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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. As soon as the pain killers ran out!!
  2. B-52

    Question - Body Image

    It's tough, and it's something we all go through. I still feel fat sometimes, my clothes don't alway feel they fit right. They feel tight and hard to button my pants sometimes. But then I have to tell myself I'm not wearing XXL's anymore, but I'm struggling with MEDIUMS!!! Every now and then I will put on a old shirt, one that I forgot to throw out, and it looks like a TENT! You will get over it with time. KEEP LOOKING IN THE MIRROR! Eventually you will realize that different person you see is you!
  3. I agree with what you said about looking back at what you have eaten during the day. I do that too and did not realize it. It is not uncommon to look at what I have eaten so far during the day, and then come to the conclusion I have had enough that day and say screw it to dinner, I've eaten enough today, I'm finished, and go without eating anything more. I could never have done that before being banded. I have experienced pain, but it is not good. It usually is a warning that I just swallowed something too hard, too big, too much, or all of the above. It does not happen very much, because my eating habits have changed and I should know better.
  4. I counted calories on my I-phone app, and it drove me crazy. I just eat a lot less that I used to, and the right foods when I do.
  5. That's pretty much how it is for me also. I don't count calories, I just eat when I'm hungry (which isn't often) and I eat till I'm satisfied (which isn't much) All I need to do is make wise food choices, get my Water in, and take my Vitamins, etc. And exercise.
  6. B-52

    Antibiotic Before The Dentist

    Interesting...who told you that? I need to check into it.
  7. B-52

    Antibiotic Before The Dentist

    I go to the dentists every 3 months, I have a cardiac condition and under a cardiologist care, and I have never heard about having to take a anti-biotic before my dental visits. I must be missing something. But then, you should listen to your Dr.
  8. YES...You need a fill!! The fact you are even discussing it proves you do. You are doing it purely out of will power, discipline, and counting calories as with any other diet. One of the characteristics of the Green Zone is "Patient Satisfaction" and you are not there yet. Patient satisfaction will happen when everything "clicks", and you stop "Struggling" Listen to what other people say, and you will see how happy and excited they get and they want to tell everyone. I get PM's from some people telling me how excited they are reaching that point. That's how happy they are! You are not quite there yet. GET Aggressive! When it happens, you won't be asking if you are but telling everyone you are. Also, your Dr. will not give you a fill if your weight loss is good. If you're going to beg him, tell him how HARD it is to continue the way you are. Convince him it is your dieting and not the band, and you don't know how much longer you can hold out. For me, it took 7 cc's.
  9. B-52

    Clensing Tea

    Why?????? The best thing you can do for your kidneys and liver is stop eating JUNK, the GARBAGE that made us fat in the first place, that overloads the kidneys and liver, which is EXACTLY what is going to happen once you have the surgery and begin eating the right way again. Not to forget all the Water you must consume everyday will help your system also. One thing I have learned, and I am extremely thankful for, is that since having surgery and reaching a good point of adjustment, my food intake is very limited and I now choose healthy foods to eat. No more junk food. I also drink plenty of water. I have been set free from all those diet gimmicks and quick fixes seen on TV all the time. My body has never felt better, all done very naturally now with correct food, no more overeating, and plenty of exercise. Also as a side note, because of the band I can no longer eat red meat or pork. So, I have also become an incidental vegetarian. When I told my surgeon this, he laughed and said that can be a good thing, no?
  10. B-52

    Why No More Protein Shakes?!

    I cannot eat anything solid in the morning. Before being banded, I used to skip breakfast altogether. Bad Habit. NOW, I make a homemade high Protein smoothie in the blender, 40-45 gm of protein, every morning. I have been doing this everyday for the last 14 months. I get 1/2 my daily protein, I get much energy to get me through the day, and I believe, working with the band, that it contributes to my lack of hunger/cravings during the day. As far as I'm concerned, I'm doing something that is very good for me, better than I can get from eggs, and a lot less calories, fat, sugar, etc. It is one of the best, healthiest things I can do. What my Dr. does not know won't hurt him.
  11. I know early on when I was first banded, and generally after a fill, I would feel what I thought was being in the GREEN ZONE, but it would be brief, and would come and go. It was not until 6-7 months did the feeling become permanent to where it started to become a common lifestyle. I too PB'd quite frequently in the beginning, because I had to learn new eating habits and breaking the old habits were tough to do. Not to mention letting go of certain foods. This is a the chart showing the characteristics of the "Green Zone" / / /
  12. Vomiting occurs from below the band, and is a big risk in band slippage. But this is not created from the band. Overeating, and overfilling the pouch with food/water can create an overflow, called regurgitation, and there are no gastric juices involved, other than saliva, to cause tissue irritation, dental damage, etc. I have not vomited since I was banded, and it does scare the heck out of me if I were to get sick. The band does not like sudden, large forces coming up from under the band. I would probably call my Dr.'s office ASAP. And yes, I have no self control what so ever. If I did, I would not have needed surgery in the first place. I have tried every diet under the sun for over 30 years and failed miserably at every one. I have had diabetes, one heart attack that I know about resulting in cardiac surgery, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc, etc. My brother died at the age of 60, and my sister died at the age of 64. Both directly related from being obese. My Dr. told me if I did not have this surgery, I would be in the same boat and would surely die. I needed surgery to take control of my bad habits by controlling what and how much I eat, and also take away my hunger/cravings. And I can say from experience that it has worked, and I am a success. I am now 60, do not take any Rx meds anymore, other than a cardiac drug I will take for th rest of my life, I go to the gym everyday. I feel like a 30 year old. My Cardiologist, Bariatric Surgeon and PCP all want to use me and my name(story) as an example for other people facing the same dire strait. So, I can't eat certain foods anymore. Boo Hoo! I got my life back! I'm gonna dance at my Daughter's wedding this October! If they told me all I would ever be able to eat for the rest of my life was bread and Water, and promised I would never feel hungry, I still would have done it and it still would have been worth it. To me, the band is not a tool. A tool, like a hammer, is something I choose to use, or not. I cannot control the band, as I would a tool. If anything, it controls me, and I am grateful for that.
  13. Sorry, But I disagree with just about everything you have said. But if that's what works for you, then that's great! Also, I have never heard of anyone vomiting because of the band.
  14. First, congratulations! The last 20 are the HARDEST in my opinion. Even though I did not need it, my Dr. gave me 1/2cc which kicked started me to drop the last few lbs. I was stalled on the last 10lbs for months! As far as maintenance, I'm still trying to figure that out myself. I'm still loosing, although it is only 1lb every 2 weeks give or take. All I can say is that I really don't think about what I should or should not do. It all seems quite natural now. Eating habits, food choices, portion sizes are all new ingrained habits. Like you I love to go to the gym, not because I have to, but because it now feels so good! And I feel bad when I miss a day. So for now, maintenance to me is just going about living my life. All that pre-op, post-op stuff is over. Including dieting. No more struggles. If anything should arise I'll take care of it when it comes. I only see my Dr. every 3 months now, and those appointments take just a few minutes. Next time there, I'm going to ask to have that 1/2cc he put in removed. see what happens after that.
  15. B-52

    Fill Question

    My Dr., first uses a empty syringe, and when he is in the port, the first thing he does is pull out all the saline to measure it, check for color, etc. Then leaving the needle in, he removes the syringe and attaches a fresh on filled with fresh saline plus the additional amount.
  16. Being at my goal, I have asked myself the same question many times. I'm 60 years old and considered having it removed before 65 and I loose my insurance and go on Medicare. My next visit to the Dr is in May, and I am going to ask for a slight unfill, perhaps 1/2 to 1 cc, and see if I can still maintain, or will my hunger get the best of me.
  17. I don't like quitters or people who give up, BUT I am now convinced, hearing different stories from different people, that some people HAVE made a mistake! and should not have got this surgery. I'm not sure how they got thru all the pre surgery evals / screening. This is a major change to one's life and is not for everybody. Sometimes I think people somehow did not understand what they were getting into. Not saying this is your case, only YOU can make that decision and commitment.
  18. Ok, here goes. The band stimulates a nerve and sends a signal to your brain, telling your brain that you are full, and you don't - can't eat anymore. But in reality you have not eaten anything all day! So physically you're not full, but you brain keeps telling you are. Have you ever eaten so much that you say something like "I'm so full I can't even look at another slice of cake!" Well, that's kind of what it is. Most days, I don't have any interest in food. If I am out doing something all day, I have gone full 24hr without anything but Water and maybe small Snacks, and never bothered me. My brain is telling me "I'm Full...I don't have to eat" I completely forget about food. There are days I have to keep reminding myself I NEED to eat. This also takes care of all those cravings you may have, let alone your appetite. This is why when people say it is a struggle, all I can think is that they are not at that place yet, OR they don't know how to recognize it and learn to work with it. Bottom Line....IT IS NOT A FEELING (of being full) BUT A MENTAL STATE! (lack of interest) And oh yes...your tastes will definitely change also. Just wait and see. Things that you could never get enough of will turn you completely off.
  19. B-52

    Pizza And Wings

    I LOVE wings!! But the skin is trouble going down, if at all. So I have to spit that out.
  20. You just had surgery. RELAX!!! you're in for a roller coaster ride! But keep reading, many people here have been through it and survived.
  21. B-52

    Not Really Understanding This Board.

    A while back I was questioning some peoples motivation to get this surgery. It has become so popular and common, that I believe it is attracting people who see it as merely a cosmetic fix it thing. That's ok I guess. But in my case, it was entirely a health issue, literally a "do or die" and this is your "last resort" I had very little choice but to make this a success story. I read many posts from people who complain about giving up certain foods, or if they can't eat they want to that will be where they draw the line. If they told me I would have to eat bread and Water, and promised I would satisfied and not hungry, I would have said "Where do I get in line"
  22. B-52

    Just A Question

    Many people have problems with bread, and bread products. The best one I have heard, from someone here, is that plumbers will use bread to temporarily stop leaking pipes by putting it down the drains and clogging up the system until they can get in there and fix it permanently.
  23. B-52

    Not Really Understanding This Board.

    BEFORE I was even banded they started telling me I have to do the following: Chew properly, small bites - pencil eraser size, put fork down between bites an swallows, use small utensils, use a timer to time between bites, don't drink while or after eating, etc, etc, etc. At that time, these rules made no sense! I could follow or ignore them with no consequences, at that time. But they are lessons everyone MUST learn, for there will come a time, that it will be the only way you can live with the band and be successful, or you can keep your band unfilled and do your on thing. It's that simple....follow and learn the rules, or don't. But please don't complain that the band is not working.
  24. B-52

    Lapband Complete Failure

    I'm sorry, but you don't give enough info for me to make any type of comment. During this time, how many fills have you had, and do you know how much is in your band, total, and what size your band is? Have you ever felt any true restriction, to the point you were afraid to swallow anything? Ever been stuck? I am not passing judgment, there are people who have legitimate reasons why the band did not work for them. But, in the majority of the time, there is a background story as to why someone fell off the wagon, as it were, and it is really not the bands fault.
  25. B-52

    Not Really Understanding This Board.

    First. I agree with you 100%. There are a lot of people here that are not committed as much as they should be, and look for excuses to break the rules, or at least some consoling. If I think someone is complaining about how they are "failing" and see it is something that is really wrong with their attitude, I for one feel like I should tell it like it is. HOWEVER!!! You also have to understand, there are people here who are newbies, just starting out,.....and then there are people here, like myself, who have progressed from the early, primary stages of having the lap band surgery, and see things totally different than the way a newbie does. I will tell people how it was for me, when I have gone through those early days when I went through it. And will tell them that I did get through it. But those days no longer apply to me or my lifestyle as it is for me today. For someone who has completed the "training" as it were, there are different rules.! And most times, people get mixed signals listening to people who are in different parts of their journey. Newbies for instance, are constantly counting calories, measuring portions, etc. In other words they are dieting and should not break those rules. These are lessons they need to learn and become second nature later down the road. For instance, for me, I no longer count calories and don't worry that much about portion sizes. I no longer diet, but have a whole new normal day to day lifestyle. if I did not come here to these boards, I would forget I was banded most of the time. I hear newbies say how this is a struggle. It is NOT a struggle for me at all! But it was early on because it was all about me and what I need to do and not the band. Now I have to be careful as to what I say, and to whom. Right now, there are people reading this thinking I'm out of my mind. They don't understand, nor do I expect them to. But I sincerely hope someday they will. So do I break the rules? I'm sorry, but I don't even have those rules anymore!! And all those little lessons I had to learn, are now second nature, a necessity.

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