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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. We can enjoy the foods we want...well, the foods that are band friendly.... But no matter what, It's nice to know the band will not let me be stupid and over eat and make a pig of myself.... Unless I want to get sick and regurgitate..... So it does not matter how much food is offered, the band will allow just so much and then that's it....only choice I need to make is what food type will I consume to make up that small portion? Protein or cookies? That is the choice I need to make......
  2. B-52

    Let's set the record straight...

    Very wise and practical approach...no need to punish ourselves... I enjoy things such as cake, ice cream sundaes, beer, etc....if the band will allow, it does hold me in check... Difference is, I'm not a gluttonous pig like I used to be..I'm not doing it all day, every day......it is also not a diet...but a new life changing lifestyle, no different from what normal weight people do... Of course, for people just starting out, the sacrifices are more drastic...
  3. B-52

    Simple math, right?

    3500 calories = 1lb of fat...... Divide that by 7 days, that would = 500 calories per day....ABOVE what you consume..... So, if you consume 1000 calories per day, you need to burn 1500 calories per day to loose 1 lb per week..... Normal body functions, breathing...maintaining body temp. (burn more in winter) your heart beating....etc, ..burns calories....so it is hard to calculate what one actually burns per day although there is a given fudge factor...... Loosing weight has always been about burning more calories that you consume...always has, always will be....whether it's accomplished by dieting, surgery, and in many cases a combination of both...... You can eat more and exercise more...eat less and exercise less...or better yet...eat less and exercise more! Early on, in the first 6 months, I drove myself nuts trying to keep track of everything I ate, and every activity I did....had all the fancy app's...download to my computer..printed graphs to show my Dr....he was not impressed, he wanted to SEE results, not paperwork... So, with the aid of the band...I eat little but make wise nutritious food choices with everything I do eat...., and remain as active as I can possibly be....and pay special attention to my daily Protein intake, (that I do count) if not with food, then supplements....my daily Water intake to maintain metabolism and other body functions, and Vitamins, omegas, etc....my Dr. does not question my techniques, what I eat and how much...what he is pleased with is the results, and my overall health and fitness...which has never been better.... Also, it is said the more you have to loose, the more you will loose in #'s......but it is all about %'s ....loosing 100 lbs for one person is no different than loosing 50 lbs for the next person....depends... The important thing is that we all loose!
  4. B-52

    Really losing it

    I had 2 stents......it's not the end of the world.....as a matter of fact it was part of my wake-up call...and now, I have never felt better, healthier and more fit in over 30 years...... However, I have a friend who has also undergone the same procedure, and he keeps telling me we "Have to take it easy", "we have had heart attacks" Granted, everyone has to follow the advice of their cardiologists, but my attitude is 100% opposite.....just watch me!!!! It is NOT a death sentence..... As for you, hang in there.....this thing DOES WORK...if YOU LET IT! The first 4-6 months were the toughest for me, but once I got everything adjusted properly, the band, and most importantly...ME....it has all been a very easy experience........(for me)...others find it hard work.....
  5. B-52


    I enjoyed the drugs most of all.....was happy to become one with my Lazy Boy recliner for 48 hrs.....with a warm comforter.... Then I had to get up and run off the gas......
  6. I'm soon to be 61 years old, and I get strange pains all the time.....they come and (most importantly) they go... As long as they don't feel like an elephant sitting on my chest, radiating down my left arm,,,I'm fine.... If your Dr. is not worried, I wouldn't be either..... take an aspirin and call him in the morning....just kidding (BTW, it sounds like Intercostal Muscle Strain...but that's just my opinion....very painful when you breath) Off subject, I am curious about your screen name...boilerguy.....if it is what i think it is, I may have a strong connection.....
  7. B-52

    Why can't we all just get along?

    Nicely said..... This site is for education and encouragement to all who have undergone WLS.....there are many newbies, and many veterans.... The best advice anyone can give is to tell their own story and experiences...both Good and BAD.... I have learned more from reading people's hardships believe it or not.... I stayed away for a while....many people were being very closed minded, self proclaimed experts...telling people what they should and should not do....telling people "This is the way it it is....there is no variation, regardless what others may say" And yet you look at their profile and see their just starting out themselves.... When someone asks a question, for advice, and I an relate, I will ONLY respond with what I have found to be true, from my own experience, period. If life were only that cut and dried.... What is true for one person, may not be true for the next person....why would someone get angry because someone else has a different approach? And has the success to back it up? For instance...the classic question is "How much CC's should I have in my band to make it work?" And people would actually say what is acceptable and what is not!! How dare they!! What one person has and works for them can and will be totally different from the next....what is important is that the reader sees there are variations and sees what is, and what is not, working for everyone.
  8. B-52

    Ab Circle Pro

    Clear it with your Dr. I was released to return to gym 1 week, And released to do weights, crunches, and everything else I suppose 2 weeks. But that was me.....my condition, helping, and Dr. I use the ab circle now, with added weights, but I'm 2 years, not months.
  9. I know an individual, who was banded a year ago, and has had 12 FILS!!!!....Yes, 12! He has also had 4-6 un-fils..... He complains all the time how he is not loosing weight...haven't we all.....and is always saying how he desperately needs a fil. But, after he gets that needed fil, he starts to complain how he cannot keep anything down....and runs back to get the fil taken out. Then after a few weeks, he complains he can't control his eating, not loosing, etc,.....goes back and gets 1/2 of what was taken out put back in...as little as 1/2 cc..... Which does very little, so the complaining starts again and he goes back and gets another 1/2cc put in. THEN, he is upset because he can't keep anything down..... This has been going back and forth, back and forth.... At one point he talked about how unhappy he is with his DR, and possibly getting a different Dr. because his was acting impatient and rude to him.....gee, I wonder why.... Then....after a year, he is starting to say the band is not working....the band is a failure and he is wasting is time...nothing but frustration.... Now I generally keep my mouth shut, not my place to tell people what to do...they're not my patients......but this is a case where he clearly thinks this is a magic bullet, and that there is no sacrifice on his part.....he cannot learn that one has to let go of certain foods, and the old ways of eating.....he has to accept the fact his life is about to change if he will cooperate.....but he wants to hold onto the past!! I posted this because I just read another post by him this morning, and he is complaining he is not loosing weight, and he is at a plateau and looking for advice!!!
  10. B-52

    Merry Christmas

    And PEACE on earth...good will to all..... Irony...today I am buying lunch for everyone in the Rehab Dept at one of the Hospitals I visit, 20 people, catered and delivered...I let them order it, I pay in thanks for a year of appreciation........ Irony is...I will hardly eat much, not be able to eat much, of the very thing I am providing.......life with the band.....better to give than receive? PEACE!
  11. B-52

    the 5 day pouch test

    I'm curious.....what prompted you to do this, and what are you expectations?? Incidentally, I do this at least once a month, for good maintenance and a little preventative medicine... The term "5 day pouch test" is just someone's clever way of saying go all liquids for a few days..... It's worth noting how everyone refers to our band being tighter, (including me) when actually it has nothing to do with the band, (in this context) but about our pouches..... But "Tight band" is a easier term and everyone knows what we mean....
  12. B-52

    too late to go to gym?

    That is why I prefer to go in the early morning..... It is right now 4am...having my first cup of coffee...will head to the gym when they open at 5.... There is always a good crowd there, many heading strait to work from there after showering, etc....
  13. B-52


    YES!!!!! Just keep that blood flowing to the furthest parts of your body!!! Use it or loose it!
  14. I invested in a good blender.....start with 100% whey, then add things like fruit, berries, pineapple, mango, banana & Peanut Butter, chocolate and peanut butter...., coffee...however creative you want to be..there are many recipes on line also.....add ice cubes in the summer... That's about 25-30 grm of protein...then I add 30ML of pure liquid Protein...medical grade (hydrolyzed)...which gives me an additional 15gm.... Mix with 8-10oz of Water....some people use skim milk...can also add yogurt.... I have been doing this every morning for 1 1/2 years, I cannot eat anything solid first thing in the morning....way too tight... Went over this with my Dr., agrees there is nothing I could possibly eat in a small amount that can match it. I am not hungry all day...not sure if it's the band (curbs hunger) or the protein....more than likely both both! I also go to the gym at 5am most mornings, and they have a juice bar with a large variety of high Protein shakes so I will get one there instead of making my own....
  15. Not in my book!!! I did slowly gain once, as my body tone/shape changed, but then it all let loose and got me off a plateau like i jumped off a cliff.....
  16. B-52


    Because most people are irresponsible and cannot manage the risks...... so it is better to tell them no and leave it at that..... You have to be 100% certain that that anything carbonated will pass right through the band and NEVER accumulate there for any reason.....so you have to know if there is anything there to slow down that flow.... you also have to sip it very slowly, making sure it passes through.....once I took a large swallow, meaning it had to sit there as it slowly passed through the band....Felt Like someone drove a knife into my chest!!! The Pain!!!
  17. B-52


    The human body cannot use excess Protein, so when you consume too much of it, your kidneys must work extra hard to filter it out of your system. The additional protein can strain your organs and cause kidney stones, especially for those already dealing with kidney disease (diabetics) Kidney stress becomes even more of a concern with age, when organs are no longer functioning as efficiently. It can also lead to renal failure.....young athletes, (high school) feel that excessive protein will make them better athletes....they buy all the body builder fads, then they pass out on the field, and rushed to the ER thinking it may be dehydration but it sometimes means something more serious.....
  18. B-52


    I drink beer all the time....like anything else, you just have to know what you're doing.....although 2 is my limit...I get bloated faster with a small shrunk stomach..... And NEVER>>>NEVER with or around food!!! BTW, my Doc and I always talk about going out for a beer together someday.....man talk... And for those who say you should not....do you know why you shouldn't??? I spoke with my dr about it, he told me why he tells his patients no.......and it's not what you might think....
  19. Where's the Protein??? I don't leave the house every morning without 40gm at least....carries me all day...(that and the band of course)
  20. I can understand it....I stayed away since Jan/Feb.....just decided to come back, for a bit anyway....see how much I can tolerate.... It's worth noting....when I first joined this group, those that I looked up to for advice, the veterans who helped me, are now ALL gone, and even those that were here, and had this surgery, starting this journey same time as me, well I have not seen them lately.... Once you loose the weight, start this new normal life, you just want to get on and live that skinny life....it's hard to hang around here and hear the same thing over and over again.......and keep reliving the past..... But on the other hand, we all have a success story that people need to hear...and people need to hear everyone's variations and approaches to their success..... I also think it is the people who "Know all the answers" but have no experience, just starting out themselves, that also bother me....but I have learned to put a few of them on my "Ignore" list which helps a great deal....
  21. B-52

    I Feel I want this thing out of me...

    So sorry to hear that...... Since you were banded in 2008, there is probably not much you haven't heard or tried, so you probably won't hear anything new from this forum...... From this group and others I belong to, I have come to the conclusion that there are cases where the band just does not go well with the individual..... Every attempt is made during the pre-surgery testing, screening, etc, and unfortunately it does happen. I don't know you or your situation, but speaking for myself, I really wanted to loose weight...life or death, and I was, and still am, willing to make any sacrifices needed.... I joked with my Dr. and said "I don't care if you wire my jaw shut, ANYTHING to loose this weight" One good thing about the band, it is reversible and can be removed, unlike by-pass, etc. I used to LOVE food, and LOVE cooking....I had to turn my back on the thing I loved, and in a way, make it my enemy....always there to do me harm.... I also believe, having the band and continuing to over eat can, and probably will do more harm physically than good...abuse to the band is never good......2008 is a long time
  22. B-52

    Couch2 5K?

    Can't tell you which is the best one because I only needed to use one.... And it was the Couch to 5K from the Active Network, at active.com It was not free, cost a few $...I liked it because you can listen to your own play lists...can choose from different trainers (voices) and has a easy to read display showing your progress. I believe it was either a 12 or 14 week program.....but well worth it.... As a side not...I have tried running before I lost weight and I simply could not do it...too high impact with all that weight....so I did the elliptical. As the weight came off, and I took the elliptical as far as one possibly could, it was then I started on the treadmill.... There is also a lot to know about running...proper shoes, socks, common injuries such as "Black Toe" If you or anyone is serious about running...go to a store that specializes in running equipment and get properly evaluated and fitted for the best shoes for you, which may not be the most expensive either.....but stay away from the department stores like sports authority unless you already know your feet....
  23. My reason and motivation for WLS....... 57 years old....morbidly obese...diabetes....smoker of 2 packs day....blood work all over the charts, ALL of it dangerously bad.... My brother died at age 60, sister at 64....I am the youngest of 3. They died due to weight related issues, so I have family Hx working against me.... I was Dx'd with CAD, Coranary Artery Disease.....laymen's terms I had too much fat in my blood clogging my arteries putting me for risk of CVA's, circulatory issues -amputations, and above all...SUDDEN Death.... A stress test revealed Coranary artery blockage.....underwent angioplasty which revealed one artery 60% occluded in 2 places, and another artery 100%, but that artery regenerated branches compensating for the blockage....cardiac catherization revealed scar tissue at the 100% area, meaning I had a MI ( heart attack) and did not even know it...silent, which is not uncommon for diabetics and women... I was getting dizzy spells all the time..lack of blood flow? Could not lift my chin and look up without vertigo... Loss of feeling in my legs, feet.. ( neuropathy) ....skin issues including infections....cellulitis.... My PCP sat knee to knee with me and flat out said unless I loose 50 lbs, I will surely die! Can go at any time.... Perhaps you can understand why I take this surgery very seriously....my very aggressive approach, I don't give a dam what others think...it is life or death! It may be why I don't have patience with whiners.....suck it up! So here I am, 2 years post banded, 60 years old......100 lbs down....ALL blood work normal, no more diabetes, passed my last stress test with flying colors.....off all meds, except the cardiac...those are for life.... I run 5 miles per day, 5 days a week, lift weights...make wise food choices...eat only healthy food, no more red meat. ALL my Dr.s are THRILLED! And I have 5 of them....they all want to take credit but I don't care.....I am their favorite patient, success story..... Bottom line, it is all because I had lap band surgery...I could never had done it on my own will power, self discipline...I needed surgery to correct my bad habits, prevent me from being a glutton .........easy way out? Yes, but so what! ...look at the alternative......I will never be fat again!
  24. Not sure where you are at with your band...fills, restriction, etc....so I will speak for myself. I too stink at dieting....I have no will power or self dicipline at all when it comes to eating....I would eat till it hurt....button popping....then go back for more..... But now, with the band and adequate restriction...I still eat till it hurts, well not always hurt, but my eating portion sizes are so much smaller....it does not matter what you put in front of me, wether I am at a party, buffet, whatever....there is just so much I can eat and that's it! I'm finished...Impossible to over eat!! And it does hurt when your band begins to stretch.... So,having portion sizes totally under control, due to the band.....the only thing left for me to do is make wise food choices...... So, I can choose between Cookies, or a healthy Protein food such as fish......cookies - fish, cookies - fish....decisioins!. keep in mind, after I eat one, whichever I may choose....I won't have room for the other.......I can fill my pouch with cookies, or I can fill my pouch with something nutritional.... I remeber being taught by the NUTS and Dr., always start your meal by eating the protein first.....ever wonder why??? Because you may not have room for the other stuff.....so your first choice should be the best choice...then you are satisfied, cannot eat the 2nd choice, which is the junk.... Again, I have been at parties where I eat a portion of protein first, then I am unable to pig out on anything else.....no matter what is there, it does not matter.... Did I make sense??? I may rambling......it's been a long day

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