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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. I go back to basics for plateau's and other things. That means a full liquid diet consisting primarily of Protein shakes. Boosting my exercise also. Not much, just increasing my time / resistance on the elliptical. It's always calories in versus calories burned, without sacrificing essential nutrients/protein. There are different types of fat within the body also. Mainly Visceral and subcutaneous. (there's brown fat but that's another story) Fat stores excess calories in a safe way so you can mobilize the fat stores when you're hungry, or need calories to burn - calories in - calories burned. Fat releases hormones that control metabolism. (with the presence of adequate Water intake) Overweight people have enough for this, which is why I am not a believer in the "Starvation Mode" The closer you get to your goal weight, the harder it is to loose because now you are after the visceral fat, surrounding your organs and marbled within your muscle.
  2. B-52

    Plz Tell Me No One Here......

    VAIN.......Thanks, that's the word I was looking for.
  3. B-52

    throat gurgling?

    Yep. all the time. Reminds me of the band doing it's thing, as in the "Clogged Drain Analogy" I like it, let's me know the band is there, doing what it should be. I'm more concerned if I didn't get any feedback from the band.
  4. B-52

    Do I Need A Fill?

    Sounds to me you're on the right track. Everyone is different. I got 4 cc's my first, then 2 fills after that. Getting stuck is unavoidable due to our old habits of eating until we learn new habits. That is what "banister hell" is all about. Learning a new life.
  5. B-52

    Gotta Quit Smoking...

    After smoking cigarettes for over 30 years, I quit for good a few years ago. Have no interest in going back. BUT after giving up cigarettes, I can really appreciate the enjoyment of a quality cigar! That picture in my avatar, what you can't see is I'm holding a Cuban! It was shot in Mexico. Hated them when I was on cigarettes.
  6. B-52

    Oh December - Your Evil!!

    I as banded last Jan. Dead of winter, short days, is the best time to loose weight IMO, eh?
  7. B-52

    Do I Need A Fill?

    You do not give enough info. When were you banded, have you had any fills yet, if so how many. Being "Full" IMO is not a trait given by being banded. Satisfied and Not Hungry, or lack of interest in food is. The treatment plan for being banded is this: First, after surgery, it is the goal to get you fully healed with no complications, and "Back To Normal" Then, it is the plan, through a series of fills, to get the proper amount of Fluid in your band to get you within the "Green Zone" After that, it is maintenance, with light adjustments, to keep you there.
  8. Agree! I actually gained weight after my first fill, before my 2nd. Because at the time of my first fill, 4 weeks after surgery, I was allowed to eat regular food again. It was a slow process, took me 3 fills also before I could say the band was making a difference. I am now comfortably in the "Green Zone", no more hard work or determination on my part. But I will say that period after surgery was a time to learn some hard lessons that will have to be followed as long as you are banded.
  9. B-52

    Surgery Tuesday Please Help

    For me it was all about the Drugs!!!! What I mean is, I was happy as a bug in a rug, snuggling into my Lazy-Boy recliner with a heavy comforter, plenty of water, some broth and then ice tea, and my TV remote control. I took all my pain killers right on time. Didn't miss a dose! I was happy (and zonked) to stay right there for 24 - 36 hrs following surgery, and heal! THEN I started climbing the walls and just had to get out of the house. But that's another story.
  10. "Let your body tell you when your done". I like that. To reach the BMI the charts tell me I should, not only would I have to enter a genuine starvation mode, I would have to stay away from Protein and go into a Holocaust Survivor Mode!
  11. Most everyone uses "BMI" as a tool for weight loss. But if you read up on it a little, you will see it is only a tool and not very accurate or realistic. Two people, same height and weight, + same BMI's, one can be overweight and the other can be "Lean and Fit" because of their "Body Fat %" versus muscle. It really is not important to me, unlike being on a diet where I can control how I eat, I have a new lifestyle where I will just continue on until the weight loss stops and the muscle maintains. As I get closer to my personal goal, the wight loss had slowed down tremendously. This bothered me until I gained access to a computerized scale that will measure "Body Fat %"
  12. B-52

    So I Guess I Failed Already ......

    Amen! Why else would I have gone through all this? The band is adjustable. It was designed to get you to the "Green Zone" with the right amount of Fluid. Plus, there has been a misconception on these boards over the last year that it is somehow better to have less fills than the next person, and someone who needs more in their band must somehow be in worst shape than someone with less? THAT'S DANGEROUS!!! People need to get the treatment that is best for them. The band is adjustable and by it's very basic operating design it is intended to be filled with saline to get the individual to the proper place where it will work efficiently. If 2 people had terminal cancer, is the one who takes less chemo better (or worse) off than the one who needs higher doses?
  13. B-52

    Green Zone!

    There has been much discussion as to what you should expect from the band. I took this picture in my Dr.'s exam room with my I-Phone. It is not in good focus, but you can still read it. \ Green Zone: 1) Not Hungry 2) Good weight Loss 3) Portion Control 4) Patient Satisfaction \ \ For Myself, I have been in the Green Zone for a few months now, and it has done everything I had expected it to do prior to surgery!
  14. B-52

    Freaking Out

    I used to LOVE food. Talking with my friends about what 4 star restaurants we have been to. I travel a lot for business and I can tell you the differences between the Morton's in New York, vs the Morton's in Atlanta, vs. the Morton's in Florida, etc, etc. Last night we had about 12 people over for Christmas. I cooked a BEAUTIFUL Rib Roast, along with mashed potatoes, and so on. I can't eat meat anymore. One bite of the Prime Rib and I was finished with it no matter how much I chewed and how small the swallow was. But you know what? Because of the band, I am not that interested in food anymore. I can't explain it, but I do know it is a characteristic of being in the green zone. I really don't miss it all that much. Plus, you will loose enough weight, you will feel so good and confident about yourself that you will start thinking like a thin person does. (thin people don't have anxiety attacks over food)
  15. B-52

    Freaking Out

    All I will say is "It Will Change Your Life" So what if you can no longer eat certain foods.
  16. B-52

    Feel Like Such A Lap Band Failure!

    Throw my vote in also! The band HAS taken that away from me! I also am not starving, nor do I need "hard Work" or "Will Power" to make this thing work. All I have to do is listen to it!
  17. For me and my insurance, it was a little different. First, my Surgeon didn't care less about the 6 month supervised diet. It was between me and my insurance co. Just one more hoop to jump through. Before they approved the surgery, they wanted to be sure I have exhausted other alternatives. My word, or the word of non-medical people such as weight watchers, jenny craig, etc, is not sufficient. It had to be a Dr. who signed off on the paperwork. Wether I gained or lost was not the issue. It was to show that standard diet methods was not enough, and surgery was the only/last/best alternative. Once I got finished jumping through all the hoops for the insurance co., THEN my surgeon wanted me to loose 20lbs just for the surgical procedure only, to shrink the liver.
  18. B-52

    So I Guess I Failed Already ......

    There appears to be 2 schools of thought on this, and each of us can only go on their own personal experiences. For me, it definitely controls my hunger! It also controls "How Much" I eat. Anything more would result in pain - vomiting. My only decision is to decide What and When. And a lot of the "Whats" have been eliminated, and I am not that hurried for the "Whens"
  19. B-52

    So I Guess I Failed Already ......

    I guess everyone is different. The band has curbed my appetite immensely! Sure, everyone gets cravings, but it does not take long to realize you don't really need it. People say the band makes you feel "Full". It is not that way for me. When you are full, there is a signal sent to the brain that you really don't need to eat anymore. It is that signal I get. It as though I don't have any interest in eating, or food. There are times I blow it off for an entire day! It's 3 o'clock here as I type this, and all I have had so far today is my shake for Breakfast. I'm just not interested in eating. THAT is the message my brain is getting.
  20. B-52

    So I Guess I Failed Already ......

    Very True! Between my first and 2nd fill, of which I got 4 cc's, I GAINED weight because also, at that point, I was allowed to eat just about anything I wanted, or whatever I chose would be a more correct phrase. Things really did not start to happen until after my 2nd fill, then after my 3rd (and last) WOW!
  21. B-52

    So I Guess I Failed Already ......

    That was probably because of inflammation mimicking restriction, giving you a taste of what is to come. Now that the swelling has gone down, you are returning to normal. Trust me....it gets even better!
  22. B-52

    Gotta Quit Smoking...

    I smoked at least 1 to 1-1/2 packs a day since I was in High School. I graduated in 1970 so that gives you a idea how long. I quit for good about 6 years ago. Smoking is a Obsessive–compulsive disorder (google it) and should be treated as such. You need to speak with your Dr. and treat it from this angle for successful results, that may include Rx medication. You have to really want to quit. To say you want to do it to get by for surgery, IMO, is superficial and you have set yourself up to fail before you have even begun.
  23. B-52

    So I Guess I Failed Already ......

    You were banded less than a month ago, which means you are still within the healing phase to get you back to "NORMAL" NORMAL as in though they way you were before you had the surgery. With all the same appetites, etc. People get hung up about "Loosing weight" within this first segment. It is not. It is about getting the surgery, and healing 100%, and getting you back to that place of being healthy, and "Normal" in order to be ready for what lies ahead. Everyone I know who has ever had any type of major surgery with a pre-op and post-op eating program of liquids, etc, has lost weight. Has nothing to do with the lap band! If you are eating, and feeling all these emotions, then your post-op time is about over and you are ready to start getting on with the weight loss program. But believe me, you have not started it yet! You have only gotten prepared for it! You say things were great in the beginning? You're not even at the beginning yet! But judging by your frustration, I can tell you are ready to get it on. You'll be fine.
  24. You want to heal, and have the surrounding tissue heal strong and healthy, and have the band set properly, thus avoiding complications later on down the road. The soft tissue around the band is expected to be inflamed and tender. Thus the Liquid, then soft foods. Introducing hard, rough and possibly large pieces can damage the tissue, and/or move the band out of expected position prior to becoming properly seated. It's true with just about any surgery. The site has to heal before it can be used in a normal capacity. As far as dilating (stretching) the pouch/esophagus, that is another problem that would be more of a concern later on when you start to experience some restriction of food passing through the band. Yes, the pouch can expand, and shrink. People with dilated pouches will have to go back to full liquids, and possibly a full unfill so as not to have food settle in the pouch for a while. The real danger again, is to the band placement for proper function.

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