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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. Had my cardiologist appointment today........I am very pleased with myself! A little background.... A few years back I had cardiac issues.....one artery was over 60% blocked in 2 places, and instead of 2 stents, they inserted 1 long stent. During that surgery, they found another artery that was 100% occluded. But I have walked around with it for so long that the artery grew branches around the blockage to restore blood flow. It did result in a infarct however, with signs of scar tissue. I SHOULD BE DEAD! They asked me when did I have my heart attack, which I replied I don't remember ever having one. They said that was not unusual at all for Diabetics, to have "Silent" MI's. Plus, when you're over 100 lbs overweight, and have to catch your breath carrying groceries into the house, how can you tell the difference??? I go to the gym 5 days a week. Up until last week I was running on the treadmill for 30minutes immediately followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical, maintaining a level 3 cardio workout for 60 minutes. Last week the gym was crowded, no ellipticals available, so I stayed on the treadmill for the full 60 minutes. Stretched my 30 minutes of running to 40, the alternated walking and running for the remaining 20 minutes, again not letting my BPM fall too low. This is my new routine, with my new goal to run for 60 straight minutes. Because of my weight related health issues, I see on a regular basis my PCP, Bariatric Surgeon, Cardiologist, Endocrinologist, Dermatologist, and even a Podiatrist! All from being overweight! I have met my weight loss goal 12 months after my surgery, and ALL my Dr's are thrilled and applaud my success...(even the one's who though it was not a good idea) Do I have any regrets? You Kidding? What is the alternative, St. Mary's Cemetery? Am I upset over the sacrifices I had to do? Like never being able to eat some of my favorite foods again? Not at all....I would give up more in a instant if needed!!!! Was / is it easy??? Once I got through that adjustment phase, Bandster Hell, to where my band was sufficiently adjusted to do it's thing....I can say it has been the EASIEST weight loss program I have or could ever do.....the band controls my hunger and portion sizes...all I have to do is choose the right foods, low fat, low cholesterol, low sugar, etc, all the things any diabetic / cardiac patient knows already. Do I occasionally eat cake, Cookies, have a beer, etc? Sure...all normal weight people do...just not in excess.... I don't get stuck anymore, that happened the majority of the time during the adjustment phase.....most days I don't even think about having the band, untill I take a big gulp of Water or a large swallow....and then, Oh Yes!...There it is! Almost forgot. Typing this I just though about all the self proclaimed experts that are going to have their opinions on my success....one of the reasons I don't come around here all that often, and have joined other smaller groups... But you know what? It does not matter what other people think.....it's all about you and I taking care of ourselves and our own....when it's time to pay the piper, these self experts will be nowhere to be found! I'm happy, My Dr.'s are happy., and so is my Family.....and that is all that matters.
  2. B-52

    Cardiollogist Today!!!

    Thank You.....I have no complaints.....and in the end that's what matters the most....
  3. Good morning....this morning at the gym I learned from a friend of the passing of a mutual friend of ours last week. We served together for 10 years as executive board members for the local Football Conference, I as secretary and he as treasurer. Although I have not seen him for years, I was and am saddened and did say a prayer or 2. Then, as I was working out, I could not stop thinking about him. A few years older than me....morbidly obese, a cigarette always in his mouth, cardiac issues, fatigued from climbing even 3-5 stairs, wheezing, a mouth breather! My friend told me he was currently undergoing dialysis 3 times a week. Yes..a Diabetic also. Then I realized, I was describing MYSELF,... 2-3 years ago! We were 2 peas in the pod! Aside from the dialysis...but when my sister passed away she was also victim to kidney failure, and I knew I was headed in the same direction. And my Dr. never let me forget it! Then I thought about the comparison between me and Larry. There I was...95 lbs down since being banded...running on the treadmill for 35 minutes then on to the elliptical for another 25. Weights afterward if I'm up to it, everyday! I can no longer tolerate red meat and have given it up entirely...much to the pleasure of all my Dr.'s and many other people...gave up things like breaded/fried foods, Pasta, globs of melted cheese, rice, breads, donuts, and the list goes on and on. I can't over eat even if I wanted to...impossible! Are any of those things good for me in the first place?? Ironically, the last time I met my friend, we bumped into each other standing in line at McDonalds loading up on egg McMuffins and hash browns. I will never be able to eat one of them again, and have absolutely no reason to ever step foot inside a McDonalds or similar places ever again!! To each their own...but I am glad I have this artificial thing wrapped around my guts forever preventing me from doing the things that would only kill me!! And for that I have to Thank God Everyday!!!
  4. B-52

    Reinforcment Today!!

    Funny thing is, is how everyone stood around and shook their heads with the understanding he was not taking care of himself....almost as though he got what he deserved (cold, I know) People have to understand that all this is really about life and death....which is why I don't come around here all that much anymore. Too many people giving opinions with little experience themselves.....very dangerous..... I have blocked one or 2 of them because I choose not to hear anything they say.... people should tell their stories only and keep opinions to themselves.
  5. My first fill was 4 weeks after surgey, 4 cc's. 2nd fill was 2 cc's 4 weeks after that. In between the 2 fills I GAINED weight, because I had no self control,and I was never good at dieting. 3 rd fill was 4 weeks after the 2nd, 1 cc for a total of 7cc. That one did the trick, did not need anymore fills for over a year. Steadily lost weight, hunger and cravings under control. Green Zone Hit my goal 12 months after surgery, still loosing although more slowly now., maybe 1 lb a month
  6. Is this a new thing you're experiencing.? I go weeks and everything is fine, then I go through periods just like you described. Just came off a week like that where anything I eat was difficult, and sometimes painful, not tomentionthe reflux. I give my band a complete rest, nothing but Soups and very soft, gentle I tell myself if this keeps up I will call the Dr. This week everything is back to the way I am used to. It did pass. I'm my case, I feel I sometimes "abuse" my band, possibly causing irritation, inflammation, etc. Like injuring a ankle, I stay off it for a while. But that's just me. And I can only tell things about me personally. You need to do what YOU feel is best for YOU. There are too many people here telling other people what they should and should not do. In my profession that's considered unethical and would go before a medical review board. But here, anyone can call themselves a expert.
  7. Just be aware, it does not happen over night.....takes months to get there. Your bands needs to be properly adjusted, and you need to learn new rules and habits untill they become automatic.
  8. B-52

    Help! Need To Get Back On Track

    I agree...it has to be something you want. I wanted, and needed this more than anything.... If they told me all I could ever eat again was bread and Water for the rest of my life, AND promised me I would never be hungry, I would still ask "Where do I sign up" food is my enemy....it has done more harm than good. I am thrilled that the band has taken away my hunger and cravings...I don't miss it. But back to your question, is your band properly adjusted? Have you, or did you have adequate restriction? Comfortably in the Green Zone? Many people complain about this and that, and they have not even gotten out of the adjustment phase yet! Took me 7 months to find my "Groove" If you were at the point once, then I would recommend at least 1 full week of liquids to shrink your pouch, and get your head straight. Then re-introduce food slowly and correctly, same as you did for the post surgery routine. In other words, start over as if it was the day after surgery.
  9. Definitely takes away my hunger.....most times, when it comes to food, I am simply not interested. I have gone full 24 hr days without eating anything substantial. Just little Snacks here and there. But I am sure to get my Protein, even if it means liquid supplements. And speaking for myself, I have NEVER felt full. There is never enough food in my stomach to get those feelings as I used to.
  10. I'm still struggling with the question....when do you know you have lost enough weight? For you new people who don't know me, I work in the Medical Field, primarily pediatrics, and travel to different Hospitals and facilities throughout the week for clinics/evals, so I am with a different Medical team every day. I get daily feedback, everything from how good and healthy you look, to you'e looking emaciated and you need to stop loosing. I have been told the body will naturally level out and stop loosing when it has reached a normal state. I have never felt better, I run 5K everyday at 6am, 7 days a week, plus gym time with weights and other cardio. I am definitley burning more calories than I am consuming (required 500/day above) Bottom line, I really have no control over this. If it was a "Tool" I could control it. Only thing I could do is to remove some Fluid from the band allowing me to eat more. But is that the answer? Or should I just let it play itself out naturally. What has other people done when they came to that point?? It's not easy dealing with being skinny
  11. Isn't it amazing, that people who tell you that you have lost enough or you are loosing too much weight, are over weight themselves?? A normal or skinny person will compliment you on how you look every time. just realized this little tidbit....
  12. B-52

    Cruise Update!!

    Our last cruise, I lost weight also... I decided to go for it and be a complete hedonist for 9 days........didn't care what I would eat, drink, etc....was going to put the band to the test!!!!! Know what? The band was right there doing it's job....no matter what I put on my plate, or how much, the portion size I could eat was no different than any other day. And the types of food I cannot tolerate didn't change just because I was on ship. Sure I snacked all day....but it all worked out. (skinny people snack too....it's part of the new life) That's the thing about the band....there is nothing you can do to make it less effective than what it is adjusted to do.... Now if you don't have adequate restriction, and you're always fighting the over eating and cravings....that's another story. Plus I was doing my daily 5K's at 5:30 every morning, always took the stairs, had bottled Water in my hands at all times, and took my Protein supplements. I LOVE my band....best (and easiest) thing I have ever done for weight loss.
  13. I was told everyone has a "Set Point" also, that your body will tell you when you're good. You really can't eat more unless you get a un fill...which is a option if need be, All my surgeon and PCP have to say is they are very pleased with my progress. Not much else. BMI's are only good to a point, there are different body compositions. Example;, last year's super bowl, there is a running back for the NE patriots who I noticed he is the same height as me, although he weighs 20lbs more than me. I'm classified as overweight, he would be classified as "obese".....I Don't think so....look at a picture of him and you can't see a ounce of fat. It comes down to "Body Fat %"...which can be more accurate regardless of one's weight. Getting access to one of those scales can be difficult. There is one at a hospital I go to now and then. last time I checked I was in the "Fit" class. Below that would be "Athletic", then "Unhealthy". I really need to stop listening to other people.
  14. B-52

    Couch To 5K?

    It's the program I used to start running.....downloaded it on my I-Pod so I can listen to my favorite music. It is a 9 week proggram, which took me 12 weeks (at least) to complete. Whenever I hit a wall and could not complete a given week, I would go back and repeat the previous week then move back into the week that gave me a problem. I now run 5K every morning. I have no desire to move up, just to keep getting better at this level. Many people jump right into the 25K program...I do not advise that for starters. Also, I did not start the 5K program form the geginning. I was getting my cardio (and breathig technique) on the elliptical for years and after the weight came off, I was ready to take it to the next level. Everday after I run, I immediatley get back on the elliptical to extend my workout without lowering my BPM.
  15. Well I guess I'm the exception. A tool, like a hammer, is something I choose to use or not. The band on the other hand, I have little or no control over, like a hammer. I cannot over eat, no matter how hard I try, and I have tried. My portion sizes ate automatic. I do not need to measure or weigh my food as if I was on a diet.uy hunger and cravings are completely under control, I sometimes have to forceyaeld to sit down and have something to eat. The only thing I need to do is make wise food choices which is not rocket science. True, I'm the beginning I has to learn all the rules, learn a new way of eating, etc. But once I got past all that, and found my groove, it has been the easiest thing I could have ever done. It is a life changing experience. I don't even think about the band on most days. I now love a normal life, the same way skinny people do. I tell my Dr. Everything, and he wishes all his patients were as happy and satisfied with their new life as I am. I guess it's different for everyone, and I will not tell people how to run their life, especially if they are 100% successful. I can only be a witness to my own experience, as everyone else does, and let readers decide.
  16. I never understood what the big problem is. What's wrong with looking them directly in the eye and simply say you are trying to eat right and take care of yourself? Plenty of people are doing that. Do people feel bad because they can't be gluttons?
  17. Ok, My Sunday Morning Rant..... First let me start with this...My brother died at the age of 60. My sister at 64. Both confined to a Nursing Home at a early age. So, there I was, 58, sitting in my Dr's office. Diabetes, cholesterol, triglycerides all off the chart. Already had one Heart Attack resulting in Cardiac Surgery. My Dr. looked me right in the eye and said the Dominoes have already started to fall, and unless I loose 50-70 lbs I will surely die soon. When I had my first consult for lap band surgery, it was looked upon as a "Aggressive, radical, last resort option" So when I was informed it would force me to give up foods I like, make me sick/vomit if I don't follow the rules, etc..what choice did I have?? I informed all 3 of my Dr.s, PCP, cardiologist and Surgeon, that I was not going to be a "namby pampy" and I wanted to be as aggressive as I could be. No backing down! BTW, it is these same Dr.'s that either want to put me on display and/or write me up in their journals, all of which I declined. I have noticed since then that this surgery has become more acceptable, almost fashionable. People's motives are not so much life or death, but how they will look in that new summer dress. Which is fine, the more eye-candy the better. There are many roads people take, with many different viewpoints. I will NEVER tell anyone they're wrong, so as to deter their motivation. But there are still some out there, like me, who feel they have one foot in the grave and are thinking about funeral expenses. It is for THESE people that I still hang around these websites. I want THESE people to know that I am here...I took this thing as far and hard as I could, and I am standing out here on the edge....successful in 13 months. And it can save your life. I want THESE people to know that IF you choose the same road as I did, I will be there. I WILL dance at my Daughters wedding this October, and God Willing, I WILL spoil my grand kids to no end! I exercise like a person possessed. When I first started, I use to look at the young 21 y/o staff member and think to myself "I sure hope she knows CPR!" But I feel I'm now past that. If it was going to happen, it would have then. I always say I'm running FOR something when in effect, perhaps I'm running FROM something always keeping a few steps ahead. OK that's it. So much for ranting, wanted to get it off my chest. Sorry If I offended anyone, that was not my intention. So Adios, have a good day, springtime is just around the corner.
  18. Ever since I was baned this has been an ongoing question. I have always said mine looks like a golf ball under my skin. Well going through our vacation photos, I found one that shows it. It is attached to the abdomen muscles, right under the skin because there is no longer a fat layer as a barrier. I can feel every nook and cranny. Also, if you look close you can see the tube come out the side towards the center before it goes deep. I once had a kink in my tubing preventing a fill. It was easy for the Dr. to palpate the tube and straighten it out. I never worry about the port flipping. A one armed blind man can give me a fill. Heck, I could do them myself. (I've considered carrying a syringe on vacations in case I need to do a emergency un fill 1000's of miles from home.) So, say hello to my little friend "Lumpy"
  19. B-52

    Low Carb Pizza Recipe

    I always find it interesting how anyone can even eat any pizza at all. Low carb, fake crust, whatever. Just goes to show how different people's journey to success can be.
  20. Your goal creeps up on you....it's not like you open a present on Christmas Morning, and then celebrate. You celebrate along the way with buying new clothes, doing new things, etc, etc. By the time you reach your goal, it is just another day, other than the mental aspect of reaching a goal. Along the way, I rewarded myself dozens of times.
  21. B-52

    Days Nothing Goes Down?

    I welcome those days...makes up for the days there is less restriction. I have gone complete 24hr periods with no eating at all. Most of the time is because I'm simply not interested in eating. That simple. I just go with it. I never worry about counting calories. just listening to my band. Get your Water, Protein (Sometime liquid) Vitamins, etc....daily requirements.
  22. My Dr. let me return to the gym after 1 week, but told me to go easy with the weights. But it was not long after that I was doing anything and everything....never had any problems. I start with 30 minutes running, 30-45 minutes with weights, and finish with 20-40 minutes on the elliptical. After 2 months I would say you should be fine. BTW, I recently finished the "Couch to 5K" It did take me more than 9 weeks. I had problems getting through certain weeks. When that happened I would go back and repeat the previous week, then re-enter the week that was giving me problems. The program does work well, because when I reached the last 2 weeks, I was able to get through them with no problem. It became repititious. It's all about confidence. Everytime you get on the treadmill, and ater 5 minutes that voice says you can't do this, just keep telling yourself you already have the previous sessions and there is no reason you can't complete this session. You've done it before, of course you can do it again. The program is set up that way to give you confidence in each new session.
  23. And some little fat guy left his pants here......
  24. B-52

    Ekg Question

    Not unless there is an underlying cause.
  25. No doubt about that...my energy levels keep risinfg all the time (heck with starvation therories and lack of metabolism) I've been going to the gym for a few years now. I have completed the "Couch to 5K" program, and now, every day at the gym, run for 30 minutes on the treamill along with my other routine activities. There are days I can't get enough.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
