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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    First Fill

    Did she tell you how much she put in for this first fill? And when do they want you to come back...
  2. B-52

    Is Vomiting Dangerous

    elcee hit it on the head!!!! I have been stuck many times, and not once did I think I vomited. I "Regurgitated" and spit it all up, but never vomited. Two entirely different things. That's not to say that if you were to get stuck, and did something like stick your fingers down your throat, sure you will vomit. But that's not needed to get un-stuck. But to answer your question, yes, vomiting can be harmful to your band. I have been told it is the most common reason for band slippage. The band is designed to let food pass SLOWLY from the top down. NOT sudden large eruptions from the bottom up. But if you are vomiting from the band, then there is something wrong going on. People refer to it as a PB = Productive Burp, which I totally understand. It is the same thing as burping a baby after feeding, Few pats on the back and it's all over your shoulder. But it is not vomiting!
  3. B-52

    Still Not 100% Sure...

    I have learned over the years, that when it comes to big decisions, life changing decisions, it is best not to try to persuade someone to do it. Only YOU can make that decision, and you have to want it! If you are not sure, then you're not ready. When I made my mind up to have this decision, nothing was going to get in my way, and nobody was going to talk me out of it. I knew what I wanted, and that was to be fit and healthy, and yes...Normal again. I think that determination has stuck with me and maybe that's why I respond to negativity and quitters the way I do. I'm not into astrology, but people who are can pick me out of a crowd. They say I'm classic textbook!
  4. I think the goal is to eat "SOFT" foods, so as not to irritate a already inflamed area from the band. Same is true following a fill. I can chew hamburger into a mush, but it still is a rough texture. You start with liquids, which is about as soft as you can get, then heavier liquids such as creamed Soups that are strained, then soft solid foods, AKA Mushies.
  5. Sounds like me. Seems that is my comfort food, along with either crackers or sliced cucumbers. Our local Deli sees me coming! I'm too lazy to make my own.
  6. B-52

    Fill Am I Too Tight

    Can only speak for myself. I have experience the same thing and it usually gets better in a few days. Probably inflammation. My last fill was that way for a week. It's just me, but I'm aggressive and I would think if I went back to get a unfill so soon, I may regret it a week later. BTW, I cannot take large swallows of Water. Never without feeling something adverse.
  7. I was fine for months where I was at...7cc's. He recently gave me 1/2cc more, just as an experiment to see what would happen. Even though we both agreed I really did not need it and I was doing fine in the Green Zone. But I was stuck in a plateau, was not loosing any more. We were not sure if I was indeed finished loosing, or just stuck. 1/2cc did kick me into loosing another 10lbs, but now it has stopped again. So I am satisfied with were I am at. Lets take that 1/2cc out and see what happens the other way I guess this is what they call maintenance. A little tweak here and a little tweak there.
  8. Most people will say they are pleased with their results after one year, 12 months, whether they are at their goal or not. Realistically, your Dr. will tell you 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 lbs per week is good, and expected if you're on a good program all around. So lets say 2lbs per week. Times 4 would be 8 lbs per month, times 12 would be 96 lbs /year. Would you be happy with that? I know a lot of people who would be. Of course, you could loose more, or you could, like me, plateau for 2-1/2 months and loose/gain the same 5 lbs over and over again. Also they say, the more you have to loose, the faster you'll loose, initially. You'll hear about people dropping 40-60 lbs without much of a fill. But what did they start at? 60 lbs to one person can be another person's 20 lbs. It took me 12 months to loose 80 lbs. Some people do that in 1/2 that time. Also, the closer you get to your goal, the harder it is to loose. I have been loosing app. 2 lbs per month now, but I'm already at my goal, so this is a little bonus. But I'm considering a unfil to slow even that down.
  9. Small as in at least 1cc....
  10. B-52

    19 And Trying To Figure It All Out

    I remember when I was 19 and trying to figure it out! And I'm not talking about weight loss either!
  11. Yes, that has everything to do with it. Was that 1-1/2cc your first fill? Just a week or 2 ago? You have a ways to go before you start to experience some of things you have read about. You are in the very early stages. Hang in there, listen and follow your Dr's orders. Remember, it is a journey, meaning it takes time for things to develop and progress. For some people 1-1/2cc is as though there is nothing at all in your band. For some they fell it does something. I had 4cc's on my first fill and it did nothing. I even started to gain weight after that until my 2nd fill.
  12. Pssssstt! I still vote for a fill!
  13. B-52

    Im Banded!

    Oh well, too late to turn around now. CONGRATULATIONS! You won't regret it! Just understand that you did not get over weight in a few weeks, and you're surely not going to be skinny again as fast. But whatever you go through, a year from now you'll look back and won't believe some of the things you may or may not have said or experienced. It will all be just a memory.
  14. B-52

    I'm Too Out Of Shape To Exercise

    Be sure to check with your Dr first. I was so out of shape I could not walk up the stairs without loosing my breath. Turned out it was my heart. I was a walking time bomb and didn't even know it! Now I feel 20 years younger.
  15. 5.5cc can be quite an initial kick for a 1st fill. Unless you have a large band. Either way, follow your Dr.'s instructions following a fill, and be careful.
  16. You're actually not paying for anything, but they have to charge you for something. Even if all you did was walk in and step on a scale. You are taking up somebody's time, not to mention the clerical work such as filing, postage, phone time with your PCP, etc. When you start meeting with people who have alphabets following their last names, they will charge you more per visit for their time. Ever walk into an attorneys office just to drop off or pick up some papers with the clerk? Look out! here comes the maintenance fee! (slight exaggeration, but not much)
  17. I agree, I really don't like comparing that kind of stuff. To me it would as if we both have cancer, and we are going to compare who takes more chemo? It doesn't matter. We both need it and we both get what we need! Don't mean to rant, but I am a healthcare professional and it's just wrong to compare individual treatments, even though the procedures and outcomes will be the same. If I have less in my band than the next person, and can get the same results as that person, does that mean I'm better? Ok, off my soapbox.
  18. In my case, yes I white-knuckled it until the band started to work. I actually gained weight 2 months after surgery, where you only lost 2 lbs. My Dr. said not to worry. He knew I was not good at dieting, self control, etc., and explained to me just how the whole process works. That's why it's referred to "Bandster Hell" Also, the more you have to loose, the more you will drop in those early months.
  19. Sounds to me like you've got a good understanding of what is going on. You'll figure out what you're most comfortable and happy with. I read many posts where people don't have a clue. It is a learning experience.
  20. B-52

    Protein Shake Recipes

    I have a good commercial brand blender. I start with 2 scoops 100% whey, and add 30ml Liquid Protein. After that, ANYTHING goes. Strawberries, blueberries, banana, Peanut Butter, oranges, pineapple...whatever your imagination leads you. I've even thrown in y chewable vitamins in there to get pulverized. I wonder how a little rum would taste???? Hmmmm..
  21. Depends on the Dr.'s practice. I met with the NP, she ran my insurance info, came back with a print-out showing all that I needed to do. My insurance required a 6 month supervised weight loss program. So I dropped everything else and concentrated on that. Four-5 months into that I went back to the Dr's office, and started all the other pre-requisites so everything came together at the end of the 6 months, give or take. And yes, THEN I met with the Surgeon, and he required my Spouse be there also. We then set a surgery date, scheduled a endoscopy with him. After that was done and Ok, did the Hospital pre-admission tests, and that was it. Come to think of it, I never attended one of their seminars, although I know they have them regularly. They keep asking me to speak at them. I don't think they get that many men. (like here)
  22. B-52

    *inches B4 Pounds!

    if you work out - DEFINITELY! Can even gain while loosing inches.
  23. B-52

    Kind Of Bummed...

    And everything else was normal? Usually when one thing is out of whack, it throws other thing out also. At least that's been my experience. Could be a false-positive. What did your Dr think? Did he put you on meds? or did he think to give it some time.
  24. B-52

    Question - Body Image

    Sooner or later you'll realize all these people giving you compliments really mean it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
