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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. To be honest, these types of posts baffle me. I do not doubt your problems, and there are many others here that say the same thing. I'm just saying it is above my paygrade to understand how 1/2 cc can have that much effect, and to have 1/2 of that removed and still be creating problems. Perhaps you are very sensitive?
  2. Ok, I'm going to be the Devil's Advocate here. Other than having surgery and this foreign object inserted around the upper portion of your stomach, what has changed that will make you loose weight? Think of it as having a new TV delivered to your home, but it is not plugged into the wall socket yet, but you're sitting there complaining that it doesn't work. That may not be the best analogy, but the surgeon installed the new device, and sent you home to "Heal". Come back in a few weeks and we will see about turning this thing on. Of course many loose weight, what have you eaten in the last few weeks? That had nothing to do with the band. It took me a good 3-4 months to get to a point where this thing actually started to do anything. In the meantime it was frustrating, took a lot of will power and discipline (which I have neither when it comes to dieting) and I actually gained weight about 6-7 weeks post-op.. Yes you will hear about people who have never had a fill, and you will hear about people who have been filled to the max and still don't loose weight. But like any "Bell Curve" there will always be extremes at both ends, and the majority right in the middle where you are right now. Hang in there, follow your Dr.s instructions. These are lessons that will be very handy and start to make sense in the future. Come early spring all this post-op anxiety will be but a memory. People call this time "Bandster Hell" I like to call it "Bandster Bootcamp" or "Basic Bandster Training"
  3. I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions, but I can say, perhaps for the first time, it will have NOTHING to do with loosing weight or exercising more. No need to. The band is taking care of that for me.
  4. B-52

    Drinking And Eating

    I can only speak from a point where I have been banded for more than a few months, had a few fills, and I am now living with a fair amount of restriction and in the "Green Zone" #1: Provided you have not eaten anything, I feel there is no time restraint against drinking before eating. It goes right past the band into the stomach. Every time we go out for dinner I will drink my Water, and/or my cocktail up until the point my food arrives. Then I am finished. #2: While eating, food accumulates in your pouch, passing through your band slowly, like a clogged drain. If you cannot help yourself and drink while eating, be my guest. For just like a clogged drain, you will overfill your pouch and probably vomit after experiencing some pain. Do that once or twice and you will be cured of that Habit. They're telling you not to for your own good. If you have no restriction, then this will probably not effect you, but like everything else you are practicing new habits. #3: Drinking after you are done eating will have the same effect as #2, depending upon how fast your pouch empties. I have heard all kinds of time periods for this and I feel most of them are B.S., because they need to tell you something, so they come up with a nice rounded number! When I eat, I can feel the restriction, and I can feel food sitting in my pouch. That's how I know when to stop eating. I can also tell when the food is no longer in my pouch, for the most part. It is then that I will have something to drink. (carefully at first) The time for this varies from 15 minutes to an hour. Anything longer than that and I'm stuck! If there is a little food still there, it will at this time probably wash down. Again using the dinner analogy, it has been a long time since we hung around for after dinner coffee. I am only speaking from my own experiences. I have made it a point to learn to "listen" to my band, and the feedback it is giving me. I also have to say that early on, when I was first banded, none of this, and other little "rules" made much sense, and was at times frustrating. But then it all started to click to where I would say "Ah, now I understand why you said that"
  5. B-52

    Well Crap....

    I've had similar days, where it feels as though my band is not even there! Don't know why this happens, there are many discussions here about bands getting loose and tight with little explanation. What I have done, is go on a full liquid diet for 2-3 days. All shakes, and perhaps some Soups. This seems to "tighten" things up for me. I'm beginning to think that perhaps it is not the band, but the pouch stretching - relaxing a bit. But who knows for sure. Something to ask my Dr. next time I see him.
  6. B-52

    Drinking And Eating

    Makes sense. There is just so much volume in your pouch. Sipping water with food will fill your pouch with food and water., so a little less food intake than not drinking water. But if not careful, you can overfill your pouch resulting in major problems.
  7. B-52

    Well Crap....

    How long have you been banded, and why do you say you were in the Green Zone?
  8. I had the same insurance you have, Highmark of Pa. I say had, because it has now changed. It was excellent! Paid for everything 100% Even paid for all my Dr. visits, pre-op testing, everything! I wish I still had it. With most Insurance companies it is not a question as to whether or not they will approve the surgery. It is more of a question as to whether or not they recognize it as a "Covered" procedure. Like having your tonsils taken out, most if not all Insurances will recognize that as a "Covered" item. If they recognize it as a covered item, they will usually set a "Allowable" for that item. It is up to your Dr.'s office to do a little magic to get it done within that allowable, or else you will have a co-pay. One can find out right away if their insurance will cover the surgery. If they cover the surgery, then you have to meet their criteria to be eligible. The girl in the office did a print out with a list of all the hoops they wanted me to jump through, starting with my weight and BMI. If that was in their range, then I left with the Quest to complete all the other tasks, within 6 months.
  9. Do like I do and Wear a Aluminum Foil Hat when you go out in public! I can't wait for Christmas. Favorite time of the year! Merry Christmas to everyone. And if you don't Celebrate Christmas, that's alright. You may send me greetings in your Holiday Spirit. I accept ALL I can get!
  10. B-52

    Lap Band Fills

    Agreed. Many people use the term "Feeling Full" from the band. For me, it has never been that type of feeling. That would be physical. From my own experience, it has been more of a mental signal sent to the brain, that I am "Not Hungry" or "I don't feel like eating" right now. That is the appetite suppression. I've gotten my Wife annoyed where she has spent the afternoon preparing something, a family favorite, and I will say sorry, I'm not interested in eating right now. Maybe later. I'm listening to my band! Isn't that how it all started when we were little? Don't leave the table till you've eaten everything on your plate! We were forced, and taught, to overeat! The physical, uncomfortable feeling from restriction, is what gives me portion control. When I do eat, it is physically impossible to overeat without that uncomfortable / painful experience. I would imagine going past that would be how one stretches their pouch, or esophagus, as had recently been talked about.
  11. Without a doubt. But for me, I would not call it a "Full" feeling. You get that (or used to) after a Thanksgiving dinner. It is more of a lack of interest in eating. I'll see something, like a plate full of Cookies, and although I may think about eating some (head hunger) I simply have no interest or real desire in eating. The band is doing many things for me. The trick, or part of the learning curve, is to understand how to "Listen" to the signals your band is sending. Appetite suppression and Portion Control. Use that along with proper food choices, adequate Water intake and regular exercise, and this is the EASIEST weight loss program ever! Truly living in the Green Zone. Only work involved is to NOT screw it up. And there are ways I will not mention or give newbies any ideas. But I read posts here all the time from people doing it everyday.
  12. I've had it happen to me a few times also. Each time was because I did something stupid in which I should know better. Last time was at an Outback Restaurant. My Son ordered coconut shrimp. I grabbed and ate just one. Coconut Shrimp! What was I thinking, or not thinking I should say. Have you ever seen one of those things? Every banded person should easily recognize that as a "Do Not Eat or Else" food.
  13. At this point you really need to listen to to your Dr. You just had surgery under full anesthesia and you need to concentrate on the fact that you need to heal properly. Aside from broth, I would have jello, ice pops. and hard candy to dissolve in your mouth. You got to hang in there until you can move on to the next stage. Remember.....you just had surgery. When I was able to have shakes....thicker / heavier liquids they called it, I was also able to have creamed soups which I enjoyed.
  14. B-52

    Name your Lap Band Port

    That's easy.........LUMPY!
  15. Everyone's pre-surgery process is different. For me, my surgeon cared less about the 6 month diet. That was between me and my insurance and the girls in the billing dept. After I met all the insurance requirements, THEN I met with the surgeon, came up with a date for the surgery. He THEN told me to loose 20lbs by then or he wold not do the surgery.
  16. I take it you are talking about the required 6 month medically supervised diet PRIOR to undergoing the surgery? My insurance required me to do so also. Well, I STINK at diets, and have failed at every one of them. That is why I needed surgery. DUH! The 6 month program was no different than any other diet. Did ok for a while, then barely hung on for the remainder. In other words, I did loose weight, but the program as a whole was just another futile exercise. But I got through it, just to jump through another hoop to keep the insurance co. satisfied. NOW I am living a new life style, NOT just another diet. And this time it is making a difference!
  17. B-52

    Mock Lobster - Yum!

    Hmmmmmmm....... Living here in the northeast, the Jersey Shore, I can go down to the docks and buy my lobster off the boats. I take exception to anything trying to pass as "fake" seafood. Only kidding I have a freezer full of cod fillets, plus other seafood. One of the foods that has become a mainstay since the surgery. Sounds like an interesting recipe, I will have to try it. Perhaps tonight.
  18. B-52

    Happy Band-day To Me!!!

    It's like getting married. A big unknown. Am I doing the right thing? All the planning, engagement, nerviousness, anticipation untill finally the day. ( not to mention the $$$$) After that it's a relief to have it all completed, only to start a new life with new rules......for better and for worse. Although we have been married over 35 years, we are going through it again with our Daughter getting married next fall.
  19. I agree. The nutritionist at my Dr.s office gave us a print out of all the possible options and where I can purchase them. Mostly online. They even gave us "discount codes" to use for purchases with different product websites. 2nd, I know this stuff can be pricey, but I justify it by saying it is a meal replacement.......how much would food be costing me right now compared to this shake? Even a McDonalds would cost me $5 a meal.
  20. And don't forget there are different sizes in bands themselves. So even without any fills, some bands are tighter than others. And the mere presence of something there can stimulate the brain in telling it that you are not hungry. But with any "Bell Curve" there are values on both ends, those that do not or never get a fill, and those on the other end that even when filled to the max there are problems. The majority makes up the bulge (bell) in the center where we follow a similar regime of getting fills, generally at the same intervals and generally the same amounts of cc's/fill, experience the same eating habit changes, and finding that Green Zone.
  21. I have a Kindle App (free) on my I-Pad where I can download books from amazon. The I-Pad reader that comes installed is pretty good also. Surfing and e-mail is easier than my lap top that I rarely use except for work applications such as Microsoft Software Programs.
  22. Your right. It is because we have failed at diets time and time again, is why we have decided to have surgery to loose weight. Prefer not to call being banded a diet. It is a physical change to my digestive tract to control my eating, and that is exactly what it does.
  23. B-52

    January 2011 Bandsters

    I was banded Jan 31. I am about 10 lbs from my goal. Things really did not start kicking in till last may,my third fill.
  24. Don't Have an an answer, but I'm typing this on my I-Pad
  25. Hmmmmmmmm.......so far this week we have had one "buzzing" (like a cell phone) and now we have a "ringing" Like tooth fillings I'm holding out for "voices". (radio stations)

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