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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. Whenever these posts are made, there seems to be some confusion about what gas pains are. There are 2 types of gas pains. One is when you get excessive gas in your digestive system. Stomach, intestines. Feeling pain, bloated, cannot burp, etc. Gas-x will help as other remedies to help you pass this gas. The other is from the surgical procedure itself where they pump air into your abdominal cavity to bloat your skin / fat layers away from your organs so the surgeon has more room to work. This gas / air is NOT in your digestive system, but outside it. The air is removed as one of the final steps, but sometime small bubbles are trapped. It slowly rises under your ribs / sternum and eventually accumulates in your left shoulder. There is NOTHING that will get rid of this trapped air except time. Heating pads may make you feel better temporarily. Gas-X or anything similar does not, and can not even touch this gas. This is common for all people with any abdominal surgeries. They only thing hospitals prescribe is for the patient to get up and get walking as soon as possible. Won't cure the pain, but will speed up the process.
  2. I agree, it is the face first. Other place I can judge my weight loss is in my hands / wrist. Wrist watches become looser and slide up my arms, and rings fall off very easily. I've removed links from my watches. have to get my wedding ring re-sized.
  3. I'm curious. I can understand why someone would self pay for a surgery that will change their life. Also, regular Dr. visits for fills, etc. But my question is, are you not worried that once after you have had the surgery, something can go wrong at a later date, ie: slipped band, leakage, etc, that you would need an additional surgery?? Reason I ask, my Wife and I are considering a new health insurance policy/plan. My current surgeon would be in network. Now we will have flex-spending that can cover routing office visits. But if I needed surgery, then what.
  4. Went to see my Surgeon today. Have not been there since August. Walked up to the window through a room full of very big people (no offense) and when I declared my name for my 3 o'clock appointment, the girls all looked up and shouted "WOW! I did not even recognize you! When you walked through the door we did not know who you were!" which got all the newbies in the waiting rooms attention. Then, I'm waiting in the exam room for the Dr. When he walks in he looks up to shake my hand and he stopped in his tracks. I could see the surprise on his face. He said "boy do you ever look different" Exam went quick and easy. Still in the green zone, no fills needed, see you in 3 months!
  5. B-52

    first fill postop

    I had my first fill exactly 4 weeks after surgery, 4cc's. Then 2 more after that, 4 weeks apart for a total of 3. Once I hit that green zone, I see him 8 week intervals.
  6. Considering my age and looks, and with the recent news headlines concerning Steve Jobs, people were looking at me with concern.
  7. When I started hitting it hard and consistently, my weight loss did plateau for a while. However, even though I was not loosing, I noticed I was still dropping in clothes sizes. So my body shape, etc, must have been changing (muscle tone).
  8. I agree, very good post. But as for myself, I have not made my surgery public knowledge and keep it personal and to myself (and close family) I do not wish to be put under a microscope and critiqued by everyone.
  9. B-52

    Is this PBing?

    Yes it is, kind of. But it is way too early for you to be experiencing that. You have not even had one fill. So that tells me your band site must be very inflamed from the surgery. I would go very carefully with what you eat for now.
  10. B-52

    What am I doing wrong?

    Between surgery and my first fill, I month, I lost weight mainly due to the post op diet regime. Between my first fill and 2nd fill, again 4weeks later, I gained weight due mainly to eating normal foods again. On that visit I felt guilty, and was fearing his possible displeasure. It was the opposite. He pointed to the wall chart showing the yellow, green, and red zones, and said our goal and his job was to getme in that green zone. He simply said I was still in the yellow zone. He also explained to me that that is why the band is adjustable. I have had 4 fills total. Iam in the green zone. He said the only future fils I can expect would be "fine tuning" with 1/2 cc, plus or minus.
  11. You've had 3 fills. How much does your Dr. put in each fill?? From what I have read here some Dr,'s are aggressive, while others are very conservative.
  12. Bingo! You are absolutely correct! This is how it is for me. The band, after 4 fills, is at a point of restriction that I CANNOT overeat or it will a) hurt, come right back up, or, c) get stuck and eventually come back up. My wife made eggplant parm for dinner today. I had a good portion on my plate, ate maybe 6 small-med fork fulls, and I Am FINISHED. Cannot eat anymore! So where does the discipline come in?? a) First, if I am limited to how much I can eat, I have to be sure it is something good for me. That includes learning (by experience) what food types get me in trouble. If I'm finished with dinner, what's to stop me from eating 3 hours later, before going to bed? Well, that's where a properly tight band does the 2nd thing it is supposed to do. It tells your brain, whether you have eaten or not, that you are not hungry. It is a different feeling than being full. I am still learning to get in touch with this feeling. I can go on and on about counting calories, measuring portions, etc, but I will save that for another time. (I don't do it. It happens naturally now) So as you can see, the band IS a tool. It is a tool to change your eating habits and loose weight! I love my Dr.....Between the first and 2nd fill I gained weight. (after starting solid foods again) I felt guilty, ashamed, and did not want to face him. After he weighed me, I started apologizing. He said to me "don't apologize, that's why they designed the band to be adjustable". He pointed to the green zone on the wall chart and said "you're not there yet, but we will get there eventually." I'm there now, but it took me 4-5 months.
  13. B-52

    For the millionth time people

    You should have seen my Dr.'s face when I told him I got slimed. He is the surgeon who does these procedures, and of course he is well aware of the physiology of the phenomena, but he was quite amused to hear the expression "Slimed" We had a good laugh, he said he needed to write that one down and share with his colleagues.
  14. Not to mention the pain one may experience when the pouch gets too full. I believe it is worse than up-chucking everything! There is no way I could take another bite. It would be crazy! A glutton for punishment. You need to recognize the signs early when eating and stop when the signs are there. Cannot force it and go beyond or you will regret it. It's all about learning to live with the band. A new way of eating - living. And I never have any regrets doing it!
  15. The health club I go to has a weight loss program. All of the advertising posters, and the t-shirts the workers wear have the slogan: "Look Better Naked"
  16. B-52

    For the millionth time people

    I don't think people here ever give medical advice, but it is a place for people to share their personal experiences. Read enough posts and you begin to see common issues. Somebody asks a question, no matter what the issue, if I have experienced it I will tell of MY experiences. Not based upon what others have said, or what you-tube I have seen, etc. It is also a good support group. The first week post-op for me I just wanted to hear from other people who have gone, and going through the same thing. Also, I am not one of those who freak out and call my Dr. for every little pain, twinge, or whatever.
  17. Sorry, but with all due respect I disagree. From my own personal experience, with a tight band, I am limited as to how much I can eat at any one sitting. Granted, there are ways to "Cheat" or work around the band, in which case you can over eat. You can also have too many meals during a 24hr period. But a tight band also gives me a full/satisfied feeling so the discipline not to do so is easier. As the OP stated, he/she is continuously eating "slider" foods all day long.
  18. B-52

    I want to get back the Gym. Can you help?

    I'm 59 years old. I did nothing for 1 week following surgery. (almost nothing, I was out running errands after 3 days) Then I had my 1 week post op appointment and the Dr. turned me loose. Just did not want me to over do it on the weights!
  19. One week for everything. But he did not clear me till the 1 week post op appointment and was checked out.
  20. B-52

    I'm stuck

    I can only speak for myself, but I have been where it seemed I was getting stuck a few times a day. I did not panic and have a un-fill. My thinking was that this band is supposed to give restriction so I slowed down my eating and learned a new way of eating with the band. It has helped for me. I am very tight, but I really like it that way.
  21. B-52

    Excercise Induced Asthma

    No. I do not have asthma. My pulmonary eval/testing was excellent! It is asthma like symptoms people get when working out / running in aerobic conditions. Especially happens when cold, but can happen to anyone at anytime when doing aerobic workouts such as running, etc.
  22. B-52

    I lost 70 pounds!

    I feel as though I am the same age as your Dad. I'm sure he is proud of you and the determination to set a goal and work to achieve it.
  23. When I had my first interview for the procedure, I was asked why I wanted to do it, and I responded "I don't want to die!" Seriously, loosing weight has taking care of all my medical issues (comorbidities) * Completely reversed my diabetes. Normal #'s with NO Meds. *Cholesterol and triglycerides completely within normal ranges. * Improved circulation - I have Coronary Arterial Disease, have passed all recent tests with flying colors! * Testosterone levels normal. * Healed issues with Eczema. * Lowered Blood pressure to normal range, stopped all meds there also.
  24. B-52

    pureed ground beef

    YUK! I can't stand anything pureed. Reminds me when my Mother was in a Nursing Home. She was served a big mound of something that looked like mashed potatoes but it was pinkish - red in color. She took one spoonful and said "Hmmmm.....Pizza tonight" I almost lost my lunch right there! The mushie stage was the hardest for me. I find it all disgusting. I stayed with creamed Soups, mashed potatoes, chili, and the like for the one week. Things I could at least recognize.
  25. Temps went down into the 40's. Went to a football game last night and found all my warm outerwear was way too big. I had 1XB, 2XL's, etc, etc. Everything looked like a tent. So this morning, I filled 2 garbage bags with......... North Face Fleece, LL Bean parkas, a leather Bomber Jacket, wool overcoat, numerous hoodies, some with my favorite college name and colors, and my all time favorite NY Yankees World Series warm up jacket, and much more. UGH!!!!! So today, I'm off to the mall to begin shopping for new coats. As a reward to dropping from a 1XB to a normal Large, I'm going to get a new leather Bomber Jacket to spoil myself. (and I'm not at my goal yet)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
