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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. I know what you mean. I'm down to the last 10, and it has slowed way down. BMI's at this point are generally useless. They are not that accurate because people 2 people with identical ht. and wt. and same BMI's can have different fat content v. muscle mass. I have access to a Body Fat % scale at the gym, where you stand on it barefoot, and grap the metal handles on the side. Need to enter age, height, M/F, and it gives you your weight and Body Fat %. I am at 21%, and for someone my age that is "Acceptable" Not sure where to squeeze the last few ponds from, my ear lobes? Need to talk with Dr. in a few weeks.
  2. B-52

    New Found Prospective

    EXACTLY....In my case, that is why I do not count calories anymore. I used to eat like you described also, 2 BIG MACS! plus a FISH FILLET with all that sloppy white goo on it! And that's driving down the road and getting the urge!!!! Not even meal time...... NO WONDER I HAD HEART SURGERY! But with the band, it is IMPOSSIBLE to eat like that ever, ever again. I can only eat 1/10th of what I used to. So all I need to do now is make wise food choices and I'm home free! (plus get my Water in and exercise)
  3. For me, it was a FIX. No more "White Knuckle Club" It was/is a life changing experience, not another diet. Yes, I know how to work around it a cheat if I wanted to, but since the band has also taken away my appetite, Why would I want, or need to cheat? And yes, I know everyone is different, but that's my personal real life experience.
  4. B-52

    My First Fill

    So did they send you home with the 5cc fill? Hearing and feeling liquids go down is a trip. I like it. Lets me know the band is still there doing it's job I'm sitting here having my morning coffee and "Gurguling" with each few swallows. You're a littlre more fortunate that I was. I had 4cc on my first fill, and never felt anything. Took me 3 fills, then WHAM! I did not think I would be able to swallow anything. But I did not panic. This is after all, in a weird way, what I was hoping for. The inability to eat! I stuck it out for a few days, re-educated myself on different eating techniques, habits, started to choose different foods and say good-bye to others, and before long I was sitting in the "Green Zone" which is Nirvana! It has been a breeze ever since.
  5. B-52

    Post Op Weight Loss

    I had a small weight loss between visits once, and my Dr said "as long as you're moving in the right direction, that's progress!"
  6. B-52

    Normal Fill Or Not?

    My first fill was 4 weeks, 4 cc. 2nd fill was 4 weeks after that. 5cc first fill, 2nd fill one week later? Hang on, you may be in for a wild ride! I would not have minded if my Dr was that aggressive, however back then I did not know what to expect.
  7. 58 Lbs in about 4 weeks - 14.5 lbs per week????? That's DAM GOOD BRO!!!!!! There are people here that wish to see that in 6 months, let alone 4 weeks. You're a poster child in the making. I would think about charging them for future speaking fees! I wouldn't give you a fill either! Your lap band journey will be over in 10 more weeks and then the Dr. can't make any money off ya. Gotta stretch it out a little, you know?
  8. B-52

    Muscle Milk

    MM Lite for me every morning for Breakfast. 2 scoops in the blender, with some fruit such as mixed berries. MM lite, 2 scoops = 210 calories, 2 gm sugar, and 25gm Protein. plus daily Vitamins and minerals. I've been following this regime ever since I was banded, actually, pre-op also.
  9. B-52

    Nsv's Anyone?

    There's a Hospital I go to every week, where the Director started calling me "The Incredible Shrinking Man" Then everyone started to call me that. This has been going on for a few weeks now. Today, when I walked in, everyone stopped, and turned, then said it together. I had to stop. and in good jest, took a bow! (no one knows I had surgery)
  10. And t is a self defense mechanism to force you to vomit dislodging whatever the blockage may be.
  11. I got banded at the age of 59. I am now 60, and feel like 40! If I did not get banded, I would never see 65, let alone 70 and beyond. Dr.s words, not mine.
  12. I have found that it is important to me, that I have something as a "Recovery" right after a good workout. Somethin added to a bottle of water with protein, o cal works good. You have just used up some energy, burned calories, etc, and your body will begin to crave replenishment. That is the time to replenish with something good for you. If not, you'll find yourself grabbing wahtever is available, negating that good workout!
  13. Thanks for you story. We need to hear more positives here like that. One would get the impression, especially a newbie, that this website is all about the negatives. I would like to believe there are more success stories out there than people realize.
  14. There is a group made up of December Bandsters, it is closed to outsiders. When were you banded? Post your surgery date. Perhaps they will invite you. They don't want much to do with us anymore.
  15. There are times when I'm going along and I feel my portions are starting to get larger than ususal.....I don't measure/weigh food, I rely on the band to give me feedback. But in cases like that I go to iquids for a day or 2, Protein shakes, Soups, etc, anything but solids. This usually "tightens" things back up for me, We used the term "Tighten up the band" I'm not sure that is what is happeneing, as much as our pouch stretching and contracting. You can try the 5 day pouch test as previously mentioned. It is someones clever way of structuring a liquid only, then mushie schedule, and abbreviation of a post op diet. It does work.
  16. B-52


    Well, welcome to the club. Everyone goes through those spells, and everyone will have a explanation. But one thing is for sure, you have to be patient and it will eventually pass.
  17. Loaded question. I am 60 years old. For the last 30 years I have tried every diet you can think of, including Medically Supervised Programs. I always do well in the beginning, then fail miserably, gaining all the weight back, and then some . I simply do not have the discipline to see it through for the long run. Surgery was my last resort. I needed surgical intervention. I have been banded for one year now, and for me, it is the easiest, and most successful weight loss program I have ever been on. Right now, I cannot overeat no matter how much I may want to. It's impossible. There is a band wrapped around my upper stomach preventing me from doing so, without experiencing adverse results. Automatic portion control. But, I don't want to overeat because the band also has suppressed my appetite. I can walk into a room full of food at a party, and it simply does not interest me. I'll have a taste here and there, but no more making a pig of myself. So bottom line, standard weight loss (diets) simply do not work for me. I needed surgery to do do what I could not do myself. I see people everyday that are always on a diet. I do not consider this surgery a diet, but a entirely a new lifestyle..
  18. B-52

    Burpin Sucks

    Can't say for sure about your problem, but for me there are some foods, or food combinations, that no matter how well I chew, it's just not going to work out well. Part of my learning experience was also choosing the right foods. And that can change time to time. Something I usually have no problem with, may give me trouble today, then be Ok tommarow. Go figure.
  19. B-52


    What is it you are doing that you feel you are slipping into your old ways ? I see in your signature you were banded in May, and had one fill 1 month later in June, which was 7 months ago.
  20. It's funny. I have been banded for a year now. Many of the people who were here when I first signed on are now gone. There are a few remaining, but it appears people do not stay around that long. People come here for support, and I guess after a while there not any support available anymore. Mostly people starting out. I keep thinking that eventually I will stop also, probably sooner than later. So, to answer your question, I don't think you're going to get much of a response. But I would be surprised.
  21. B-52

    Only 2 Weeks Of Restriction?

    Restriction can be fleeting, especially the first fill or 2. I didn't have any after first fill. Second fill was similar to what your experiencing now - came and went. Only after 3rd fill was it consistent. Now, at a year, it still comes and goes, but I'm getting to the point where I can predict it, and even control it and get it back if lost. (don't ask, least not now)
  22. Not a stupid question at all! reason we are all here is to exchange experiences, as you will also. Every time I go, they compare my weight that day to my weight at last visit, divide by # of weeks and determine average loss /week. Anything more than a pound/week is acceptable, in my case, but it is all based upon how much you have to loose. He'll ask a few standard questions, then he will determine if I need a fill or not. If my weight loss has been marginal, then it's open for discussion. I'm close to my goal and I'm trying to squeeze 1 lb/week! Will definitely have a discussion next visit in Feb.
  23. B-52

    Banded On 1/31 ... 2 Weeks Liquids

    I was banded on 1/31 of last year! Trust Me, it's a good omen!! I plan on giving a full 1 year progress report with pictures.
  24. DITTO! Yes, you loose weight on the pre-surgery diet, then you have surgery and the post op recovery diet. You'll loose some more. THEN you start back on a regular food regime just like before the surgery and things can get a little disorganized here until you get on program being banded.
  25. See, that wasn't so bad. Dr.s are people too! And believe me, they see all types of people with all types of fears and emotions, and nothing should surprise them.

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