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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. B-52

    Caloric Intake and Working Out

    Loosing weight...BURNING FAT...is all about burning more calories than you consume....always has been, always will be...every diet plan under the sun is designed to get to you to eat less and exercise more...however the gimmick....surgery happens to be what worked for me to eat less.....other people find dieting and hard work works best for them....just like on TV.... We also need energy and our metabolism running ...... 1lb of fat = 3500 calories To burn 1 lb of fat (weight) per week, you would need to burn 500 calories per day MORE than you consume... So, if you consume 1000 calories per day, to loose that 1 lb, you would need to burn 1500 calories that day also...... Speaking for myself and myself only...I do not count calories...one of the most liberating things that ever happened to me on this weight loss journey is letting go of all that and just start living and listening to the band.....I do not play into the starvation mode so easily...makes perfect sense on paper for people of normal weight but not for people who have enough energy stored away as excess fat to last for months.... I always workout first thing in the morning....as early as 5am...ALWAYS on an empty stomach...will have a shot of Protein and Vitamins though, not to mention my 2 cups of coffee every morning.... my thinking is that if I am going to run 5 miles, I want my body to burn the stored fat I have for fuel source rather than what I just ate, saving that saved fuel for some other day...like being on Gilligan's Island or something.... After my workout I have a high protein, low calories smoothie as a recovery....replenishes and satisfies..... Even now that I am at a normal weight and no body fat to loose, I still do not like to eat before working out....just the protein and vitamins.... If we needed to eat more to loose more, then none of us would be fat!! (I just like saying that) Again...I am simply stating what has been working for me and made my journey successful and complete...other people will have their own stories to share on what has worked for them....(not what they think is correct)
  2. B-52

    gas meds

    You are correct....they inflate the body cavity to easier acess the areas for surgery.....they try to extracrt as much of this as possible when they sew you up.....it does travel up under the rib cage and accumulates in the left shoulder area.......it can be very painful....standing orders in hospitals is to get the patient up and walking asap...this is the ONLY thing that will/can help.... Things like Gas-x stay WITHIN the digestive system...have nothing to do with the "Gas" people refer to from sugery outside the digestive system in the body cavity.......the 2 CANNOT combine, if they did then you have real some SERIOUS PROBLEMS!!!!
  3. Funny....I had to take the 6 month diet also...BUT I was told it was because my insurance co. needed it in my record that I had undergone the 6 month Physician supervised diet, and in that I failed....therefore WLS is indicated..... My word that diets didn't work...had to be documented as such by a Dr....... I did not learn anything I did not know, or try, before with any other of the dozens of diets I have tried, and failed at..... Also, as with any diet, I did good at first, then began to cheat, then utterly failed by the time 6 months rolled around.....
  4. Rain, Sleet, Snow and cold weather...... They say your band gets tighter with weather/barometric changes.... I am having the toughest time getting my morning smoothie in....been over 30 minutes and not finished yet...one time I had to stand over the sink thinking it was coming back up.... Between you and me...I LOVE IT! This will pass, always does, usually as the day goes on, BUT it is assuring the band is still there functioning....I would be more alarmed if I felt nothing! I learn to adjust and deal with it......
  5. Why did you have this WLS? Did you do your research before hand? Maybe I should say, "What do you expect the band to do for you?" You went through all the preperation, anxiety, hassle, and perhaps out of pocket $$.... All that, and to what end?? There can be 1000's of people on this forum at any one time...and as you read all (many) of the posts you can read just as any different "Opinions" I have read: **You should be able to eat anything anytime, the band should not stop you from eating, and should not take away certain foods... **You need to measure/weigh your portions, food passes through the band quickly and does not prevent over eating **Hunger is normal and good, and should be expected..... Also, you read all the time people saying "I need a fil"...I know why I wanted/needed a fill....but I wonder what other people expect? I can go on, but that's all that comes to mind at 5am...For the NEW PEOPLE reading the posts on this forum, all this information must be VERY CONFUSING.... Myself, I'm somewhat glad I found this website AFTER I had surgery and AFTER I did my research ad maade up my mid why I was doing this..... Perhaps people can chime in and explain "Why did you have this surgery?" and "What are your expectations?" And please don't say "to loose weight", that's obvious....I mean HOW do expect the band to get you to loose weight..... I had certain expectations of what the band would, and should accomplish, and to this day I still hold firm on those expectations and was not pleased with this surgery untill I acheived that level of satisfaction... And for myself, I will not compromise for anything else...but that's me....other people have different expectations.... Well, just a thought I woke up with this am, finished my 2nd cup of coffee...took a Protein shot, my Vitamins and supplements, heading out to the Gym ( in the snow) to be there when they open at 6am on weekends....5am on weekdays.... I am, as I'm sure others are, curious as to what people think/expect this band to do for them, and how......
  6. B-52

    I think my band slipped

    Wow....good info...learn something new....I did not know a complete un-fill (rest) can take care of it.... Thanks
  7. B-52

    I think my band slipped

    First, see your Dr..... How long have you been banded? When was your last fill? Are you eating / drinking anytime before going to bed? A sign of a slipped band is when everything is status quo for quite some time, everything going well.....weight loss, good restriction and portion control.....can not be happier.... THEN right out of nowhere for no good reason you start having issues....
  8. What device are you usuing.....My I-pad will post when I hit eneter to go to the next line....my PC's do not.....
  9. B-52

    fish oil

    I am a cardiac patient....one heart attack, coronary artery disiease, surgery...... I take "LOVAZA" every morning....and it has definitley made a difference in my cholesterol......to say the least.... LOVAZA is Rx only, and last refill cost $250...Inurance paid...it is not gummies..... You won't get me to stop....
  10. B-52

    I have lost 7lbs in 4 days.

    Double check what you are eating first...... It is a fine line...a perfect balance between having the perfect amount of restriction and the foods you eat, along with how you are eating.... Also, many people have told me, after that last fill, it took as much as 2 weeks fir things to settle down....after a fill, especially when you are near full restrcition, you ashould be on liquids for a day or 2, then slowly move to mushies, etc.....an irriated band will always be irritated untill you give it a rest.....as after a fill.... My last fill, which was 20 months ago, took me about a month untill everything settled down...I called my Dr. after 2 weeks, and was advised, and reminded, about the liquids and soft foods at first.... Many people immediatley jump and get a un-fill, and feel better...but did they miss out on the optimal band setting??? Who knows for sure.....
  11. B-52


    I do not crave foods, and I am NEVER HUNGRY......as a matter of fact, I can, and have gone full 24hrs days without eating because i was busy and it just did not cross my mind...and when it did, it wass in the evening and I never eat after a certain hour or close to bed unless I want reflux.... Was not always like that....even after being banded....it took a few fills and a few months to the green zone where one of the characteristics is "NO HUNGER" Like someone just said, whats the point of getting this surgery if you're not going to take full advantage of it???? Dieting is Hard....the band is EASY......(once you get through the learning and adjustment phase)
  12. B-52

    embarrassed to go back to work.

    Why? Did you have lipo-suction and expect to return to work 75 lbs lighter? All you did was have the band inserted, surgically....I doubt it is "Turned On" yet......took me 4-6 months to get it runnng efficiently....THEN the weight started to melt away, along with exercising, plenty of Water, and Protein....and very little eating! BTW, 2 years, been at goal for a year, and NO ONE knows I had the surgery, except for the closest family members.....
  13. B-52

    Ive gained!

    Everyone looses weight pre and post op because you are on a strict diet...it's not the band.... 1 momth after my surgery, I had a 4cc fill, and after that I gained weight....I was upset to say the least.... Fortunatley I have a good Dr., and he explained to me exactly what the band is designed to do, and explained to me untill he gets it properly adjusted, the band is not doing much of anything at all.... It took me 3 fils, in about 4 months, to get to the point where the band was "activated" so to speak and began to do it's magic.... Right now, just after surgery....all one can do is good dieting techniques....and I STINK at dieting, otherwise I would not have needed surgery to loose weight...I could have done it on my own.... I read posts after posts from people who have just had surgery and are complaining that they are not loosing weight....do people actually understand how the band works??? By-pass or sleeve is instant...one minute you don't have it, the next you do.....it's there or it isn't there...... The band, once it is there, has to be adjusted to fit the individual.....that's why it is adjustable.....
  14. B-52

    Im friggin stuck!!!!

    If water is going down Ok, you're not stuck...at least not significant....when I am truly stuck, water will come right back up...bringing what was lodged with it...also a trick i use when I am stuck....
  15. After my second fill, I had trouble with meat going down and getting stuck easily.... Spoke with my Dr., and was told this is the most common food item for this to happen.... ALL my Dr,'s have been trying to get me to cut back on red meat simply for health issues for years....so, with the trouble it was giving me with the band I figured this was a s good as time as any to just quit.... So I have not eaten Red Meat in about 20 months....I'm not fanatical about it, I don't get upset if it's in Chili, etc, you just won't see me ordering a fillet or pork chop ever again....and I can tell the difference health wise....and my blood work also shows.... As far as food cravings....I don't get those anymore since hitting the Green Zone.......simply have no interest in food and feel satisfied most, if not all the time....
  16. B-52

    Why Are You Banded???

    All GOOD answers, everone has their reasons for loosing weight... BUT... I think most misunderstood my question......What do you expect the band to do in order for you to acheive your goals??? A few people have reponded and said they find that the band has taken away their hunger and cravings.....what about everyone else? We have all went through this surgery expecting something.....
  17. I have a protein smoothie for brkfast every day....I am also the tightest first thing in the morning, unable to swallow any food....thus, it can take me 30 minutes, at least... But is is brekfast, so I casual anyway checking my e-mails, watching the news, etc....
  18. B-52

    Port & exercise

    I never give it a second thought....other than it sticks out like a big lump and is annoying when I do something that puts a lot of pressure on my anterior....
  19. B-52


    I drink beer, had 2 at yesterdays superbowl party........my Dr. knows....but he DOES NOT Ok it with all his patients...especially those that are just starting out and still have a ways to go to "Get to know their band" We talked about it, and if I was asked, knowing what I know, I would not recommend it to just anyone....I would worry about the surgery first, getting in that "Groove", (Green Zone) and loosing the weight before anything else...and to get there takes some sacrifices....
  20. 2muchfun is correct....be careful...also you say you can eat "Anything" Well, speaking for myself, i CANNOT eat anything I want......well I could, but some foods are more risky than others so I stay away from them.... Try eating softer foods.... And again, Yes, the band does inhibit me from overeating...it sets my portions, and to a extent the type of foods......when it says stop, I stop....and not push it... But what you are feeling is normal for me, I can feel EVERY SWALLOW....but it also is a sign you need to modify you eating...after all, this is a lifestyle change, and to be successful we need to make the changes to adapt to the band....not the other way around, in my OPINION....
  21. I am so happy I have had this surgery, and that my band is there totally in control.... We had a good sized Superbowl Party yesterday.....Tons and Tons of food, no meals, just a lot of Snacks and food to graze on... After the gym in the am, I had my usual Breakfast smoothie...I then skipped lunch knowing I will be around food later in the day. So, at the party, I started to snack here and there, a shrimp...chicken wing... And to my delight, my Band jumped up and let me know who is in charge.....said NO MORE, Stop or Else!!......unless I want to get stuck in front of all these people......It sent me those classic signals, and I haave learned to "Listen" to my band..... I did have some chili, which went down easy....and a few other foods, but looking at the whole picture I did not eat all that much.....I was UNABLE to be a PIG, as I used to be..... I did have a few Adult beverages....throughout the night, but all in all it was a very good day....nothing to worry about, just another day with the band..... That is what the band does for me....It not only takes away my hunger and cravings...., but it also prohibits me from over eating...dictates my portion sizes for me......... I've said it many times, it does not matter where I am...I could be at a all you can eat buffet....or on a cruise...does not matter...I have had WLS, and the band is now in charge....not me...if it was me I would be a failure everytime....that is why I needd thee surgery in the first plaace and not another diet.... I have read so many posts from people who have "fell off the wagon", and need to "get back on track"...(medical issues exclued) ......I do not doubt their sincerity...but I wonder how much are they relying upon themselves with this lifestyle and how much are the letting the band do the work... That's what's nice about Lap Band...we can determine certaon things, it is not cut and dried.... It is up to us, the band is adjustable and we can choose where and how we want to live this new life....and everyone has their comfort level...I'm just gald I found mine and my "Groove" I stink at dieting, I NEEDED a WLS to do waht I cannot do on my own.....
  22. B-52

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    Because of the Band...I no longer eat Red meat anymore...ALL of my Dr.'s are Thrilled...and I see 5 of them..... Why do you feel they will force you to eat meat? Because of the protein?
  23. B-52

    Why Are You Banded???

    All good Answers, we all want to be healthy, fit, etc, etc, But why not weight watchers? Jenny Craig? Why the band? What is it you are expecting the band to (mecahically) do? Terry said it makes him "not hungry" I agree....the band does take away hunger.....that's 2 votes.....I also believe it does other things..... Anyone else have a opinion on what the band does? There are thousands of people her who have had the lap and surgery....why? Why not weight watchers? Like I said in my OP, if I had found this website BEFORE I had the surgery, I probably would have not had it...... You all are not very convincing.......many have good things to say about the weight they have lost, but people want to know what the band had to do with it....
  24. Good story....could not have said it better...the band does work... I especially like the fact you were allways afraid that somehow all this is going to stop, and you were afraid of purchaseing too small clothes....I have felt that way also, but then, I tell myself...this is surgery! This is a llifestyle, not a diet...how can things go backward? Other than a medical emergency causing the band removal or total unfil? No, this is forever....
  25. B-52

    time between bites

    My band tells me when to slow down, and also put the fork down and give it some extra time....if I have to put my fork down more than twice, I'm Finished eating....

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