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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. In the beginning, I was having trouble with meat also....my Surgeon said that is not unusual... Since all my Dr.'s have been preaching to me about cutting back on Red Meat to once a week at least, and MANY of my friends have gone vegetarian....I figured it was as good as time as any since this is to be a all out life changing event... So I have been without red meat for 1 1/2 years now..... I'm not fanatical about it....I'm not picky if meat is in chili, etc,. you just won't see me ordering a steak, roast or pork chops.....fir instance. Plus I'm sure it will not go down anyway..... Again, one of the best decisions I've made...I can definitely tell the difference....
  2. I like my band "Tight".....after my last fill it took me 3-4 weeks for ME to adjust to the band.... I feel the band can be put on a scale of 1 to 10....1 being no band at all....and 10 being ridiculous! People who are always complaining about being hungry, overeating, not loosing any weight, etc, are down around 2-4 on the scale, mostly newbies just starting out. No restriction at all other than post-op irritation, etc. The majority of people on this forum are in the 4-6 range, 50% band, 50% self control, discipline....these are the people who say it is hard work, the band is only a "Tool", takes discipline, need to follow the rules, measure food, count calories, etc.....I also feel it would be just as easy for people to fail, as well as succeed in this category because much of their efforts is based upon themselves, as well as the band.... These people are still "Dieting" and use the band as a deterrent.... And then, there are people like me (not many here) that would be in the 8-9 range on the scale.... I CANNOT overeat...it is physically impossible without pain and spitting it all up..... I have NEVER felt full as has been mentioned, it is something different..... No matter what you put in front of me.....I will only be able to eat 2-4 swallows and I am finished.... I do not diet.....I do not worry about calorie counting......I have NO CONTROL over what the band is doing to me....what I needed to do is learn to live with it...change my lifestyle..."LISTEN" to the band..... Since my food intake is very, very limited...it is important that whatever I do eat it is Good Food Choices....there are foods I simply cannot eat anymore, not that I care....red meat, rice, flour products, deep fried breaded foods....ALL of which is not good for me in the first place..... Get all my daily Protein, even if liquid, daily Water requirements, Vitamins, supplements and exercise.......all essential....Food takes a back seat... It would NEVER be my place to tell other people what they should or should not do.....but over the years I have witnessed many people who, after a few fills, panic the first time they get stuck and run and get a un-fill....then 2 -3 weeks later these same people are complaining they are not loosing weight.... If people are not willing to let the band do what it was designed to do, and if people are not willing to change...then these people will never be successful....unless of course they have good self discipline and fall into that middle category.....good dieters! ( I have never been good at dieting) I have not gotten stuck in over a year now....but in the adjustment phase I got stuck quite often until I learned my lessons..... I cannot imagine how on earth I can ever fail at this....short of getting a un-fill, or some medical emergency I have no control over.... I cringe every time I read "The Band Does Not Work"...but it is not my pace to tell othr people they are right or wrong....I can just state what is true for me...... And lastly...there is a entire different population of people on this website when I first joined....they have all moved on, completing their journey and being successful....they have no reason to come around here anymore so you don't hear from them..... I can understand why...this forum is made up of "newbies" with the same problems over and over again....it is very hard to hear the same thing everyday........ I stayed away for a while, and will probably need to take a break again...but I do belong to other groups where the people have been banded for a while, and we support each other on a different level...... Ok, so much for venting on a Monday Morning.....
  3. I like to run first thing in the morning....as a matter of fact it is 5am here now and I'm getting ready to leave.... I like to run an empty stomach....I will take some liquid Protein (15gm) before a run just for energy...along with my Vitamins, Omega 3's, etc.,.....but no food because I want to burn fat...not the food I just ate. Soon I will need to eat before I run, because I don't have much, if any, fat left to burn....but the protein seems to help tremendously and I do not like feeling like I just ate when I work out.... I drink 32oz of Water before during and after running. I will have a high protein smoothie after my workout....but this is also my Breakfast, not just a recovery. As far as abdominal pain....it has nothing to do with being banded.....but everything to do with your body getting extremely "toned" like no other exercise can possibly do.... I have not lost any significant weight in about a year now.....BUT I have dropped 2 clothing sizes just the same, and ready to go to a third drop....that will tell you something about running! I had someone ask me, right out of the blue, if I was a runner.....I said how can you tell? They said I have the legs of a runner and walk (stride) like I run a lot... That was the best NSV I have received in a long time....and never saw that one coming.... (did I mention I'm 61 years old?)
  4. I take them with me when I travel....being able to eat good band friendly foods on the road is difficult, so I use these to get my protein and not worry about eating all that much.....
  5. B-52

    signs of esophagus dilation

    You will get what appears to be lack of restriction, able to eat more than you normally can with the band....( but you need to have good restriction for period of time first, not for newbies) I always go full liquids for a few days from time to time, maybe once a month.....some call it the 5 day pouch test, but it does not have to be that strict....that's the only true maintenance I do.... Just enough time to allow things to return to normal....... But again, I have been in the Green for over 18 months, and have not had a fill since then....I can tell right away when things are getting abnormal......I have automatic portion size control, no measuring, because of the band and can tell right away when that changes......as opposed to a needing a fill, etc..
  6. B-52

    Thank You!! Enemies!!

    And there is nothing better than Victories!! Sometimes WE are our own worse enemies, and WE need to get out of the way.....die to those old ways of thinking and flesh (especially obese people) and accept to live in the new.......all else will follow. I see it here everyday...people want to loose weight, have a new life....but they insist on holding onto the old...the things that failed them before.....and then wonder why they are not loosing weight....
  7. B-52

    Maintaining Weight While Travel

    Agreed....I stopped eating red meat after being banded, had trouble with it and figured it was a good thing to give up...everyone kept telling me so anyway... So when eating out, that's 1/2 the menu..... Then take away breaded, fried foods....get stuck on those....... Take away breads and doughy things, rice, globby melted cheese products, all those things on my "Do Not Eat" list because of getting stuck, and what's left on a menu?? Very limited...... Now eat off a menu 24/7 for a week, and that is why I always LOOSE weight when traveling... (also, I never stop exercising)
  8. B-52

    No Exercise

    Just remember...to loose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume...daily. Everything we do burns calories...breathing burns calories, staying warm, etc,. However, the less calories you burn, the less you're going to have to eat to loose weight........the more you exercise, the more you can eat. And ideally...burn more calories than you eat.....eat less...... The band is there to help us from over eating...less calories per day, something I could never do on my own.... But It is up to me to burn the calories, however I choose to....that is one thing the band will not do for me.... Myself, I want to burn as many calories per day as I can....much more than I eat, forcing my body to turn to stored fat...I've been saving it for something...
  9. 1200 calories per day to survive..... I'm curious, who is telling you this? Not saying it is incorrect, but is this figure based upon studies conducted with a wide range of patients? Or is is a figure based upon overweight / obese patients? I work with Nutritionists everyday as part of the medical team at the different clinics I attend.....and, with ALL DUE RESPECT, I know where they are coming from.....and they are absolutely correct.... in a perfect world.... But being morbidly Obese is not a perfect world and 2+2 does not always = 4, at least not right away....it does make a good starting point, but then as with any treatment plan, it has to be modified to fit the individual...... I'll leave it at this...if we consume 1200 calories per/day to sustain ourselves, WHEN do we get to burn up that fat/energy we have been storing away for that rainy day? Just my morning thoughts.....
  10. B-52

    Maintaining Weight While Travel

    Agreed.....the food I eat, and do not (cannot) eat, 24/7 does not change because I am on vacation or traveling for business.....if anything, the options become less when I'm away....
  11. Good Morning and a Good New Year to ALL! I was on a few other sites this morning, and all I can say is I am SO GLAD that I no longer have to make myself promises or resolutions concerning dieting and loosing weight...EVER AGAIN! Seems that is all I read about...people making "Empty" resolutions, which I have done many times and failed at every one.... I will head to the gym when they open today, and like every New Year, the place will be packed with new people vowing to loose weight with new gym memberships.... I know firsthand the staff there have an inside joke about these people....how long will they last?? I also know they will push hard "Private One on One Training" to make their $$ while the going is good..... Today, as was the last few days, the TV commercials will be all about this and that weight loss scheme.....summer is 6 months away...sign up today!! The morning news on TV has already run segments about "Cooking" and "Exercising" I cannot express enough how happy I am to have been set free from all that culture! I have a NEW LIFESTYLE.....I can think about other things rather than my weight and immediate health issues......words cannot describe what true freedom and release feels like!
  12. I would ask what their policies are regarding visits, band adjustments, nutrition after the surgery...... It may be hard for you to understand right now, but I would ask how aggressive He/she is with their adjustments (fills) It is very subjective what is acceptable.....but I know people from another, smaller group I belong to that had to change Dr's after their surgery because their policy was not to administer more than .25 cc per visit, per month. (12 visits per year) ...that's no more than 3 cc's per year.... The people I know were convinced the Dr. was more concerned about the # of visits to bill the Insurance Co. ($$) rather than any results..... But like I said, that all may seem confusing to you, just starting out.....but I would ask about post surgery visits, etc....
  13. B-52

    high protein breakfast ideas

    I have been unable to eat anything solid first thing in the morning for quite some time now.....gets better as the day goes on.... So, for about 18 months, I make a high Protein smoothie every morning.... Starting with 100% whey, for 25gm protein.... To this I had 15gm pure liquid Protein.....(medical grade) For flavor I add anything from mixed berries, pineapple, mango, banana, Peanut Butter, chocolate, coffee, just about anything you imagination can conjure... Mix it all in a blender with either Water or skim milk, and a ice cube or two.... I also add a non-thickening Fiber supplement....... So I start the day with 40gm protein, manageable calories, etc.....and ENERGY and NO HUNGER throughout the day.... I cannot imagine food I could eat to match that...IF I were able to eat i the morning.... The gym I go to 5 days a week also has a "juice Bar" where they make recovery shakes - smoothies.....
  14. B-52

    Maintaining Weight While Travel

    Every time I travel, I actually loose weight!!! And I travel a lot both on business and pleasure.... That's because I have to eat in restaurants all the time, which limits my already limited food choices.... At home I can at least plan and shop for the foods that are band friendly.....It is very hard to find enough food choices when out....and when away from home it is worse.... And, I never let up on my daily exercising ....no matter where I am.....no excuses!.....so I am always burning my daily calories requirements, even exceeding them........
  15. In my personal experience, it is ALWAYS been about Calories consumed versus Calories Burned....You need to burn off more calories per day than you eat.....500 more per day for 1 lb per week..... If one chooses to eat more, then you need to exercise even more....... Speaking only for myself....I was most successful when I ate less and exercised more....being absolutely sure I got my daily Protein ( for energy and metabolism), Vitamins, supplements and Water....
  16. B-52


    As I was loosing weight I too often pondered this question, what happens when I reach the goal..... And the answer for me is nothing! This is a lifestyle change....a permanent change, forever....the band remains as it is..... I have learned to live with the band, meaning I have learned to eat a new way, learned to choose good healthy foods, and have become very active and physically fit....and will NEVER be able to overeat.... It has become a new lifestyle, no longer dieting, no longer counting calories...... I have NO FEAR of gaining weight...... I have many normal weight, healthy and fit friends....and I now live a regular life the same as they do....enjoying the things I choose to..... It has become a lifestyle, not a weight loss program.......so as far as maintenance, why would I want to change my new lifestyle? And dieting is no longer part of that life.... The only thing I do to care for the band, is go full liquids for 2-3 days,, from time to time to give it a rest and let things tighten up back to "My New Normal" As a matter of fact, I'm going to to do it soon due to all the partying I've been doing because of the holidays.... BUT I DID NOT GAIN 1 LB!!!
  17. B-52

    Poll -- What's Your Willpower Like?

    I have absolutely NO willpower when it comes to weight loss..... I have dieted, AND FAILED on every diet under the sun fro the last 30 years...... That is why I needed surgical intervention to FORCE me to learn new habits, and loose the old habits, OR ELSE I pay the consequences...... BTW, after learning my new lessons, I have not slimed or gotten stuck in over a year.....but early on, while learning to "listen" to the band it was a different story and not always pleasant......
  18. This has been a topic I have been interested in also.... For myself...I am not afraid of ever gaining my weight back...the band is, and has been my stop button after getting it properly adjusted to suit me.......the fact that it restricts me from eating certain foods, and prohibits me from ever overeating, is the primary reason I lost all my weight..... If these barriers were removed, then what would prohibit me from then gaining weight? As far as loosing too much weight, I have learned as long as I get the needed Protein to protect and not loose what's essential, my body will loose what is not essential (fat) and settle out and stop all on it's own...I have not gained, or lost weight in over 12 months...having reached that point of equilibrium...which is vastly different from what my goal was..... But like I said, I too am interested in what the future may bring.... But for now, my Dr. says that THIS PHASE of the weight loss treatment - procedure is complete, no longer being overweight....and to learn to live and behave the same way normal weight people do.....and that's just being smart about what I put in my body, and stay very active.... I see him again in Jan., and I am going to mention what the long term plans are, if they change at all..... But I would be concerned about doing anything that would let me get fat again....I like the way I am right now....
  19. B-52

    Venting Session

    Could not agree with you more....I stayed away from this website for a while because it was getting to me.... I have some people blocked and can not read their posts anymore...not sure if they can read mine or not.... This should be a place for people to share their stories and experiences, good and bad....successes and failures.... There are way too many people who consider themselves "Experts" and will tell other people "THIS IS THE WAY IT IS" and "THIS IS WHAT YOU MUST DO" where as I and other people I know may do something entirely different, and have the personal experience and success to back it up.... I often wonder what some people's credentials are to give such direct medical advice...I have creds and know better because of it..(unless you like lawsuits).....and all the more reason NOT to publicize it... People should always reply to posts with "This is what I have found to be true in my experiences" I belong to other sites also, but mostly smaller "Private" support groups where people have more of a common interest....
  20. B-52


    Nothing stops me from having a beer or 2, a mixed drink or a glass of wine....drank more than usual with all the Christmas parties last week or so..... Basic rules....I NEVER drink while eating,(learned the hard way) or shortly thereafter, and when I drink beer, I hardly eat at all..... And of course, if you are still dieting and counting calories, then you have to be aware of that also.....but I have not counted calories in a long time....
  21. First,let me say, I have been at my goal weight for a year now, thanks entirely to the band and nothing I did on my own. Believe me, I have been on many diets over the past 30 years and was never successful at any of them. But I have not lost any weight since meeting my goal, I fluctuate the same 5 lbs up and down, and always land back to my "Normal Weight" However,: I started a running program last spring.....first starting out with the C to 5K program,(struggles all the way) then the C to 10K program. I now run 5 miles per day, 5 days a week, along with 3-5 sprints to finish it off. I have always felt that my body has been continuously changing somehow, even though I have not lost any weight. Long story short...I have dropped 2 clothing sizes since starting to run for exercise, even though I have not lost any weight. I have also noticed that a lot of the loose hanging skin, especially around my waist and inner thighs has tightened up and is starting to vanish... What they say about running is true...it will tone up your entire body, tighten up your skin, from head to toe, and change the way your body looks altogether..... Just FYI.....
  22. Glad the holidays are past.... Christmas Eve is the big event for our family....we all get together, everyone brings food....and booze... I filled a plate with a taste of everything....I was hardly able to do even that..all that good food, but there was nothing that was band friendly...I started to feel stuck very early on.... What I did do was graze all evening...all those appetizers sitting around...everything from Cookies to delicious Italian Deli Trays...ALL NIGHT! Sugars, salt, oils and fat! And I must have finished at least one bottle of wine myself, at least one bottle..... Not to mention, everyone got in the mood to have toasts with bottles of Scotch and Tenn. Whiskey! Everyone who received a bottle as a gift (including me) felt they needed to open it and pour everyone a glass and have a toast!! Just when you think it's time to go home to bed, eight of us went to the movies for a 11pm showing of Les Miserables! What a LONG movie, I'm NOT a young and crazy guy anymore! After that it was Christmas Morning, be it 4am, and it shortly started all over again with a HUGE Breakfast with EVERYTHING! And I have not eaten breakfast in 18 months! Just the way it is for me due to the band.... But that's another story... I don't fear gaining weight anymore...(and I did not) .....that's all behind me because I have had corrective surgery.......I now live and act the same as a regular weight person does... It's just that I ate CRAP for 36 straight hours..POISON....I can feel it deep in my core....almost a trembling.... NEED to get to the gym and sweat all these toxins out of my system......but good Going to do my 5 miles of running, and then some...with plenty, and I mean plenty... of Water.... So, it is 5 am and I am walking out the door and heading to the gym as soon as I finish this......
  23. Someone shared this on another (private) Lap Band website.... Interesting, try it and see how you do.... http://health.yahoo....dicts-longevity
  24. B-52

    What's your goal weight?

    I have had many goals...when I met the first, I kept on loosing so I set a second....and then surpassed that... What I have learned, PROVIDING YOUR BAND IS FUNCTIONING AT PEAK AND NOT YOUR OWN EFFORTS..... is that your body will stop loosing when it feels it does not need to anymore. In other words, your body will eventually adjust to where it should be, a normal FAT %, not a normal BMI. (although it could be) I have often wondered what I would do, when the weight loss is finished....do I get a un fil? the answer is no, this is a new life style, with new eating habits, and you will return to "Normal", then continue there....forever! Just like we all got fat from a lifestyle of eating too much, and steadily growing heavier, this is a new lifestyle of eating "Normally", thanks to the band, and will steadily return to "NORMAL, then stop....all on it's own. So setting goals may be fun, but it will continue providing you're living a life with the band and not by traditional dieting....
  25. Like she said, it's all about the timing.....she say's one minute...I think everyone is different....it is much longer for me. This I know from experience....drink Water while food is still in your pouch, and it will all come right up, overfilling your pouch. This has happened to me more times that I can remember...enough for me to say it is safer than to try it at all....to risky BTW, if your stuck, this is a sure fire way to get unstuck, immediately....a very common trick. Also, I NEVER believed it washes food down, don't know where that was started but since I was banded 2 years agoI was never led to believe that...only the over filing which I experienced first hand.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
