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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by B-52

  1. Fail at what??? Nothing has changed yet....other than you have had this device installed....but it has NOT BEEN "TURNED ON" it's just sitting there...idle..... Like a new car sitting in your driveway, and you're sitting in your house upset it is not speeding down the interstate the way the advertisements said it would..... Well, MAYBE you have to put gas in it first, then MAYBE you have to "Turn the Key" , start the engine and put it in "Drive" And above all, this is your first car...MAYBE, like all of us, you have to learn "How to Drive" before you can speed down the interstate.... After my surgery, it took me 4-5 months to get this thing up to speed.....THEN it took me another 1-2 months to learn how to drive it all those crazy high speeds.....LOTS of accidents along the way...but I did not back down.....my friends are skinny and so will I be...... But learn I did...now, like driving a car...I don't even think about what I am doing anymore....even though I'm doing 85mh, it seems "easy and natural......" And yet, I cannot be careless.....OR ELSE! I'm not totally stupid..... The 15th...you don't even have your "Learners Permit" yet.......Please, calm down...it's a learning process, learn the basic rules, practice, and eventually you'll be cruising down the interstate with the top down, radio blasting and one hand on the wheel...without a care in the world....Trust me...I'm speaking from EXPERIENCE..not what I have been told or read somewhere....
  2. B-52

    Help my band is outta my control

    I cannot eat bread let alone a footlong flat bread sub...if I could I would say the band was never in control, to loose control, in the first place..... My band is adjusted to the point, that no matter what the circumstances, parties, stress, sickness..whatever, the band is there and is unchanging.... I may change under circumstances, but the band will not change unless I were to get some Fluid taken out..... When people say things like "falling off the wagon", or "getting back on track",and "Going back to old habits" or "this is hard work and takes a lot of determination and commitment" etc, etc, it tells me it was more their will power and not the band doing the work.... this is all diet talk...not corrective WLS talk..... Short of some medial situation, I do not understand how this can happen....the band is there, it is adjusted to where I Is in Control. NOT ME....and then that's it...there is nothing I can do to change that.....impossible to overeat,.Hard to understand how I can gain weight back..... Yet..bottom line...the band is adjustable it it is up to each individual how much control they want to give the band, and how much they want to be in control.... That's the beauty of it....you can do it your way using the band as a "Tool", OR you can give up your old ways, and let the band be the "Boss" changing your life.... And as long as you are experiencing the attributes of being in the "Green Zone"....Not Hungry, Portion Control, and Patient Satisfaction....then that is all that matters.......
  3. B-52


    I don't eat red meat anymore...so it's seafood 4-5 times a week for me.....fish, crab cakes, etc... But you have to learn to live with your band....some things are very difficult...just have to learn for yourself....it is a learning experience that comes with time and tribulation For me, shrimp and lobster do not go easily because of the texture., but that is the one food I refuse to give up on........have to take it REAL slow, and very very little....crab is easier....but fish, crab cakes, crab legs, scallops..... Clams, oysters, mussels, DEFINITELY a NO for for me....they go down like STUCK BOMBS, come right back up IMMEDIATELY..... But like I said...only You can learn Your band.....also if you are still dieting, then you have to be aware of calories with all the melted butter, tarter sauce, cocktail sauce, etc....
  4. B-52

    Binging & Head Hunger

    Fortunately, the band has taken care of that for me....the big thing I needed to do is concentrate on learning to live wit the band.....
  5. Think about the band...and ask yourself "What is the reason people get fills?" Is it to boost will power and self discipline? Is it to make this process hard? And frustrating? When I was first banded, I was VERY FRUSTRATED...I did not go through all this just to be on another diet...I was actually gaining weight after my first fill.... Fortunately I have a Dr. who calmed me down and explained in simple terms what this band is all about, and that it is a process that takes consecutive office visits and fills, over several months to get this thing "Tuned" and humming to perfection.... Many people sell this Lap Band short before they give it a chance...we want INSTANT results...I read posts here everyday from people who have had the surgery only weeks prior and can't understand why they are not loosing!!.....It does not work that way...maybe with by-pass or the sleeve, but the band has to be adjusted over time.... Until then it is just "Bandster Hell"
  6. sounds familiar....as of yet I have not needed a fill in about 20 months.....but that could change I guess, just not sure how....
  7. I never understood how one can gain the weight back, as long as the band is still there and not changed...it does not change size on it's own, unless of course it was never fully adjusted in the first place and I was not truthfully in the Green Zone......I really find it puzzling.... I cannot imagine how I would ever gain weight, with the way things are now....if I were to have issues resulting in a un-fill, then I could see how I would be able to eat more than I am now....that's the only way....otherwise it's a constant unchanging thing....
  8. Have you had these symptoms since jan.? Or are they recent..... After my last fill, it took me a good month for things to settle down, then another month, at least, to get into a new "Groove" I have not slimed or got stuck in about a year....but I have learned how to "listen" to my band...and I know if I push it beyond it's limit, I will have some serious problems such as dilation, etc,. There is a reason Dr.'s give fills slow and spread out...it is for us to slowly adjust how we eat at the same time.Little by little, lesson by lesson.... There comes a time when things all balance out....it is a fine line between Green and Red....we can be too tight, or we can still be eating incorrectly...no one here can judge that for others.. My band is tight, and like you said, my hunger is also under control....I can walk away from food anytime I want....and when the band says stop eating, I stop.... Been that way for me over a year now......however, to stay there I had to adjust my eating 180 degrees...and there are things I will no longer eat...I simply wrote them off. Changing our way of eating is key...bad eating is what made us fat in the first place, so change is good....
  9. Sometimes I wonder what the heck am I dong coming to this website...... Most of the people who I looked to for inspiration no longer come around here at all any more...and there were many....and I can now understand why they moved on........ You have the surgery, pre-op, post-op.....You go through the weight loss and lifestyle changes, learning all the way, some slower, some faster than others....... and eventually you return to that place where, after all the weight has come off, your life returns to normal.....no longer worrying about loosing weight and diets..... If I did not come here on this website, I could go days without thinking I ever had the surgery....just living life from day to day......doing things because they are now ingrained in me. There are no lists of rules I must follow.....I don't have to remind myself how and what to eat, when and why to exercise to keep the excess calories and fat burned off...... I often think about it in terms of someone who has had a total knee replacement.....pre-op, post-op, very painful.....then comes the long rehab process of learning how to walk all over again, with something artificial. and eventually one does, returns to society doing the day to day routines, not thinking, yet knowing, they had the surgery.... I have a 70 year old friend who had 2 total knees done, and is back to running marathons.....took 2 years but the journey is complete..... The overwhelmingly majority of people here on this website are either just starting out, or have had the surgery and are still loosing weight with many lessons yet to learn that they cannot even conceive because they are focused on the here and now... It is frustrating because many think they know all the answers, (they're on my ignore list) simply because they lost some weight, and it is frustrating because others are not sure who to believe.....and it is frustrating because people also come here because they have had problems - failures and need support..... I know a large group of people on a different site who are all refugees from here....they left and started their own group because they could not take it anymore.....and invited a few veterans for support.... Then there are people like me who are finished, really don't need to go through all this....sit back and witness it all and wonder...... what am I doing here here??? Is there anything here for me? Something to encourage and give me support? Not really! There is, but it is hard to find and comes from the weirdest source..almost a double negative equaling a positive...... The answer to that is because everyone has a success story to tell, there are always 2 sides to the story, and people need to hear it...... not just opinions from others still new to this journey....I left for a while, and consider leaving again.....but then I think of those new people looking for someone who has actually completed this process, and need to hear all sides to the story...If I did not come here to tell my story, then people would not know there are people out there like me.....they need to see the entire Forrest in and not just the individual trees.... And yet, it is all extremely frustrating So much for my morning rant...it's 5am....off to the gym!
  10. B-52

    Hunger? How?

    The band is adjustable....different people take it to different levels...it's up to you and your Dr. where you want to go with it.... My Dr. realized I am aggressive, and he was willing to work with me as long as it does not produce negative results..... The band does inhibit me from over eating.....If I try , if I can ignore the pain and discomfort ( which is ridiculous) it would still end up in very bad results.... many people do not want to take that far...they want to continue eating anything they want...as much as they like relying more upon their own will power and discipline.... I have no self discipline when it comes to eating and dieting...NONE....every diet I have ever tried, and there were many over the past 30+ years, I have started out good then failed miserably....therefore I depend upon the band, perhaps more than many, to be in control......it's not a tool...It's the BOSS! Below is the chart on my Dr.'s wall.....the green Zone is where I am at....No Hunger, Good Portions, resulting in Steady weight Loss and of course, Patient satisfaction.... Keep in mind...there are many people here on this website who do not wish to go that far.......it's up to you.... = =
  11. B-52

    9 months of ups and downs

    Foe ME, I like my band way too tight as you described it....and I have learned to adjust to it....so, having said that, I find it impossible to overeat, so mood swings, social events, stress, etc, does not, and cannot change my eating...it simply is what it is.....the band is a constant, even though I am not.... Some people follow a set of rules, a diet so to speak, and that's fine...especially if it works for them.....more their efforts than the bands...I tend to go the other way, more band than me...but not everyone can or cares to do that....to not be in control.... For ME, the only rule is listening to the band and letting it be in charge..... I hope you regain your self discipline and self control.....
  12. Very True.....most of the people who I looked to for inspiration no longer come around here at all....and I can now understand why.... You have the surgery, you go through the weight loss and lifestyle changes, eventually returning to that place where, after the weight has come off, your life returns to normal..... If I did not come here on this website, I could go days without thinking I even had the surgery....just living life from day to day...... The overwhelmingly majority of people here are either just starting out, or are still loosing weight...frustrated because many think they know all the answers, (they're on my ignore list) and others frustrated not sure who to believe..... Then there are people like me who are finished, sit back and witness it all and wonder why am I here??? The answer to that is because everyone has a success story to tell, there are always 2 sides to the story, and people need to hear it......
  13. B-52

    Hunger? How?

    I was a food addict....could not stop eating, all day.... The band took care of that for me...I CANNOT OVEREAT! Physically impossible without a lot of pain, discomfort, and probably spitting it all up.....like the Green Zone says, it gives you portion control.......besides, on top of that, with the band I am not hungry in the first place....like buying that doughnut with my coffee.....I've thrown quite a few away in that learning stage.......another characteristic of the Green Zone......so what I do eat is very little, and enjoyable....when I do eat...... Head hunger is under control......I may have a particular craving...all in my head, will go out of my way to get it, take one bite and wind up throwing it all away....sooner or later I started to ignore those silly head hunger cravings because I now know they will not go anywhere....thanks to the band......very different from traditional diets!
  14. B-52

    Finally green zone!!

    I gave up a lot of foods I used to enjoy, but thinking about them most were not all that good for me in the first place.....plus, my portion sizes are so controlled in size from the band, I realize I need to make the most of what I do eat..... Like I was taught early on, start with the Protein foods before moving on, IF you're able which is not always the case...... If I started my meals with the mashed potatoes, I would not ever get to the important stuff..... Congratulations...Being in the Green is what it's all about....a new lifestyle!
  15. I crushed my pilss when I was first banded....could not stand it... Ever since I swallow my pills whole.... I take 4 LARGE gell caps of "LOVZA" Omega 3....plus a very large "Mega Men's" Multi-Vitamin........and my Cardiac Meds which I will have to take for the rest of my life......one at a time, time in between, no problem..... Also swallow pills on a empty stomach (pouch)....any food sitting there would definitely be a problem..... I am very tight, where I have to watch everything I eat, and can fill every swallow...even Water.... Been doing this for 2 years now, no problems.....
  16. B-52

    Learning what "satisfied" means

    I agree 110%.....unless you are on the strictest of diets....I have no problems eating the things I enjoy...such as a piece of cake or ice cream....skinny people do it all the time, right? Difference is, when I was fat, I would not stop at one piece...I would have the whole cake finished sooner or later....then look for something else to devour.... But a normal lifestyle is different....and that is what the band can, and has done for me.....
  17. Ok, I'm going to be the Devil's advocate here for a minute.... Everyone is so quick to blame the nurse for not pulling all the Fluid out first to check quantity / quality..... If you read enough posts here, not all Dr.'s do this every time...does not make it right, I know....BUT STILL..... When I get a fill, or anything for that mater...a filling from the Dentist!! I know if I am comfortable or not comfortable with it....it would be up to me to speak up if I felt it something was not right..... My last fill, took me a good 4 weeks to settle in, ( for me to adjust, not the other way around) But I told myself if things did not get better by Monday, I'm calling him!!!!! It did get better, but only after 4 weeks....anything longer than that and I would have spoken up! Also, my Dr. has me drink Water, and he observes so I cannot lie....some Dr.'s do fills under flouro....regardless, we as patients have to be advocates for ourselves! We have to speak up when it comes to our own lives.... I'm in health care...I cannot babysit every patient I see....we have a policy for a follow-up phone call, and of course a follow up appointment....but other than that we depend on the patient to contact us if they have any problems or concerns, or even a simple question....it's required! What's the last thing we are told when we leave the office?? Call us if you have any problems!!!! Ok, I return you to your normally scheduled programs.....
  18. B-52

    Learning what "satisfied" means

    Being in the "Green Zone" does not state eating to you are "Satisfied", or eating till you "Full"...it simply says you are "Not Hungry"....also says "Good Portion Control" and "Steady Weight Loss" When all those 3 things are happening, then you have "Patient Satisfaction" Eating till you're satisfied or full....not sure how that concept got started, but is is not listed as a attribute to the "Green Zone" The band has simply taken away my appetite, to the point where I have no interest in food, or a desire to eat....so i guess that means "Satisfied"...but i don't have to eat to feel satisfied..... As I'm typing this, it is 5 am....have not eaten since 6 pm yesterday...and yet I have no desire to eat....as a matter of fact I'm headed to the gym soon on a empty stomach.....just my Protein and Vitamins..... And when I do eat, the band controls the portion sizes.....all I need to do is make wise - healthy food choices....does not mean I cannot eat ice cream, etc, means I am only able to eat just so much so I try to make the best of it....(but not always) And yes..having the band do it's thing, .I am extremely satisfied.....if that is what the OP is trying to get at......
  19. B-52

    Ate Bad Today

    It's tough. 6 weeks after surgery, even after my first fill, I gained weight....just not good at dieting....otherwise I would not have needed this WLS.... Hang in there....eventually the band will be properly adjusted and start to do it's magic....if we let it! (Some people don't.....)
  20. B-52

    pre workout supplements?

    It's 4:20 am, sitting here on my 2nd cup of coffee before heading to the gym at 5am..... I will take 15gm of pure pre-digesteed liquid Protein..... 4 grams of "Omga-3-acid ethyl esters" (fish oil) Rx, not over the counter stuff.... Men's mega Mutlti-Vitamin, Vitamin D-3, and Saw Palmetto (men's prostrate health) I will bring 32 oz of flavored Water with me..... I do not like to eat before working out.... After my workout, I will have a high protein "smoothie" as a recovery, and also double as my Breakfast... Don't know if ANY OF THIS has any positive effect on my workouts, but I will run 5 miles on the treadmill 5 days a week, then do some weights 3 days a week.....30 minutes in either the sauna or steam room, 15-20 minutes in the whirlpool, then shower, shave, and fresh clothes.....and off to work on weekdays..... Again, I do all this on a empty stomach...I'm also 61 years old......
  21. B-52

    Mexican Food???

    Are you afraid / concerned about Mexican food in terms of Dieting / Calories? Or in terms of the Band....? For me, like any other foods, some of it is not very band friendly...Mexican food, can be very soft (mushie) depending on what you order.......but I cannot tolerate globs of melted cheese, and things overly spicey - hot.... gives me that notorious reflux...so light on the salsa, and stay away from Jalapeno peppers......also rice is something I gave up a long time ago.... Breads are a no-no for me, as well as tortillas....but for some reason I have no problem with tortilla chips...... Other than that, we have Mexican food all the time..... But Like I said, as with all foods, I have learned what is safe and what is to be cautious....
  22. B-52

    Lab rat?

    It took me 4-5 months and 3 good fills before the band finally "Turned On" and started to do it's "Magic" It then it took ME 1-2 months to adjust...after that has been the easiest weight loss program I could ever ask for..... I am so glad I did this......it changed (and saved) my life....
  23. B-52

    Full liquid diet question

    IMO, post-op is NOT about loosing weight....it is about healing and getting back to NORMAL.....I consumed as much as I could for nutrition and hydration.....the weight loss phase will come much later...not that you won't loose weight, but it is not the band doing it...not yet...
  24. 24 hour liquids prior to surgery is standard procedure for any surgery under full anesthesia....required by the anesthesiologist in the event of possible vomiting and aspiration... As far as the pre-op diet, my Dr. did not care what diet I followed as long as I lost 15-20 lbs (?) or else....a full liquid just happens to be the most efficient.. BTW, what part of NJ are you and where did you have your surgery?
  25. There's something to be said about this...... I run 5 days a week....I cannot remember the last time I felt I had the energy or motivation to do so....I cannot remember the last time I said I feel so good I think I'm going to to run till I drop...... I have learned from experience, no matter how much I want to crawl back in bed, if I can just get through the first 10 minutes...something changes....it's as though a switch is thrown and the energy comes from somewhere....5 minutes more and I can almost forget what I'm doing, my mind is completely off it...I could run till I drop... I exercise first thing in the morning, between 5-6 am, always on an empty stomach. I do take a shot of Protein, my Vitamins and omegas', and of course my morning coffee..... I always have high energy levels the rest of the day.....put in. 8-12 hour days on my feet seeing patients in clinics... I'm also a light sleeper.....wide awake by 4:30am.....

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