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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. Mine has me coming in every 3 months, but I am only 15 months out. That may change again.
  2. As long as you're not "craving starving climbing the walls hungry", if you don't feel like eating, then don't. Forget about getting you daily calories in, just go for the Protein and water.......nibble at what you know is good for you. Food is what got us fat in the first place, so to do without it is not a bad thing.....interpret what I'm really trying to say. water may be slow, but keep it up. It will get easier after time. At least for a little while and see what happens......Congratulations!
  3. B-52


    Help me out here, and others for that matter. I am 15 months out, and have reached my goal. where I am at right now I cannot yet understand how I van gain so much weight back. I am unable to overeat. Even if it is a slider food, like ice cream say, I can tolerate just so much. I'm not trying to be critical, just that I need to know what to look out for if and when it should arise. Have you ever felt optimum restriction where if you ate a little too much, or the wrong foods it would come right back up, and make you feel miserable? Or does the band simply loose it's function and begin to be as those it were not there at all. Just wondering.
  4. B-52

    Anyone Successful After A Bad Start?

    I lost weight the first 4 weeks after surgery. Then went for my first fill, 4 cc's. After my first fill, I gained weight, could not control my eating. The band did nothing and I was never any good at dieting. Four weeks after that, 8 weeks from surgery, went for my 2nd fill, 2 cc's for a total of 6. At that point the band started to take effect, but not much. It would come and go. I did not gain weight, but I did not loose all that much either. Four weeks after that 12 weeks after surgery, had my 3rd fill for an additional 1cc, total of 7. That did the trick. My eating was then totally under control. Could not over eat even if I tried, would result in getting stuck, pain, regurgitating. But even then, it took me 4 to 6 weeks to figure out what was happening, learned to adapt my eating habits and foods, and found my "Groove" putting me in the Green Zone, with everything they say it does. Have been there ever since. So, to answer your question, yes....I had a tough start. I stink at self control and dieting. Have tried every diet under the sun, including hypnosis and acupuncture. You name it I tried it. Failed at everyone miserably. So it was no surprise that I did no better after surgery untill my band was properly adjusted and took control of me. That's why I take exception to calling the band a tool. A tool, like a hammer, is something I choose to use, and can choose how much or how little I use it. But the band has control of me. If anything I am the one being used. I'm the tool and the band is in control. That makes this the EASIEST thing I have ever done, because there is nothing I need to do. I can't over eat, and I have little or no hunger 24/7. There are times I have to force myself to sit and have a meal, not because I'm hungry, but because I know I need to. I don't count calories. All I need to do is drink my Water, and when I do eat, chose good foods high in Protein. That's it!
  5. You answered your own question...IMO, with "One Small Fill" What is different now than before you were banded? besides "One Small Fill?"
  6. B-52

    New At This !!!

    Just be mindful that EVERYBODY looses weight post-op, how can one not being on liquids and mushies. Now the real challenge starts, REAL FOOD! and getting back to where you were before you had the surgery, (bandster hell) only all healed up and ready to go for the next phase. I started to gain weight at that point, even after my first fill.....but that was not the end of the world, because they have to get your band adjusted to where it begins doing what it is designed to do in the first place. And right after surgery is not it. So be patient no matter what may happen in the future. It will all come together eventually. Congratulations! Everybody was new at this at one point, and managed to be successful just the same! The only thing that can get in your way is YOU!
  7. It is easier to get your water if you drink it out of a wide mouth container, rather than straight from the water bottle. I get in 32 oz everyday at the gym alone each day, although I'm probably sweating that all out at the same time. But that's ok, keeps the system flushed out I guess.
  8. B-52

    With This Band...

    We've been married 37 years and we don't have these issues because my Wife knows I'm perfect in every way,,,,,,,,Uh-Oh, here she comes...gotta run before before she reads this and I'll be toast!
  9. B-52

    Couch To 5K App?

    I have been using the elliptical for over 2 years, using a MP3 program called "Cardio Coach" I just downloaded Couch to 5K from I-tunes onto my I-touch. Logged in 2 workouts, but had to stop. I do not have good running shoes, so I bought good pair of Saucony's online from Zappo's. should get here tomorrow so I can start all over again. I did not stop the Elliptical. I start my workout with 30 minutes of level 3 to 4 on the elliptical instead of 60, as a good warm-up. Then I go through all the weight stations. I will then finish my workout with the 30 minutes of Couch to 5K on the treadmill. I should add I am 60 years old, and although I participated in High School sports, did 2 tours in Vietnam, I have not run in over 35 years! So now that I have put the weight off, I have no excuses. I am really excited to complete this program and be able to run a few miles everyday, wherever I am, like normal people do.
  10. B-52


    Why are you scared? You're still the same person you were before the surgery. I'm also baffled when people think EVERYTHING has to be liquid. People need to realize you're still you, and not be so uptight. You can still live your life. Only thing that has changed is my eating habits. BTW, you can also breathe now.
  11. I don't know about slips, but given enough restriction and you will not want to chug water. I go to the gym every day, and drink about 32oz of water while I'm there. I do everything I can to take large swallows, but I can't without discomfort. But I can take one fairly large swallow at a time, spaced out a bit.
  12. B-52

    Drank Too Much.

    No, my name is Bob and I was born in 1952. It Works! I did my time I the Navy with 2 tours in Nam. When I saw your first post I thought you were talking about BEER! That would have been a interesting topic.
  13. B-52


    You can either change your eating habits, techniques, or get a slight until. It really is the users personal preference. I prefer my eating restricted. I do better eating small meals numerous times during the day, rather than 3 a day. Then again, sometimes I just don't feel like eating at all. To me that's ok too. I cannot eat anything first thing in the morning. Too tight. So every morning I have a high Protein smoothie, 40 grams. Then it's not hard to get the rest. I also don't count calories, since my food intake is limited, and I'm focusing on the protein items first. Why waste what limited quanity of food I can eat on something that does me no good, like Pasta, etc. So for me, it all works out. I love chili also. Being only able to eat a small portion of the bowl, to me, is what it s all about!
  14. 6 cc's in what size band, and how come you have not had any additional fills? Have you been seeing your Dr. for regular follow up's? For the first 6 months I saw my Dr. every 30 days and monitored my progress every step of he way till my band was properly adjusted. After that it's been a snap.
  15. Take as big of sips as you can tolerate. If you take too big of a swallow, even Water, you're band will let you know. Think of the band as a slow drain. You have to let the water slowly go down the drain before adding more water. Add more water than the drain can let pass and it will overflow, and with the band, probably some pain. But that is after you get some significant restriction. Till then, do what you can tolerate. The band will let you know if you're swallowiNg too much too fast.
  16. B-52


    I can feel my band with every swallow. It constantly gives me feedback. Tells me if I am taking too large of swallows, tells me to slow down, tells me I have eaten enough, don't force it. And that's whom I am eating. It also takes away my appetite 24/7, not just between meals.
  17. B-52

    Drank Too Much.

    4 days post op drink as much liquids as you can stand. As a matter of fact ALWAYS drink as much liquids as you can. Just don't gulp or chug it down, but then you will learn that the hard way.
  18. B-52

    Severe Acid Reflux

    Agreed, I have found with a tight band I have to be careful with the type of foods I eat now. Things like Mexican or anything hot and spicy I need to avoid. I think it is because food will sit in the pouch longer that it effect you greater and quicker. Don't eat near bedtime. Give all the food time to move from the pouch. Going to bed, lying down, with food still in the pouch id=s bad for anybody.
  19. B-52

    5Cc In Band And Not Satisfied

    I know many people who eat 4-5 meals a day, and they do just fine. I also know people who eat whenever they are hungry, and eat till their satisfied, which is not much at all, (like me) and they do fine also. Have to look at the large picture...how much are you consuming for the total day? I eat many small meals, but because of the restriction I have you can call them healthy Snacks. As long as you are not overeating, eating bad foods, and loosing weight effortlessly without actually dieting, then what else would one want?
  20. B-52

    Help,, Need Adive

    2 years out and you have never experienced this before ? Scrambled eggs....is this only happening in the morning? After 2 years, you should know yourself and your band well enough to understand what is going on. If this just popped up out of nowhere, after 2 years of normality, then yes, you have a problem. Also, thinking about myself only......how would I gain 20 lbs if I can't keep anything down? If it was me, I know the answer, and it would not be a slipped band. But that's just me cause I know myself and my habits. In your case, if you don't know what's happening, contact your Dr ASAP.
  21. B-52

    5Cc In Band And Not Satisfied

    First fill for me was 4cc...nothing. Second fill was 2cc...felt something, but it would come and go. Third fill was 1 cc, that one did the trick, lasted me abouth 9 months. Just had 1/2 cc about 6 weeks ago, although my Dr and I agreed I did not need it, but we both wanted to see what would happen.....long story.
  22. Thanks, I appreciate that. All anyone can, and SHOULD do is voice their own personal experiences, and let the reader decide what is relevant or not. There is no right or wrong, just people telling how it is for them. The only thing I do take exception to is anyone who responds with answers/advice based upon what they may have been told, or read somewhere. That's nothing more than second or third hand knowledge. Example someone who has been banded less than a month telling me what it is like to be in the Green Zone....Please! There are a few people here who have reached their goals, been through just about everything with this surgery, and has their own story to share. What is interesting, is that although the stories/ outcomes are all basically the same, their methods and experiences differ. And that is a good thing, because you cannot expect everyone to be from the same cookie cutter so to speak.
  23. Me too. having those same problems on PC and my MAC. Hit Post and nothing happens....need to go to "More Reply Options" Canot reply to a persons Blog at all.
  24. B-52

    2Nd Fill

    7cc's in what size band? If it's a 10cc band, you best take it easy.You may have a delayed reaction but you should have some effects. if the band is larger than 10cc, then I'm not sure. But 7cc's lasted me over 9 months of good restriction and Green Zone living.
  25. B-52

    Whats Happening???

    For what it's worth, my Dr. was interrogating me once about my exercise routine, and I could not come up with a answer he was satisfied with. Finally he asked me, "Are you sweating when you workout?" I said yes, like a pig, and he said that's perfect! As far as plateauing, it happens and there is no good reason why. best explanation I've heard is that without knowing it, we fall into routines with our eating, and exercising. We need to change things around. 25 minutes of elliptical at a "Steady State" can become routine real fast. Along with steady states, you need to mix in hill climbs and sprints. I would aim for 45 minutes also. A good program I use when on the elliptical or treadmill is called "Cardiac Coach" http://www.cardiocoach.com/ They are programs you can purchase and download for your I-pod. They're great workouts. You do need to wear a heart rate monitor. There are 10 programs, but you only need the first one to get started. I've been using them for 2 years and only own 3.

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