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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. First, I don't understand how this is possible. Does the band suddenly stop doing it's function? The band gives me restriction to the point it is impossible to over eat! Does that change in 5 years? I don't know, I have only been banded for a year. Second...if I loose weight, to get to to a normal BMI which I have never had since High School....40 years ago.....THERE IS NO WAY I WILL LET MYSELF GET FAT EVER AGAIN!!!! Once I'm there, I'm not going to let it go. SIMPLE!
  2. B-52

    1/2 A Cup? Really?

    I don't measure my food, but with the restriction I have I can only eat 1/2 to 1 cup. Depending on what it is. If I try to force it, it will only result in pain. Probably stretching the pouch or pressure on the band. I don't count calories. Since my portion size is under control, all I need to do is make good food choices.
  3. If you hate needles.....wait till you start getting fills. They use the biggest bore needles ever made!!! Only joking. I agree. I have not told anyone about my surgery, except close family. Read enough posts here and you see all the trouble it can bring. It's nobody's business but mine, and I do not want to be under a microscope and judged all the time.
  4. I get it too, especially first thing in the morning when I have my Breakfast shake. Pretty Cool, Huh? Lets me know the band is right where it needs to be and is still tight, doing it's job. I get more concerned when the band does not give me any kind of feedback.
  5. Can I get a AMEN! If I was guaranteed to never be hungry again, I would exist on bread and Water if it meant getting my life back. (well not entirely, but you get the idea)
  6. B-52

    Very Frustrated

    No. Can't explain it other than it happens all the time and everyone will have a different opinion as to why. Just keep on keeping on, follow your Dr.'s instructions, and things will change!
  7. You say you had the surgery in April, but you do not mention your progress with visits to the Dr., number of fills etc. Aside from going to the gym and following the rules, can you say the band has ever made a difference?
  8. That's a good one! I'm surprised she didn't ask you, very concerned of course, if you were terminally ill and is there anything she can do for you.
  9. Well, recognizing you have a problem, and most importantly wanting to do something about it is the most important first step. My only fear is that lately, LapBand Surgery has become very popular, so much so I hope people do not choose it as they would some other new "Fad" way of loosing weight. It is a "Surgical Procedure" that puts a foreign object inside your body with a tube running to a injection port where the Dr. sticks a large bore needle into to adjust the amount of Fluid in the band. Once you have the surgery, it will alter your way of life forever! Change you eating habits including "Social" aspects like going out to dinner with friends/family, or holiday get togethers. As with so many other people, you will have to say goodbye to some of your favorite foods. I have read posts here from people concerned / worried that they will not be able to eat "ANYTHING They Want" Duh???? That is probably why most Insurance Co. and Surgeons require you to have a Psych Eval to be sure you have your priorities correct and you understand, maturely, what you are getting into. You will also find here, Myself included, a majority of people who do not regret for one minute having the Surgery done. It has changed, if not SAVED, our lives and would not hesitate if needed to do it again. Also, keep in mind that when you read through all the info here on this website, almost all of it is coming from people who are just starting out with their weight loss journey, and are confused, scared, and are looking for advice and answers. There are untold numbers who have been successful and moved on, not coming here all that much because there is not much support offered for them here.
  10. Today at the gym, and I've seen it many times before by a few people....... A woman got on the elliptical next to me. Prodding along at a slow, relaxed pace, Talking on a cell phone! For at least 20 minutes! Then, I notice she has a Starbucks coffee with her! Not to mention, she looked good. Meaning she must have spent a long time doing her hair and all, just to come to the gym. Why even bother? Heaven forbid she should break a sweat!
  11. B-52

    Freaking Out

    You keep eating like that, so close to post surgery - 10 days, and your band will slip - OR WORSE. You ask for help? What can one possibly tell you? Did your Dr. not give you specific instructions? When I first read this post I was skeptical it is for real. Without getting into much detail, I work in Healthcare. I travel to different Hospitals, clinics and see patients all day. All pediatrics with their families. I am there to provide a service because they have a need. In order for me to work with them and have successful positive outcomes, they have to meet me half way and be cooperative. When a patient does not, it is though I am wasting their time, when actually they are wasting mine. In other words, Your Dr. is providing a service for your benefit...LISTEN TO HIM. If not, don't expect his best either.
  12. B-52

    Bandsters Hell ? Green Zone?

    Give us the link. I have been trying to find it, and others will also.
  13. I was banded on Jan 31, took 3 fills before I got any real restriction, which was about early May. BUT It took me a good 4-5 weeks after that, to figure out the hard way how to live with the effects, which is choosing the right foods, and avoiding those that will give me problems, new eating techniques, etc. Once that all clicked, it is the easiest thing I have ever done. I have been on every diet known to man for the last 30 years. Surgery was the last resort because I did not have the will power, determination and discipline to do it on my own. I've tried many times before and failed. I don't even think about the band on most days. My appetite is completely under control, and I cannot over eat if I wanted to. If I did I will pay the consequences. I don't count calories or determine portion sizes. I've been on enough diets to know what's good and what is not good to eat, and the band (pouch size) gives me portion control. There's not much else I can do except go about my daily business,
  14. B-52

    Bandsters Hell ? Green Zone?

    This is a picture taken with my I-Phone in my Dr.s office. It is a little out of focus. But to be in the "Green Zone" you are: \ 1) NOT HUNGRY 2) GOOD WEIGHT LOSS 3) PORTION CONTROL 4) PATIENT SATISFACTION I hope you can read the yellow and red zones. When I go to my Surgeon for appointments, he points to the chart and asks me "Where do you think you are on that scale?" My interpretation is anything other than the Green Zone, where you have to work hard just like any other diet, and ask yourself "I had Surgery for this????" Also, if you have the first 3, you can't help but have #4
  15. My first fill was 4 weeks after surgery, 4 cc's. Second fill was 4 weeks after that. 8 weeks from surgery In between I GAINED WEIGHT! Why? because after 4 weeks I was allowed normal food, and the band did not do anything at that point. I did start to fell something after the 2nd, but not much. About a week after my third - BANG! All of a sudden.
  16. That's great news! Took me about 8 months. Sometimes all it takes is a major change in the types and amounts of food we eat, which is what got us Type 2 people there in the first place!
  17. B-52

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    This is the first time I have ever seen this thread....amazed it went back to 2009. It may be late in coming......but if I had made a response in 2009, it would have been....... Looking at your pictures.......you're ex-husband is (was) a fool! Now, back to 2012.
  18. What does a Tight Band fell like???? Being in the "Green Zone"? I'm sitting here at my laptop, having my Breakfast - a Protein shake with some mixed berries, mixed in a blender. I have to take small slow sips and swallows, and with each swallow I can feel it pass through my band, and if I keep my mouth open you can hear it "Gurgle" as it slowly passes. I'll probably have 2 cups of coffee before heading out to work, but other than Water that I have with me all day, that's it! I'm satisfied! No interest in anything additional to eat. I cannot even get interested in what I may (or may not) eat for lunch, let alone dinner! NO INTEREST! I used to be obsessed with food!!! That's being at that "Sweet Spot" It's not a feeling of being "Full", as if you've overeaten, it is more of a "Lack of Interest" in eating. I believe it is a signal the band sends to the brain, same as if you were full, but you're not full, telling you "You Don't Have To Eat".........make sense???
  19. Yes they do. I have gone down a size in shoes, in doing so I guess I lost some natural padding. Plus I workout like crazy so I have increased the workload on my feet. I am always looking for good cushioned socks, and good insoles for my sneakers. However, I see a podiatrist every 3 months, and EVERYTHING about my feet are 100% healthy. I would also guess circulation in my lowers has improved also.
  20. B-52

    Really Down And Discouraged

    My first fill was 4 cc's. I GAINED weight between my first and second fill, one month later. Like other "Diets" I was intimidated about facing my surgeon and getting weighed in. But he smiled and reassured me stating that is why he is going to give me that 2nd fill, and additional fills after that if needed, until I get to that place where the band starts to do what it was intended to do. It took me a total of 3 fills, and I have not had one since last May. I only see my surgeon every 3 months now. Next visit is in Feb., and I will ask for a small adjustment, maybe .5 cc. It's become very routine. Heck, I see my dental hygienist every 3 months!! I need a adjustment because my weight loss has slowed way down. It does that when you get close to your goal, squeezing out every last lb. So don't be discouraged, but don't loose control either. This is what everyone calls this time "Bandster Hell" And it can take a few months for some people, like me.
  21. B-52

    Newbie Concern

    The majority of people are here because we have failed at every diet in the past. To loose weight, then gain it all back. Diets depend upon our will power, determination. That is why I needed surgical intervention. It still needs a certain discipline, but not like diets of the past. This is really easy, once you get past the early phases. There is not a day that I don't regret having it done.
  22. B-52


    I don't know,.....when were you banded? How many fills? have you ever been in the green Zone?
  23. B-52


    I would call him and ask "Are You Sure"???? Generally it is clear liquids for a few days, then onto heavier liquids.
  24. B-52

    After First Fill Question

    Keep in mind that just because you are scheduled for a adjustment, does not mean you will get one. You will be weighed, # lost dived by # weeks will determine how much you are averaging per week. They'll ask a few questions, maybe show you the Yellow-Green-Red chart and ask you where do you think you are, then either give you an adjustment or send you home saying you're doing fine. See you in another 4 weeks. At least that is how it has happened to me.

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