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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    Banded On Monday Help!

    Ok, I was banded on a Monday. had to loose weight pre-op also. had my final meeting / weigh-in on the Friday before the surgery, in the Surgeon's office. Everything was a go. be at the hospital 7am. Saturday...I went for my last meal - pig out. Chose someplace I will never set foot in again...a Chinese All you can eat Buffet! Had everything i always liked, and enjoyed every minute of it. Sunday, fasted all day, only Water and broth. Mondays surgery went without a glitch. Now keep in mind, I have HEARD stories where the person was on the OR table, the Dr. opened them up and said "Nope..No Good" got stiched up and had to re-schedule because their liver was too enlarged and dangerous forthe Dr. to continue. But these are only stories I heard, not actullay know anyone.
  2. Hello; Just want you all to know I too was banded i January, of 2011! Exactly one year prior. So I have been following this group with a little interest, guaging your progress as mine has for the past year. For myself, I reached my personal goal in about 12-1/2 months. And I am still loosing, although very slowly now. But that's to be expected. So, if any one has any questions, feel free to ask away! Good luck!
  3. B-52

    Having A Bad Day

    Well said. I am always amazed, how people who are considered "Morbidly Obese", to the point where they need bariatric surgery, will still hold their fascination with food. The more and maore I have progressed and lost, the more and more less I think about food. I have to remind myself to eat at times. But I hav found, that this is still peoples "Sacred Cow" and whenever I mention this, as I am now, it touches people's nerves and they will come out and defend themselves and attack me for bringing it up. I no longer "Live to Eat", but now only "Eat to Live"
  4. B-52

    Having A Bad Day

    All I can say is, it appears you are just starting out, maybe just had your surgery, any fills? You definitley sound like you are not at the Green Zone yet. What you are doing is just another diet, based soley upon your own will power. I don't know about you, but I Suck at dieting! That's why I needed the band!! From the day of surgery, it took about 5-6 months before the band started to take over and really started to do what is was designed to do. Don't beat yourself up...or go ahead, makes no difference because right now it is all up to you, not the band. Know this, I am in the Green Zone, have been for a while now. My food cravings are all gone. I can go to any resturant, you can put any food you like in front of me, it makes no difference. The band limits what, and how much I can eat, and takes away a lot of the desire to eat. Hang in there, if you are serious about this thing, you'll get there too eventually.
  5. B-52

    Stuck Not Full

    There is a delicate balance between having the right anount of restriction, and learning to eat in a whole new way. As we progress on this journey, our eating habits MUST change dramatically! I have no idea what you may be going through. But as someone previuosly said, the band gets irritated and you need to calm it down with liquids for a day or two. Then you either need to call your Dr., or start over being very careful WHAT and HOW you eat. You may be too tight and have to get a unfill. I have no idea. I will say my band is tight. And the way I eat now cannot compare to the way I ate 1 year ago. This can be a very hard lesson to learn and there is never anyone around to help you with it. So the easy thing is to get a unfill. IMO, some people never get it. Not saying you, just in general. Some never find that perfect groove.
  6. Yes, it will be very big day, turning point of your life. If I can give only one word of advice...if and when, afterward on your journey you should ever feel down..remember everyone whois now successful has been there and you will get through it also. And..don't let the negative people get to ya!!
  7. Once the ball starts rolling...there's no stopping it!!!! Stay on the train!!!
  8. A lot will depend on what your insurance requires, and what your surgeon requires.
  9. B-52

    6 Month Diet?

    It is a requirement by SOME insurance companies they want it on record, signed off by a M.D. That you did indeed make a serious, medically supervised diet program before you considered surgery. For my insurance, it had to be within 2 years of my surgery request. When I had my initial consult in the surgeons office, they gave me a print out of what my insurance required.
  10. You can get steri-strips at a drug store and put fresh ones on yourself. Do your best to have the skin together as tight as possible for smaller scars. If it heals open, the scar will be larger.
  11. I understand what you are saying by "magical fix" but trust me, when you get to the Green Zone things are going to be very different than they are now. Keep up the good work
  12. I'm sorry my friend, but if you're not seeing positive posts, you're not reading everything. Today alone, I was surprised by how many positives there were. One or two one year bandiversaries where many people replied with their successes. I will say, if you are new here, understand this...that the majority of people here are very early in their journey, less than 6 months, and are seeking info just as you are. Do not confuse people not fully understanding with people who are being negative. Good luck on your weight loss.
  13. I hope you can read this........maybe out of focus
  14. B-52

    First Fill

    Guess he had to look for something to criticize you about. First fill, you're early on this but making strides. It will all come together.
  15. Congratulations! That is very good to hear. Inspires you to keep going and get more active, doesn't it.
  16. B-52

    What Do Yall Think

    What would expect another fill to do? Not being sarcastic, but determining the need for a fill. Would it be to eat less? Keep in mind, exercising will change a persons body shape, burning fat it building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, or so I've been told. I've plataued a few times and sooner or later things simply catch up and let loose.
  17. B-52


    Providing you are not eating at the same time, all liquids will pass quickly through your band into your stomach. So stretching your pouch is not a concern. But you do need to drink it very slowly so as not to build up a lot of as. I am always concerned with he thought of anything coming up from below the band. I will have a beer or two at a ball game say, but NO food.
  18. B-52

    2Nd Post Op Visit

    2 lbs a week is all one can really ask for. Very good. I had the same progress once, and still got a fill because even though I lost wight, my Dr realized it was hard work and difficult for me to do. Aging your and adjusted may not mean more weight you'll loose, but make it easier.
  19. Congratulations....I agree with everything you said. I hit my one year January, and I can also say I hit my mark. Don't regret it for one minute. Best thing I have ever done for myself. Literally changed my life!
  20. B-52

    2Nd Post Op Visit

    Good luck! You are well on your way!
  21. It really comes down to the individual and how their band responds to them. Not to avoid the question but is something you will have to discover for yourself. But know this, your eating habits and quantities will definitely change, for the better IMO.
  22. Congratulations......just remember it is a journey and things don't happen instantly like we all wish they did. But you will make significant progress by following your Dr's advice and not get discouraged. just be warned, as good as this site is for information and support, it s just as bad for negativity and getting one frustrated and confused. You need to learn to know the difference.
  23. B-52

    Getting Upset With Self

    It's called "Bandster Hell" and everyone goes through in one form or another. All you can do is continue the best you know how, and continue to see your Surgeon to get regular adjustment (fills) and eventually things will become easier and change.
  24. B-52


    Depends upon your Dr. and your insurance co. My Insurance wanted to me to go through a 6 month Medical Supervised diet program first. Close to the end of that 6 months, I started to do all my other required clearances. Cardiology, Pulmonology, Physc., Then we decided upon a surgery date. A few weeks prior to the surgey, my Surgeon did a Endoscopy, and then I had to do the routine pre-admission pre-surgey tests, blood work, chest x-ray, ekg, etc, all routine. So, you see there are many hoops to jump through, not to mention the Insurance approval ! Read around here enough and you will see all the things that can go wrong in this time period. And, there are those whom breeze right through! Once my PCP and I agreed this was good for me, there was no turning back. I do not regret it for one minute!!! And that was 14 months ago, I have been at my goal at 12 months!

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