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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. Yep. That's how it basically is for me also. I have a long list of things I don't even think of eating anymore. And what I di eat, I eat like a bird. Fish and chicken work the best for me. Bought a good electric wok and do a lot of stir frying for my main meal
  2. I am coming up on 1 year. It was more hard in the first few weeks /months than it is now. New habits are formed. New eating techniques, food choices, going to the gym, etc. Practice makes perfect! It becomes a normal day to day way of life. I am being totally honest when I say there are days I don't even think about the band. Weight loss has slowed, but I am within 10 lbs of my goal. As long as I am not gaining and still moving in the same direction.
  3. For the first time in about 30 years, this will be the first New Year's Resolution that WILL NOT have anything to do with dieting and loosing weight!!!
  4. Agree. Without adequate restriction, food will pass to the stomach easily. So in order to stretch your pouch, you would need adequate band restriction in order for food to accumulate. I have a tight band. Prefer it that way. I can tell you if I try to eat more than I should, it really hurts! I can't overeat. Impossible, unless I'm really stupid and endure all kinds of pain in the process. I know stretching your pouch is possible. My Dr. Has a poster on the wall depicting what it looks like. But speaking for myself, I find it hard to do without knowing I'm doing something very wrong!
  5. B-52

    When Can I Drive?

    I drove 2 days after. Ran errands all over town. Only reason I did not drive sooner was I was comfortable spending the entire day in my LazyBoy recliner with a blanket, in front of my plasma big screen, totally zonked on my pain meds. Day 2 I was climbing the walls and had to get out of the house.
  6. My only Brother died at the age of 60. Obese with Diabetes resulting in neuropathy to the point he had no feeling in his legs, little balance. Retinopathy where he could not drive at night, had to have laser eye treatments to cauterize the arteries in his retinas. Plus he had other medical ailments, not tomention a very poor "Quality of Life" My only Sister died at the age of 64. Obese with Diabetes. She was a prime example of everything that can go wrong when you have uncontrollable diabetes. It was a slow agonizing death with numerous surgeries, amputations, kidney failure, and on and on. It was one thing after another, never improving. For myself, I was obese, diabetic, cholesterol - triglycerides - all out of whack and uncontrolled. Stress test showed Coronary aterial blockage in which I needed to undergo Angioplasty with Stent placement. While they were in there they detected scarring meaning that at some point I had had a Heart Attack. But because I am Diabetic, it is not unusual for these to be silent. All this at the age of 57! My PCP looked me in the eye and said that I am following in my Brother's and Sister's footsteps and unless I lost weight I would surely die at a early age. So even though I was only 255 lbs and my BMI did not make me a candidate for the surgery, my comorbidities and family history certainly did. I'll be 60 years old in Jan., My diabetes is completely reversed - no more injections and meds, diet controlled. All my blood work is normal. I'm taking 1/2 the meds I did 6 months ago, and expect to lower that count next appointment with PCP. I go to the gym every chance I get and aside from lifting weights, I do 60 minutes of level 3-4 cardio, and it gets better as time goes on. I have another stress test scheduled for next May and I can't wait!
  7. B-52


    Sure the Dr. didn't put something else in there also?? Tracking device? Your not with the federal Government, are you? CIA? Or maybe something ET. Next time it happens turn out the lights and see if it glows. Only Joking. I read too many books. I have no earthly (?) idea what it could be. Look on the bright side. Maybe it vibrates when you're standing over buried treasure. Or oil!
  8. B-52

    I Think I May Finally Be There.

    Yea, that sounds about right. Be careful what and how you eat! If you get stuck, that feeling will not go away! That pressure your feeling can also exhibit itself as pain. Not to worry, just do as you were taught. This is where all those lessons they taught you come into place and begin to finally make sense. Small bites and swallows, chew thoroughly, take your time between swallows (put the fork down and chew), don't drink with your meals, etc, etc. You will also start to learn that certain foods are better than others, and perhaps (like me) that certain foods are on my "Do Not Eat" list. I cannot tolerate Red meat, of any kind. Steak, hamburger, you name it. I keep trying, and keep getting into trouble. Also, this feeling, perhaps now or perhaps with another small fill, will control your portion size at meals and throughout the day. And since your portion size is so small, it makes sense to get the protein first. Long story short, as one gets into the "Green Zone", EVERYTHING starts to fall into place. It is a GREAT FEELING! Took me months to get there.
  9. B-52


    Does it occur shortly after eating? Can be normal Peristalsis. Are you getting all your Water intake? Is it low in your intestines, or high in your esophagus? There are times for me, when I gulp down large amounts of water all at once, I can feel it sit in my pouch momentarily then pass through the narrow opening of my band. This makes a "motorboat" type of sound - feeling, for only a few seconds. I kind of like it, reminds me that the band is there doing it's job. Wonder what it would sound like if I have my mouth open.
  10. You say this is your FIRST post-op visit. Mine was exactly 7 days after surgery. All the Dr. wanted to do was check my incisions, for healing, infections etc., told me I did not have to bandage them anymore, cleared me for going to the gym, soaking in the tub, etc, etc. Answered any questions I may have had. basically wanted to see how I was doing following the surgery. I came back 3 weeks after that, which is 4 weeks from surgery, and started my fill regime, which was every 4 weeks, for a total of 3 fills.
  11. I'm not sure how one can stretch their pouch, although I am sure it happens. First, you need to have good restriction for the food to accumulate above the band. In my case, I have, and I prefer a tight band. I can feel every swallow, 9most of the time) and have to take it slow. I'm still learning, but at times I can tell when food is above, or has passed through the band. When enough food has accumulated, and it is not that much, (portion control) I begin to feel pain. I know I must stop eating. To stretch my pouch, I would have to eat beyond the pain which is not going to happen. You can also drink while eating, but again, that will fill your pouch much faster than with food alone.
  12. Depends on your Dr.'s requirements. My Dr. did not prescribe what I can or cannot eat/drink during the pre-op diet. He simply said I must loose X amount of weight prior to surgery, or he would not perform it. Simple. Didn't care how I did it, just as long as I did. My surgery was a Monday, I had my final meeting and weigh-in with him on the Friday before. Lost 20lbs, all was good. See you Monday morning at the hospital. Saturday, I went out and had my LAST MEAL, all and everything I wanted to eat - drink. Knowing that that would be the last time, which is was. Sunday I fasted all day. Nothing but Clear liquids. Monday was surgery - no problems.
  13. It is staggering when you stop and think just how heavy 166 lbs is!!!!! WOW! And how you must feel not to have to carry that around all day! It would be comparable to carrying a kitchen refrigerator with you all day! And with not having to carry that around all day, you can become more active. One thing leads to another if you let it! Keep up the good work, Congratulations! As long as I am moving in the right direction, I'm Happy!
  14. B-52

    My First Lapband Fill

    My first fill was 4cc's also. NOTHING! as a matter of fact, I gained a few lbs before my second fill.
  15. Considering you haven't had any normal food in a while I would say that's normal. Some people can continue from surgery. Enjoy the moment!
  16. B-52

    What Did I Do??

    You did not mention how long you have been banded, is this your first fill? How many cc's are in your band, etc. I have had 3 fills, the last one was in May. My Dr. has told me I am on a knifes edge, 1/2 cc either way can possibly tip the scale and make a huge difference, and I could have the same problems as you are. As a side note, I am very careful about eating anything crunchy or doughy.
  17. B-52

    What To Do?

    IMO, you are where you should be. You are experiencing restriction. You answered your own question as to why you got stuck. That is all about the learning experience living with the band. You will probably, as I did get the same experience more times in the future. I had to learn new lessons he hard way. The fact that you have residual discomfort is probably warranted to eating and swallowing too much and too fast, resulting in irritation. This has happened to me and when it does, I go to cream Soups, shakes, etc for a day or 2 to let things calm down. I have read here many times where people who get stuck for the first time, panic and run to their Dr. and get unfilled. IMO, they are backing down from what they wanted all the time. But again, that's only my opinion and personal experience. As for me, I took it for granted that this is what was going to happen having a band wrapped around the upper portion of my stomach. Again, for me, I welcomed it and worked with it, learning all the new ways of eating, new foods and foods to avoid, etc. It's funny. All the little things - lessons they teach you during the early stages made no sense and came across as lessons I need to adhere to by will power and discipline. After getting good restriction (green zone) I found that these little lessons where the only way I could live with the band.
  18. Everyone is different, from what I have read here. I was banded on a Monday, took the week off. I was climbing the walls by day 3 and started running errands. Day 4&5, I could not stay away from the office, although I did fatigue quickly and only spent few hours visiting, checking messages, etc. One week, the following Monday, was my 1 week post-op appointment with the surgeon. He removed all the bandages, released me to go to the gym, soak in a tub, ok to work, etc. Only restriction was to avoid any heavy lifting for a few more weeks. Four weeks post surgery I was back for my first fill.
  19. Never been told that. I have had as many as 2-3 beers at a ball game or at the beach with no problem. Just not with food. But then, I can't drink anything with food or else it will come back up. And not from bloating but from overfilling my pouch. As far as calories, I find i can go without food for long periods if I want to. So a couple of light beers might be all I have that dy at the game.
  20. Today I went to do some Christmas shopping. Needed to get some clothes for my son who is over 6 foot tall and quite a big young man. So I went to the Men's "BIG AND TALL" clothes store, we're I used to be a steady customer. It's an upscale place, and they keep all their customers in the computer along with all their clothing sizes. I was not certain of my son's sizes, so the salesman had the young girl look it up in the computer. When she put my last name in, 2 first names came up. She asked "Tim or Bob?" I said "Tim". She asked, "who is Bob?". "I'm Bob" I replied. She stood there and stared at me for a very long time, as though my answer was illogical. "No, really. Who's Bob?". "ME!" She just rolled her eyes as though she was not going to get anywhere with me, and said "whatever" and continued with her business. She must have thought I was difficult, which is the last thing she needed with all the Christmas crowds.
  21. My Mother passed away a year ago also at the age of 87. However, my sister died 2 years ago at the age if 64. Also, my Brother passed away 4 years ago at the age of 60. Both my brother and sister's death can be directly tied to being overweight, and none of it was very pretty. So, when I went for my initial lap band consultation, the first question I was asked was "why do you want the surgery?" And my answer was "because I don't want to die!" At first,the Dr. Had a look of surprise, which then turned into a broad smile. He knew what I meant, and I then began a long conversation concerning my family history and my own comorbidities. Whenever I need motivation, I think back on those things. The amputations, infections, surgeries, dialysis 3 times a week, ans so on, and so on. I then get on the treadmill and work it for all it's worth!
  22. Pasta is now on my "Do not eat"" list along with other foods. I cannot eat any pasta, melted cheeses, including pizza. We go out to Carrabba's often, but I always order the fish and no pasta sides. I do like eggplant, but not with any melted cheese. It may be different for you, but for me I am definitely in the Green Zone and there are many foods I no longer eat. You get used to it and it all part of your new lifestyle.
  23. B-52

    Want A Lap Band Unfill

    Not to assume I know the OP's motives, but when I first read this post it struck a truth with me and my personal weight loss journey. Over the past 30 years, I have, without a doubt, been on every diet plan known to man. There has been nothing I did not try, and I failed at every one! Things would go good for a while, but then, like a heroin junkie, I would start to make all kinds of excuses, and come up with all different rationals as to why I should "Cheat" Just this once, then I will make up for it the next few days by following the diet plan even harder. Well, all that did was open the door to additional days of cheating, until the whole thing went down the drain. Even when I was taking my 6 month pre-op medically supervised diet program....I would do good for the whole week (sort of). I would go in every Thursday to get weighed in, sit down with the nutritionist, discuss strategy for next week, etc. I would leave, get in my car, and head straight for the "All You Can Eat" Chinese Buffet and eat like there was no tomorrow. Then for the next 6 days I would concentrate on the diet plan. Needless to say when the 6 months were over I dismissed the whole thing. The only alternative, and perhaps the last resort, was to have surgical intervention taking the responsibility and work away from me, (who has demonstrated time and time again that approach won't work), and have the band, adjusted properly, do the work for me by not letting me overeat ever again!!!! For me to rationalize and come up with reasons and excuses to have my band unfilled, just so I can pig out like the good old days, blows my mind! But hey, it's just this one time, right? Then I'll go back on the plan, just like before. I'm not saying that's the Op's motive, but I can understand the logic from someone (as myself) with a deadly addiction, in this case food!
  24. B-52

    Want A Lap Band Unfill

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