you USED to be a Diabetic" Those two simple things are having a profound impact on me right now....I can't believe I was actually that heavy, and I USED to be a Diabetic.... His words, not mine.
  12. B-52

    Can't stop losing

    Nothing unusual there at all....you've lived your old life for many years, now you need to adjust to the new "Skinny" you. For whatever reason, I have not had issues with saggy skin....my belly is as tight as a snare drum. I think it has to do with the the way I work out at the gym, and how often, including all the Water I drink and Protein I take, Vitamins.....all of which can be contributed to good skin elasticity... But now that you are skinny, you have to start to think and act as skinny people do.... as far as your title of the post "Can't Stop Loosing" People think they can turn on or turn off this thing as if it were another diet. People use the term "Goal" all the time...Whose goal? What do you expect to do when you reach it? It is surgery that has changed the way we eat and how much. There is no maintenance....it is a new normal lifestyle. And the body will continue to loose as long as it feels like it...what we need to be aware of is the protein we take, and that we are loosing fat and nothing else. And that cannot be determined by BMI's. I kept right on loosing until one day it just stopped...did a body fat analysis and found I am at a very EXCELLENT body composition. I stopped loosing when the fat reached a very body fat %. Have not gained nor lost weight in years. And it's all band, not me.
  13. B-52

    2nd fill and full of questions

    When they say the band will change your life, they're not kidding. There are foods I will never eat again...I could never eat a turkey burger, or anything similar.. How much I can eat is very limited also....and I had to learn the signals as to when to stop eating...or else! Since I can eat very little at each sitting, I have learned to make the best of what I do and can eat. So I would not be wasting my opportunity on things that do not have any positive value. The band, in my experience, has forced me to change the foods I eat, and had changed the way I eat....very slow, small bites, no drinking while eating, etc, etc. I read posts here everyday from people experiencing problems keeping food down, immediately concluding they are too tight and going in a getting Fluid taken out. Only to come back and complain the band is not working, they're hungry all the time, they're not loosing weight, etc, etc.and wonder what are they doing wrong....then fall back on traditional dieting techniques, struggling , hard work, and not relying on the band at all....never knowing what it's really like to be in the Green Zone... There's no way to tell over the internet what people are actually experiencing, but is could be they are hanging onto their old ways of eating, still trying to eat the same foods, all the things that made us fat in the first place...and then turn around and blame the band...
  14. B-52


    Just shows you how everyone reacts differently with the band.....no 2 people are the same. My first fill was 4cc's, and did absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact I was as hungry as ever and gained weight afterwards.
  15. B-52


    AMEN to that....TV is full of commercials for this and that weight loss.....activity at my gym is increasing much to the personal trainers delight. Ironic thing is, come March-April all those resolutions will be forgotten. All those "I'm going to do it this time" diets will not be talked about. I too am so glad to be set free - liberated from all that nonsense. Lap Band surgery may be the easy way out, but it's forever! Without having to constantly be setting goals, challenges or New Years resolutions. Just live the new life!
  16. There has been much talk about this, perhaps not lately... I had, before WLS.... LDL and HDL Cholesterol out of whack, Triglycerides High BP Diabetes with daily injections along with Oral meds. Neuropathy of the legs and feet...feelings would come and go, severe pain where I could not sleep Constant skin infections (landed me in hospital a few times), cellulitis, eczema Coronary Artery Disease...including one Heart Attack, resulting in Angioplasty and stents. At one point, I was seeing 6 different Dr.'s all every 4 months.... None of these things could be brought under control...I was taking more pills than I can count, and was constantly changing doses...when we got one thing under control, everything else would go off the charts. Finally my PCP sat me down, plainly stated I was a walking time bomb, and could die at any time...he doubted I would be around much longer...(I have a family history of such things, having lost my brother and sister at an early age from diseases/ailments from obesity) He said if I could only loose 50 lbs, things would start to reverse itself. Told him I wanted to loose weight more than anything, but every diet I ever attempted I started out good, then failed miserably... He then said, as a LAST RESORT....I should go see a surgeon for WLS, and he referred me to one. Fast Forward...now 4 years later...I have lost all the excess weight I possibly can, putting me at a very low body fat%. I go to the gym every chance I get, and run 3-5 miles each time, plus weights. ALL of my ailments that I mentioned, have been reversed. ALL my blood work is NORMAL right down the center. No More medications!!!! Only exception is my Cardiac condition..that is permanent damage and I will be taking certain meds for the rest of my life....but even my cardiologist says I am a walking miracle. He sees cardiac patients all day, and no one can compare to me....(BTW he was against WLS, but now likes to take credit as though he was responsible) All this because I had the Lap Band Surgery. I don't use it, or refer to it as a "Tool"...on the contrary I let it use me..I let it be the Boss and I obey. So what if it was the easy way out...EASY IS GOOD!!!! Why should I feel guilty about that?? And I don't need to apologize or make excuses to no one! It's my life and I am enjoying it now more than ever. I HATE negativity... BTW, I am now 63 years old....and going stronger than ever...
  17. For me, it's not what the food is made of, the nutritional value, etc, it is the texture that determines whether or not it will go with my band.... pancakes are pancakes are pancakes...does not matter what the ingredients are, it is the texture, consistency that matters to me because of the band. If I was not banded, and was having a discussion concerning a traditional diet, then yes. I can appreciate it. Same is red meat with me...does not go well....some people talk about "Tofu" or whatever that is made is such a way that it is just like meat...if it is just like meat, then I can't eat it...does not matter what it is made of.... I read things all the time about different ways to make pizza crust, Pasta, etc, that is good for you if you were on a traditional diet. But for me, with the band that is not the primary concern. It is if the food will pass through my band easily or not.
  18. B-52

    Getting back on track

    "Band Friendly" Foods, for me, are foods that go down easier without much risk of getting stuck, etc.....Ice Cream is very band friendly...but not good to eat 3 times a day if you're trying to loose weight. The band limits how much I can eat....and since I eat so little, I need to make the best of what I do eat....So I concentrate of the healthiest foods I can get. I look for Organic, natural foods. Stay away from preservatives, and think about the "Nutritional" value of everything. When I'm watching TV and pizza Commercials come on, as one of many examples, I now look at them in disgust and ask myself where in the world is the nutritional value there? I have not eaten Pizza in 4 years...sure I can have a slice. But then I just blew my portion on...What? What was the benefit? The band will not allow me to eat anything else, limited on the portion size. So I just did myself a big disfavor. Plus Pizza is not band friendly...like walking through a mind field. All that dough and melted globs of cheese. A food I have gotten stuck on often when I was just learning....so food that is not band friendly, and had no nutritional value for me, it is on my Do Not Eat List. One of many examples I can give. I am not on any diet in the traditional sense..don't count calories, carbs, or weigh/measure portions.......I have been set free from that rat race forever....what I do now is simple. Because of the band, I eat less...way less in a given day. So since I eat so little, I make the best of what I do eat. And also choose foods that will not give me trouble eating, foods that are a high risk of getting stuck. Band Friendly foods.
  19. B-52

    Does running get easier!?

    Today I ran 5 miles, at 6am, without the slightest bit of effort...I was floating....so much so I was concerned that I was not getting any real aerobic benefits. So I finished by doing a series of all out sprints, 45-60 seconds each with a 2 -3 minute walking rest in between......just to get my heart rate up and some sweat! That was today...there are other days it is pure hell to get started.... I wish I knew the secret, and can bottle it...how can days be so drastically different...what's the secret combination?
  20. B-52

    Lap band fill

    Are you eating/drinking close to bedtime? I had similar issues once, also bad reflux in the middle of the night. I make it a point never to eat anything after dinner, and not to drink anything but water. Digestive system works best when we are upright, (preferably moving/walking) not prone or supine, and the band only compounds it.
  21. A lot of people have posted, saying they still apply other weight loss supplements...... In my opinion, I do not see why one would....I had surgery to get away and set me free from all that. Here it is, the New year, and the TV is full of commercials with different weight loss products for all those who will be making New years resolutions..... I just sit and smile..No more, not me.....I now have a new lifestyle. But that's just my opinion.....I have faith and belief in this surgery, and so far it has been 100% successful. But if people feel they need additional help, then that's who and what they are....live and let live.
  22. B-52


    My first fill was 4 weeks after surgery, and was given 4cc's.....was told to come back in another 4 weeks for my second fill, if needed. In between my first and 2nd fill, I GAINED WEIGHT! Aside from my Dr. laughing at me due to my lack of patience and understanding how the process works, I was told by my NUT how I needed to diet and was reminded of all the things that dieters do...all the things I did, (and failed at) for many years. That to me was the most frustrating....I did not have surgery so I can go on another diet!!!! After my 2nd fill, things just held steady, no loss, no gain....,did not start to loose until my third, (and final) fill.... That's what it took before my band started to to do anything. After that 3rd fill it all became easy as can be, weight consistently came off until there was no more excess weight to loose - Body fat that is. That was 4 years ago, and it has been spot on ever since. No Worries! So yes...there is a Bandster's Hell.....but after that, it's all Heaven.
  23. B-52

    Need serious help!

    I had my first fill 4 weeks after surgery...4cc's was told to come back in another 4 weeks, and that I would be coming in every 4 weeks for at least 6 months. Anyway, after my first fill, I started to GAIN WEIGHT!!! I too was a little hesitant about going in for my second post op visit... My Dr. laughed at me....said all new patients are the same, we just don't "get It" He explained everything the best he could to me, how the band worked, it is adjustable and can take time, explained why I had to come in every 4 weeks, explained the "Yellow-Green-Red" zone poster he had hanging on the wall..... So he gave me my second fill, 2cc's for a total of 6, which was 8 weeks after surgery. After my second fill I stopped gaining weight....really did not loose either, just held steady until I came in for my 3rd fill....now 12 weeks after surgery...he gave me only 1cc, which now came to 7cc's total..... That last fill, of 1cc, put me over the top fir sure....like many people here reported, I could not keep anything down, even trouble with liquids...this went on for weeks. called him to get that last 1cc taken out, but he talked me into waiting it out a little longer....I'm glad he did. It was not the band that was the problem, it was me...I had to to change to meet the expectations of the band....but that's another story. I read posts her everyday from people, many who have just has surgery withing the last 90 days, sometimes as little as a week or two, complaining or rejoicing about the weight they either loosing or not loosing.... IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!!! We're talking about something that will change you for the rest of your life (if you let it)...it takes time to get it all balanced out...took me 4-6 months before the band really kicked in and I started to loose consistently....took around a year before I started to feel comfortable and normal living well within the Green Zone...been there ever since, longer I'm there the EASIER it gets! EASIEST THING I COULD HAVE EVER DONE!!!! But getting there was the hard part! It's now 4 years and I don't think about it all that much...what and how to eat is now second nature, normal. So to all those just starting out, stop and think about it.....give it a chance...give it time....and start now to learn the lessons that you will need to survive later down the road as the band starts to do it's thing. Lessons like a new way of eating. Which foods to give up. What kind of foods to concentrate on...and most importantly IMO, is how to "LISTEN" to your band, learn how it will speak to you and what it is trying to say....if you get stuck, etc, it's saying something!!! And remember, in spite of the negative posts, this thing DOES WORK! I have no fear of the Holidays, no needed strategies or challenges (other than enjoy myself) because I have learned to live with the band and let it dictate everything. Not me.
  24. B-52

    Week 2 Post-Op Weigh In

    Congratulations.....everyone looses weight post-op with the foods we are restricted to have....liquids, then soft mushy foods, etc... It's when we are allowed to eat solid foods again that the real business begins.
  25. B-52

    First Fill and getting yelled at.

    Between my first fill of 4cc's 4 weeks after surgery, and my second fill 4 weeks after that, I GAINED WEIGHT! I was a little trepidated going in for my 2nd visit. Know What? My Dr. laughed at me....explained to me how the band worked, and why I had to come in for adjustments every 4 weeks. He also explained what his post op treatment plan is, and what his expectations - Positive Outcomes, were for me.... It took 4-5 months and a few fills, but we finally got there! And still there today 4 years later. I read posts here all the time about what Dr.'s tell their patients, and I have to scratch my head in wonder. Do they (and us) forget WHY we elected to have this surgery, in the first place? I mean, there was a reason and for me anyway, it had to do with uncontrollable eating and appetite (hunger) And surgery was the last resort because nothing else I tried worked.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
