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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. Don't forget, ultimately, after all clearances are done, your PCP must do a "Face to Face" and write the LMN - Letter of Medical Neccesity. This is the document he/she completes and signs, convincing the Insurance Co. Why you need this surgery. I deal with these everyday and although many are simply check boxes, there is always a place for a narrative. Can also type a letter and attach to the LMN. Everything else supports this document and is usually done last.
  2. B-52

    After First Fill Question

    Yes. Very normal. It may loosen up a little next few days. I have a shake every morning for breakfast and I have to take it slow. It's a good feeling knowing the band is there doing it's job.
  3. Yes, it is certainly is a good feeling to see that scale drop! But just remember, it isn't real. You have not had anything to eat in weeks. Eventually you will return to normal, and begin to eat normal food again. So don't get bummed out when that begins. You will then begin the next phase of being banded, and then you will see the real-permanent weight loss begin.
  4. B-52

    Protein Shake (yuck!)

    I have a Muscle Milk shake every day for Breakfast, for the past 12 months! Add a few ice cubes to thicken it up. I also bought a large bag of mixed berries, frozen from costco. I throw a handful in with every shake. You can add other things in the blender. 1/2 banana, Peanut Butter. Be creative. Google for some smoothie recipes. As long as yo use the muscle milk as a base, for the Protein.
  5. B-52


    And good luck to you! You will do fine, you have a good positive attitude welcoming, and looking forward to change, not trying to hold on to the past.
  6. B-52

    Starting To Panic...

    Don't worry, you will get there. This is a pet peeve of mine, when people start comparing how much they have in their band, as though if you have more or less, you are better off or worse than the next person. I know it is not intended by most people. but there have been people here who have BRAGGED about not even having a fill and doing ok. It makes the next person feel as though they are doing something wrong. The band is designed to be adjustable, to get the right amount of fluid for YOU to get to that "Green Zone", where the band operates optimally. Anything less than that, then you are selling yourself short.
  7. Exactly......I take exception to calling it merely a tool.....It is Surgical Intervention, I cannot use it any way I choose, to my advantage or not. It was surgically implanted to do a specific job...Mainly my eating. Would you call a cardiac pacemaker a tool?? It also is surgically implanted to do a specific job.
  8. B-52

    Starting To Panic...

    When you day you feel nothing, does that mean you could eat anything? And as much as you want?
  9. This question comes up from time to time. Will I be able to eat my favorite foods? Everyone here who has been banded has a high BMI labeling us as "Morbidly" Obese. How did we get that way? The very thing we love to do was killing us! I have tried diet after diet for over 30 years! You name it....from cabbage to hypnotism. So when I was told that having a band wrapped around my stomach thus preventing me from ever over eating again, and possibly preventing me from eating certain foods, it was a no brainier. Do I miss certain foods? Definitely. I miss going to 5 star steak houses. I miss going to "All You Can Eat Chinese Buffets" But the feeling of having my life changed, something I could have never done on my own, to receive compliments from people, some who never knew or seen me when I was over weight, or having all my health problems disappear, I don't regret for one minute giving up my old life and my old eating habits.
  10. B-52

    To Fill Or Not?

    First, where were you before all this happened? Where you going about your business comfortably in the "Green Zone"? If not, then that is where you want to get to and that would possibly mean a fill. Otherwise: I'm not a believer the band can get tight or loose, although I use the expression all the time. We all know what we mean. I do believe the pouch can expand and shrink, depending on how much we use it......putting food in it. I am very tight. Especially in the morning because I have not put anything in my pouch for 12 hours. So in the morning I have a smoothie. Lunch is on the go so usually Soup or something. Still no real solid food. So at dinner I am still tight. Portion control - little/no appetite. I've been off from work the last 12-days, and have been eating more for my meals than usual. Yesterday I realized I had little to no restriction, at least not what I am accustomed to. I didn't over eat, just more solids than liquids. So today I started a 2-3 day regime of all liquids to see if my theory is true. If not, then it's time for a fill for me also.
  11. I am a Type 2 Diabetic. Someone once told me that FAT is your enemy when your a diabetic, and is the cause of Insulin Resistance. It creates a barrier around the cells and blocks absorption. Don't know how true that is, but I focus on that as motivation. I was taking up to 60 units of Lantus every evening, plus Oral meds during the day, some before every meal. I have been off ALL MEDS since September. Coincidentally, my body fat % has also dropped within acceptable ranges. My cholesterol and triglycerides are all within normal limits, and I am on 1/2 doses with these, mainly because I also have cardiac issues. Type 1 is vastly different from Type 2, but reducing your body fat will lower your resistance, meaning less insulin.
  12. B-52

    Doctors Office And Insurance :(

    Well that just blows! They obviously made a mistake big time. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. Wether they admit to the mistake and apologize or not, they are not going to do the procedure unless they know who is paying for it. I guess the only thing you can do is speak with your insurance yourself and try to work out with them.
  13. Unfortunately, for you, it is all about will power and determination. Just as it was before you had the surgery. Some people do very well at this point, without any fills. I do not! I have failed time and time again when it comes down to my own discipline. The goal of the process is to get you to the "Green Zone" where your appetite and portions are brought under control. The first fill may not be enough, although it will help. It took me 3 fills, each one month apart. So it was 4 months of "Bandster Hell" for me. But it did get easier as time went on.
  14. I have gone back on liquids for a few days when I feel things may be getting out of whack. Mainly when I feel my band just is not tight and I am not getting the restriction I am used to, my portions get larger than they should be,or when I have hit a plateau. The 5 day pouch test is basically the same thing. 2 days Protein shakes, along with Soups. All Liquids. Then introduce mushies, so on and so on. Liquids will not sit in your pouch thereby letting it return to it's intended size. If you do not, or never had restriction.....never had a fill, I do not believe this will help you other than it may be a good diet!
  15. I have IE on my system, that I only use for business. I just opened and read this website with no problems. Picked a lengthy post. I was able to scroll down and read about 20 responses until it asked me to go to next page. It was a lengthy post, so there were at least 6 pages. So, I do not think it is due to the browser you are using. Perhaps "page Setup" Oh, I am using the latest version of IE.
  16. What part of NJ are you from? North, South, Central? There are many people here from NJ. You can PM each one and learn whom they have used. Then contact the office over the phone and inquire if they accept you insurance or not.
  17. B-52

    Doctors Office And Insurance :(

    I'm confused. Did the first Dr. Tell you there was a $1000 co-pay, and the 2nd Dr tell you that you are not covered at all? Each office has a staff that submits claims and get insurance approvals. Every office is different, and some are good at this and some are not. It can sometimes come down to using one single wrong word that raises a red flag and results in a denied claim. I know. In my field we rely on insurance reimbursements and the girls in my office are very good. They manage to get pre approvals and good reimbursements from the same insurance companies that other people cannot! Unless your policy has changed, I would say the 2nd Dr's office does not have a talented staff.
  18. After reading 4 or 5 responses I have to go to the next page. What browser are you using? I am using Firefox on my PC, and Safari on my I-Pad have no issues at all.
  19. Welcome and congratulations on your decision. Hang in there, follow your Dr's directions, and things will eventually start to happen. This is great place for information and answers to any questions you may have.
  20. B-52

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Don't worry. Just follow your Dr.'s directions and it will get better and easier!
  21. B-52

    New Year's Nsv!!

    Yes. A NSV like that on New Years Day is a great way to be motivated for what's to come! No need for resolutions to diet and loose weight.
  22. B-52

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I am amazed at how many people are not informed, (myself included) as to what to expect after getting lap band surgery. Seems like everyone feels that once you have the surgery, you should immediately start seeing results. The surgery can be broken down in phases. First is all the pre-op stuff one must go through, including shrinking the liver. Second is the surgery itself, including the weeks post-op letting the body heal and return to normal. Still have not entered the weight loss phase yet. Third, the phase where, through a series of fills/unfills, to get the band properly adjusted to get to the place where everything comes together and the band works optimally. (green zone) Lastly, there is the maintenenance phase.
  23. Sounds like some kind of viral or bacterial attack. Not the band. I've had similar similar symptoms from picking up bugs while in foreign countries.
  24. B-52

    Talking Between Eating

    I find the opposite to be true. Because of the restriction, I have to wait between swallows, even put my fork down. Carrying on a conversation helps with these times. Otherwise I wood be looking around the room or out the window.
  25. B-52

    What Do U Say.....

    It is amazing how many posts I have read since signing on here, telling other people about your surgery, and receiving so many NEGATIVE comments. I am so glad I kept it to myself, being my own personal business. I do not wish to be under other people's microscopes and graded all the time. New people! Those considering this surgery, TAKE NOTE!!!! And now, after I have lost this weight, people compliment me and want to know how I did it. I still won't tell them. I just say something like "I had no choice. Dr's Orders!"

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