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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. My surgeon did not talk about goals...he did ask me what my weight was when I was in High school..(40 years ago)... I told him I was 160-165.....played football, ran track. He basically said there was no reason I could not get back to that.... My Surgeon does not talk about goals, but does stress living a new lifestyle filled with eating less, eating good, and being as active as possible., and to get away from that lifestyle that makes people fat and sick.. And that has been my mantra since..... BTW, I am now at the weight I was in High School over 40 years ago....it was not a goal, but a result of living a new, or regaining, a lifestyle.
  2. Before surgery, and before loosing weight, I would wear the spanx t-shirts for men whenever I was doing public speaking... I'd like to think it helped.... Now I am a size 33 waist...
  3. B-52

    Port Bulging Out

    Mine also looks like a golfball under my skin, and as I lost weight and belly fat, it became more pronounced.... I can even see the tubing coming out of the side, like a worm for about 2 inches before it goes deep to the band. On the positive side, it would be impossible to flip being held between the skin and muscle wall so tightly, and it is a breeze to have have fills done....the injection port is right there, 1/4" under the skin.... Ports are supposed to be stitched to the abdominal muscle wall....the more belly fat, the deeper it will be....with all the reports about ports flipping, I feel many surgeons are lazy and do not do this. peerhaps planning on it later when much of the fat is gone. If you click on my profile picture, you can see my port...as bad as the picture is, the port still is visible.. Right below my right breast....
  4. B-52

    Can't believe it.

    I'd say..... This thing DOES WORK!
  5. B-52

    new and very scared

    Change can be scary...aka..... "Fear of Flying"
  6. Make MORE MONEY!!!!! (sorry, but that's my goal for 2015)
  7. When I read this my first thought was....are you sure your band is almost full and have you been seeing your Dr. on a regular basis.... Not a answer, I know, just wondering. I have been banded 4 years, I could not tolerate another fill, can't imagine it being any tighter ot narrower........I have never "Yo-Yo'd" since having the band, although there comes times when eating gets easier...or "Too Easy" I should say with larger portions than normal allowed..... In my opinion, the band remains a constant..cannot get looser or tighter, it has always remained a constant for me...so it is something else that happens. It is then I will lay off solid foods for a few days, and stay with liquids such as shakes, Soups, etc., to give the band, the pouch actually, a chance to rest and return to normal. I've also read stories of the esophagus dilating...I suppose my little maintenance thing would help prevent that too....... I read stories here all the time, where people say they "Fell off the wagon" and "Need to get back on track" With all respect to what they are going through, myself, after being banded for 4 years, cannot understand what they are talking about, how something like that can happen....unless they were never properly adjusted in the first place and it was their own will power and self discipline that was helping them loose weight and not the band....so it they that failed, and not the band. That would make sense with traditional dieting. That was the reason I had lap band surgery, because on my own I could not be successful..tried 100's of diets over the last 35 years. I need the band to do what I am unable to do. And surgery was a Last Resort. It's not like I wanted to do this, I had to do this. Which is why my original thought was if you were sure your band is actually filled to capacity? And have you been seeing your Dr. so as to detect problems like dilation?
  8. B-52

    Old Habits, Fear

    Sorry, but I need to be the Devil's advocate for a minute.... What's wrong with weighing oneself? We had WLS! We are turning our lives around! Loosing weight when before, through diet after diet, we could not. I remember all those diet programs, and those dreaded weekly weigh-ins! Ugh! Like walking to the gallows. I'm missing something.....I get on the scale sometimes twice a day, every morning when I get up and when I'm at the gym....and each time I do it motivates me for what I'm doing and what I have done, the choices I have made, as compared to what I used to be. It's the same as people bragging about small clothing sizes, or seeing themselves in the mirror, having people compliment your looks.....it's all positive reinforcement. My Dr asked me the other week what my highest weight was...I told him I didn't know because there came a point that I just didn't want to know...I knew it was bad and getting worse....and getting on a scale would be like driving a stake through me.... But now...that's all changed! Ok, sorry for the interruption, now I return you to your normally scheduled program....
  9. B-52

    Falling off the wagon!

    I have a friend who is banded, although I have not seen her in 2 years....did not eat 3 meals a day. But ate 5-6 very small meals a day....and she is very, very successful. I look at it this way...it is total calories consumed versus total calories burned to loose weight. All within a 24 hr period. There are days I graze all day, like a Saturday or Sunday watching football.....but I don't have any meals. If I'm picking at food all afternoon, then no dinner...the food I grazed, snacked on is my dinner. Plus with the band, after snacking, there is no way I could eat a meal! The calories I consumed from grazing, would be about the same as a single meal...as long as I'm grazing on good food, fruits, veggies and nuts, and not junk. So it all evens out.....
  10. BINGO! (not that it's the OP's problem, but it is a lesson all banders must learn to be successful)
  11. B-52

    This isn't normal... Help!

    The first 2/3's of your post, you were describing me. However I am not bummed about the fact I stopped loosing....the truth is I have nothing left to loose! I hit that place where all excess body fat is gone. And I also loose and gain the same 5 lbs over and over again. Also, I am not being treated for anything with Prescribed medications. I have experiences what you describe, but it happens very rarely these days. And I can always, IN MY CASE ONLY, relate it to something, even if it were hours before. I have found one has to be gentle with the band and cannot abuse it day after day...by forcing to eat something I am better off giving up entirely. Myself, every 4-6 weeks, I give my band a rest...I stop eating solid foods and stay with liquids for at least 3 days. Soups, shakes, etc. If it were me, I would give everything a rest. Give things a chance to rest even if stretched. AND I would inform my Dr. soon if it continues, and if it passes I would still mention it to him when I see him.
  12. B-52


    That's a question only your Dr. can answer. He/she can size you up and determine what you in particular will need. Speaking ONLY for myself, one of the most liberating events I had was when I stopped worrying about calories, portion sizes, etc. Threw away my Fitbit, and generally stopped all the anxiety and began to enjoy my new life... NOT at first mind you, it took a while before I was able to get to that point....MONTHS after my final fill. When I was certain I was firmly within that Green Zone. I simply let the band do it's job. I am eating now 1/10th of what I used to eat within a 24hr period. And since I am eating so little, I make sure I eat the best I possibly can...the best foods, no junk, stay away from anything processed, nothing white such as sugar, salt, flour, etc. I don't eat meat anymore (thanks to the band) Always having Protein on my mind, and making sure I am always drinking plenty of Water. I lived a terrible lifestyle that made me obese and ill,...NOW I live a lifestyle of eating right, getting plenty of exercise, and being healthy and fit. They are opening a "Whole Foods" store within walking distance to my home soon...I can't wait!
  13. B-52

    A new attitude

    How did you cheat the band, without suffering sever side effects such as pain, getting stuck, severe reflux, etc? You were banded a few years before me, so maybe there is something coming I have not experienced yet? Where the band stops being the band?
  14. I can't live without my coffee...I now have a "Milfa" coffee maker imported from Norway That said; I had my first cup less than 24 hrs after surgery...and lived to tell about it. Disclaimer: You should ALWAYS follow your Dr.'s directions - orders.
  15. Which Dr.'s say you are loosing too fast??? Those at the Bariatric weight loss center? Or others? The reason I mention this, before WLS I was seeing as many as 5 Dr.'s...only 2 felt is was a good idea to start with. Then, as I was loosing the weight, they had negative comments about this or that.....sounded like my Mother! But now, after I have lost all my excess weight, they can't stop congratulating me...even my cardiologist who felt I did not need to do this, now is trying to take some credit on my success..... BTW, after loosing weight, I don't need to see 5 Dr.'s anymore. As far as depression...being fat, lazy. unhealthy and a social black sheep was the worst frame of mind. Loosing weight was the absolute best, most positive stimulating thing I could ever do for my life! Bottom line, when it came to my weight loss, the ONLY person(s) I listened to was the one who performed my surgery and whose weight loss protocol I followed, every step of the way.
  16. B-52


  17. B-52

    Success Advice

    Without getting into detail, I know exactly what you mean.... I'm 63 years old, and like my Dr. told me the other week, I'm going in the opposite direction to other people my age. And I really do not want to leave people behind.
  18. I don't count calories...and I am one that believes to exercise without eating to burn stored fat as an energy source. I ran track in HS....45 years ago! A few years ago I would get out of breath and have to sit down simply from carrying groceries into the house. Today, I run 3-5 miles, and always finish with at least 3 all out sprints...lasting at least 1 minute each... So yes, you can turn things around, and improve.....
  19. Eventually you will get tired of PB'ing...if you get burned every time you touch a hot stove, then eventually you learn your lessons and stop touching hot stoves. The band, if adjusted, will bring about...FORCE...behavior modification, breaking bad habits...unless you like getting stuck and having everything come back up. One can get Fluid taken out, and have their cake and eat it too. It's a choice with the band. Of course, we all make mistakes, forget, and have accidents from time to time...bet we get better and wiser as time goes on. When I'm at the gym working up a good sweat, I have from time to time grabbed the Water bottle and starting chugging it down...completely forgetting what is about to happen next.
  20. My wife drove me home around 5pm, surgery was 8:30am. I got on my lazy Boy recliner with a warm comforter, the TV remote, pain meds, a cup of chicken broth and a glass of Water, and there I stayed till the next morning. Content and blissful. The next day things started to get interesting....but I started to climb the walls by day 3 and went into the office but tired quickly. I also ran some errands. 1 week after surgery I had my follow up appointment with my surgeon, returned to work full time and was released to go to the gym.
  21. B-52

    Wanted to introduce myself

    Welcome. The first months after surgery are the hardest of all, IMO. I had this surgery which in itself meant I had the band installed, and should not expect anything to start happening until the adjustments - fills started. And even then it took months to find that right amount of fill, in combination with me getting my head in harmony with this new way of doing things. Everyone looses weight post surgery...who wouldn't? Band or no band one is restricted to a strict diet starting with Clear liquids then gradually moving up to regular food again. Then one month out people feel they hit a stall or something when in reality they have not even started yet. I was just as anxious and found the first 3-5 months extremely frustrating. Thought I made a BIG mistake. But then things began to get easier, and the weight began to steadily come off. This thing DOES WORK. Just follow your Dr.'s directions, and be patient and understand it is not overnight as with other WLS. The band is adjustable and has to be adjusted...and we have to adjust ourselves, create new habits, to enter into that new lifestyle to the point where it is all 2nd nature.
  22. 1 Weeks after surgery I was back to work, and also cleared to return to the gym...heavy lifting after 3 weeks. Everyone heals differently.
  23. I always eat anything I want, when I want. I'm am not on any diets anymore.And I thoroughly enjoyed the holidays with all the parties and family get togethers Diets were torture...surgery is liberating! I also drank my share, perhaps more than my share. I enjoyed myself! Difference is, with the Lap band, I still eat what I want, but now I can only eat a fraction of what I used to when I was fat. It is impossible for me to over eat, and there are certain foods I will never eat again. (unless I want to pay the consequences, but I have learned my lessons the hard way) My only concern is that for 2 weeks or so, I ate a lot of foods not that healthy or nutritious....so I'm back to being a health nut...all natural unprocessed foods, and no meat. But hey...it was my favorite time of the year...and in my case, it's a new lifestyle that makes me skinny...not a party here and there for 2 weeks or so. But I have also been banded for 4 years...in my first year it would have been a different story altogether because I was still learning, still adjusting to the bands adjustments.
  24. First, my surgery was Lap Band as opposed to other posters who have different experiences....they're NOT the same. I am 63 years old....I have been trying to loose weight for 35 years. I have been on every diet under the sun...EVERYTHING! I went through Dr. supervised programs with weekly support groups, went through the program where you pay $4 for their balanced food you took home with you, and I would have a weeks supply of food finished in 2 days! I used Hypnotism, drug therapy, acupuncture, everything. NOTHING WORKED. Sure , things started out good, maybe for the first 4 months, then all the weight came back and sometimes more than I started. Prior to surgery my insurance co. required me to do a 6 month medically supervised program...I told them I have done this many times before and it's not going to work, but they said they needed on the official record signed off by a MD with weekly progress notes. And yes. Just as before, I started out good, then started to reverse back and finally failed miserably.... I have had Lap band surgery for 4 years now. 100% successful for 2-1/2 to 3 years now!! EASIEST thing I could have ever done. Wish I did this 20 years ago. I have no hunger or cravings, my portion sizes are limited. It's impossible to over eat....and like I said it does not matter because I have no hunger...how can it get easier than that??? Since I eat so little, all I need to do is be sure I eat good healthy nutritious foods, concentrate on Protein, and drink Water all day long. After a while it all becomes second nature, new habits - lifestyles, don't really think about it all that much. For people just starting out, sure...the first few months, perhaps to year was pure Hell! A lifetime of eating the wrong way and the wrong foods had to be broken and re-learned in months! And as a result there were countless stuck episodes, regurgitation, sliming, etc etc. All the things people talk about here every day. But for me it was all part of the learning curve. I was convinced it was ME who had to change so the band can operate. Take all that, and sprinkle exercise on top of it all and that's what it's all about. I don't care people say it's the easy way out....it's all about me and mine and all I can say, easy or not, it works!!! I had second thoughts, hesitation to go through with it. But what was the alternative??? Stay Fat? There was not much to convince me NOT to go through with it. No regrets...it gave me my life back. Here it is, a New Year and everyone is talking about going on a diet, loosing weight. TV commercials all about this and that "Gimmick"...all they want is your $$$... I am so glad I have been set free from all that nonsense....never will have to diet again....and I have absolutely no fear of ever gaining any weight back as was the case before, as long as the band is there.
  25. B-52

    Help... At the edge of giving up

    I understand exactly everything you're describing....do not expect newly banded people, which there are many here, to understand what you're saying because they have not experienced this type of living with the band in the long run, and still trying to find that "Groove" I say that not in a negative way, Well you're seeing your Dr in the morning...otherwise I would suggest going all liquids for a week or so...shakes, Soups, and so forth....stuff that will pass through easily. I do this from time to time but because I do it regularly, it is usually 4-8 weeks apart and only 2-3 days. Your Dr. may empty your band completely, which in effect will do the same thing. Give your band a rest. He/she could tell their patients to go all liquids and stay away from solids, but in truth they cannot trust all patients to follow directions so it is easier to empty the band and let them eat normally. Please keep us veterans posted as to what happens.

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