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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    how can I tell when I am full??

    Funny this post appeared. I was thinking about this all day and came up with some interesting conclusions. There are 2 very different things going on when you have the proper amount of restriction - "Green Zone" First, I came to the realization that I am feeling full / satisfied 24 hrs a day. I really don't feel like eating all that much. food does not interest me like it used to do. The band is doing it's job and telling my brain I'm Full. (I think) It's very hard to explain because it is not the type of full feeling one would expect, but the mental aspect is there just the same if you calm down and listen to it. And yet, I still eat. Why? Is it because I have been programmed my whole life that I MUST eat 3 squares a day, and it's dinner time and I must eat? Or is it something deeper, in spite of my brain telling me I'm satisfied, my body is screaming somewhere deep down inside for needed nutrition? Contrary to what my brain / senses feel? After having only my Protein shake for Breakfast, I have on a few occasions, while out doing some day long activities, not eaten anything else for the whole day and was not bothered by it at all! Believe me that would never, and could not happen 9 months ago. Today I had lunch in the cafeteria at the hospital I was working at and had a taco salad bowl. I sat there and picked at it like a child not being excused from the table until he finishes his peas. I was just not interested, even though the only other thing I ate was my shake at 5:30am . I wasn't hungry and yet I went to the cafeteria just the same. Then there is the mental hunger. You see a large piece of chocolate cake and you just have to have it even though you really don't. But that's when the tight band restriction saves me. Two bites at most and the warning signals go up and I'm finished. I'm learning more and more living with the band every day and I have to pay more attention to what is truly happening.
  2. B-52

    Is the fill process painful?

    You bet. It's the scariest and most painful thing ever !! I break out in cold sweats just thinking about it, and I can't drive home afterwards. Just kidding. It's really nothing at all. My Dr. does not need to use any deadening around the port. I work in healthcare. So while I'm laying on my back, I prop myself up on my elbows and carry on a normal conversation with him on just about anything while I am watching and learning. I especially liked it one time when he had to take an important phone call and left me there with the needle sticking out of me like a pin cushion. He uses a gas tight syringe with a valve so he can close the valve and remove the syringe leaving the air tight needle behind.
  3. I agree. It's all about volume, provided you have a certain amount of restriction. The concept is that of filling (or over filling) your pouch. EVERYTHING you take in at the same meal all adds up to the sum total volume put in your pouch.
  4. You should focus on weight loss, eating habits NOW. Just don't get totally freaked out if the weight doesn't come off as much as you may hope. That will get easier as time goes on. It can be hard and frustrating in the beginning, but trust me. It does get better, and easier. Have faith.
  5. In my job, ALL of our income is dependent on what the Insurance companies will pay. My office will get a pre-cert on what the insurance company will pay, and what the patients responsibility will be. Is is then up to the office as to how the patient will pay their share. It can be all up front, you can pay 1/2 now and the rest later, you can pay nothing up front but sign a letter guaranteeing financial responsibility, etc, etc. Bottom line is that YOU are responsible for any $$ not paid by the Insurance Co., and it is freely the discretion how each individual office wants to handle this. If they have been burned enough times, and have to deal with collections all the time, it may be easier to adopt a policy of everything up front.
  6. No, everyone is not a "Health Nut". BUT when you start to loose all those pounds, and really start feeling good about yourself for the first time in a long time, you find you can start doing all those things that other people talk about. You will start exercising regularly because YOU CAN and it actually FEELS GOOD. You start to eat the right foods because for the first time YOU CAN and feel the difference and be satisfied without over eating. These things will happen to you normally as your self image begins to change for the positive. And with every compliment you get from others, the more motivated you will be to do more!
  7. B-52

    Over filled?

    Few thoughts: If all you had is water, what did you throw up?? Throwing up just liquids is not a good sign. That's why they have you drink water before you leave the office. 2nd, the Dr. would not have given you a fill if you did not need one based on your progress. So IMO stepping backward is always a tough decision. I've had 4 fills. I like my band tight. Many people would say I am too tight because I am limited with what, and most importantly, how much I can eat. But water is not a problem unless I drink too much too fast. Have to give everything a little time to pass through the band. I have not had a fill on my last 3 visits because I am doing fine in the Green Zone. But the Dr. told me that I am at the point where I would not get anything more than .5 cc one way or the other to "Fine Tune" Maybe it was freak occurrence. If it was me, I would wait a day or 2, and stay on liquids that time and see, IF you are not afraid of living with a tight band. Many people are.
  8. B-52


    Exactly the same here. When sitting at the table, when the hiccups start I know I have entered the danger zone.
  9. The best thing about the 60's is that we were (are) the offspring of the best generation the world has ever seen. (pre depression to post WW2) I really miss those people. Would anyone understand if I said I have a hard time remembering the 60"s ??? And then I was off to Vietnam for 2 tours.
  10. Ok, decided I have to share this. Let's see if you can top this...... I belong to a health Club. I say health club because besides having a gym, they have racquetball courts, an indoor pool, basketball, different rooms for workout classes, a spa for facials, massages, etc, 2 restaurants one a food court the other more upscale, a cocktail lounge, etc, etc, etc. I go there mainly for the gym, and the fact that they have LOCKER ROOMS !! Locker rooms with showers, a sauna, whirlpool, steam room, plenty of sinks with blow dryers, etc, etc. It's great to shower, soak in the hot tub and steam room, then put on fresh clothes after a good workout. They even have a flat screen 52" HD TV in there. ( I still find a bunch of naked men sitting in lounge chairs watching TV amusing.) So now, having said that, you have to picture (if you dare) the place filled with dozens of men wearing nothing but their shower shoes!! (flip-flops) At best, some will wrap a towel around their waist but trust me not many can do this. I've just been able to recently. Also the age range can be anywhere from high school to mid 80's!! Depending on the time of day you're there. There are a few Sylvester Stallone types walking around, but for the most part there are your everyday average guys......Just Naked!! So, having set the scene.....The other day I was there, and after a sweaty workout and a quick shower, I go into the 165 degree sauna. When I walk in another man looks up and says "Bob....Is that You??? My God...I didn't recognize you" This guy is a friend of mine whom I haven't seen or talked to in over 10 years. We talk about family, etc, but he keeps coming back to how good I look and how much weight I have lost. Remember we are all a bunch of very sweaty and very naked men! I did start to get uncomfortable only once when I noticed other men listening in and checking me out also.! So...Can you top that?? BTW, the women have their locker room also and I can only assume the same thing is going on...but I have not had the opportunity to see for myself.
  11. Now that's funny. That reminds me of another locker room story I'll save for the right time. BTW you can never get me to sit in those vinyl lounge chairs at the TV!
  12. Since it's too big for me, maybe I can give it to Big Poppe" when he moves to New York.
  13. I work with pediatrics and conduct / attend clinics in different hospitals and other facilities every day of the week. When a appointment is made, a time slot, space, and the time of various healthcare professionals is set aside just for you. You are asked to give at least 24 hr notification if you can't make it. When there is a "No Show" , as you did, then there is wasted time (and money) and someone else who could have used your slot. Imagine a hair dresser in a salon who depends upon her appointments showing up. All I'm saying is be happy they got you an appointment when they did. You are probably at the bottom of their list. Would not expect any special treatment right now.
  14. Agreed. Best investments I have made is a high quality blender, and also a very high quality non-stick wok. (electric) bought them both from Williams-Sonoma. The blender makes the best smoothies with a Protein shake base which I have every morning for breakfast. The wok - I bought a large bag of stir fry mixed vegetables from costco, and it is so easy to stir fry a little chicken, fish, etc, then throw in a handful of vegetables. Perhaps a little brown rice mixed in also.
  15. Ok, got to share this update. Somebody up there likes me. Went to Macy's. Big sale on leather jackets. 30-40% off. I find one I like, but the cost is $795!!!!!!! There is no red tag on this rack showing the % off. So I take it to the register. He swipes it and tells me 40% off. Ok thanks, I'll put it back on the rack. Wait. If you open a Macy's credit card, you will get an additional 20%, he says. Ahhhhhhhh....thanks, but I really don't need another credit card. (my wife has a Macy's card) There is a very important looking man standing off to the side listening to this exchange. He chimes in, "Aw c'mon, take the 20% and credit card." Thanks, but no thanks, I say. He says, "I have a coupon in my pocket for 20% I will give you if you take the credit card." That's 40+20+20, = 80% off? So guess what I bought! Did that make up for the clothes I got rid of this morning?? You Bet! Is there a lap-band Fairy? (BTW, the VIP looking man was the east coast regional men's clothing mgr., or something like that.)
  16. Few things. I like my band tight! I have been stuck numerous times,,,,,20 times easily. But not in past month or 2 because I have learned to live with the tight band. I'm sort of a self-proclaimed authority. You do not vomit when you get stuck. Vomiting comes from deep within your stomach. Getting stuck is above your band, when the food has nowhere to go. It will come up not from vomiting, but more of a spit-up, with a heavy hiccup so to speak. But vomiting is a easy term so people use it. If I ever get sick and start vomiting, I would be very scared my band will slip, and I would call the Dr ASAP to get unfilled temporarily. To be specific, there are no foods I cannot eat. It's just that some are harder to go down than others. To give you a example: pizza.....If I take a normal bite of pizza, chew and swallow, I know I will get stuck! (from experience) I will have to stop and wait for it to pass through the band, and if not, the sliming will begin. I can sip some Water and speed up the process to get unstuck. That does not mean I can never eat pizza. I have to take very small bites, with adequate time between bites. It would take me at least 20 minutes to eat one slice. So why bother at all. I know it's not good for me in the first place so I put it on my "Never again" list. To me that's a good thing. Now compare that to when I was not banded. I could, and did many times, sit down and eat a large pizza with toppings all by myself in a single sitting!!! There are many other foods that fall in the same example. Rice. cannot eat it straight by itself. I could but it would take me an hour. I have Chinese food every Friday night. I mix the rice with the food thoroughly and eat it with no problem. Not to mention I now eat very, very small portions, as opposed to eating enough for 4 which I used to do with no problem. Donuts....one normal bite and I'm doomed. I can nibble at it and finish in 1/2 hr., so I don't eat donuts anymore. Is it bad I don't (can't) eat jelly donuts? My favorite fast food is Chipotle Burrito in a bowl, with chicken ,rice, black Beans, etc. No problem. I have it 2-3 times a week. So you are not doomed to eat nothing but "Slider Foods" the rest of your life, just learning a new way of eating. Better foods, smaller portions, slower pace, and not that often during the day because I always feel full. (it's not from being tight though) This is Exactly what I had hoped the band was supposed to do. I like what my band is doing for me! As far as getting stuck, it is a learning experience. If you have never gotten burned, you would not know how to deal with fire.
  17. B-52

    Any Vegetarians?

    Do you eat chicken? Is being a vegetarian simply deciding not to eat red meat?
  18. B-52

    1st stuck episode

    Welcome to the club. It was your first episode, and trust me, it will not be your last. It's all part of being banded. Yes. It is a learning experience, and over time, you will have to adapt to an entire new way of eating. I hope you've learned a few things from this episode. In my case, I would say Burger Kings and other such places are 99.9% off limits. Wendy's Chili works good for a quick lunch but that's about it. I can't eat a burger patty, meat is too tough! For that matter, I don't eat much red meat at all lately. Drinking something (anything) while being stuck is not recommended, unless you are prepared for what will happen next. If stuck, nothing can pass, or passes real slow. Thus the sliming begins. Drink anything and it has no where to go, will add to the sliming process so to speak, and it will all come up almost instantly. I have been stuck more times than I can remember, but not at all in the past month or so because I have adapted new eating habits, food choices, etc. I have learned the hard way. My Dr. laughs at me when I tell him my experiences. When I have gotten stuck, I would sip some Water while standing over the sink to get rid of it quickly rather than dragging it on.
  19. Are you a diabetic, and are you taking any Rx drugs??
  20. B-52

    Any Vegetarians?

    I'm not a vegetarian, but I have been finding that I hardly eat red meat anymore since being banded. I find it too hard to swallow. I ordered a steak last night, first time in weeks, and barely touched it. Two swallows and forget it. And it was not that tough either. Just wasn't worth it. So, I may be very interested in what others have to say because I may just go over 100%
  21. That's exactly the way I feel when eating. Some say my band is too tight, and aggressive, but that is the way I like it. I know it is there doing it's job. You have to learn to live with the band. Learn new ways to eat. The restriction forces you to take your time, put the fork down between bites and wait for the food that accumulates in your pouch to move through the band into your stomach. Take small mouthfuls, chew thoroughly. Having that level of restriction will force you to eat differently, lighter, and smaller portions or you will get that uncomfortable feeling, perhaps pain, or spit it all up.
  22. B-52

    What do you eat in a typical day?

    Yesterday: Breakfast - Protein smoothie with fresh blueberries, liquid protien supplement, along with my Rx meds. (routine every morning) And yes, 2 cups coffee - black. lunch - Wendy's chili with a few saltines. Dinner: Stir fried Cod Fillet with mixed veggies in the Wok. Bedtime snack - Yogurt. (I have a Rx I take at bedtime that must be taken with food) Went to the gym, did 40 mins. cardio on elliptical, (using cardio coach), lifted weights 40 minutes, sat in sauna 30 minutes. 936 calories consumed 89 g protein 97 g carbs I track everything with "MyNetDiary" I-phone App.
  23. Exactly 4 weeks after surgery, then every 4 weeks after that for a total of 4 fills. Have not had, or needed a fill since then. I go back first week of November, and will ask for a .5cc fill. I seemed to have stalled a little in the past few weeks. Bottom line though, first thing he does is weigh me, looks at the weight difference and divides by # weeks (4) to determine how much I am loosing as a total loss, and how much per week. Then and only then is a fill open for discussion.
  24. B-52

    can u see your port?

    Ok, I took a photo of my big hairy belly. (not as big as it used to be) Above and parallel to the scar that runs to the side, is the tube which the picture doesn't show, but you can feel it. Looks like a golf ball, right? Every time I go for a fill, the Dr. states he wishes they were all like that, just below the skin.
  25. B-52

    Pouch Stretching Information

    IMO I find it very hard, if not impossible to stretch your pouch. My band is very tight, and I like it that way. Makes it very easy to manage what, and how I eat. In my case the food does sit in the pouch, and passes through the band very slowly, depending on the type of food I am eating. I can feel it with every swallow. I have to put the fork down between swallows and allow the food to go through. Eat to quickly, or too much, and the food accumulates and I am in pain, or stuck. Drinking fluids while eating will only compound the issue. Having said that, in order to stretch your pouch, you would first of all need a certain level of restriction for food to accumulate in the pouch. When this happens, you will know it. Too much and you are in a great deal of discomfort, and perhaps pain. To stretch your pouch, if possible, you would have to over do it from this point. I can tell you from personal experience it is not a pleasant thing to do. The food has no where to go, but back up from where it came!! The slimeing will begin! Not to mention the pain you may experience. Someone here described it as swallowing a golfball, and having it sit there! So, like I said, if it where possible, it would be very hard to do, IMO. As a side note, all these little things they teach you to do: Chewing, waiting between swallows, drinking while eating, etc, etc, I have now found to happen naturally because of the level of restriction I have. Many people will say I am too tight. But everything I was told before the surgery is now reality. There is a way to work around and cheat the band, but I will never give anyone here any ideas, so I will never talk about it.

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