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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. I understand what you're saying.....but for me, the lapband IS Magic, and it is not hard work at all. As a matter of fact, it is the EASIEST thing I have ever done i n terms of loosing weight and reaching my goal. It may have been hard in the early stages, bandster hell, but once that was out of the way it became very natural and automatic. But do I believe everyone will be successful??? My answer is NO! Not Everyone! And it is not because of the band, (except in a few medical cases) but because some individuals refuse to take that step and let the band do what it is designed to do. They want to hold onto their old habits, refusing to understand that is was these old habits that got them in trouble in the first place. They have been brain washed into believing you must "Diet" using your own will power and self discipline, the exact same thing I failed at time after time before I had the surgery. Maybe some people feel it's "Too Good To Be True" and cannot possibly be that way, so they refuse to accept it.
  2. B-52

    Appetite Suppressants

    To be honest, I don't measure foods or count calories. Have not in over a year. I eat whenever I'm hungry..which isn't as often as before being banded, And I eat till I'm satisfied or the band prohibits me from continuing, which isn't much. One has to learn to listen to their band and know the signals.
  3. B-52

    Appetite Suppressants

    Yes it's called the "lap band" My appetite is suppressed 24/7 because on the lap band. Today I had a Protein smoothie for Breakfast, a Wendy's chili for lunch, and that's it. I really don't feel like eating anymore today. But I know I need to so I will have a Protein Bar later for a snack. All because of the band. Also I see you joined 2 weeks ago. Was that when you had your surgery? Recently? Why not give the band a chance to do what it was designed to do.
  4. B-52

    So Frustrated!!!

    When you get close to your goal, you can throw BMI's out the window. They are not accurate to begin with, just a approximation, good to get started. When I was getting within 10 lbs of my goal, I could not loose anything. I would loose, then gain back the same 3-5 lbs for at least 2 months. Some people say that is when you know you are indeed at your goal, because you just stop loosing. There is a professional football player, a running back for the NE Patriots who was in last years Super Bowl. He is the same height as me, and weighs 10lbs more. I do not think anyone would call him fat, or unfit in any sense of imagination. According to BMI's, I'm still 15-20 lbs overweight. I don't think so! Fortunately, I have access to a Body Fat % scale. You enter your age, height, gender,,,,then stand on it with bare feet and grip handles with both hands and each side. This will give you your weight, plus your body fat %, which is the most accurate way of telling if you are good or not. My Body Fat % is less than 15%, for someone my age that makes me "Fit" and "Athletic" I can live with that. If I wanted to loose more weight, I would have to cut back on the Protein, and start to loose muscle. I would loose weight, and look like a Holocaust Survivor.
  5. B-52

    Why Get A Lapband?

    There are no rules....this is not a diet, but a lifestyle. They do tell you all these little things you have to do, and they start telling you you have to practice them from day one. When I was first banded, these rules made no sense at all. And I have to laugh when when I read posts from newbies saying they are following these rules and still not loosing weight. It's NOT about the Rules...it's NOT about any diet plans. If it was nothing more than a diet, them no one here would have needed the surgery in the first place. It is all about the band, and what it does to you physically! Once your band begins to do what it was supposed to do, THEN you will be happy they taught you these rules because without them it could be disastrous. I can't remember how many times I have had a episode with the band only to have a "Ah-Ha" moment, as in "So this is why they told me I should do this or that. NOW it makes sense!" By that time you are loosing so much weight, so fast, you really don't care about these little things anymore.
  6. I did not have one of those. I was all prepped and ready to go in the OR in 5 minutes when he came around, asked a few questions, and had me sign some releases. Idid have a pulmonary work up where things like sleep studies ans CPAP came up.
  7. B-52

    Taking Pills

    I take various pills every morning, including 4 LARGE gell caps - Lovaza . I was told to get a pill crusher, but the Lovaza canot be crushed so I continued taking them whole, one at a time, slowly. That was over a year ago and I have never crushed a single pill. BTW, i have 7.5cc in my band, and I am very tight eating most foods.
  8. B-52

    Im In The Green Zone!!!!!!!

    That's good news....But you say you have no trouble getting ANYTHING down? Can you feel your band when you swallow? Tighter/looser different times of the day?
  9. B-52

    Food Portions Questions.

    Depends upon where you are at with restriction.....because I have not concerned myself about calories or portion sizes for almost a year. As someone else said before, my pouch can handle just so much. If you listen to your band, then you stop long before you over do it. And, since my portion sizes are so small, I choose good foods to eat so I know my calories are Ok also. Only thing I count is my Protein and Water intake. But even protein, I have a routine that first thing in the morning I get 40-45 gm in at one shot before leaving the house for work. So getting the balance for the day is not a challenge. as far as NOT getting enough calories in per day, as many people seem to be concerned about, I probably don't but it has not affected me at all, and I go to the gym every day and have plenty of energy.
  10. B-52


    For over a year now, aside from my coffee, all I can get down in the morning is a high Protein smoothie for Breakfast. Then it gets easier as the day goes on. Plus I get more protein from the smoothie than anything I would be able to eat.
  11. was this your first fill? Either way, you can feel tight for a few days after a fill, then it will subside. If this is your 3rd fill, lets say, then you can expect the feeling to remain....that's what it is all about!
  12. B-52

    Slipping Slowly.......

    I know it's hard to comprehend, but you are too early in your journey to worry about slipping and bad habits. All you're doing now is recovering from the surgery. 5-6 months from now is when you can really be concerned about your bad habits coming back. Just do your best. Concern yourself with getting fully recovered from the surgery so the Dr. can get down to business.
  13. My God that's incredible....glad you came throuh it! I had to read your story 3 times. You're saying the band was fine, then all of a sudden caused seizures? The one thing led to another? And this is going to happen to 1/2 of us by 5 years? That's scary. I need to speak with my surgeon about this. I'm also confused about having up to 3 bands. Need to look into what that is all about. 5 years. If this is new information they are now finding out about, I'm sure there will be more info given to new patients. I was always undecided as to what to do with my band after I've been at my goal for a few yeas. I guess I now have a idea. Again, thank God you're all right. Feel better.
  14. B-52

    Whats The Workout To Loose Weight Faster?

    That's what I've been using for 2 years, same thing, it got to be monotonous. I would do 20 minutes on my own, then the 30-40 Cardio Coach, then finish up an Hour on my own. So that's why I went to running. I still do 30 minutes on the elliptical, then my weights, then finish with 30 minutes of Couch to 5K. I really do like, and highly recommend Cardio Coach to everyone who has never used it.
  15. B-52

    Whats The Workout To Loose Weight Faster?

    yes that's the one I use. It is the 2012 best Health & fitness App award.
  16. B-52

    Whats The Workout To Loose Weight Faster?

    I just started the program a few weeks ago. But week 1, the program starts with 1 minute jogs with 2 minutes walking in between. As the weeks go on the progression changes also. But you can stay at a level untill you're ready to move on. The one I have, plays you music and has verbal instructions.
  17. Chances are your first fill will not do much, and no one can stretch their pouch untill they gave true restriction where they knw that food is actually sitting there slowly passing through the band. But to answer your question, life happens. There will always be a holiday, a wedding, party, special occasion that will be there down the road. We have to learn to live with the band, and not postpone it's work.
  18. I stink at dieting! I have no self control and love to eat. That is why I needed to have surgery. But surgery in itself is not the answer. The answer is getting that thing hey installed around your stomach properly adjusted to where it starts operating at peak performance the way it was deigned to. Once that point was reached, then I started to have true success and reached my goal in 13 months. Aside for the few medical conditions that some people run into, I do not see how anyone can be a failure with this program. As long as we let the band do what it is supposed to do, then the only thing that can get in it's way is us! And I have read many posts fom people who get cold feet and say things like "I don't ever want to experience that" or "I can't give up those certain foods" etc, etc.
  19. B-52

    Not Doing Good

    We don't know all he facts to make any judgments.....but if your Dr says it's all your fault, and he has all your records.........?
  20. B-52

    How Long I Need To Wait

    It really is up to your Dr. Clearing you. I went back to the gym 1 week after surgery, then went all out at 4 weeks, with my Dr.'s blessing.
  21. You need to transition right into another program with no time lapses in between, and have your current program send them all your progress notes so they can continue we're you left off. You're going to have to find a program before you move, contact them and tell them your situation.
  22. My prt sticks out like there's a 1/2 goofball under my skin, and you can see the tubing snake from the port about 2 inches untill it goes deep. Like a large vericros vein. But then I do crunches every day, and I ave little/no fat on my mid section anymore.
  23. B-52

    What Would You Do??

    Better be up front with them, unless your voice comes back and your throat is not sore. The anesthesiologist is going to pu a tube (endotrachial) down your throat through your vocal cords, hen blow up a balloon. If you are already irritated, this will result in more irritation. Plus, after you're out, when he looks down yor throat and sees red, he may stop and call off then surgery. Do everything you can to soothe you thrat now, don't talk more than you need to, and be honest when you go there.
  24. B-52

    Whats The Workout To Loose Weight Faster?

    I never liked running, because of all the excess weight I could not stand the pounding on my joints. So I did the elliptical. After 2 years, and using a program called "Cardio Coach", I've worn out the elliptical doing hard 60 minutes a session. But now the weight is gone, so I cut my Elliptical to 30 minutes, then do weights, then go on the treadmill for 30 minutes using the "Couch to 5K" on my I-Touch. It really is making a difference, and thus far I have been following the program very well, into the third week.
  25. Ride it for all it's worth and see how it goes. Don't get hung up on starvation modes, plateaus, metabolisms, etc. Maybe later, but now you want to find that "Groove"

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