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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    Circuit Training Vs. Bootcamp?

    They have a Boot Camp class at the place I go. I though about signing up but I'm afraid of those young ladies kicking my butt! Man they look determined!! (like the previous poster) If you can afford it, pay for a personal trainer. You only need a few sessions to get a good feel on what's good for you and the proper way to do it.
  2. B-52

    Cold Sweat An Shakes

    When my Diabetes was out of control, that was the true sign of Hyoglycemia - dangerously low blood sugar. Take something to raise it. Let it continue and you could drop into a Diabetic Coma.
  3. Maybe me saying I don't think about it is not the right term. It becomes part of you and you learn to live with it. Almost take it for granted. And you're right. It has been discussed many times that this website can be very negative. But there are many, many people who have never had a problem, love thei band, feel it is the best decision they ever made.
  4. B-52

    Help Im Goin Crazy

    Why yes....once upon a time there were 3 bears........ Sorry, only joking. First, only you can make wise food choices, starting now and for the rest of your life. The first 4 weeks are all about healing. I followed the Dr.s orders. I hated mashies and relayed on Soups, chili, mashed potatoes, etc. At 4 weeks, I got a 4 cc fill. Nothing changed, other Than I was allowed to eat regular food at the 4 week mark. So when I went back for my 2 nd fill 4 weeks after that, I had gained weight! My Dr laughed at me because he understood what was going on. After my 2 nd fill I began to feel some restriction, but it would come and go. It was easier to control what I ate and began to loose weight again, but I was still very frustrated. Went for my 3 rd fill 4 weeks after that, and after 2 days of liquids, WHAM! Scary tight! Could not keep anything down! Called my Dr and was told give it another day , may just be inflamation. Things did level out, but my band remained very tight. I do prefer it that way. I am now in the green zone and have been since last May. Have not had or needed a fill since then. I'm coming up on one year, and less than 10lbs from my goal.
  5. B-52

    Help Im Goin Crazy

    Sounds to me you are all healed from the surgery and have returned to "Normal" as you were before the surgery. Prior to getting fills, you are exactly where you should be. A membr of the "White Knuckle Club". Keep hanging on!
  6. B-52

    Weight Lifting & Possible Band Slippage

    No, but I lift weights very vigorously a few times a week since one week after being banded. Also include stomach crunches. Never had a problem. My port is very pronounced near the surface and I could never do anything on a ball due to contact pain. Would you say your abbs are hard ?
  7. B-52

    So Frustrated...

    Go see a movie, and maybe get a new family
  8. Did your Dr. specify how much weight he wants you to loose? It's important you follow your dr's instructions. My Dr., for the pre-op did not care what diet I followed. He did tell me I needed to loose a specified amount or he would postpone the surgery. I also had weigh in 2 days before.
  9. B-52

    I Gotta A Question For You!

    As I type this response, I am sitting here and I am STUCK. (I'm using my I-pad) Have been banded a year, have not had a fill since last May. Yet, here I am. It can happen to anyone. What happened is this.....getting ready to watch football. My son bought some Buffalo Wings. I had 1 1/2, that's all it took. I,m staying calm and hoping it will pass. I'm not sliming but do have hiccups. Asking myself why did this happen......I think I ate the first one way too fast, the way I used to before being banded. I always have problems with anything I eat f I don't eat correctly. Need to very slow and small. Need to break the old eating like a pig habits. Example....I had a few shrimp the other day.shrimp gives me BIG problems, but I love shrimp! Imagine a normal size shrimp. Now imagine taking 4 small bites and chewing just to eat one shrimp! I even put the 1/2 eaten shrimp down and came back to it later. NOW THAT'S SLOW EATING! After typing this, the small stuck episode is gone. I am going to finish those wings, but more carefully and slower.
  10. B-52

    Nsv's Anyone?

    I'm a Diabetic and I used to (don't have to anymore) give myself daily injections. One of the favorite places was on my waistline, above my hip (love handles) I needed to pinch the skin with one hand, and inject with the other. I could do it on one side with no problem, but I could not reach across my body to the other side!! As the weight came off, I noticed hoe easier and easier it was to do this. Now, I cannot only reach around side to side, I can reach over my shoulders and scratch between mu shoulder blades in the middle of my back!
  11. It's funny, how we buy new, and significantly smaller clothes, which in some cases may fit tight. Sitting, I may notice the waist is very tight, and my belly is starting to bulge over and the feelings and perception is that of when I was "Obese" and nothing ever fit well! My mind tells me I'm a fat slob, but in reality...I'm wearing clothes that "Normal" people wear!!! It is hard putting it into a whole new perspective!!!
  12. B-52

    Thank You!

    Having just been banded you have a lot of experiences before you......hang in there, it shows you are excited and motivated to do well, and for that you probably will. Just do not be afraid for the changes that are about to happen
  13. B-52

    Bandster Hell? Smoke Or Fire

    It is perfectly normal. Everyone looses on the pre and post op diet phase. How can one not without eating regular food? It's all about the healing, not weight loss. The goal at this point is to get you back to NORMAL.....as in the way you were before you had the surgery. That's PHASE 1. Next Phase is to start, through a series of adjustments (fills) is to get you to were you are satisified with your weight loss journey....The Green Zone.This time is bandster hell!!! I actually GAINED weight! I was angry and frustrated at the same time because of everything I went through I though it was going to be a miraculous life changing event! Instead it was everyone telling me I MUST do this and I MUST do that if I want to loose any weight. Very Very Frustratiing. Then you reach the Green Zone, in my case it took at least 4-5 months and a few fills after surgery. That brings you into the Next Phase....Living in the Green Zone!!! It's wonderful, it's everything I had imagined the surgery would do for me. NO hunger, CANNOT Overeat, Steady Weightloss, and complete Patient Satisfaction. Sure, I still have certaind complaints and concerns, but nothing like it was in the first few phases. Hang in there, listen to your Dr., and work through it. It does take a little time. AND DO NOT BE AFRAID OF CHANGE!!!!
  14. Typically, I do not think about thre band at all! I get up in the morning, go to work everyday. I'll sit in front of the TV and snack on different foods like chips and Salsa. Nothing holds be back ot restricts my activities because I am banded. What does happen from time to time, my band will give me feedback such as when I take a too big a swallow, or try to gulp my drink down, or try to eat one of my forbidden foods. But that has become routine, and very natural way of life. And of course, coming here to read and post everyday keeps you in the middle of it all. That's got to stop sooner or later! I'm coming up on my one year, very close to my goal, and have been comfortably in the Green Zone for last 6-8 months where there is no struggle living with the band.It's as though I had my wisdom teeth pulled out a few years back. I sometime think that perhaps soon I will have no need to log onto this website anymore.
  15. This was first thing in the morning??
  16. B-52

    Reasonable Lap Band Restriction

    It's not that bad. But in any event, that is why they don't give you a large fill all at once. They take it up in steps. Each time I had a fill there would be a discussion as wether I wanted what he was recommending. You always have the opportunity to decline stating you feel comfortable where you're at. Or take a smaller fill than he is recommending. Good luck on the 30th. I was banded on the 31st last Jan. I really liked having surgery and healing in the dead of winter, then moving along as spring comes along.
  17. B-52

    Not Enough Fluid.

    I know what you mean. I started to use crystal lite, Arizona and other o cal additives for different tastes.
  18. B-52


    You're right! There is a lot of all about Protein Shakes isn't there.
  19. I have less than 10. If ANYONE figures it out please let me know. I have been up and down with the same 3-5 lbs for the last 2-1/2 months also.
  20. We didn't gain it all in weeks either! As long as you are on a steady loosing trend, then you are successful
  21. B-52


    Understood. But I can't eat anything solid in the morning.
  22. I was banded one year ago, as of 1/31. My last fill was late March, first week of May. I have not, nor have I needed a fill since then. That's been 8-9 months ago! I've been carrying on as usual, not really thinking about it except when visiting this website to give my 2 cents worth now and again. I have to admit, I was getting a little frustrated, not exactly sure why. This morning at the gym I got lost in thought....and this may sound stupid.....but I have been in the Green Zone for the past 7 months and didn't really pay much attention to it? Everything suddenly fell into place, totally changing the way I look at things! It's like suddenly realizing you you graduated and got your diploma! so why are you sweating it! It's done! It's over! You have arrived! What else is there for me to do? I'm never hungry anymore......I eat very little, and whenever I feel like I need to......I don't even think about food anymore. I keep telling myself there is something I need to do...it can't be this easy...but I can't think of anything!!! Does that mean there is nothing left for me to learn??? To the contrary. I learn new things all the time. But with all respect, I don't think 80% of the people here would have the slightest clue what I'm talking about! (the world is not flat) Maybe that was why I was getting frustrated. I'm scheduled to see my Dr first week in Feb. I've asked myself if I may need a slight fill. But I'm not sure what that would do for me in addition to where I'm at now. Just had to share!
  23. B-52


    First thing I did pre-op, was invest is a good blender. costco sells large bags of frozen mixed berries, mixed fruit. You can also get some banana's. Use the blender and mix it to make smoothie with either Water, skim milk. You'll never taste the powder. Options are as limited as your imagination. This has been my Breakfast for over a year now. I also add a protein supplement in the smoothie to increase it to 40gm for breakfast. Curbs your appetite all day. You can use any Protein Powder you choose.
  24. I know for me, you have to take it reeeaaaalll slow, with small bites, and learn to recognize the warning signals to stop. Learning how to eat all over again is a very important lesson. It can be like walking on egg shells sometimes.
  25. B-52

    Life In The Green Zone!

    Hard to say. So many different variables. How big is your band, how much does the Dr put in per fill, etc. I'm one of those who likes their band real tight. I'm not afraid of getting stuck. The possibility is always there. Have not had a fill in 9 months, and I had a stuck episode last night trying to eat a chipotle burrito (in a bowl) for dinner. Today, for lunch I tried to finish that burrito and wound up throwing it away. I did have some, and that's all I'll have till dinner. Cravings happen to everyone all he time. I've been to the point where I would go out of my way and purchase/cook what I'm craving, but then you look at it, maybe ske a few bites, then decide I really don't want it.

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