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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. Don't freak out if you keep feeling that "stuck" feeling. Learn to eat differently with different types of food. Find out what is difficult to eat, and learn to stay away from those foods. Living with the band is a entirely new way of approaching food, and how you eat. Also, with restriction, do not try to eat more than you should. You will learn when to stop., which means smaller portions = weight loss. chicken for me has to be very tender. (soft) I am not successful when I try to eat beef, so I generally stay away from it. I like my band tight, and the feedback it gives me every time I eat. Learn to listen to it.
  2. B-52

    What To Expect On My First Lap Band Fill

    My first visit was exactly 7 days after surgery. Had nothing to do with getting a fill. Dr. just wanted to check the incisions, at which time I was told no need for bandages anymore. Was released to take baths, etc. Was released to start exercising. Reviewed where I should be as far as my post-op diet, including what I should eat for the next 2 stages. Was told to move on to mushies for the next week, then onto solids. Made an appointment to come back in 3 weeks, (4 weeks after surgery) at which time I received my first fill. This was also a time where he answered ANY questions I may have had.
  3. B-52

    What To Expect On My First Lap Band Fill

    That's part of the learning process. They say you should put the fork down between bites, and wait after swallowing. I find this is happening quite naturally with most foods. Too much and too fast is a hazard with the band. Also drinking while eating.
  4. B-52

    Fitness as new addiction

    Walking is good. Do it all the time with the dog on the boardwalk. But unless my shirt is soaking wet with sweat, I don't feel I have accomplished much.
  5. B-52


    I like my band tight, but the above illustration is absurd! Believe me when I say I can feel my band with EVERY swallow, no matter what it is. I have read posts here about people freaking out that their bands may be too tight and to me this is normal. But I keep my opinions to myself. Not as bad as the above illustration, but since being banded I have adapted a whole new lifestyle when it comes to how I eat! To me, that's why I was banded. It's not just another diet, but a physical change.
  6. B-52

    Really Disgusted

    I think I'm missing something........
  7. B-52

    Fitness as new addiction

    yes, I know exactly what you mean!! I'm out the door and at the gym on some days at 5:30am! If I miss a day I feel very guilty, and if I know I have to work all day, like tomorrow, I get anxious thinking how I am going to get it in. I now understand, when staying in hotels in strange towns/cities for business trips, people will get out and run no matter what.
  8. B-52

    Waiting is the worst...

    If everything is a go, why are you waiting??
  9. B-52

    I just want to EAT

    No offense; but the amount of fills one has should not be an issue. It would be like comparing Chemo Doses between those with cancer. I would not like to see someone feeling guilty because they have more in their band than the next person. Or worse yet, declining to get a needed fill because it makes them feel "Less Normal". A few months back there was a thread where people were bragging about how little it took to reach the green zone. We are all "Morbidly Obese" and need whatever it takes. That's why the band is adjustable. Ok, sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.
  10. B-52

    What To Expect On My First Lap Band Fill

    I see you have already lost 30 lbs. You may not need/get a fill. First thing they will do is weigh you, then compare that to the last time you were weighed to see how your progress is doing. They will also divide that number by the # of weeks to determine your weight loss per week. They will also ask you questions concerning any pain, discomfort, trouble swallowing, vomiting, etc. How much food do you, or can you eat at a sitting. If you are making good process, then there would be no reason for a fill. I have not had a fill since May, after receiving three in a row, 1 month apart.
  11. Why Not? I take pills everyday of all sizes after being banded. I have a pill crusher but I never needed it. I also take a Beta blocker and it is very small.
  12. Did not know where to post this, or what to title it. So often I read stories about people fitting into wedding or prom dresses, I thought I would share my story. I did 2 tours of Vietnam straight out of High School before going to College on the GI Bill. The one thing I had from all of that was a olive drab combat jacket issued to me by Uncle Sam. I loved that jacket. But it stopped fitting me a long time ago, and it is long gone. Don't have a clue what happened to it. Whenever you see news clips of Vets they are always wearing some clothing from their service. The jacket may not have any meaning to the everyday person, but has many memories to me and has the immediate recognition with other vets. The other day I was sorting out old photo's on the computer, and there I was. A 21 y/o skinny kid with hair down on my shoulders wearing a olive drab canvas jacket. (a real hippie), taken with my wife when we were still dating. Man I miss that jacket. Would it fit today? Could it fit today? Guess I'll never know. But then I realized you could buy anything on the internet if you know where and what to look for. I finally found one.Granted it is not the actual one that was issued to me, but it is a genuine article just the same. Issued the same era. The seller used words like "Vintage", "Rare" and "Highly Collectable" (makes me feel old) and for that he was asking a premium price. But I bought it just the same. It's the weekend so I don't have a ship date yet. But if this jacket fits....I can't begin to tell you the wave of emotions and memories it will bring. And if it is too small.....then I have another goal to reach.
  13. I cannot eat anything solid for breakfast. My band seems to be tighter at that time. Along with my coffee, I have a Protein smoothie everyday for breakfast. The other day my surgeon asked me what I ate in Normal day. He agreed, said most of his patients have a liquid only breakfast.
  14. Almost forgot. COUGH DROPs!!!! Your throat may be very sore from the ET Tube.. I found sucking on cough drops worked very well.
  15. B-52


    I am not a believer that it can stretch your pouch either, As with any liquids, it will go right past your band straight into your stomach. Never sit and accumulate in your pouch. Also, as with any liquids, do not drink with or near the time you have any food. I gave up carbonated drinks long ago, but even after being banded, I still have a beer or 2 now and then. Just not with food, and not too much too fast. Can't and should not digest anything too much and too fast!
  16. B-52

    **DO NOT CRUSH**

    I take various Rx meds every morning. (about 10 pills total) When I was preparing to get banded, I was told to get a pill crusher which I did. I used it one week after surgery. One of the meds I take is Lovaza, which is basically a fish oil capsule that can't be crushed. I take 4 of these, and they are very large. Make a long story short, I take all my meds whole, I don't need to crush them even though I have a tight band.
  17. B-52

    Is this normal?

    How many times do you hit yourself in the head with a hammer before you realize it hurts and then stop????? Six Times?? I would stop at the first, realize either I did something wrong or the band is not adjusted correctly. But it would not take 6 times to realize this. Six times tells me she could not control her eating. Don't be so quick to blame the band.
  18. B-52

    I failed :(

    I was instructed that I MUST loose 20 lbs before the surgery. Did not matter what I ate, as long as I dropped the 20. (shakes work the best though) I was banded on a Monday. I had my final appointment with the surgeon the Friday before where I was "Weighed In" It was THEN I was told whether I was able to have the surgery or not. NOT when I was already in the OR. Incidentally, after the final weigh in on Friday, I went and had my "Final Meal" (pig out) on Saturday, then did not eat a single thing all day Sunday for the Monday am surgery.
  19. B-52

    Is this normal?

    Sounds to me your friend cannot resist food and has to eat everything around her. You have to learn a whole new way of eating. Sitting down, taking your time, chewing thoroughly, putting the fork down between bites, etc, etc. Paying attention to what is happening with every swallow of food. At a party atmosphere, there is food everywhere and the temptation to be picking here and there .If you simply pick things up and swallow them, while carrying on conversations, etc., as one may do in a party, you are going to have problems. Or, if you are sitting at a table, in a very social atmosphere, it may be hard to adhere to the discipline of proper eating techniques with the band. I was at a business conference yesterday in DC. Every time we took a break there was food set out to snack on, from Cookies, bagels, fruit, etc, etc. If I did not have the discipline to not grab and eat, I would have been sick 6 times also. I have a tight band, which I like, and I have to be aware of what I am doing when I eat anything, at all times.
  20. My Daughter is a Nurse Practitioner who works in the ER. When She saw my big bag of muscle milk on the counter, she began telling me horror stories about young kids coming into the ER with renal shutdown (kidney failure) because they were overdoing it, wanting to bulk up for sports, etc., and that all the media advertising that promotes this stuff is sending the wrong message. The body can store fat, etc, but it cannot store Protein. So what is not used is discharged through the kidneys, which can be overloaded with this stuff and shut down. I use protein shakes, plus liquid Protein supplements everyday, but I am very careful not to overdo it, and not to take too much in any one dose unless before a workout, etc.
  21. I'd say you are at a good place. With the proper amount of restriction, it takes time for the food to pass through your band. Drinking during this period would only add to the volume you have in your pouch and may end up on the table in front of you! When I start burping during a meal, for me, it is the first warning sign that I need to slow it way down, even wait 10-15 minutes, or stop altogether. If I stop altogether, which I normally do, and let everyone else finish their meal, then the food has passed and I have room for a little dessert with my dinner companions. Also, everyone knows I can't have after dinner coffee, so we always stop at a Starbucks on the way home, way after finishing dinner.
  22. B-52

    Anyone tried popcorn??

    Love popcorn. Eat it all the time, and I have a tight band. But like anything, cannot eat anything too much too fast, or else!
  23. B-52

    The gym

    One observation I have found is that going to the gym becomes addictive. When I miss a day, I feal guilty as heck. I can now understand, while traveling for business and staying in hotels, people will still get out and jog. Today I am getting off work at noon because I have to drive down to DC, stay in a hotel, and attend a conference at 8am tomorrow. I am still wondering if I can squeeze time in this afternoon to get to the gym.
  24. We just changed our heathinsurance to a new provider a few weeks ago. I was banded 1/31/11 Hx of diabetes, blood pressure, and cardiac angioplasty. It was never an issue.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
