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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. I have zero belly fat, which means my port is right below the skin...looks like a golf ball! Can't post pix from the hospital, maybe when I get home tonight.....
  2. Something I do from time to time, at least once a month... There are times I realize I am eating more than I normally should, and the restriction is not up to par... I will go full liquids for a day or 2, and things always settle down and return to normal...for me that is. Some people call it the "5 day Pouch Test"...I'm not that elaborate, just 24-48 hours to give the band a rest...actually the pouch a rest. I believe over use can stretch the pouch...enlarge it, just as our normal stomachs can expand in capacity with time.... I have seen x-rays of enlarged pouches, some severe...and it is enough to scare you.... So, my therory is to go all liquids...soups, smoothies, yougurt, etc for a day or 2, and when I do this I get full restriction back. I have not had a fil in over 18 months, and I do this as regular maintence.....
  3. Just curious, what happens to you if you drink something carbonated?? I hear this a lot.....
  4. B-52

    My mother is dead.

    Someone on these forums are posting messages like that???? Are they frequent members?? INSANE!!!! Over time, I have received PM's that were obviosly SPAM of some sort,,,usuallly sexual in nature, but the giveaway is that the person sending it to me has joined that day and has only posted that one time.... I would definitley forward it to alex....violates forum rules.... If anyone is interested, if you do not like someone's opinions, you can block them and leave it at that...instead of getting frustrated, you simply do not see their posts....at all.... I'm not ashamed to say it, but over the years I have blocked one or 2 people....
  5. B-52

    Not losing!

    I would not persume to know you and attempt to Dx your dilemma, so I will speak in generalities, based upon my experiences....maybe something will ring true... My last fil, it took me 3 weeks before things settled down and I was able to eat and drink normally again.....the term normal beind redefined though.... Having the band, with adequate restriction, changes the way I eat in ways I could never have imagined....even when I thought I was eating very little, I still learned to eat even less...it was because I ate like a pig for so long, was encouraged to eat growing up, the way I eat now was incomprehensible...starvation!! But it has become the new normal, AND I realized by observation, I am eating the same way skinny people do....but at the time I could not get my mind around it...how can anyone survive with so little food.... It's funny how fat people look at my plate and ask "Is that all you're going to eat?" Whereas I'm right on par with my skinny peers..... I belong to a few other groups for banded people (private), plus spoke at support groups....one thing I keep hearing, quite often, is that people get a fil, feel they are too tight, (because they can't eat like they used to, or want to) react quickly and get an unfil....then REGRET IT!....want the fil back....... not everyone, but still very common theme it seems.... I know one person who has had 12 fils!!!!...in one year!!!! (and a few unfils)...she obviously has problems letting go of the old and adapting to ne new..... My last fil was 3 months after surgery....to this day I still can't keep Water down if I do not drink it properly.....especially when I'm at the gym and complteley forget! All I can have in the morning is my coffee, and a high Protein smoothie....it takes me 45 minutes to get through the smoothie.....with plenty of gurgleing noises....I have not had a solid Breakfast for over 18 months.... In order for this surgery to work, I was forced to learn how to east and drink entirely different from the way I used to, I could have resisted change, ran back for a unfil....then be able to eat the foods I wanted to eat, the way I was used to eating......but would I have been as happy and succesful as I am today? For me, it is all about change.....that is why many Dr.s take it slow with the fils with some people...too much too fast can set people back.... Imagine if the band was not adjustable, but right at surgery it was pre-set at maximum restriction....none of us would have lasted a week!!! We would all be failures....instead, the adjustments are incremental, at which time we slowly learn to adjust also as we move along....untill that day when our journey's are complete, having adapted and changed....and we brgin to live a new Lifestyle!
  6. B-52

    Let's set the record straight...

    Definitely...there is a learning curve....it is very important for people (newbies) to listen to their Dr.'s, etc, and learn their lessons well!!! I always refer to the first 6 months as "Bandster Bootcamp" or "Basic Training"...... One needs to get it all in their heads... .it's just that after 30 years of going through every diet plan there is on earth, I can see nutritional values of food in my sleep! It is like everything you had to learn in school.....and once you enter your career it all takes on a different meaning... And it's not only food values, one also has to learn the eating techniques, and all the little rules they teach us, even before we are banded.... I remember thinking the chewing rules were silly, until one day..BANG! I needed to adhere to them just to survive....they were getting me ready all the time for that day when it comes, and it sure did....
  7. B-52

    Let's set the record straight...

    There is always the exception, and I guess I'm it.... To me, it is a lifestyle.....NOT a diet. I have plenty of friends who are skinny, and probably never been overweight in their life. I follow their lead....you will never see them eating like a pig...always small portions. At parties, you hardly see them eating at all but engaged in conversation..... They do it out of good lifestyle, I do it because the band will not let me be a pig..CANNOT overat.... 2nd, what food they do eat is HEALTHY....you will never see them counting calories. They simply know what is good and what is not good for their bodies.....it's not rocket science and I don't need MFP to tell me. That is what I do...since myl food portions are so small, thanks to the band, I have educated myself to be a Health Nut.....I only eat the best foods, stay away from junk, choose organis when possible.. I have not eaten red meat in 18 months.....no flour products, no sugar, no salt, soda, milk, etc. to some that may be a diet, to me that's a healthy lifestyle. 3rd, my skinny friends are all active, involved in something like running clubs, cross country biking, etc. I too have elected to to be the same way.....even after having one heart attack with cardiac surgery, I am more active now than I was 30 years younger....which included 2 tours of Vietnam.... So, I do not think about calories, just eating healthy... Being banded, my portions are totally in control, cannot overeat even if I wanted to..and I have tried and learned my lessons well.... Most days, I do not even think about being banded at all....it is as though I had surgery once, I'm healed and cured, and life goes on..... However it goes on with a NEW NORMAL.... I have not gained, nor lost any significant weight in over a year. I see my bariatric surgeon every 3 months....he cannot be more pleasd because I make him look good....has had me at a few of his seminars..... He once said he wished all his patients had my attitude towards living a new life...... These forums are a place where no one is right, and no one is wrong....but it is a place where people who have been banded share their personal stories. I am shocked at what some people tell other people what they should or should not do.... I have been in the profession for over 30 years and , well, I'll leave it at that..... I have reached my goal, completed the journey....this is now my NEW NORMAL LIFE! Set free from dieting, calorie counting, etc.....and it is all easy and normal behavior for me.
  8. B-52

    Success or Failure "Who's to blame?"

    Very well written, and I respect your "opinion" And people need to hear everyone's opinion. In my case, this has not been hard at all! After the first 6 months were out of the way, it became very simple and easy , for me. I too have lost all my weight, and I wake every morning thanking God I can face he day the same way any other skinny person can, not afraid of eating wrong, and not afraid of gaining weight..... I can't wait to face the day, with no fear....what can possibly happen? Like I said, everyone has their opinion, and that is mine....and that is what these boards are all about....people being banded and sharing their personal experiences....and people need to hear it all. You are correct to say people should not be so judgemental. People should only respond by sharing what their experiences have been.....period. Thank You
  9. B-52

    I Only Run If I'm On Fire...

    The little victories / accomplishments make you feel so good you only want more....then more..... Before you know it your hooked! Doing things you never thought possible and loving every minute of it because of the great awards and good feelings it brings. Self esteem...confidence....mental and physical health....and don't forget those endorphins !!!! Pretty soon you cannot get enough of it and only feel bad - depressed when you DON'T get your workout in.....
  10. I drink coffee everyday, plus other things many may not. BUT my Dr. Is fully aware of what I do, and I see him regularly, plus my PCP, Cardiologist, etc,.
  11. B-52

    Just wondering!

    I often wondered this also.....with the band I am not sure how I can go back to my old habits.... I have been on vacations, cruises, where food was available 24/7, and even if I tried, there was so much I could tolerate.....last cruise I enjoyed myself and still lost weight. In my opinion, I would imagine it could be true for people whose band is not that tight and depend upon self discipline and will power more than the band itself.
  12. I used to get reflux all the time, in the beginning, until I learned I can no longer eat hot-spicey foods. Food will accumulate in the pouch where it is more concentrated in a small area before passing into the stomach where normal digestive process takes over. I have also been advise not to lie flat ( go to bed) just after eating, but to stay upright and active. But it also affected by how much restriction one has. As far as vomiting, I'm not sure what you mean by that......vomiting and the band related regurgitation can be two different things.
  13. Pretty much what I do...eat when I'm hungry...and then make wise food choices.... Sometimes that means Snacks all day and no meals....sometimes one meal and a few snacks....all depends....sometimes no meals at all, and very few snacks..but I DO get my Protein in EVERY DAY.... As far as metabolism, choosing the right foods helps me there......and I run 5 miles per day, 5 days a week.....then work 10 hours a day seeing patients. And starvation mode....asked my surgeon early on...he looked at me and laughed and said I had no fear of that, meaning I had enough stored away as fat to survive.... as long as I get my Water, protein, and vitamins...... Loosing weight is, and always has, been about consuming less calories than we can burn.....eating more to loose weight has never worked for me....but the opposite has.
  14. Not to split hairs....but in my experience, I have never felt "Full" after being banded. Feeling full was something that only happened when my stomach took on a lot of food....I'm dealing with my pouch now, not my stomach. What I do get is "lack of hunger" I'm sitting here, 4:30am, having my coffee before heading to the gym. I have not eaten in 10 hours, and I am not hungry, nor do I desire food in the least. That is how the band works fo me.....I'm sure it is different for other people. Also, it took me 6-7 months after surgery to get to that point where my band starting giving me that feedback. And even then, I had to learn how to listen to the band.... I'll take my Vitamins, a shot of liquid Protein, and then have my protein smoothie when I return from the gym.... That will hold me till lunch, providing I get enough Water in..... That is, and has been my morning routine for quite some time now....
  15. Boy do you ever sound like me......after my surgery I was told I needed to count calories, measure/weigh all my food, keep a journal, etc, etc....I WAS PI***D! ANOTHER DIET??? I did not need surgery for this....I could do this at WW, Jenny Craig, etc, etc.... However, I did eventually learn what it is all about.....for me anyway, everyone has a different experience..... Having the band surgery is nothing more than having this device installed....that's all, it is not really activated yet....first stage is post op healing, eating the right foods so as not to damage the tender post surgery area, etc. In my case it took 30 days. THEN the adjustments started - Fills! This is a step by step process, adjusting the band, to get to that point where the band really starts to do what it is supposed to do.... It took me 6 months from surgery to get to that point.... That 6 month period from surgery, was also for me a time to learn the lessons that I would need later in order to survive with a tight band.... I called it "Bandster Bootcamp" or "Basic Training"....it is also called "Bandster Hell" because everything you do during this time is mostly will power, self discipline....white knuckling all the way....very frustrating.... But once I hit that groove, where the band takes over...it has been all a piece of cake....I began loosing weight without trying....my appetite disappeared, lost interest in food. Only ate when I felt like I needed to.....beats dieting hands down. Critics say it is the easy way out...I say SO WHAT...I LIKE EASY, and I LIKE BEING SKINNY!!! That was 2 years ago, and the feeling has not gone.....having this surgery was the best thing I could ever have done...only regret is that I did not do it a lot sooner..... But there was a big learning curve in the beginning.....now it is normal day to day life....never have to diet again!
  16. B-52

    Everyone is DIFFERENT! :-)

    Very good story..... There is no such thing as a "Normal" Lab band person.....(or patient) This Forum is, and should be, a place where people come and share their own personal experiences.....all different! All good and bad..... It bothers me when people here promote themselves as "Experts" and come right out and say "This is how it is" and "This is what you should or should not be doing" when the next person may have a entirley different experience. People should only share what THEY have found to be true for THEM.... I have been working with patients for over 30 years, and that approach would only invite lawsuits..... Everything should be based on "Probable" Outcomes, taking into consideration case studies covering a wide range of patients, all with different stories to tell......and experiences with other patients..... I will admit, there are some some people here that I have blocked.....better to not hear what they say.... I don't know if they can read my posts, but I sure cannot read thiers......
  17. B-52


    Bingo!!! I was surprised when I told someone, who obviously could use the surgery herself, that the band is not for everyone..... I see paitients everyday, and there are those who are responsible, and those that make you want to pull your hair out.....
  18. Congratulations......the first year is all about gettingb there!!!! Now the REAL fun begins....as you learn to live a new and entirley different lifestyle never worrying about gaining weight or being fat again........
  19. No one should tell you what you should and should not do...only share their own personal experiences.... When I was 2.5 months out from surgery, it was still more me and my will power as though I was still dieting and part of the "White Knuckle" club....., I could eat a lot of things........ as opposed to the band doing it's job which did not start to happen until 6 months out..... In my case, my band will not me eat 2 fish tacos, no matter how hard I try, unless they were small.
  20. B-52

    Morning Protein Shakes?

    I make my own smoothie in the blender......100% whey, with fruit of your choice, Peanut Butter, etc. I also add 15gm of pure liquid Protein.....total of 40 gm before starting my day.... I find this satisfies me for the whole day, plenty of energy to go to the gym at 5am and run 5 miles every morning...... I am not hungry at all during the day...wether it is the smoothie, the band, or probably both! I cannot, and have not eaten any solid breakfast for well over 18 months now.....everyday I do the above with great results.....
  21. Happens all the time....we learn.... That's the beauty of the Band...no matter what we may try to do, overeat or eat the wrong foods, the band is there to slap us back into reality and prevents us from being the gluttons we once were. After a while, new habits...new lifestyle is formed. I still find myself picking up a dough-nut, lets say, but one bite and the new reality slaps me in the face and I throw the entire thing away..... Lessons learned....you don't see skinny people grabbing dough-nuts on a whim....either do banded people.
  22. B-52

    Endorsment for Running....

    A good audio program will time everything for you....tell you when you should walk, tell you when to start running. The C25K program I had was 9 weeks long, 3 sessions per week. Started by walking 5 minutes, running 2 minutes, alternating. It then picked up from there. Also, a 9 week program took me 12-14 weeks to complete...I hit many road blocks and would go back and repeat the weeks until I got it right, then moved on. I belong to another lab band group, and there were people there that started the C25K program and quit after the first 2-3 weeks. I have to say, I did not just decide to jump in a do it out of the blue....I was going to a gym for years, and using the elliptical with an audio program called "Cardio Coach" After a year of that, monitoring my heart rate and working in a level 3-4, I felt it was time to step it up a notch, and was ready to start running....also I lost a lot a weight. I simply could not run when I was heavy...all that fat rising and falling with every stride was too high impact, and annoying........
  23. B-52

    Bread, rice and pasta

    I can eat anything I wanted....but some items are just not worth the effort and very risky...like walking through a mine field....so I found it easier to just write them off. That includes red meat, rice, bread and pasta. I can eat a slice of pizza for instance, but it would take me 30 minutes to do so and I can feel the warning signs all the way of getting stuck...so I don't bother with it. For me it is just too risky. I learned very early on, once I had a few fills, for me the trick was learning to "Listen" to my band, and obey the signals. Once I did that, it was all a "Piece of Cake" Also, if I stop and look at the things I no longer eat, there are not many that were good for me in the first place.
  24. B-52

    App: couch to 5k

    There are many good ones through the App Store..... I have done the C 2 5K and the C 2 10K. Don't be afraid to spend a few dollars....you get what you pay for.... My C25k cost a little less than $5 and it was excellent.....My 10K was free and STUNK! So I downloaded another one that cost a few bucks and it was worth it. Incidentally, I cannot run without MY favorite music, that means GOOD noise canceling earbuds, so it is just me and my music, oblivious to anyone and everything around me.... And the music cannot be "Calm, gentle and smoothing"....I HAVE to have hard driving, loud rock and roll.... Also, I will not use my phone....last thing I want is text messages, e-mails or calls beeping in the background. Plus it will get dropped, wet, and just take a lot of abuse.
  25. B-52

    Endorsment for Running....

    I remember reading an article where it was said that people who run regularly will never gain weight. I know that is a stretch, and probably someone's opinion ( there's a lot of that going around)..... But I do "Get it". I am not afraid to enjoy ice cream, beer, etc, without gaining any weight. I know that running will cover a multitude of sins.....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
