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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. You can "Cheat" by staying with the mushies, but eating too much outside the recommended portion sizes/frequency. OR you can be cheating by eating beyond the mushies and sneaking in solid foods. The latter is not a good idea. There is a reason, other than loosing weight, that Dr.s have you on a post-op regime of slowly bringing you back to "Normal"
  2. B-52

    Lap Band Port Site Lump

    Depends upon the layer of fat on your stomach. My port is right below the skin, sitting upon the muscle. No fat. It sticks out like 1/2 of a golf ball! You can see it from across the room. I will not wear tight fitting t-shirts, etc., because it sticks out so much. Some people here talk about their port being deep and the Dr. has trouble finding it for fills. A blind man can find mine.
  3. Sorry, but I still cannot do it. I can go and edit my profile, save changes, but when I check my profile it states I have not entered any information yet. But if I go back to my settings, it does show as being there.
  4. Same here, except I do have a Protein shake along with a protein supplement for Breakfast. I'm not a believer in the "starvation" mode. Sometimes I think it is a excuse to eat! I have enough stored away as extra weight (or did) to last me on a deserted island for a while. Just need the protein and Water to keep the engine running.
  5. B-52

    Enough Is Enough ......

    Want to know how hard headed (stupid) I am??? Shortly after I posted this, I went in the fridge to find something for lunch. A LEFTOVER PORK CHOP! W.T.H was I thinking! Guess what? I GOT STUCK!!! Started to hiccup, (knew I was in trouble then), slime began building up, stood over the bathroom sink and with one good hiccup......up it came! (I feel much better now)
  6. B-52

    Enough Is Enough ......

    There's nothing wrong with admitting it. This is a website for fat people who may not want to admit it, but eat like pigs! That's the very thing the band is going to change! And it may take a few painful episodes to get it through our heads!
  7. B-52

    Enough Is Enough ......

    Speaking only for myself, I was THRILLED when it started to happen. BRING IT ON! I welcomed it. After all, I had surgery to STOP me from eating. So instead of dreading the restriction and getting stuck, I learned how to eat differently, and learned what foods to avoid. I have been stuck more times that I can count, or remember. It was my school of hard knocks! I could have ran to the Dr. to get unfilled, but where would that have put me? Instead I was careful like walking on eggshells until things began to change. It has made all the difference in the world! But then, That's just Me! Seems like everyone here does things differently.
  8. B-52

    My First Year.......how Was Yours?

    I am coming up on one year also. It has been the best thing I have ever done!! This is NOT a diet, but a life changing surgical procedure. I have less that 10lbs to my goal, and it is tough getting those last few lbs. off. My body fat % is acceptable so I am not sure. I have been in the "Green Zone" since last May, after my 3rd fill. I don't count calories, and I don't weigh/measure portions. I find that the band restricts me from overeating so the only thing I need to do is make wise food choices. The band also suppresses my appetite so I am not craving food between meals. I also find myself skipping many meals because I am just not interested in eating. It is NOT a feeling of feeling full as so many here have stated, but more of a mental signal sent to my brain telling it I do not need to eat! I'm addicted to working out, not because I feel I need to, but because I benefit from a huge feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment when I do. My diabetes is completely reversed, no more injections or oral meds! Cholesterol. triglycerides, etc, are all in normal limits. I go most days without even thinking about the fact I am banded. The surgery is just a memory no different from when I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled 10 years ago. Aside fro close family members, I have told NO ONE I have had the surgery. It's none of their business!!!! New habits have definitely formed. I have no anguish debating what I should or should not eat. When we go out to eat and I look at a menu, it is a no-brainer choosing my food. Every now and then I will attempt to eat something I know I shouldn't, mainly because I have not had it in months, (as though that will change things) and I am knocked back into reality. When I get at points where I feel I can eat anything, I go on a full liquid diet for a day or 2. That seems to correct things. I now see my Dr. once every 3 months. Next visit is in Feb. See what he says. I have to say that I have been fighting things for over 30 years, and because of this surgery it has all been accomplished in ONE YEAR!. (for the most part)
  9. Since losing all this weight, (and being a cardiac patient) I have been hitting the gym and pushing cardio workouts quite hard. (with the blessing of all my Dr.'s) I wear a BPM strap and have the Cardio Coach workouts on my I-Pod. However, whenever I get to a upper level 3, lower level 4, I hit a wall. I get a burning sensation in my lungs, sometimes so bad I feel like I'm going to die if I continue. It has forced me to slow down, and sometimes even stop. I have always thought it was a side effect of being out of shape all these years, not to mention my age. Then I did some google searching and found something people referred to "Exercise Induced Asthma" I was at my PCP this morning and mentioned to him what I was experiencing and what I found on the internet. He told me it was very common, has nothing to do with you having any pulmonary issues, or any medical issues at all, and that he experiences it from time to time when running marathons. Said it is really no big deal. I told him it was holding me back and limiting me from progressing further. He gave me an Rx for a inhaler, told me to inhale 2 puffs 15-20 minutes before running. Which I did this afternoon. It was night and day!!! How long has this held me back?? I had the best workout ever today. Put me to a whole new level! And I know it will only get better from here.
  10. I really do enjoy my workouts also, and feel bad that the gym was closed yesterday, Christmas. I remember from years past, that the gym will become VERY crowded in the next few weeks/months or two. I asked one of the staff what the heck was going on and she told me it is like that every year at New Years, and it will thin out and get back to normal after a bit. I kind of feel sorry for these people, having been here myself.
  11. Well here it is the day after Christmas. After getting home from the gym this morning I sat down to watch some TV. Going through the channels trying to find something to watch, I noticed that on every station for every commercial break, the were tons of adds for all kinds of Diet Plans, special diet foods, exercise equipment, you name it! It occurred to me that yes, it's New Years! Time for everyone to commit to diet programs, gym memberships, and aim at looking and feeling better for next spring/summer. And there is Madison Ave. ready with all their advertisement. They have been preparing for this since last year to rake in the $$$. Of course we all know it is futile for the overwhelmingly majority. I had a great feeling of satisfaction come over me knowing I have been "set free" from all of that!
  12. Exactly!!!!! That's what it's all about. What did you think would happen when they put a band around your stomach??? Now it is about learning to eat the right foods, learning to eat properly and differently to the old/bad habits. It is a NEW LIFESTYLE!! Why are you fat?? Because you eat too much!!! What does the band do?? Stops you from eating too much!!!! Simple
  13. B-52

    Feel Like Such A Lap Band Failure!

    There are ways to "Eat Around The Band", no matter how much restriction one may have. Because there are so many new people here just starting out, I make a point of never mentioning how one can do this lest I give people ideas to fail. The band does take away one's appetite, or desire to eat. Part of the "Learning" process is to understand these messages being sent to the brain and learn to listen to them. It is not a feeling of being "Full". It is the message the brain gets saying you are full, but physically you're not. Confusing, but you start to get the hang of it after a while. Yes, I have a lot of restriction, and it is impossible for me to overeat at any one sitting. Takes absolutely no will power from me. I could cheat, or eat around the band, but 2 things stop me. First, if you "Listen" to your band, you are really not hungry so it is a emotional addiction. Second, I am afraid that I can/will do some physical damage to my band/pouch by overworking it!
  14. You have been banded less than a month and you already have 6cc's in your band? With me it was the opposite. I did not get anything put in my band until 4 weeks after surgery, and then it was 4cc's. I actually gained weight after my first fill. Things really did not start to "Work" for me until about 3-4 months, and 2-3 fills, after being banded. You are just a few weeks. It is all about healing and getting back to "Normal". "Normal" is the operative word, as in the way you were before having surgery. Then you would begin the regime of regular DR. visits with regular fills to get to that place where you are comfortably loosing weight.
  15. B-52

    Seafood? Can We Eat???

    All depends on where you are at as far as restriction goes. Early on I could eat just about anything. Been banded for a year now. I have trouble eating meat, so I now eat a lot of fish, and chicken. I have to be very careful with shrimp, and lobster tail. Definitely cannot eat ANYTHING fried.
  16. B-52

    Merry Christmas

    Same here. Our biggest get get together is always on Christmas Eve with plenty of food. Bigger than thanksgiving. All my favorite foods were on the table. I took a very small portion of everything on my plate. I was very surprised that after eating very little, I could not have anymore. Absolutely no effort on my part. I knew when I was finished and could to eat anymore if I wanted to. And it did not bother me at all. I did have plenty of wine though!
  17. B-52

    Questions About The Fills?

    "Fills" make them feel horrible, how? Do you mean the actual act of getting the fill - a needle through the skin into the port? Or do you mean once they have gotten filled, things can happen and they feel terrible.
  18. B-52

    Post Op Popularity????

    I'm coming up on my one year, and I will say, not to insult anybody, but this website starts to become boring due to all of the repetitive questions. They keep asking the same thing day after day and you want to scream "Can't you read?" But then you realize, that these are new people joining the group everyday, and the old posts concerning various issues become lost in time. Also these new people will become veterans and begin to give advice to the newer members. The one thing that bothers me, and I will try to jump in without offending anybody, is when people begin to misinformation, because that will spread and people will take it for fact. This thing about "Gas Pain" The majority of posts here have it all wrong! Also, after being banded a year, it is very, very rare I learn anything new when browsing through all the posts. Like the previous person said, I don't need any support anymore. Also, I remember people who used to be here when I was new, and would give advice from their experience. I have noticed that they are ALL gone.
  19. B-52

    Nobody Ever Responds To My Posts!

    Have not read all your posts, but the few I did it would seem you have everything under control. Banded less than a month, yet have restriction without a fill, loosing weight, positive attitude. You're not experiencing the usual problems most people do the first few weeks, if not months, after surgery. You're one of the lucky few! Sounds like you have been banded 6 months. Keep up the good work!
  20. Really, no offense, but anything can cause pain in your shoulder. Maybe you played too much basketball last night? Pitched too many innings? I've got bursitis in both my shoulders that flare up time to time, especially when I sleep in a odd position. IF IT IS post-op gas pains, it usually accumulates in the left shoulder, late stage. But I don't see how anyone here can diagnose aches and pains.
  21. B-52

    Hiccups And Burps!

    Same here. I don't get Burps, but when the Hiccups start then that's it. Time to stop, and sometimes it is also the first sign of getting stuck.
  22. Among other things, I always have problems with red meat. Even hamburger. I've pretty much given up on it. chicken and fish have to be very soft, not over cooked. Shrimp and lobster - have to be very careful! Oh, and BREAD. NO MORE bread, biscuits, doughnuts, pastries, etc etc. I am ok with crackers though. Just not too much.
  23. Maybe so, but it is these same pinheads who preach we should have a Normal BMI and Body fat Index. I want to love myself and return to who I used to be, not what I've become.
  24. Sorry to hear about your complications......but it is surgery and stuff happens. At least that is behind you. I find it strange HR would be calling also, and yes, it is against federal law for the Dr.s office, or anyone for that matter disclosing information. When I had my surgery, I took a week off on vacation time. For all anyone knew I was in Disney World. I have never, other than the closest of family, told anyone about my surgery, for many reasons.
  25. Screw Him! Once you get into that Green "Zone", you just keep on keeping on. It becomes a lifestyle. Whats he gonna do? Give you a un-fill when you reach his weight goal? At that point you go in and tell him "I feel fine. Let me be right where I'm at. I'm happy and satisfied"

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