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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52


    How long did you go before these symptoms started and you took action? Just curiuos if you can be ok with a tight band, and then suddenly have problems, or do you realize right after the fill it is a problem.
  2. I have been a member here over a year. During that time many people have complained and commented, Myself included, how negative and contradictory the posts can get here. It is true. But having said that, it is alos a please to know that anyone here can express their opinions and thoughts on any topic without feeling any restraint. It is up to the reader to be critical as to what they wish to digest, and what they wish to spit out. And for that freedom, I am grateful.
  3. B-52

    First Supper

    THAT IS SO TRUE....Food is way down on my list of things I need to think about everyday!
  4. B-52

    Help I Need Some Help

    2 years, you did not say how many fills for a total in your band. Second...have you ever had a Body Fat % done? BMI's are not very accurate and misleading. They are good for a gross measurement. There is a running back for the NE Patriots, who is the same height as me, but weighs 10 lbs more! I would not call him fat or overweight. I'm not saying I'm an professional athlete, just saying BMI's can be decieveing. 3rd...I have been at a plateau for 3 months, loosing and gaining the same 3 lbs! Went to the Dr., weighed in and showed a 3 lb loss since my last visit..3 months prior. After asking all the standard questions, we both agreed that I am in the Green Zone and clearly do not warrant another fill. But purely for the heck of it, he gave me a 1/2 cc fill just to see what happens. That was tuesday. Today is saturday and I have lost 4-1/2 lbs! I must have been tetering on the ledge for 3 months, and that 1/2 cc pushed me over to where I'm falling. Not sure where I'm going to land. Like the Dr said, let's see what happens.
  5. B-52

    Dont Get A Lapband

    Your Post title says "Don't Get A Lapband" when your post clearly has issues with the Doctor. NOT the band. Very misleading to newbies posting here.
  6. B-52

    Starting The Process

    Things like taking small bites, chewing thoroghly, putting your fork down between bites, drinking withn your meals, small portions, etc, etc, etc. Are all things they teach you from day one because they want you to start to learn what will become a neccessity once the band is doing it's job. For me, it is impossible to take large bites/swallows....I HAVE to wait between bites/swallows or else. And I can definitley NOT drink while I am trying to eat. All those things are now nesseccary or I will experience problems.
  7. Just because a person has had the surgery dows not mean anything has changed. Having the surgery means the band was put in it's proper place. Now the next phase is to get the band properly adjusted, with the proper amount of fill, to get the band working properly to where your food intake is restricted. If your food intake is restricted, so is your calore intake. That plus excercise and getting your water in will equal weight loos. It's that simple.
  8. B-52

    2 Week Post Op Visit

    Sounds good....congrats! Keep everyone posted.
  9. B-52

    First Supper

    To be honest, I was scared to eat anything that might hurt or do damage. I did eat something, but I was very careful and eased back into it
  10. B-52

    How Long After Surgery...

    2 weeks??? When do you have your bandages checked and changed?
  11. Sometimes I just don't get it with some of these people. Wht did they think we needed surgery in the first place?? If I could have lost significant weight by eating and dieting alone, then they would not have a job!
  12. B-52

    How Did U Get Back On Track?

    Works for me. I go all liquid, then re-enter using a modified version of the poet-op diet. After all liquids my band tightens up and I need to go mushies for a day or 2.
  13. B-52

    And Here We Go...

    Nothing to be scared about. It WILL change your life forever, so are you ready for that? You won't be able to over eat like you may now, and you will probavly have to say goodbuye to some of your favorite foods. But the rewards are incredible!
  14. B-52


    I ate popcorn all the time up untill recently, when I had my 4th fill. I'm scared to try it now.
  15. B-52

    I Know I'm Being Silly, But...

    Post-op I lost weight. How could one not? Had my first fill 4 weeks after surgery. NOTHING! Second fill was 4 weeks after that. In between I GAINED weight. I felt bad, Dr. laughed at me and said I'm not getting it. Between 2nd and 3rd fill I felt some, came and went. Third fill was the charm. Although it wasn't magic. With all that restriction comes a whole new way of learning how and what to eat. Once I found my "Groove", I was sailing in the Green Zone ever since.
  16. This is how it is for me, but it took me a while to get here.......I was driving home from work today, and 3 thoughts were rolling around in my mind. First...What can I do tonight for dinner, I can't come up with anything that sounds interesting. 2nd...I'm not interested in eating at all, actually, even though I did not have lunch either. 3rd..I HAVE to eat something, so whatever it is I'm going to force myself to eat tonight. I'm sitting here now, and I still don't have the slightest clue what I'm going to eat, and truthfully, I'm not interested. But common sense tells me I have to eat something, so I will...eventually. It has been that way for me since about last June-July. For me, that is being in the Green Zone...I'm just not interested in food that much anymore.
  17. It was hard in the beginning....bandster hell... But once the band was adjusted properly, it became very easy for me. I am very really hungry, and when I do eat, the band restricts mt how much I can eat. Only thing indeed to doing make wise food choices. I go to the gym every chance I get, not because I have tobut because I want to. I never count calories or measure/weigh foods.
  18. I'm curious from everyone here who has been banded...What do you expect to get out of it? I mean realisticly? I'm not looking for answers such as "I'd like to see my toes" or "I'd like to wear those pants again" You went through all the hassle of getting surgery...surley people must have some serious expectations. And the 2nd half of my inquiry is....To what extent are you willing to go to reach that expectation? Are you willing to sacrafice the very thing you love? food? That got you in this condition in the first place? OR...do you think you can do both?? Hold onto your old life and try to change your future life at the same time?? Specifically your love for food. I have reached my goal, but I am finding out that peoples goals are very subjective. What one person wants may not be what the other person wants at all! To me, the goal has always been to have a normal BMI and normal weight, and I would do whatever it takes to get to that goal! I have also learned that some people are not ready for that type of commitment. Maybe "slow and steady" is the course.
  19. That's not crazy at all!!!, Keep up the good work!
  20. At my one year mark, my weight slowed way down. I was gaining and loosing the same 3 lbs for 3 months. Close to my goal also. Had a appointment Tuesday, for the record lost 5 lbs since last visit, 3 months prior. After speaking with the Dr., everything was fine, did not need a fill. We both agreed, he would add 1/2 cc, just to see what happens. Well that was Tuesday. Today is Friday and as of this morning I dropped 4 lbs.! Evidently I was wavering on the edge, and all I needed was that kick to push me over the edge. I'm still falling, see where I land!
  21. Agree 100%. My Dr. Said about the same thing to me last week. Banded just over a year and he said I am one of his best cases!!! I do not regret the band one bit. Never had a problem. Sure, I've been stuck many many times, but that goes with learning to adapt to the band. NOT the other way around. Yes, there are foods I will never be able to eat again, but SO WHAT! Small price to pay in contrast to the big picture. When they told me 2 years ago, that they would put a band around my stomach, and adjust it tight to the point I would NEVER be able to over eat ever again....I said BRING IT! I was ready and motivated, and still am today in spite of all the uncertainties posted by all the NEWBIES.
  22. Thanks all for your replies. You have no idea how much I needed to hear from successful people who are still motivated and committed. When I was first told that they would put a band around my stomach, adjust it tight enough to the point I would not be able to over eat ever again without pain and vomiting, I said BRING IT! Not to mention I would not be able to eat some of the foods I used to love. SO WHAT! Small price to pay in comparison to the big picture. I'm still going strong. But it is good to hear from other veteran bandsters as well. Who said veteran bandsters can't support each other!
  23. I like what you say about motivations changing over time.......I wonder what the outcome would be if someone was not highly motivated when first starting out?? Destined for failure??
  24. I was banded exactly one year before you, on the 31st of Jan. It has been 13 months. BEST DECISION I EVER MADE. The band is GREAT! yes, it took a few fills and a few months, but once I got into that Green Zone, it has been the easiest diet I have ever been on. I don't like calling it a diet, because it is not! Diets are something I have to work at. Being banded is having a surgical procedure, when adjusted properly, controls my hunger, and controls my portion size. The only thing left for me to do is make wise food choices, ensure I get my protein and essential nutrients, and always be drinking water. Excecise also, but after loosing all this weight, excercise is fun! No longer a chore. I have not had a fill since last May, however, I did go see my surgeon last tuesday. He was very impressed with how I looked and how I am progressing. After some discussion, he did give me 1/2 cc more. I would not have been dissapointed if he didn't, but we both agreed that we are curiuos to see what happens next. I have never had a problem with the band. Sure, I have gotten stuck more times that I can remember. But that is all part of the learning curve. You have to learn to live and adjust to the band, Not the other way around. Yes, I agree with you. There is much negatuivity on this site. People who are successful, living with the band normaly day to day, have no reason to come here. So you do not hear from them and their stories. People I looked to for support are all gone. They quit coming around. They are no longer in need of help or support. Only a few still do if by chance they can impart some wisdom to those willing to listen. so what you do have here, is mainly made up of people just starting out, still having questions. Many are unhappy because IMO they are primarliy mis-informed and have unreal expectations. So, like they say, you have to chew the meat and spit out the bones. Never listen to someone who has not experienced something themselves. There are many people here that will tell you all about being stuck and what you should do...but they hae only been banded a short while and never had that experience themselves. And that's just one example, there are many others.

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